".-.--...------------------- .....---......-----....;---.-_--'----~-_.....---- - ~. -- Section rosse Point.e / ews A 30e Pe, Copy Pliblished a. SeCoftd CI.... MaUe, .. t the $U Per Ye ... 44 Pages-Three Sections-Section A VOL. 42-NO. 24 Po.t OWce 01 Detroll, Mlchigon GROSSE POINTE, MICHIG,AN, THURSDAY, JUNE II, 1981 ----------- ------- -- - ----------------_ ...~-- -- • Bryant caught In crossfire over suburban tax Bryant outlines his views on the to put the burden on Detroit and the stable and reasonable people in the backing of the govnnor and legi,la. By Wilbur Elston tive leader~, including Bryant him. controversial issue in a brieC signed Detroit metropolitan area, including whole slate." article which appears else~ here in commuters who work in Detroit. self, went down to a resounding de- Rep. William Bryant believes f{'at al the polls. It was at this point he has emerged unscatched from today's issue oC the Grosse Pointe Eventually Ihey prevailed, with the Asked if his vote would change his News but was asked to elaborate on ,upport oCthe Detroit representatives, relations with Gov. Milliken, Bryant that the Detroit tax probi.::'n reached a legislative crossfire that found crisi, proportions, So, in Bryant's some of his comments in a discussion in the plan to be put to Detroit voters said he always listens to the gover- flr;n;nn thnr('ll'" h(',...n l;t~~~ hr"'')~ni!'g him being criticized last week Jt:!lC 23. ~~:- ~~:! hJ5 g:~.1t rc.:p..:-ct !o: h;:r: by some members of both poli- but on this issue the Secrest commit. space all session. tical parties for his opposition But Bryant al,o disagreed wilh his lee had offered Ihe Legislature and The representative. explained that A, a legislative leader who had to the proposed increase in De- he had been willing to go along with colleagues who didn't really want any the governor a package and there I been criticized by at least one GOP tax package for Detroit, As he said, wa,n't much opportunity Cor addi- troit income taxes on non-resi- a smaller increase in the income tax colleague as "a puppet" oC the ~over- he "refused to, use illegitimate argu. tional input or maneuver. dents who work in the city. on both Detroit reSidents and com. nor, Bryant pointed oul that no group ments against other parts oC the De. muters who work in the city but or individual calls the turn among troit package as an exCUse to aefeat As for his reaction to Democratic THE GROSSE Pointe state repre. could not accept a tripling of the the Republicans in the House. sentative. who is also the leader oC the tax on non.residents while the tax on the entire package," Here he parted House Speaker Bobby Crim's crack Republican minority in the House, Detroiters would go up from 2 per- company with some oC his own party that his vote showed "a lack oC polio "There i.s no single group which Rep. William Bryant, Jr. was under some Cire Cram Democrats cent to 3 percent. members who felt he didn't work tical courage," Bryant pointed out can elect or deCeat any GOP candidate hard enough against. the -package. the speaker's statement wasn't issued Cor voting against Ihe proposal be. and no organization, such as the UA W tax increase could take effect, He until after the vote had been record. cause it was endorsed by Republican Instead, Bryant pointed out, "he in the Democratic Party, which can pointed out that "will require sub. ed and if Crim had put it out earlier Gov. William Milliken. At the same preCerred a new statewide distressed THE HOUSE GOP leader conceded serve as a hammer,.' he said. "As a stalltial wage concessions, at least he. would have lost the Republican time some Republicans said Bryanl cities program which would have that he had not heard to~ much from result, the tasks of leadership are freezes, on part of the employes," did not oppose the bill vigorously aided Detroit but would have been his constituents in the Pointes even v:>tes needed Cor passa-ge, different Cor the Repu blicans than enough. Cinanced by all state taxpayers rath~r ,beCore the vote. But, he. explained, Cor the Democrats, [ see my job as While he opposes rollbacks oC than just the commuters and Detroit he has lived here all his life and be. Bryant conceded this has been "an getting the best Cacts and judgments wages of city employes because of In his district, however, Bryant residents. lieves he understands community awCul )'ear" in the Legislature in to the Republican caucus." their cost of living problems, he does said after the vote people told him opinions quite well, some respects. The first task was to Cavor wage freezes oC two or even their feelings about the Detroit pack. It .was on this issue that Bryant make huge cuts in the state budget In his statement, Bryant gave three years because in many classifi. age were similar to his own, which is parted company with some of his "DC course," he added, "people in because of sharp~y declining state credit to the GOP for the language cations, wages of Detroit municipal an indication he had voled with his Democratic and Republican colleagues Grosse Pointe never get violent on revenues. Then came the fight over in the Detroit bill thai requires a employes are 20 percent or more constituents on the issue, from outstate areas, They preCerred such matters, They are the most Proposal "A" which, despite the balanced Detroit budget before any higher than those in other large cities. -------- -------- -- - -~._-------------- ---------- --~- -_ .. HOllIe, at last The pilgrimage of the duck Park okays 21% tax hike; family from its nest at Ferry Elementary School on Roslyn Road to Lake St. Clair has be- come an annual delight to stu- dents, teachers and neighbors in Grosse Pointe Woods. group wants more police Every year, about this time, mama duck decides it's about B~'Joanne Gouleehe That statement set the stage Cor Coleman Young yet," Mayor ~latthel\l time for her young to tryout other residents who apparently came Patterson said. their strength at the lake and Better police protection in to the meeting to make it clear a 21 off she goes-right down Haw- Grosse Pointe Park was on the percent hike in taxes better trans. "You're working 011 it:' someone catcalled at the meeting. thorne Road. Woods police, of minds of residents Monday night late into more policemen on Grosse course, provide an escort ev- at a public hearing on a budget Pointe Park streets. A homeowner with an assessed valuation of $;30,000 can expect to ery year. that will raise tax bills next "You have more people now who The ducks nest in Ferry year by 21 percent. pay $200 more in taxes in the 1981.82 are afraid to come out of their fiscal year. school's Nature Center, locat- Midway through a city slide pres- homes," said Andrea Cleveland, also ed in a formerly unused entation explaining the Park's finan- of Wayburn. "They don't feel safe. .Councilman Roger :'ItcNeill, who courtyard at the school. The cial picture, a resident shot up and They don't want to put money into said he Celt reluctant to approve a center was designed and, built told the council that the $4,600 ap. their homes." 21 percent tax increase, commended l)y .paren'~ 9nd neighbors last propriated for. beautification in the residents for their suggestions on year. And 'it's still growing to city could put more policemen on. Another resident came prepared ways to cut costs and admitted the with a list oC 30 homes that have city has "continually perpetuated a include wildflower gardens, the streets. been burglar;zed since the first oC the herb plots, a young forest and 011. "Don't )'OU think the money spent )'ear, while others suggested a volun- (Continued Page 2A) Biblical plants. A story on the on flowers and park benches could be tary road patrol, claiming they see center is on page 5A of this spent on more police?" asked Way. Cewer and fewer cars patrolling the week's News. burn resident Carol Nixon, ' area. I Photos bv Tom Greenwood Councilman Anthony Spada, out- Man feared spoken critic oC the way the police department is run, chided Police Chief Henry Coonce Cor his alleged (lrowned in. Bon Secours, Cottage combine birth units frequent absences from the depart- ment. sial 1979 debedding plan that made By Gregory Jakub service to the community." but substantial savings will be real. ized because Cottage will no longer hospitals see the need to look at co- ..His own men didn't know where .Lake St.Clair In an eHort to cut costs and im. When the consolidation is complete, have to staH its 24-hour DB unit, Stei- operative arrangements. he was one time," Spada fumed. prove services, Cottage hospital offici. Cottage will retain a total vf 137 beds ger said .. all'. announced the closing of their 18. -101 for medical.surgical patients COTTAGE WAS one oC the mo:;t The councilman said police morale HarbDrmaster boats continued to bed obstetrical unit and plans to con. and 36 Cor psychiatric care. The two. After the consolidation, Bon Se. vocal opponents to the debedding is low and urged City Manager John scour Lake St. Clair and the Detroit solidate the service with Bon Secours other hospitals serving the Pointes- cours' OB unit will remain at its plan which was mandated by a unique Crawford to conduct an efficiencv River earlv this week in search of the bod)' of 47-year-old Detroit man Hospital after Aug.
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