THEATRICAL CIRCUS BILLPOSTERS FAIRS THE BILLBOARD Price, 10 Cents. Volume XVI. No. 9. CINCINNATI, FEBRUARY 27,1904. Per Year. $4.00 &kS3 ANNA HELD, In the Title-role of the Comic-Opera. Ma.m'selle Napoleon. March 1, under the auspices of the Twelfth A $15,000 vaudeville bouse is to be built by Night Club, when The Hollidays, written espe- Sid Grauman, of the Graum«,n Circuit and Sam cially for the club by Grant Stewart, will be Loverich, of the Novelty Circuit, at San Jowi, presented. Among those who will take part In Oal. the' performance are: Miss Elizabeth Tyree, The receipts for Feb. 8 and 9 of the Academy Miss May Robson, Miss Dorothy Donnelly, Miss of Music, at Baltimore, Md., were given to the Louise Galloway, Miss Ina Hammer, Miss Louise fire sufferers. That Man and I was the attrac- Closser and Miss Alice 'Fischer, each of whom tion. will represent an American holiday. Martin Beck, of the Orpheum Circuit, has While Oregon is noted for its rain the pre- about concluded the renewed negotiations for Feb. 15. It will probably end her short stage cipitation never prevents natives from attend- the lease of the Grand Opera Bouse in New- BURLESQUE career. ing the Baker Theatre at Portland, and filling Orleans. Nellie Follis, late of The Billionaire Company, that house to capacity at every performance. Mr. C. W. Maxwell has become manager of On the Reports of Managers Who Always Play has joined the company presenting Mother Jerry Simpson, the former sockless statesman the Grand Opera House at Steubeniville, Ohio, to Packed Houses. By Harry Ward. Uoose at the New Amsterdam Theatre in New from Kansas, while seeking shelter from a flood succeeding Mr. Lipps. Mr. Maxwell is from We played one night at Oran, Mo., and the lork City. of rain a few weeks ago, entered the Baker Tlpton, Ind. house was packed—with hay when the advance Roy Feltus closed, with Whitaker & NasU's Theatre at the conclusion of the first act of At Manager G. D. Neal, manager of Neal's Opera agent arrived. Our new tan overcoats came in Not Guilty Company at Detroit and has joined the White Horse Tavern. As he saw the play- House at Rantoul, 111., has opened a skating that morning. They cost $500 each, and we their i>o. 1 At (Jrlpple Creek Company as busi- ers on the stage sitting under umbrellas -with rink in his house, and also one at Clark's Opera had to use tnem for comforts on the beds that ness majnager. water pouring down upon them, he exclaimed: House at Paxton. night, as the waiters had to use the sheets for W. A. Flack has recently put the Zig Zag "Great Scott, does it rain in this country so The report that the Star Theatre, of St. Paul, tablecloths on our palace car which cost $50,- Alley Company out of New York, starring the bad that actors have to work in mackintosh and Minn., will be moved to Xlobert street, between 000. The house was sold when we arrived in Darnm Brothers in the part formerly played by rubber boots?" Seventh and Eighth, has been confirmed by the town. The sheriff had sold It to a livery stable ^eto and Zarrow. Mrs. Annie Yeamans has brought suit against management of that house. man for $60, so we pushed two buggies down W. B. Patton wili star next season in The Llebler & Company, the managers of New York, Mr. Edwin S. MacFadden, treasurer of the by the stage on each side and sold seats in Last Rose of Summer. Mr. Patton is tne author to recover $1,200 due her on a contract with Amphion Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y., was married them for boxes. There was $67,895.20 in tbe of this piece, also of The Minister's Son and that firm to appear in Edward Earrigan's sup- recently to Miss Mary A. Joyce, a member of house that night. The banker who absconded The Little Homestead. port. Mrs. Yeamans claims she was engaged the Four Cohans Company. the next morning was' there and had all the Asa Lee Willard, who recently toured the for 20 weeks to p*lay in the piece Under Cover Otis Laurelle and Kalacratla have opened a bank possessed in his pockets. Bill Jones, the West as John Storm in George L. Baker's pro- at a salary of $150 a week. The piece only new house on the Crystal Circuit in Cheyenne, town cuss, laughed in the wrong place, and duction of The Christian, Is now in New York Wyo. For bookings write F. A. Bradstreet, John' Selzim, the village constable, threw him with a new production. Crystal Theatre, Denver, Col. out. He says he "don't allaw no derned ap- ' Mme. Meta iliing Aierzbach will appear with Architect Fred G. Shaw is at work on plans an English speaking company under a New York for a new theatre at Augusta, Ga. He stated plaudin' in ttaet theatre." Our agent came THE OPEN-AIR AMUSEMENT that Mr. Jake Wells is not behind the enter- back to the show last week for a visit. He manager at St. Louis, and other American citias SPECIAL EDITION OF "THE BILL- had his trousers on wrong side to, and an Elk during the coming spring. prise, but Philadelphia parties. Charles E. Blaney has wrlt.en a new play BOARD," whoih will be edited The Majestic is the name selected for the pin on the wrong side of his overcoat. His in the interest of out-door amuse- new theatre to be built, in Butler, Pa. Geo. Shrlner's pin was in the middle of his sweater, which will shortly be produced and tour the ments of every character, Circus, *fr and he stated that we would undoubtedly have Stair & Havlin Circuit, it is called She Is More N. Burckhaller is the head of the enterprise. -to Be Pitied Than Censured. Fair, Street Fair. Parks, etc., will ',' Porter & Galsford are the architects. a stuffed house at Sikeston, as the Woodmen of be issued March 15, dated March 19. *» According to a report of the commission the World would meet us at the train on ar- Viola Allen had to undergo a serious opera- It will 'be of exceptional advertising * • rival. Our agent is a regular cuss on lodges. tion at the Eye and Ear Hospital at New York, appointed by the mayor of Philadelphia, Feb. 10. Its delay would have proven fatal to value to Street Fair people in all «> all fire scenes are to be eliminated fron her. She is now convalescing. branches; Circus proprietors, agents, * • future attractions playing the theatres of, REGULATIONS FOR CHICAGO THEATRES. The State (Iowa) Plumbers' Convention at- and bosses; Fair secretaries and Fair «j » city. i managers; Park managers; vaudeville • • Manager A. B. Beall, of the Sioux« The requirements promulgated for the Chi- tended the performance of Over Niagara Falls performers who play resorts, etc. «t cago theatres are: ait Dubuque, Feb. 10, in a body, a portion of tue (Iowa) Grand, negotiated for a new leas< Basement Under Stage— parquette being reserved for tnem. THERE WILL BE NO INCREASE IN . i that theatre, but failed to secure one. He' an- 1. One standpipe on each side of the stage, Jidwin Varrey, the veteran Shakespearean SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OR IN AD- 4* nounces he will build a new theatre for Soo with reel of hose connected thereto. actor, has been engaged for tiie supporting com- VERTISING RATES. City. 2. At least two portable fire extinguishers or pany of E. H. Sotherii and Julia Marlowe wlieu The Star Theatre of Philadelphia, Pa., which hand pumps. they appear as joint stars next season. recently went into a burlesque house, has been Stage Floor—- The Colwell-Chicquet Company of nine people leased by M. W. Taylor, of Camden, N. J., 1. Four fire department axes. has been organized at Ft. Dodge, Iowa, to play lasted twelve weeks, when Liebler & Company who will reopen the house for melodrmatic 2. Two twenty-five foot pike poles, two fif- Western dates. Ed Hopper, formerly with closed it. Mrs. Yeamans maintains that there plays. teen foot pike poles, and two ten foot pike Paine's U. T. C. Co., Is the business manager. was no two weeks' clause in her contract and The Verbeck Construction Company, of Oil poles. Solliday, of Knox, Ind., is sending samples of that she will hold the firm for eight weeks' City, Pa., has completed all arrangements for 3. Four casks full of water, with two buckets very neat letterheads which are tiie right kiul salary, covering the time canceled by them. the erection of the new ground floor theatre at to each cask, painted red and bearing the words and the rigiit prices. He makes a specialty of Manager Tyler, for Liebler & Company, says Tiffin, Ohio. Work will commence in a few "Use for fire only." this class of printing, and is prepared to fill that tiie contract contained a two weeks' clause weeks. 4. One staudplpe on each side of the stage, orders at once. and that the matter will be easily adjusted. M. C. Donald has been made stage manager with hose connected thereto. Sydney Kosenfeld secured the <Bijou Theatre, That stock companies bring out stars is a of Shea's Empire Theatre, Cleveland, Ohio. He 5. A push button, or an electric device of Manhattan, for the Century Company, until well known fact. An evidence of this was given Is a 'Springfield, Mass., boy, and is said to un- some kind, at the firemen's station, being that June.
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