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SERVING THE NEWPORT - tv'-E.SA COW\MUNmES SINCE 1907 FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1999 seDd us ~ctures of your mom for her speci8.l day Do JOU'have. ~memory ol The art of teaching rewarded MolDtlllft bMil C8plunMl an fllmf I --.... JOU'l sbalw u wttb \II. apples. Valerie Braun will use her money to help Ito gain a better understanding of physics. s.iad•~fawdte~ml • Newport-Mesa teachers It was a roomful of happy teachers at her students study anaent civilizations Each of the teachers designed the pro­ ~ ND it our Mother's in Dey receive grants at awards event. the Hyatt Newporter Thursday rught at by making Chinese masks. Indian fabncs Jecls themselves, and applied for a grant ...... 1be dMdJlne for IUbmilliom the Newport-Mesa Schools Foundation'& and pottery. from the foundabon In turn, each will JF.S.SJCA GARRISON la Nay I. Addlw your ILlbm'Sllnm annual Grants to Teachers Awards Din­ Newport Elementary school teacher get a check to buy the day, wood and tO MOtben Day at the Piiot, 330 W. ner. Ju.lle Lawrence's students are going to electronics necessary for the project. l)my St., Costa Mesa 92627. Please •This is the very best opportunity to get video cameras in the classroom, to No purchase orders No phone calls or IDdude a diiiCrlption Of the photo reward the initiative of individual dass­ · 1earn by making videos.· letters to hlgher-ups. No bureaucretcy. tbe of thoie NEWPORT-MESA - There was wilh names pictured. screaming. There was whistling. There room teachers," said Costa Mesa High Estancia High School teacher Stephen Just cold, hard cash. We cannot ~tee tbe photos will School Principal Andy Hernandez. G. Crenshaw's students are going to beretumed. were more than $180,000 in individual grants handed out, along with shiny red Newport Elementary School teacher design and build roller coasters in order SEE AWARDS PAGE.5 . Officials A growing succ·ess target Little Garden Club of Newport Beach sows charity work with Benefit Plant Sale El ISL: Gl'J tourism lkity Piol NEWPoRT BEACH - A little water and sunlight can make dollars anything grow. With a little care and atten­ .. I tion, The Little Garden Club of • Competition from Newport Beach expects to dou­ ble t,he proceeds 1aised in their Anaheim is cutting into armual Benefit Plant Sale. Newport Beach's income, Last year, the 35-member club raised $6,000 through plant sales but city dedicated to for the Back Bay and Environ­ keeping business strong. mental Nature Center, among other organizations. On Thurs­ MDRL'\\ Sl F\l!lo llARRI-. day, the club held its second ben­ ~Piot efit and estimates it surpassed last year's mark by another NEWPORT BEACH $5,700 through luncheon and Tounsm, one of the oty's key raffle sales. sowces of mcome, is headed for The money raised will benefit rough seas th.ls fiscal year, but ReLeaf Costa Mesa, the Environ­ officials say they hdve developed a plan that they hope will weath­ mental Nature Center, Catalina er the storm. Island Conservancy and the UCI Visitors to Newport Beach Arboretum. accounted for more thclJl $20.3 One of the group's aims is to promote projects and programs million of income for Newport of horticultural stewardship. Beach's general fund last year, the filth year in a row that Members spent months prepar­ tounsm revenue rose ing for the benefit hel~ at the But construction projects and home of Judy Banning on Balboa new developments in nearby Peninsula. Each member grows Andheun have unexpectedly and donates two plants, which threatened to cut into that rev­ sell for about $50, said Barbara enue, thanks to the symbiotic MacDonald, club member. relationship Newport Beach Described as labors of love, shares with its neighbor. the plants feature unique •Most people don't realize it, arrangements in designs using but as Anaheim goes, -so goes watering cans, colanders and Newport Beach,· said RoSdhnd birdhouses. Some of the mem­ Williams from the Newport bers are experienced gardeners Beach Conference and Visitor's who also belong to the Garden Bureau ·When Anaheun is full Club of Amenca. we have the good fortune to have This year, members donated that overflow SlID..ilarly, when about 200 creations and 100 business is slow tn Anaheun, we starter plants. The arrangement don't get the benefit • of orchids, African violets, vines City officials are parncularly and other rare species filled the PHOTOS BY ~ HAGGERTY·ZVWS I DAI.V Pll.Oi serlSlbve to the fluctuations m oceanfront yard in a dazzling Nancy Hoyt looks at a table filled wUh orchids during the UWe Garden Club of Newport Beach luncheon and fund-raiser at tounsm, and the City Council thi array of fragrances and colors. the home of Bill and Judy Banning Thursday. Members brought $50 worth of plants to sell, with all proceeds benefiting ReLeaf past week accepted a symbolic •Everything sells out," said check for $20,323,000 - the Louise Brigham ·u·s kind of a Costa Mesa, the Environmental Nature Center, Catalina Conservancy and the UCI Arboretum. At top, people gather outside frenzy.• the Banning home to browse, chat and look at the many Bowers and plants. amount of revenue that travelers brought to the city last year - which now represents the water­ mark goal for the 1999. •Tourism is a key to the aty's success,· said Mayor Denni Students say. Y.E.S. to summer jobs O'Netl. ·we have to do what we can to make sure that (the indus­ • Under program, 110 Youth Employment Service and provide mentoring, supervision try) continues to grow.• the Newport-Mesa Unified School and career guidance, Graham Officials, however, will have youths will be placed in District are placing 110 students, said. their work cut out for them this local companies to gain aged 14 to 21, with local compa­ In the past, students have been year For mstance, the expansion nies for two months to provide placed with engineering firms, of the Anaheun Convention Cen­ valuable work experience. them with valuable work experi­ real estate agencies and city gov­ ter is expected to significantly Eu.'>PGni ence. ernment. Some companies that undercut revenue in both oti •For many, it will be their first have participated in the past as fewer organizations make u ~Nat job," said Lynn Graham, executive include TechCoast, Hoag Hospital, of the facility dunng its constmc­ COSTA MESA - While some director for Y.E.S. United Parcel Service, Broadway bon. teenagers will spend their summer The program, in its third year, is Chiropractic, Newport Dunes and At the same time, Anaheim asking, •0o you want fries with funded through the Job 1\"airiing Property House Realtors. ,that?•, about 100 teens participat­ Partnership Act. Although the The program is targeted toward SEE TOURISM PAGE I ing in a summer youth employ­ employers will not be required to •1ow-ihcomo" students and strives ment program will be working for pay the students' wag , the tee.T\s to give them a gbmpse o! the H£U1 YEE I DAILY PlOT aren't meant to be a labor career options they have. companies such as semi-conduc­ rr Lauren Rang1tscb, 19, of Costa Mesa looks at job llstings at tor business Conexant Systems, force. Inc. Employers should be ready to SEE JOBS PAGE I the Youth Employment Service office on Thuriday. INDEX QmRD 11 .... ..2 71 II MIUENNIUM MOMENT POUQtm ___2 Man's business in the fast lane NllC llJfl(l'S - 10 SfCl15 _ .... ..._____... _ ......, t•a ..... Mucw• ael•sks ......... .....,.,•• A'I F ...Miu p!M1 t•s11 CIOftWRUl"'W WI W,. .. r .:2 Friday, April 30, 1999 date book Daily Pilot CHICK IT OUT , Taking the guesswork out ofgardening Benefit fOr FISH staged at Triangle SCplare features local f you're sin. cere about groom­ A.rt of the Kitchen Garden" to punk, altemative and reggae bands ing your gdfden, you know discover how to incorporate them - ------ I April is prune time for serious with herbs and flowers in stun.: .... sowing. For the task, Newport ning compositions. Written for IQlf ffd libraries offer dozens of new anyone with an interest in gar­ Uke many 22-year­ rec;ourccs. dening and fresh produce, this Whether you're a novice at olds in the Costa Mesa + WHA't. Benefit concert elegant book features vivid pho­ tilbn9 ~oil or . area, Brooke wasn't for Friends in Service to an PXpPri­ tos and detailed color illustra­ 0 especially good with Humanity COCPO hort.J­ GARDEN tions of gardens that emphasize money. Finances we.re strained + BAND LINBP. t 2: 1S. cultunst, YEAR artistic design and dazzling color already, but when she decided 12:50 p.m. The Une; 1:O~ you'rf' likely ,.. ...,....,_.,_ displays. to move out of her mother's 1: 40 p.m. Mind DriYer, 2- to learn Every garden contains plants place to gain some indepen­ 2:30 p.m. Papa Roath; 2:45- somf'Uiing with a past, and learning their dence, she found herself in 3:20 p.m. lonQShank; >6 p.m. Kundalln1 about planti­ stories adds richness to the gar­ over her head. • WHEN: Noon to 6 p.m. ng, propi1ga­ dening experience. Find tales She had trouble balancing t1on dnd gdr­ about many floral species in her budget and couldn't get ~~Triangle Square~ dPn mainte- "The Gardener's Atlas," a stun­ consistent child support from 1875 NewPQrt BIVd., Costa nrlOCP m ning new book that probes the her son's father. However, it Mesa "Tiw Garden Year." origins, discovery and cultivation wasn't until Brooke fell behind • HOW MUOf: 3 cans 'of Along with monthly check­ of the world's most popular gar­ on her kindergarten payments food or $3 llc;lc, fnr tending annuals, peren­ den blooms.
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