THE NEW TESTAMENT and ETHICS A BOOK-BY-BOOK SURVEY EDITED BY JOEL B. GREEN K (Unpublished manuscript—copyright protected Baker Publishing Group) Green_NTEthics_CJ_mw.indd iii 9/10/13 4:01 PM © 2011, 2013 by Baker Publishing Group Published by Baker Academic a division of Baker Publishing Group P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287 www.bakeracademic.com Printed in the United States of America All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews. The New Testament and Ethics first published in 2013. Chapters for this volume previously appeared in Joel B. Green, ed., Dictionary of Scripture and Ethics (Baker Academic, 2011). Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The New Testament and ethics : a book-by-book survey / Joel B. Green, editor. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8010-4936-1 (pbk.) 1. Ethics in the Bible. 2. Bible. New Testament—Crticism, interpretation, etc. 3. Christian ethics—Biblical teaching. I. Green, Joel B., 1956- B2545.E8N49 2013 241.5—dc23 2013024423 Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1989, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Unpublished manuscript—copyright protected Baker Publishing Group) Green_NTEthics_CJ_mw.indd iv 9/10/13 4:01 PM CONTENTS Contributors vii Abbreviations ix Introduction Joel B. Green xiii 1. Overview Ethics in Scripture Allen Verhey 1 Scripture in Christian Ethics Charles H. Cosgrove 10 New Testament Ethics Charles H. Cosgrove 32 2. Gospels and Acts Matthew Robert L. Brawley 41 Mark Robert L. Brawley 44 Luke Robert L. Brawley 46 John Robert L. Brawley 48 Acts Robert L. Brawley 51 3. Pauline Epistles Romans Victor Paul Furnish 55 1 Corinthians David G. Horrell 57 2 Corinthians David J. Downs 60 Galatians Victor Paul Furnish 62 Ephesians Jerry L. Sumney 64 Philippians Victor Paul Furnish 66 Colossians Jerry L. Sumney 68 v (Unpublished manuscript—copyright protected Baker Publishing Group) Green_NTEthics_CJ_mw.indd v 9/10/13 4:01 PM vi Contents 1–2 Thessalonians Jerry L. Sumney 70 1–2 Timothy David J. Downs 72 Titus David J. Downs 75 Philemon Victor Paul Furnish 76 4. Catholic Epistles and Revelation Hebrews David A. deSilva 79 James David Hutchinson Edgar 81 1 Peter J. de Waal Dryden 83 2 Peter J. de Waal Dryden 85 1–3 John Ruth Anne Reese 86 Jude J. de Waal Dryden 88 Revelation Kendra Jo Haloviak 89 5. Selected Topics in New Testament Ethics Fruit of the Spirit Gary M. Simpson 93 Golden Rule Michael Westmoreland-White 95 Healthcare Systems in Scripture Joel B. Green 96 Kingdom of God Bruce Chilton 100 Lists of Vices and Virtues David J. Downs 109 Love Command Thomas W. Ogletree 112 Love of Enemy Sondra E. Wheeler 120 Love of Neighbor Nijay K. Gupta 121 Sermon on the Mount Glen H. Stassen 125 Use of Parables in Ethics John R. Donahue 130 6. Beyond the New Testament Apostolic Fathers Clayton N. Je!ord 137 Didache Clayton N. Je!ord 140 Index of Scripture and Ancient Writings 143 Index of Subjects 155 (Unpublished manuscript—copyright protected Baker Publishing Group) Green_NTEthics_CJ_mw.indd vi 9/10/13 4:01 PM CONTRIBUTORS Brawley, Robert L. PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary. Professor of New Testament Emeritus, McCormick Theological Seminary. Chilton, Bruce. PhD, St. John’s College, Cambridge University. Bernard Iddings Bell Profes- sor of Religion, Bard College. Cosgrove, Charles H. PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary. Professor of New Testament Studies and Christian Ethics, Northern Seminary. deSilva, David A. PhD, Emory University. Trustees’ Distinguished Professor of New Testa- ment and Greek, Ashland Theological Seminary. Donahue, John R., SJ. PhD, University of Chicago. Research Professor in Theology, Loyola University, Maryland. Downs, David J. PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary. Assistant Professor of New Testa- ment Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary. Dryden, J. de Waal. PhD, Cambridge University. Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Covenant College. Edgar, David Hutchinson. PhD, Trinity College, Dublin. Chester Beatty Library, Dublin. Furnish, Victor Paul. PhD, Yale University. University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Southern Methodist University. Green, Joel B. PhD, University of Aberdeen. Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Associate Dean for the Center for Advanced Theological Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary. Gupta, Nijay K. PhD, University of Durham. Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies, North- eastern Seminary of Roberts Wesleyan College. Haloviak, Kendra Jo. PhD, The Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley. Assistant Profes- sor of New Testament Studies, La Sierra University. Horrell, David G. PhD, University of Cambridge. Professor of New Testament Studies, University of Exeter. Je"ord, Clayton N. PhD, The Claremont Graduate School. Professor of Scripture, Saint Meinrad School of Theology. vii (Unpublished manuscript—copyright protected Baker Publishing Group) Green_NTEthics_CJ_mw.indd vii 9/10/13 4:01 PM viii Contributors Ogletree, Thomas W. PhD, Vanderbilt University. Frederick Marquand Professor Emeritus of Ethics and Religious Studies, Yale University Divinity School. Reese, Ruth Anne. PhD, University of She#eld. Associate Professor of New Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary. Simpson, Gary M. ThD, Christ Seminary-Seminex. Professor of Systematic Theology and Director, Center for Missional Leadership, Luther Seminary. Stassen, Glen H. PhD, Duke University. Lewis B. Smedes Professor of Christian Ethics, Fuller Theological Seminary. Sumney, Jerry L. PhD, Southern Methodist University. Professor of Biblical Studies, Lex- ington Theological Seminary. Verhey, Allen. PhD, Yale University. Professor of Theological Ethics, Duke University Di- vinity School. Westmoreland-White, Michael. PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Outreach Coordinator, Every Church a Peace Church. Wheeler, Sondra E. PhD, Yale University. Carr Professor of Christian Ethics, Wesley Theo- logical Seminary. (Unpublished manuscript—copyright protected Baker Publishing Group) Green_NTEthics_CJ_mw.indd viii 9/10/13 4:01 PM ABBREVIATIONS General Neh. Nehemiah Esth. Esther b. Babylonian Talmud Job Job ca. circa Ps./Pss. Psalms chap(s). chapter(s) Prov. Proverbs Gk. Greek Eccl. Ecclesiastes Lat. Latin Song Song of Songs LXX Septuagint Isa. Isaiah m. Mishnah Jer. Jeremiah mg. margin Lam. Lamentations NRSV New Revised Standard Version Ezek. Ezekiel NT New Testament Dan. Daniel OT Old Testament Hos. Hosea pars. parallels Joel Joel v(v). verse(s) Amos Amos Obad. Obadiah Jon. Jonah Old Testament Mic. Micah Gen. Genesis Nah. Nahum Exod. Exodus Hab. Habakkuk Lev. Leviticus Zeph. Zephaniah Num. Numbers Hag. Haggai Deut. Deuteronomy Zech. Zechariah Josh. Joshua Mal. Malachi Judg. Judges Ruth Ruth New Testament 1–2 Sam. 1–2 Samuel 1–2 Kgs. 1–2 Kings Matt. Matthew 1–2 Chr. 1–2 Chronicles Mark Mark Ezra Ezra Luke Luke ix (Unpublished manuscript—copyright protected Baker Publishing Group) Green_NTEthics_CJ_mw.indd ix 9/10/13 4:01 PM x Abbreviations John John Apostolic Fathers Acts Acts Rom. Romans Barn. Epistle of Barnabas 1–2 Cor. 1–2 Corinthians 1–2 Clem. 1–2 Clement Gal. Galatians Did. Didache Eph. Ephesians Herm. Mand. Shepherd of Hermes, Phil. Philippians Mandate(s) Col. Colossians Herm. Sim. Shepherd of Hermes, 1–2 Thess. 1–2 Thessalonians Similitude(s) 1–2 Tim. 1–2 Timothy Titus Titus Phlm. Philemon New Testament Apocrypha and Heb. Hebrews Pseudepigrapha Jas. James Apos. Con. Apostolic Constitutions 1–2 Pet. 1–2 Peter and Canons 1–3 John 1–3 John Jude Jude Rev. Revelation Papyri P.Bod. Bodmer Papyri Apocrypha and Septuagint 1–4 Macc. 1–4 Maccabees Greek and Latin Works Sir. Sirach Tob. Tobit Ambrose Wis. Wisdom of Solomon Vid. De viduis Aristotle Old Testament Pseudepigrapha Pol. Politica T. Ash. Testament of Asher T. Levi Testament of Levi Augustine T. Reu. Testament of Reuben Doctr. chr. De doctrina Christiana (Christian Instruction) Dead Sea Scrolls Mor. eccl. De moribus ecclesiae catholicae (The Way 1QS Rule of the Community of Life of the Catholic Church) Serm. dom. De sermone Domini in Rabbinic Tractates monte (Sermon on the Ber. Berakot Mount) Šabb. Šabbat Virginit. De sancta virginitate (Holy Virginity) Other Rabbinic Works Cicero Rab. Rabbah (+ biblical book) Tusc. Tusculanae disputationes (Tus- Sipre Sipre culan Disputations) (Unpublished manuscript—copyright protected Baker Publishing Group) Green_NTEthics_CJ_mw.indd x 9/10/13 4:01 PM Abbreviations xi Clement of Alexandria Pliny the Elder Exc. Excerpta ex Theodoto (Excerpts Nat. Naturalis historia (Natural from Theodotus) History) Diogenes Laertius Plutarch Lives Lives of Eminent Philosophers Cato Maj. Cato Major (Cato the Elder) Jerome Epist. Epistulae Quintilian Inst. Institutio oratoria Justin Martyr 1 Apol. Apologia i (First Apology) Seneca Dial. Dialogus cum Tryphone (Dia- Ep. Epistulae morales logue with Trypho) Tertullian Onasander Idol. De idololatria (Idolatry) Strat. Strategikos (On the Duties of a Ux. Ad uxorem (To His Wife) General) Origen Other Authors Hom. Num. Homiliae in Numeros John Calvin Philo Institutes Institutes of the Christian Alleg. Interp.
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