Supplement iHo. % to Cije pmlegtme dD^ette Bo. 993 of Hti) $>arc^ 1940. TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE, 1939. ORDER BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER, WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, UNDER SECTION 4(2). IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by subsection (2) of , . section 4 of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, .1939, and of No• 36 of i939• ­other powers enabling him in that behalf, the High Commis ־all sioner, with the approval of the Secretary of State, has ordered and it is hereby ordered as follows :— 1. This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) Order, 1940, and shall come into operation on the 22nd day of March, 1940. 2. Each of the persons specified in the Schedule to this Order shall for the purposes of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, be deemed to be an enemy within the meaning of that Ordi­ nance during such period as this Order shall in relation to such person remain in force. 3. The following Orders are hereby revoked :— (i) Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) Order, 1939. ,(ii) Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amend­ ' ment) Order, 1939. (hi) Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order, 1940. ­ 401 — — 402 — SCHEDULE. Aceumulatoren-Fabrik A. G. (Fabrica Can gallo 2629, Buenos Aires, Argent• de Acumuladores S.A., Buenos Aires ina. Branch). Aciers Marathon, S.A 25, Bd. de la Sauvenière, Liège, Bel• gium. Ackermann, G. W Muralla, 474, Havana, Cuba. Acos Roechling Bruderus Do Brasil Travessa Born Jesus 6-8, Rio de Ja• Ltda. neiro, Brazil. A.E.G. Tehran and branches in the provinces, Iran. A.E.G. A/S. ... ... Riga, Latvia. A.E.G. Bulgarian Electrical Co. Ltd. Alexander I, No. 1, Sofia, Bulgaria. A.E.G. Cia Mexicana de Electricidad, 5 de Mayo 10, Mexico City, Mexico. S.A. A.E.G. Cia Argentina de Electricidad B. Irigoyen 330, Buenos Aires, Argent• ina. A.E.G. Cia Sudamerikana de Electrici• Bandera 581, Santiago, Chile. dad. A.E.G. Cia Sul Americana de Electri- Av. Rio Branco 47, Rio de Janeiro, and cidade. all branches in Brazil. A.E.G. Compania Generala de Electri- Galea Grivitei 3, Bucharest, Roumania. citate S.A. Romana. A.E.G. Dansk Elektricitets A/S. ... Orstedhus, Vestre Farimagsgade 41, Copenhagen, Denmark. A.E.G. Electriciteits Mij Batavia and Sourabaya, (Java), Nether• lands East Indies. A.E.G. Electrotécnica, A.G P. 0. Box No. 203, Bogota, Colombia, A.E.G. Elektricitets- A.S ()vre Vollgate 11, Oslo & Bergen, Nor• way. A.E.G. Elektriska A/B Glogatan 3, Helsingfors, Finland, and at Sveavagen 21-23, Stockholm, Sweden. A.E.G. Elektrizitaets-Aktiengesell- 1, Stampfenbachstrasse, Zurich, Swi• schaft. tzerland. A.E.G. Electriciteits Maatschappij Frederiksplein 26, Amsterdam, Hol• N.V. land. A.E.G. Internat Electriciteits Mij. Amsterdam, Holland. N.V. A.E.G. Lusitana de Electricidade ... 12, Rua dos Fangueiros, Lisbon, and 211, Rue Sa da Bandeira, Oporto, Portugal. A.E.G. Société Luxembourgeoise pour Rue Souveraine 40, Brussels, Belgium. Entreprises Electriques S.A. A.E.G. Société Luxembourgeoise pour Rue du Nord 6, Luxemburg, Luxem• Entreprises Electriques (E. Gund- burg. lach). — 403 — A.E.G. Unió Magyar Villamossági Rudolf -ter 5, Budapest, Hungary. Részvénytársaság. (A.E.G. Union U ngarische Elektrizitatsaktiengesell- schaft.) Adrian, S. L. & Co. Consulado 107, Havana, Cuba. Africana Ltda. Socicdade Geral Lourenco Marques, and Beira, Portu• guese East Africa, and at Lisbon, Portugal. Agencia Comercial y Marítima. Pasaje America 213, Mexico City, and (Heyne Eversbusch & Co.) Av. F.I. Madero No. 6. Pasaje, Me• xico City, Mexico. Agfa San Salvador, Salvador. Agfa Argentina (Dr. Kurt Oppenheim B. Irigoyen 653, Buenos Aires, Ar• y Cia.). gentina. Agfa Foto A/S. Montergaarden, Gothersgade49, Copen• hagen, Denmark. Agfa-Foto A/S Fred Olsensgate 1, Oslo, Norway. "Agfaphoto" Fényképészeti Cikkek El- V. Nador-utca 12, Budapest, Hungary. adási Részvénytársaság. ("Agfa- photo'' Verkaufsaktiengesellschaft für Photographische Artikel.). Agfa Gomei Kaisha 10, 2-chome, Marunouchi Kojimachi- Ku, Tokyo, and at Osaka, Japan. Agrex Strada Episcopie No. 2, Bucharest, Roumania. I Agro S.A Gravina 53, Seville, Spain. Ahlers, H. D 16, Rue Marché-au-Lin, Antwerp, Belgium. Ahlers, Jacob San José, Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, Canary Islands. Ahrens, H., & Company, Nachfolger Yaesu Building, 6, 2-chome, Marunou• (Gomei Kaisha). chi, Tokyo, and branches at Yoko• hama and Kobe, Japan. Albert, Julio y Cia, Sucrs.—"La Gran 16 de Septiembre No. 83 and 5 de Feb- Sedería." . rero No. 3, Mexico City, Mexico. Alemana de Agencias, Compania (A. Guayaquil, Ecuador. Pance). Alemana de Vapores Kosmos, Cia. ... Valparaiso, Chile. Allianca Commercial de Anilinas Ltda. 81 Av. Almte Barroso, Rio de Janeiro and all branches in Brazil. Almacén Hogar y Cocina ... Panama. Ave. Las Palmeras, "Chalet Latorre", Alwin, George ...... Tetuan, Spanish Morocco. Tordenskjoldsplase 3, Oslo and Bergen, Anilin A/S Norway. Harnegade 39, Copenhagen, Denmark- Anilin Kompagniet A/S. ... Anilinas Alemanas S.A. Salta 323-25, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and at Sucursal Montevideo, Calle Florida 1450, Montevideo, Uruguay. Antillana Agencia (H. ]Barkhausen). ... Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic. Arndt & Cohn Ltda Lourenco Marques, Portuguese East Africa. Askania Kabushiki Kaisha Sanwa Building 3,.1-chome Gofukuba- shi, Nihonbashi-ku Tokyo, Japan. Asteroth, Rheinschifr ahrts A. G. Fried. Maaskade 85, Rotterdam, Holland. Auerbach, Philippe Rue Conscience 20, Antwerp, Belgium. Austro-Bulgarian Tobacco Co., Ltd. 20, April No. 13, Sofia, Bulgaria. "Auto Union" Agency Moskovska, 3, Sofia, Bulgaria. Austro-Hellenic Tobacco Co 49, Rue Tsimisky, Salonica, Greece. Auto-Union Brasil Ltda Rua Riachuelo, 187-189, Rio de Ja• neiro, Brazil. Bahlcke, J. C.—Central American Managua, Nicaragua. Trading Co.— Banco Alemán Transatlántico (Deut• Buenos Aires, Cordoba, and Rosario, sche Uberseeische Bank.) Argentina; Antofagasta, Concepcion, Santiago, Temuco, Valdivia, and Valparaiso, Chile; Montevideo, Uru• guay; Barcelona, Madrid, and Se• ville, Spain; Arequipa, and Lima, Peru. Banco Allemao Transatlántico (Deut• Bahia, Curityba, Porto Alegre, Rio sche Uberseeische Bank). de Janeiro, Santos and Sao Paulo, Brazil. Banco Germánico da America do Sul Rio de Janeiro, Santos, and Sao Paulo, (Deutsch - Sudamerikanische Bank Brazil. A.G.). Banco Germánico de la America del Asuncion, Paraguay; Buenos Aires, Sud. (Deutsch-Südamerikanische Argentina; Mexico City, Mexico; Bank.) Santiago, and Valparaiso, Chile. Banco Germánico de la America del Madrid, Spain. Sur S.A. Barkhausen, H.—Agencia Antillana.— Ciudad Trujillio, Dominican Republic. Baron, A.—Union Industrial, S.A.— (P.O.Box 706) Camino las Flores, Bar- ranquilla, Colombia, Barth y Cia Sucesores, Eugenio Calle 25 de Mayo 731-7, Montevideo, Uruguay. "Bavarian-Lloyd" Shipping Co., Ltd. Aksakofî, 5, Sofia, Bulgaria. Bavarski Lojd Karadjordjeva 43, Belgrade, Yugoslavia Bayer & Co Tehran, Iran. Bayer, S.A. Casa. San Juan de Letran 24, Mexico City, Mexico. Bayer and Cia Calle Piedras 437, Montevideo, Uru• guay. — 405 — Bayer, Chimica Corn Farm Lepanto 2, Vigo, Spain. "Bayer-Farma" Co. Ltd. Balkan Building, Boul. Dondoukoff, 51, Sofia, Bulgaria. Bayer, La Química, S.A. Cervino 3101, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and at Avenida Brasil 198, Lima, Peru. Bayer-Meister-Lucius San Jose, Costa Rica. "Bayer" Yakuhin Gomei Kaisha Yaesu Building, 6, Marunouchi 2-cho- me, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo, and bran• ches at Kobe and Nagoya, Japan. Becker and Company Oye Building, 9, Kinugasa-cho, Kita- ku, Osaka, and at Tokyo, Japan. Behn Meyer & Co., Handel Mij, N.V. Batavia, and all branches in Nether• lands East Indies. Beick Felix y Cia Madero 39, Mexico City, Mexico. Bendix, Alberto Ahuachapan, Salvador. Berger, Curt, and Cia., Soc. de Resp. 25 de Mayo. 386-92,. Buenos Aires, Ltda. Argentina. .Berger, Curt y Cia ... Calle Cerrito 677, Montevideo, . Uruguay. Bergmann & Co 105, Hachimandori 3-chome, Fukiai- ku, Kobe, and at Nagoya, Japan. Berndes, Chas. E. y Cia Rep. del Brasil 112, Havana, Cuba. Berndorfer Metallwarenfabrik, Arthur IV. Váci-utca 4, Budapest, Hungary. Krupp A/G. Bernitt & Cia Calle Misiones 1472, Montevideo, Uruguay. Bodewig, Karl y Cia Comisiones Lonja 431, Havana, Cuba. Böhler Keitei Goshi Kaisha 2-chome, Takaramachi, Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo, and branches at Osaka and Fukuoka, Japan, and Dairen, Kwan- tung Leased Territory, Böhmer, Carlos Aquiar 574, Havana, Cuba. Boker and Cia Moreno 437, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Boker, Casa.—Ferretera Mexicana, 16 de Septiembre 60, Mexico City, S.A. Cia — Mexico. Boni-Tolo Mining Company, The Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. Borgolte, Rud Bolivia. Borsig, Rheinmetall, Cia Argentina de 25 de Mayo 375, Buenos Aires, Argent• Maquinas S.R. Ltda. ina. Bosch Equipo S.A. ... Mallorca 281, Barcelona, Spain. Bosch, Robert, A.G ... 329, Badenstrasse, Zurich and Geneva, Switzerland. Brasileira de Electricidade Siemens Rus General Cámara 78, Rio de Schuchert S.A. Companhia, Janeiro, Brazil. Bremensis, Sociedade Technica Ltda. Caixa Postal 1548, Rio de Janeiro, and branches at Sao Paulo, Curityba and Recife (Pernambuco), Brazil. — 406 — Bromberg & Cia,, S.A.C. Moreno 970, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Bruckmarin, L.E. & Co Guayaquil and Manta, Ecuador. Buchner Baucevitch A.G 5-7, Rue Diocketiriou, Salonica, Greece. Buchner, George Baucevitch Rue Moskovska 3, Sofia, Bulgaria. Buckau Wolf Barquillo 47, Madrid, Spain. "Büdanil" Festekeladasi Reszvenytar- V. Nador-utca 12, Budapest, Hungary. sasag. "Bulgaria" S.A. Rue Legue 10, Sofia, Bulgaria. Bulgarian Tube Industry Co.,
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