MONTHLY INTENTIONS Order of the Discalced Augustinians Liturgical Calendar 2021 English Version Presenza Agostiniana Publications 1 MONTHLY INTENTIONS Corrections, additions, suggestions... write us Fr. Diones Rafael PAGANOTTO, oad [email protected] GENERAL CURIA Piazza Ottavilla, 1 00152 – Rome – Italy Tel.: +39 06 5896345 [email protected] www.oadnet.org * 2021 * 2 MONTHLY INTENTIONS ORDINE DEGLI AGOSTINIANI SCALZI PRIORE GENERALE – [email protected] Piazza Ottavilla, 1 – 00152 Roma – Italia Tel.: +39 06 5896345 – www.oadnet.org Prot. Reg. V; fol. 218/07 Subject: Introduction to the Liturgical Calendar 2021. Dear confreres, I am pleased to present to you the Liturgical Calendar 2021, set up, for convenience, on the basis of the Civil Calendar, starting from January to December. It is a useful and important tool for helping the liturgical-temporal rhythm of our days and activities. This year will be full of important events for the life of our Order, some of them postponed due to the Covid 19 pandemic. We hope the Lord will help us to be completely free to celebrate them: a) the 79th Extraordinary General Chapter whose date will be fixed as soon as the meeting will be possible; b) the Provincial Chapters of the three Provinces that make up our Order: Italy, Brazil and the Philippines; c) the completion of the Canonical Visit to the Province of Italy, a fundamental moment for a personal encounter with each religious and for direct knowledge of the life of each Religious and Parish Community; d) the memory of dies natalis of our Venerables: Fr. Giovanni NICOLUCCI of St. William († 1621 – 4th centenary) and Fr. Carlo Giacinto SANGUINETI of St. Mary († 1721 – 3rd centenary). This Liturgical Calendar 2021, translated into Portuguese and English, with the necessary adaptations and enrichments, will be an effective tool for increasing communion within the Order. 3 MONTHLY INTENTIONS We are sure of having valid reasons every day to rejoice and celebrate together, even if we are geographically distant. Rome, September 30, 2020. Fr. Doriano CETERONI Prior General Fr. Diones Rafael PAGANOTTO Secretary General 4 MONTHLY INTENTIONS Preamble - n. 1 MONTHLY INTENTIONS FOR OUR WHOLE ORDER January: Let us pray for the Religious of the GENERAL CURIA: that each one could be a docile instrument of God’s will. February: Let us pray for the Religious of the ITALIAN PROVINCE: that each community may live with serenity being witness of the Discalced Augustinian spirituality. March: Let us pray for the Religious of the BRAZILIAN PROVINCE: that each community may joyfully serve the Most High in spirit of humility. April: Let us pray for the Religious of the PHILIPPINE PROVINCE: that each community may face the challenges with firmness, perseverance and openness to Providence. May: Let us pray for the PRIORS OF THE COMMUNITIES: that they may share with each member of the Community the important task received to serve the Order. June: Let us pray for the MASTERS OF THE FORMATION HOUSES: that they may know how to transmit to the Formandi the richness, beauty and importance of Consecrated Life. July: Let us pray for the ECONOMOS OF THE COMMUNITIES: that they may act responsibly and in communion for the good of the Community and for the conservation of its goods. 5 MONTHLY INTENTIONS August: Let us pray for the Religious who serve in the PARISHES: that they may find the necessary ways to transmit the Gospel to the people of God, in communion with the Bishops. September: Let us pray for the Religious who serve in the COLLEGES: that they may have the patience and strength to educate future generations through the Augustinian pedagogy. October: Let us pray for the Religious who serve in the MISSIONS: that their activity, outside their own country, could be concretely supported by all the confreres of the Order. November: Let us pray for the FORMANDI: that they could be open to the action of the Holy Spirit, the irreplaceable formator, in their vocational discernment and in the concrete experience of Consecrated Life. December: Let us pray for the SECULAR FRATERNITIES: that they could be a leaven of Discalced Augustinian spirituality in the heart of the world for its radical transformation. 6 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS Preamble - n. 2 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS a) Liturgy Ab. = Abbot Ap. = Apostle Bl. = Blessed B.V.M. = Blessed Virgin Mary Bp. = Bishop Comp. = Companions Cr. = Creed Deac. = Deacon Dir. = Directory – oad Doct. = Doctor of the Church E.P. = Eucharistic Prayer Ev. = Evangelist H.F. = [Our] Holy Father [Augustine] Hrm. = Hermit Gl. = Glory M. = Martyr Mem. = Memory O.N. = Proper – Augustinian Order O.T. = Ordinary Time Pf. = Preface Pr. = Priest Ps. = Psalter Prop. = Proper Rel. = Religious Sec. Aug. = Secular Augustinian Seq. = Sequence St. = Saint V. = Virgin » = or 7 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS b) Countries bra = Brazil cmr = Cameroon con = Democratic Republic of Congo czk = Czech Republic idn = Indonesia ind = India ita = Italy mnr = Myanmar nga = Nigeria phl = Philippines pol = Poland vnm = Vietnam c) Symbols = birthday = anniversary of Solemn Profession = anniversary of Priestly Ordination = memory of death 8 PLENARY INDULGENCE Preamble - n. 3 PLENARY INDULGENCE The Members of the Order can benefit the Plenary Indulgence under the usual conditions and renew, at least privately, the promise to faithfully observe the commitments of their state of life on the following occasions: - Our Mother of Consolation; - St. Joseph, Patron of the Order; - Our H.F. Augustine; - St. Monica; - Conversion of Our H.F. Augustine; - St. Rita of Cassia; - St. Nicholas of Tolentino; - All Saints of the Order; - Anniversary of the Reform; - Celebration of the General Chapter. The Members of a Community: - Patron/Patroness of the House - Saints or Blessed whose body or relic is preserved in the House or Church - On the occasion of the Canonical Visitation. A Religious: - On the day of his Investiture; - On the day of his Simple Profession; - On the day of his Solemn Profession; - On the Jubilee anniversary of Profession and/or Ordination (25th; 50th; 60th; 75th). 9 AUGUSTINIAN LITURGICAL CALENDAR Preamble - n. 4 AUGUSTINIAN LITURGICAL CALENDAR (O.N.) The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, at the request of the General Procurators of the Augustinian Families (OSA, OAR and OAD), approved the following Augustinian Liturgical Calendar on April 8, 1997. January 3 St. Fulgentius of Ruspe, Bp. 4 Bl. Christine of the Holy Cross, V. 8 Bl. Hugh of Gualdo, Pr. and Hrm. 13 Bl. Veronica of Binasco, V. 16 Commemoration of All Deceased Family Members of our Order 18 Bl. Christine of L’Aquila, V. 23 Bl. Josephine Mary of Beniganim, V. Mem. 29 Bl. Anthony of Amandola, Pr. February 3 Bl. Stephan Bellesini, Pr. Mem. 4 Bl. Angelo of Furci, Pr. 7 Bl. Anselm Polanco, Bp. and M. 13 Bl. Christine of Spoleto, Sec. Aug. 15 Bl. Julia of Certaldo, Sec. Aug. 16 Bl. Simon of Cascia, Pr. Mem. March 12 Bl. Jerome of Recanati, Pr. 19 ST. JOSEPH, HUSBAND OF MARY, SOLEMNITY PROTECTOR OF THE AUGUSTINIAN FAMILIES 22 Bl. Hugolin Zefirini, Pr. April 18 Bl. Andrew of Montereale, Pr. 20 Bl. Simon of Todi, Pr. 23 Bl. Helen of Udine, Sec. Aug. 10 AUGUSTINIAN LITURGICAL CALENDAR 24 Conversion of Our H.F. Augustin Feast 26 Our Lady, Mother of Good Counsel Feast May 5 Bl. Vicente Soler and Comp., Mm. 7 Bl. Mary of St. Joseph Alvarado, V. 8 Our Lady of Grace 11 Bl. Gregory Celli, Rel. 12 Bl. William Tirry, Pr. and M. 13 Our Lady of Perpetual Help 16 Sts. Alypius and Possidius, Bp. Mem. 18 Bl. William of Toulouse, Pr. 19 Bl. Clement of Osimo Mem. and Augustine of Tarano, Pr. 22 St. Rita of Cascia, Rel. Feast June 4 Bl. James of Viterbo, Bp. Mem. 12 St. John of Sahagún, Pr. Mem. 20 Bl. Philip of Piacenza, Pr. 25 Bl. Peter James of Pesaro, Pr. July 2 Bl. John and Peter Becchetti, Pr. 17 Bl. Magdalene Albrici, V. 24 Bl. Anthony della Torre of L’Aquila, Pr. 27 Bl. Lucy Bufalari of Amelia, V. August 2 Bl. John of Rieti, Rel. 17 St. Clare of Montefalco, V. Feast 19 St. Ezekiel Moreno, Bp. Mem. 26 Sts. Liberatus, Boniface and Comp., Mm. 27 St. Monica, Mother of Our H.F. Augustine Feast 28 OUR H.F. AUGUSTINE, BP. AND DOCT. SOLEMNITY 11 AUGUSTINIAN LITURGICAL CALENDAR September 4 B. OUR LADY OF CONSOLATION, SOLEMNITY PATRONESS OF AUGUSTINIAN FAMILIES 6 Bl. Angelo of Foligno, Pr. 10 St. Nicholas of Tolentino, Pr. Feast 19 St. Alphonse of Orozco, Pr. Mem. 22 Bl. Josefa of Purification, V. and M. 28 Bl. Peter Zùñiga, Thomas of St. Mem. Augustine, Pr. and Comp., Mm. October 3 Bl. Angelo of Sansepolcro, Pr. 5 Bl. Sante of Cori, Pr. 9 Bl. Anthony Patrizi, Pr. 10 St. Thomas of Villanova, Bp. Feast 11 Bl. Elias Nieves, Pr. and M. 12 Bl. Mary Therese Fasce, V. 13 Commemoration of the Deceased Benefactors of the Augustinian Families 14 Bl. Gonzalo of Lagos, Pr. 20 St. Magdalene of Nagasaki, V. and M. Mem. 23 St. William the Hrm. and Bl. John the Good, Rel. 25 St. John Stone, Pr. and M. Mem. 29 Bl. Peter of Gubbio, Pr. 31 Bl. James of Cerqueto, Pr. November 5 Bl. Mariano de la Mata Aparicio, Pr. 6 Commemoration of All the Deceased Religious of the Augustinian Families 7 Bl. Gratia of Kotor, Rel. 13 All Sts. of the Augustinian Families Feast 29 Bl. Frederick of Ratisbona, Rel. December 16 Bl. Cherubim of Avigliana, Pr. 12 JANUARY Monthly Intention Let us pray for the Religious of the GENERAL CURIA: that each one could be a docile instrument of God’s will. FRIDAY The B.V.M, the HOLY MOTHER of GOD Solemnity Mass: Gl., Cr., Pref.
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