•\ • PAGE B18 — THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1997 UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED CAR SUPER CENTER TEST DRIVE ON ALL °c GUARANTEED NO CREDIT BAD CREDIT../ NO CREDIT REJECTIONS.. BANKRUPTCY.'. • REFERRED USED VEHICLES REPOSSESSION... JUDGEMENTS... NO PROBLEM!' IT'S OK!! "Your Best Source For Community Information" ^O£:-<^* u RAHWAY, N.J., VOL 7 NO! 36 THURSDAY, JUNE 12,1997 TWO SECTION! ASKING S20.995 More than fishin' Privatization spi 93 LEGEND L ONLY SI99 per mo. 94 INTEGRALS ONLY S139 poK mo. '94 LEGEND L Acutu i^M. 4-cn_ S-SPO UAN MI 71 IM LEASE 34 MO II.OOO PER YS st>n CAP * "" UP PAT t StC PEP. U.H7 »' ST PuqCMASE ompw. Highlights water-rates debate Networking social By Scan Daily All of the employees the Rahway• Staff Writer Progress spoke to were long-time Serious about building a busi- number of Water Department employees, some of whom have been ness through lead gathering? employees axe concerned that propos- employed with the city for more than There are many networking als to privatize the city's water.ser- 20 years. One employee had started in organizations, but since 1978, vices will bring:higher, water fees to the 1970s at S3 per hour in the Water more than 10,000 professionals Rahway residents and cost them their Department's two-tier salary scheme: have found thai LcTip means •94 INTEGRA BS ASKING $11,988 •94 250 CONVERSION VAN ASKING $12,990 93 LEXUS ASKING 523,888 jobs. rie is being paid $21 per Hour now. -•92_VEL0CE.Q.0NYERTiBLE 'ASKING f?^90 ACUPA 3m 4-CVL. *UTO TRANS AC PSB SR D£F. 7/G'JkSS. A ES305 4-pR,. 6-CYL. AUTO 7R-N5 MOONROCF. AC . P-5 3 LEAT>ES INT business. Since its founding, "No one's complaining about the TSniioris~~oncaas~totanrrig~nSI; The Rahway Progress spoke to -^salary;" ~saTd-pne-ernployeer"We're: lions of dollars in business for several Water Department employees members have been exchanged. last week, all pf whom would speak just looking at the people who will get Each occupation is represented only on condition of anonymity. • the screws put to them." • • by one member and conflicts of "The problem-is, you know what "You've got people out there who interests are disallowed. you have now," said one employee. can't get jobs because of age discrimi- • "You don't know what you'll get." nation," he added. LeTip of Madison and Sum- The employees were speaking They added that residents could mit arc hosting a poolside about proposals to privatize the Water also suffer from higher water rates.. working social at the Grand Department that were published in the Currently, they said, homeowners •9S INTEGRALS ASKING $14,888 •92 VIGOR GS ASKING S14,995 '91 LEGEND L ASKING 513,990 Summit Hotel in Summit at 570 91 LEGEND 1 1 95 525 IS ASKING S28.99O c MO0N.R . C3j:5E May 22 edition of the Rahway Prog- pay about S25 to S30 in water fees, rfU'j-OH. 4-CVL. AUTO . TSUNS. PSB. AC, U00*^00 . ALLOT'WHLS. ACURA <.OR, S-CY-t. AUTO TRANS. <P;S^. AC, ubON RF..IEATMER 1NT. ACURA2-0R. fr-CYL. AUTO TRANS Springfield Avc, on June 26 AMTU-STEREO-CASS JMl 5O.I27VW MCl*i7;<a .' ' . •,.•.•'.• UI76 801WJ ress. Mayor James Kennedy, who from 6 to 9 p.m.' Tickets in ~ But if what happens here that hap-: could not be reached for cornment this advance cost S15, and S20 at penedin North Brunswick, they said, week, said in this issue that about 10 the door. For additional informa- water rates could increase. '. •or- ^•^•3l companies have picked up a proposal tion and advance tickets call No one in North Brunswick was :*?:c.\ to have the city lease its Water ^:jga .(908) 925-7733.- able to comment on the fees, but pub- Department. lished reports from July 1995 pre- . According to Water Department dicted that, with a 20-year lease of the Tr-^e planting employees, they have been told that city's water and sewer facilities, rates Mayor James • Kennedy and their employment is guaranteed to the Seventh-graders from Rahway Intermediate Schcx)l visit Sandy Hook Marine; Sci- would increase-by 166 percent by the. ! the.Department of Public Works . end of the lease contract. But they •93 CELICA GT ASKING SI 2,990 "90O-4S . ' . ASKING S11,444 92 LEGEND ASKING $16,888 ence Consortium during a class trip. Among many activities, the students seined in . year'2015. '.-..' ' •94 G.-20 ASKING SI 2,995 announced the second city- have been told that this is «-OR WYL »UTO TIUNS. PSB. AC. 7/GUSS. SUN nc»'. LEATXEH INT. the bay and tested plankton in the salt marshes with the guidance,of Sandy: Hook Jill.Marin of US Water Inc., the .iU^u'^TrsEOCASS U. i+ ;r; vis -sponsorocJ-trce-planling-program— "negotiable." -. ' ~Mamrre^cience~biotogis1sr-Frormleflrare^Mamrre^ciencebiotogis1srFrormleflrare^^^ company that obtained the lease in o to take place this spring. The . "Yeah, we're upset,r said one ;ssi FOR INSTANT CREDIT 'USED. CARS WARRANTY ^ kis, Hardik Patel, Oscar Koloff, Mark Keefef , FranFkk DidolceDidl , MicriaeMill GutierreGi z and North Brunswick, .said she couldn't .•-•• ROUTE 22 EAST program is- designed to encour- employee. ^"We.have kids going to comment on. what .is. happening in. Call Mr, Walters: 36 MONTM/36.00.Crw;k: • age the planting of trees, Jim Carbonaro.- - ' ' • ' '.-•'• college.". ' . • . • See PRIVATIZATION,. Page 2 CENTER, enhancing the beauty and qual- ' ALL MAKES AND;MODELS • 1-HOUR DELIVERY! • ' -prKlNVarit-i-Uy.iMJ 201-912-9000 ity of. life in the community. Applications are available for Willow Oaks, Tupelos, and Silver Lindens, lhe UKW~fs Merck employees ingest 'mystery a« AS SEEN ON TV! offering trees for half of whole- By Scan Daily atory workers wot conducting an nidc is toxic only if it is ingested, not. site, located on lhe border of Rahway. The building that the lab was in was !'Come see me sale price. Applications are Staff Writer experiment under a lab "hood." These if it' \% inhakdl • • and Linden, for an exposure to chemi- evacuated; but Rizzo said no other available a? City Hall near the Three employees of Merck & Co. hoods, which are equipped with venti- cals. It was only when the ambulance victims were found. for a #1.DEAL Rizzo and Collings did not know bulletin board in the' lobby. were hospitalized after being exposed lation systems, are used in laborato- arrived that they heard that it was for from your There, are also pictures of these how much of the -fumes: were gener- •According to Collings, the gas was to noxious fumes at the site at about ries, to carry, off toxic-or noxious exposure'to sodium cyanide. • . vented up! into the hood and wili have' #1 DEALER!" types of trees available. 4:30 p.m. on Friday. furr|* .- *?;'; • .:-.Cv :' ated, but Rizzo did say tljai the work- A large . enough dose of sodium no impact off of the Merck ate. Carmen-Catena Tlie incident has been called a ing.wi:h "very minute quantities." ""What.the workers were exposed to cyanide can kill, according to Rizzo,. "minor incident" by Carol Goodrich, As a result/there will probably be President • Stamp j services is unclear. According to Goodrich, it . Bur, whatever it was, it. was enough but he could not say if this amount a spokesperson for Merck. According ' no-investigation or fines leveled at- was a "possible" exposure to sodium to-have the two workers go into- was in the' hood at the time. Several stamp-buying services to Arny Collings of the state Depart- . Merck. '; cyanide. •' . • • ." "respiraiory duress;" or to have diffi- AUTHORIZED SALES OUTLET IN NEW JERSEY FOR YEARS... We do it with BY BEING # 1 < - YOU GET VOLUME that help postal customers year- ment- of Environmental Protection, Two of the employees were taken round are' particularly handy, culty breathing, said Rizzo.'The gases The Middlesex County Hazardous. ' PRICErAHUGE INVENTORY SELECTION and AVVARD-WINNING SERVICE!!! none of the fumesjtf-ere released out- Collings, on the other hand; said an to Rahway Hospital for, overnight WSC0UMTPWCW6 ... 'CERTIFIED. USED AC OR.AS- Stamp services enable customers- also affected another employee, who Material Team and representatives of side of the Merdk' site. unidentified gas was generated. This observation..while the third was trans- 'urs's Preferred r>rc~Owncc V ph:; tf<-' 2'roO tried to drag, the two laboratory work- the DEP responded to the Merck site. ? receive their stamps via According to Cjeputy Chief Joseph gas was an unforeseen byproducf of a ported-so Si. Elizabeth Hospital, said features TDTA^. LJXU^ CAPE rr t~i iehvery within a few. days by ers to. safety. • .; .. -. '. ' • .-• _^XU-R.v SPORTS CO'J^E.- b Rizzo of the Linden Fire Department, chemical reaction between .sodium Rizzn. • • . •; Merck own' HAZrMAT team also ' "illing out" a form that can be which responded to the incident, the cyanide and another, chemical, said Thcliridcn Fire Department at first • Their conditions were no: available responded and was. able to. neutralize. 2-DOOR/2 2.L-ITER.V-TECH 4-CYL -ENGINb.'5-SPEED. MAN-.tRANS., obtained from mail carriers. The gases were generated while two labor- ^ower Steenng/Disc BfakesWindows . AMFU/SleretfCD Player, Tint., .AIR CONDITIONING. POW.STEER-. AB$ BRAKES. AfJl/FM/STEREO/CD Collincs; she added that .sodium cva- sent its fire ambulance to the Merck at press time. the .gas.. .... • . : service is of no extra charge 2u3:'Ai? Bass;Frop.!V/iiee:'Dnve, ruel.lnjef, 15-Valve A-cyl. DOHC •• • .
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