~I ",. '."1'; ~ J .. ,' Dogs sniffDut drugs _ Ruidoso.• , '" ,". _~ ,. __•• ' •. " celebrates.~~. ..,. ,_~-" ~"'~"""-"''''_ - M.'~ ~•• ~_~.-... __ • Homecoming See Page lOA SeePag~" , 11/J . ~ ., 1 l L I "I ., ...~ ~, J.\. t"\ 1 C H \>t 1 l :... ~ " 'I *t t-t C J (n.t \ ~ I ~·H "\ ,)l/j"J'~ \·)u\' 1 \,l /'1'-1'1'1 E L_ F (.1,' I\ I - - " .~ ", :' '..-~ NO. 48 IN OUR 41ST YEAR ,';.;..'.....'....". :>', '..; ,35c PER COpy ... , 1_ .... .,.' ..:. .. '..' " ,"t ~. '... MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 Copyrlght © 19.~.~idQf>O New_. Inc. RUIDOSO,NMaa349. ~ s ~.;i.~·_:.,~,-~ .'~;.:~.' '~·,>l-~.'i e. .. ,." ,! . " !, arrlOrSlee t- Up:T'""0igeJrS by GARY BROWN sion of the game. score. Henson's extra-point kick News Sports yvriter After Los Lunas failed to make a was again good and Ruidoso led, first down on the opening series, the 1~, with 5:57 left in the opening Ruidoso High School's varsity Tigers punted. quarter. football team found its first Ruidoso's Brian Davis caught the R ui d oso add ed its third meeting against an AAAA-division ball and sprinted down the left touchdown after defensive tackle team profitable as the Warriors sidelines 60 yards for the Colby Day blocked a Tiger punt at crushed visiting Los Lunas, 34-12, touchdown. J the Los Lunas 19. Friday night in the Homecoming Garret Henson:s extra-point kick Harrison got two yards, and then game. was good and Rwdoso had a 7-0 ad- jwrior Matt Griego raced 12 yards Ruidoso, now 7-1 on the overall vantage with 10: 17 left in the open- to the five. season, showed a potent offense and ing quarter. .. From there Griego carried the defense against the pass-happy After Los Lunas agal1l failed to ball three straight times going Tigers. The Warriors led, 20-6, at move the ball, the Warriors took over from the one f~r the halftime, and both of Los Lunas' over on their own 33. touchdown: scores came after turnovers. However, a Los Lunas player in- Ruidoso took a 20-6 lead into the But Warrior head coach Cooper tercepted Jeff Willingham's pass lockerroom at halftime. Henderson was not completely and the Tigers took over on the The Warriors drove 48 yards in pleased with his team's Ruidoso 44. six plays for their fourth touchdown performance. From there, Jay Nunn broke in the third quarter. HOur pass defense was pretty through on a counter play and Willingham found Davis for 20 good," he said, "both in sacking the ram b led 44 ya r d s for the yards and a touchdown to finish the quarterback and covering their touchdown. drive with 3: 4B left in the third receivers. Our kicking game was The e.xtra-po~t kick was blocked quarter. better with both punt returns and and Rwdoso still led, 7-6. It was Willingham's 15th kickoff returns showing . However, the Warriors came touchdown pass of the season. improvement. :lght b~ck and scored on the ensu- Willingham completed two "But we weren't happy with the lng s~nes. .. passes to Henson during the drive nwnber of turnovers (five fumbles Rwdoso drove 65 yards ill SIX and Harrison ran well. Ruidoso High School varsity football Homecoming game. From left, they are. Sid and two interceptions) and plays for its second touchdown. But another turnover led to the players knock a pass away from a Los Garcia, Dusty Beavers (foreground) and tf Fullback Billy Harrison blasted penalties we had. Lunas receiver during Friday night's Chuck Daniels (back). Ruidoso won, 34-12. Ruidoso scored on its first posses- 18 yards up the middle for the Please see Warriors. page 10A ort construction gets go-ahead by FRANKIE JARRELL value of the current airport will be sioner Conrad Buchanan. to transfer water rights to the Ruidoso News captures News Staff Writer needed for PAC 2. -Approved paying five purchase SBRA site. "Mayor (Uoyd L.) Davis made a orders: "i"i1::-~l!th~t~~ttCJ~r. ~~g~ee~, ~Q. • A replacement a~ort for the commitment to Melugin (of the Fran Siddens (travel}.....$3l.68 [1 e a pe [or temporary water design~awcrrds Ruidoso Municipal Airport is one FAA) that the $2.676 million will be Heckman and Haworth.6,053.42 use during construction. .·w'r·iting, giant step closer with Federal Avia­ forthcoming after the first of the Tim Morris (travel) 312.22 -Authorized Heckman to request tion Administration (FAA) funding year," said Heckman. State Engineer (water litiga- reimbursement from the FAA for assured through the first phase. The commission announced tion) 250.00 monies already spent and about to "There should be ringing of bells, Thursday that ROffia Eckland has Logo contest winner 500.00 be expended that are eligible for the The Ruidoso News gathered five awards and James K. tooting of horns and we should set been selected winner of a contest to -Discussed a hearing set for 90 percent grant. Green, owner of the Artesia Daily Press, was inducted into the off a cannon," said Sierra Blanca design a logo and signage for the November 5 in Santa Fe to hear -Went into executive session to New Mexico Press Association Hall of Fame during the Airport Corrunission Chairman Ken SBRA. Eclr.land will be awarded the protests of the commission's plans discuss water rights. association's annual convention. Nosker Thursday as that body $500 prize at a later meeting. Green, father of Ruidoso News publisher Ken Green, was authorized airport engineers to ..All the presentations were named the 1986 inductee during a luncheon Saturday at the advertise f0r bids to begin construc­ beautifully done," said Jeanie Mor­ Press Association convention in santa Fe. Green's newspaper tion on the Sierra Blanca Regional riss, one of the judges for the con­ career stretched some 50 years with west Texast Colorado and Airport (SBRA ). test. She displayed Eckland's New Mexico newspapers. His career was highlighted in 1970 "It appears that we can see the designs which feature pine trees, when he became owner of the Artesia Daily Press. He acquired light at the end of the tunnel," mountains and a setting sun en­ the Deming Headlight (which his SOD, Walt, publishes) and the remarked airport engineer Earl circled by the words Sierra Blanca Deming Graphic at the same time. Cook of Leedshill-Herkenhoff, Inc. Regional Airport. The Ruidoso News staff received four first-place awards and Cook said the FAA is presently Eckland designed signage using the newspaper was awarded a second-place award for Creative completing a review of design plans native rock and redwood with the Design and Typography among weekly newspapers of its size. and bid documents, the last step logo to be sandblasted into the dry News Sports Writer Gary Brown captured two first-place before soliciting bids on the ear­ wood. awards-for Sports Writing and Feature Writing. News Reporter Frankie Jarrell was awarq.ed a first-place award for thwork portion of the project. "We're real happy that you've Column Writing. - - . - -- _. - .•. - ..... Contract administrator Fred chosen a local citizen," remarked Heckman detailed a schedule call­ Nosker. News Editor Darrell J. Pehr captured first place in Editorial ing for earthwork to begin on In other regular business Thurs­ Writing. January 26, 1987, and be completed day, the commission: The competition takes place each year among New Mexico by July 16, and accepted by August -Discussed where adver­ newspapers. Other papers in The News' category competing in­ 1. He said it is imperative that PAC tisements for bids should be placed. cluded The Taos News, Rio Grande Sun, Quay CountySun, San­ 2 funding be secured by March 15, and heard a report from the com­ ta Fe Reporter, Las Cruces Bulletin and Valencia County 1987. mission attorney, Steve Sanders, as News-Bulletin. Entries this year were judged by members of Heckman said if all goes as to how bidders can be prequalified. the Idaho Press Association. scheduled the Ruidoso Municipal -Authorized Cook to proceed Airport, said to be the most with equipping the well at the air­ dangerous in the Southwest. can be port site. Cook said contractors will closed on November 30 or be required to furnish their own December 1, 1987. He added by that water. but will have the option of Roma Eckland is the deSigner of the official logo for the time planes should be able to land purchasing water from SBAC",. Sierra Blanca Regional Airport (shown). Eckland said her at the SBRA on Fort Stanton mesa -Instructed Sanders to include a design "portrays the vast mountainous area of the Sierra during daylight hours. clause in the construction contract Blanca Region." By February 15, 1988, the SBRA giving preference to area residents should be completely operational, for possible jobs on the $6 million said Heckman. He added Ruidoso's project. "1 want to try to put the investment of the over $2.6 million people here to work," said Commis- INSIDE , People. .. 3A Capitan Range. , ., .. , .. ' 9A Wonderful Football 6A~7A Opinion.. , .. 18 Sports .. ,,. ,, .4A-5A Classified 38-48 The "Dreamer" .... 2A TV Guide ' .. - Section B Wurstfest Business. ., .8A Organizers set up Friday for a weekend of fun at t h ,e v i II a g,e ' .s fir s t WEATHER REPORT Wurstfest, sppnsored by the Spirit of RuidoSO and Sunday's low : 26 th,e Ruidoso Valle·y SlUlday's higll 41 Cha.mber of Commerce. Mondayts IOw 24 Ysl~ta Stone said early Monday th~ event was '8 Monday's predicted high near 48 bigS,UCCG$S. Wurstfest Tuesday's predicted low near 20 featured all kinds of Tuesday's predicted high near 58 sausage, beer, music and· dancing under the· big The National Weather Service in Albuquerque predicts patchy fog blue tent on SUdderth today, with a few snow flurries this afternoon.
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