
• . \ . • ' .... ...... .. , I .. .. 01 DIP.ui'J.'JCII! omem OJ 1D AS&IIf.U! SIGDUBT OJ' VAll S'I'RA'StO ..ftC18 tJII! VASBIHMIOIT . DftA.IUl) I~GAfiOB ~llf BO. 13 1 May 1946 SubJect: / . !D)mJJ ~U881AD• .ra. I . I.t. Comclr ... ,.a 6 1 1 16 . 4 2 2 'a a a a 1 1 ~ I 1 • ... A ceneral review of Xarl WJBS'OOCX• s career, w1 th particular emphaail on hi• connection vith the Linz project, has been included in Consolidated Interroca­ t1on Report llo. 4, nLIIZ: RinD'S MJSJlJM AliD LiliWlY." 1'he information contained in this report has been obtained from eourcea an~ documents which have come to hand since the publication of CIR #4. Addresses: Berlin, IUrtueratenstrasse 59 (gallery) . " Bellevu~straase Present wher eabouts: · In cus·tody of U. S. Chief of Counsel, Nuremberg, as a material witness in War Crimes proceedings, I • PRJNAR CARDa Born 1878 in Munich. lL\BIBS'roCX came of a mid.d.le-claes family of peasant origiJl. His education was limited. He held no decrees for art study tram ~of the German universities, and expressed contempt for people who held them. HABIRS'roCX•s entire career was based on two principles: anti­ Semitilm and Germanic chauviniam. He is said ts have been a voci­ ferous anti-Semite fJ:!Om the beginning, and to have attracted a certain clientele in this W1', particularly in Jerlin chlring the tweatlea, ~ the art market and other' elemente of the financial and oo--01&1 worb were dominated by Jews. ':hia clientele, ar'&Wil mostly from reactionary German circles, also ha4 a oatural ~ta for 19th century German art, as 'oppoatld to the "'4ecenerate1 ,henoh Tifod­ ucts of the' same period or their own progressive OeJ"maA c:ontemporu.-, ies. · When HITLBR came to power, HABDS'l'O~ Joined tbe Pa•t.,r. cbaracter1s\1c tbat he had not doae so before and be al~ eaw to it that he bad ao•••~Uia&...- · hie plaila alacarry. hen after be beeute • •e~~~bersbip S.n Interuatloaal iotar,r, u4 ~r!!•IIIJ• Jeviah peraecutioa he helped cerain of ea.-pe.• All of thie he pointed ~ ae liberal llletlllcta. ... \ va• conatdorablT tempered b7 eelf-lzl~ereat. lle plqe4 a lea41nc part in the dhpoaal of tbeee paintlap on the interaatloul. market, . tbu• obtaininc foreicn curraq tor tbe hrMD Oo•enaat and larce profite _for himaelf. 1'hanka to bia oarly clientele and hie political activity, RABDSTOCS became tbe moat important international dealer of Basi Gel'J'l81l7: · Ke traveled tbroUC}Iout krope an4 bad att1Uat1ona· vltb tnanT of the leadinc dealere, aucb aa Tbeodor JISCBIR of Lucerne, in wboee COIIIp&ey be viaited London in 1939; Oeorcea VILlDIHSWli, witb whom he owned picture& in Joint accountr and S&IOILUDt Brothers, with whom be planned a qatem tor r~reaentation in tbe Uni'ted States. He had an account in London v1th the Swha Bank Corporation, Waterloo Place•. In business deali~a pe waa kno~ b7 his colleagues as a sharp trader, and not entire~ to be truate4, le almost alwqs worked alone, although HOJ'S reports that BAJaS~CS once offered him a partnership. When he was not succe88tul in obtaining the results he wanted, HABlCRSTOCX usually bro'QCht in hi..wife, who was kno.wn gener­ all y as one of the chief rea•on• for hie eucceas. II. · YARTIMI ACTIVlTT RAJ\J!RSTOCX• a career was crowned w1 tb hia appointment by HlTLBR as chief adviser to POSS•. In ~his capacity, he we.a able to exert a direct and powerful itdluence on the formation of HITLD1 s co~lection for Linz, and became so intluential that he dared to oppose OO~UG. His act1v1ty in this connection 1a described in CIR 14. lor his work outside of Germe.ny, BAm:RSTOCX carried the follow­ i ng do cumt.nts : (a) Special designation ae advieer to the Di~ector of tlle Son4erauftrM LiM: (b) A l etter from the Adjutant of ~he Vebrmaoht: (c) J. letter signed by lleicbamarecball OOSiliG; (d) J. letter from the Commander in Cbiof of 0.1'1111.11 lorces in Jranco - Xupata9butz Division. (Bote: Items (b), (c) and (d) were used b7 BiWS10CZ lA ·~nc ~be paa~ acroaa frontier• of abipMnta of bil pm'chuea to Ge~.) 1'-MOCK had tvo croups of epnta woHinc toll ad8 ln hiDce 4w1Jlc tM 1er. !be moet 1•1"'-' .a eaw.4 u •...s.a. Dl o\ber operated ~ut tbe JrH Ina. 'PU'tlslar1,J- lD 7aw._. a.re tollowa a brief acc:ount of the acute who made up. ---jr:p... ad \belr act1.tt1ea: · .. ' · A. --P&l'h ~ . rl ' • H•BIBBm~•• intereata iD Paril war'- aorved b7 a DWDber of agents who operated ind1Ti4ual~. There 1a no evi~ce. that th87 in any~ constituted an orcanisation, altheuch t~ were well known to one another. 22 Blvd. Maloaborboa I An Auatrian retuceo vbo bad come to Parii bofo'r o tho war, be vaa HABJRS1'0CJt• a chief Paris .aco.nt. He sold ~1. ~.*os to H~IR$TOCX, and also acted as bia .general . .ropreaontative..· . · · In bills presented. on 1 Ju.i3: and 27 November 1941, DamL lists tho following service~ re~dered: ~ · . "Running exponaee fo~ tr1~a lD&4e in July and November . 11 . ., 11 PacldD8 and sblp~ing of pictures apd books." "Tips to VILm:NSTJ:IN, DGJ!lL ..~d DIUSSD employees." I ' • "Printing and sendin& New Year' a cards. 11 ENGJlL is ropeatodly referred to in HABIRSTOCX!.a 9.0~reapondenc~ as the person to whom art objects, letters, message·~~e~en vine, are to bo sent tor keeping or forwarding. In a l e ttor of 15 September 1941 to D. BOUC~~ . 36 : ~v~ • . de, ~t~llon, concerning the .purchase of pictures, .BN<$t.r s addre.sa ,\.8 givtm as o/o (io Hauao)· Wl!.DJlfSTEill, 57 rue de le,, !oet.1e.:· · : : ·. :. · · :: · • o I :. • • • • • • ;·, . : .. t • ENGEL served as BAB~T9CX•s . intermediary with the following -firma: · · · .. WACQR :BONDY, shippers and packers, 236 Blvd. ~spa.il SCRJ:NKJ!!R Co. , shippers and packers, 6 ruo M8,v:ran Charles :BU>T, packers, 14 rue de Pentbievre · · Alexan4re VliLAT, packers, 7-9 rue de Pentbievre Maison StALL, frame makora and reetor•a of sculpture, 11 rue Treilbard R. GAUTRIJ:R, photographer, 2 rue :Bufta.ult Served ae· II.ABIRS!OCS• 1 repreaentative in German official circles and on a hllber 11 ~c1al' lovel. I• .a in. cloae tol~Cb wlth ~Y at the tice of tho WILDIIUr.DlN 1 arp.aS.u.UoD, • u4 tti.e latter'• boot­ lickin« letters 1dentif7 hiJ:l aa ~, ~. moat lJ:Iportant Germ'an colb.borator. · . Von PO&LI'ITZ served aa an 1,ntermo41arl' tor a IUDber of' PeOPle who viahecl to sell to BAB'IRM'OCI, MDDC th• Bvp GAIILL ( 66 bil rue Sebaatian Mercier) and A. JIOLlAIDD (19 rue Mon.al.v). aYiclence -3­- . .•.~ . obtained from o.ther vitneasea shOW.. \bat von PO.ILLIITZ ued ~e HABDS'l'OOX contact to do busineu for hlmaelf on the e14e ( eee Dill 12). the fact that RAJIRS'roCZ and hh vito took postwar retup' in von PO&LJITZ• caatle ~t .Uohbach (Bam'borc) 1e final proof of the intimacy of their relationship. Dl?I(LJOY, llogor 57 rue do la &otio The wartime representative of tho WlLDZNSTEIN tiro. ~ore is no doubt that in addition to reproaentinc WILDDTST'EIN, lliQ,UOY . personally worked hand in hand vith BA!DSTOCK. Tho reason t-or this oq have beon in part to save what ho c;ould of the WlLDIIS3II stock, but an ioporte.nt incontive vas tho conaidorablo personal ptQlit ... dorivod froc his contact with the moat povortul of Gorce.n deal~ra. (Soo CIRs 12, 7/4.) · . \:!: ... It oust also bo romem~o~ed ~hat w~n DIQUOY boge.n this collab­ oration, the Germans e.ppee.rod to bo winning the war. · His most imp~rte.nt single transaction with HABERSTOCK vas· the sale of the lllCOLAS 1\eobrandts, tor which he received a com hsion · of 1,800,000 francs. In a letter of 10 March 1942, he admitted that he acted as a scr-een and intermediary for !L\BJBSTOCX, vriting "You .. know how l:IU.ch trouble t take to obtain fino pictures for you and for the l!lllsoucs of the Reich." Hia role aa middlecan 1s further · con..: · fircod in the following documents: · ., ~·. (a) A letter to HA»J:RSTOCK (in Gercan) written 6 October 1942 br BALIM BEY MELHAMJD (113 ruo de Grenelle-),. · offering a Portrait of tho Marquis Leganea by Qoya, · and designating DIQOOY aa his intercediary. (b) A letter of 14 Decot'lbor 1942 froc HABERSTOCK to Cese,r de llAUXE (14 rue du Cherche Midi), confirming the purchase of a picture e.nd requesting that it be sont to DIQPOY for forwarding to Berlin. (c) A letter of 22 Septocber 1941 froc KABJRSTOCK to Dr,. ~S of tho Parh XAAat~tz, advhi-ng that. the latter consult his friend, ~Y. in a catter con­ cerning a painting by David. (d) A letter of .20 llovecber 1941 , addressed to .DllQ.IJOY and· carked 11 Copy for MJ-. HABERSTOCK," describing conditions ·for advertising in t ho Gercan-controlled Gazette de& Beaux Arts. In his work for HABIRSTOCK, ~y vaa most closely connec.ted with von POJ:LLlllTZ, DIS'llmM, J:NGXL, an4 Maclaoe Jano wzn,L. Moroover, conaiderin« his establiahod aasoeiation vlth J'ABUlfl, it eefaes likely that the latter cq also have played an important part in this group's activity. J'urther investigation in this matter 1a recopeonded.
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