INDEX agriculture, 204, 206, 209 shipsheds, 149 Alberti, Leon Battista, 146 shipwrecks, 166 Alcester (Warwickshire), 122 Boon, C.G., 151 Aldrete, G.S., 20 boundaries, 29, 30, 77 Alexander the Great, 188 Bradley, R., 92, 184, 185, 204 Allen, J.R.L., 206–207 Braund, D., 126 Alne (river), 122 Brayford Pool (Lincoln), 67, 69–73, 69, 73– Alney Island (Gloucester), 98 75, 77–78, 115, 125, 194, 195 amphitheatres, London, 36, 46 environmental evidence, 227 amphorae, as part of structure of wharf, breakwaters, 148–149 156 bridges, 125–128 anchors, stone, 160 Cirencester, 64 Anderson, J.D., 110 Exeter, 100 Antiquitates Judaicae (Josephus), 146 Gloucester, 98 aqueducts, 11, 129–133, , 131–132 Lincoln, 195 aquifers, 186 Rome, 126 archaeological writing, 224–225 Bronze Age arches, monumental, 172 boats, 160–161 architecture, 16–17 Cirencester, 58 construction technologies, 147–151, 155– ports and harbours, 160 159, 175–176 ritual deposits, 31, 167 see also waterfronts trade, 148 Arrow (river), 122 Brown, J., 104 Augustus, 13, 20–21 Bruun, C., 10 Bucklersbury House (London), 33–34, 34, 35, Babington, C.C., 192 51, 136, 202, 203 Babits, Lawrence, 142 burials, 198, 219 Bagendon (near Cirencester), 15, 29, 57–58, see also cemeteries 185 butchery, 213 Bateman, N. et al., 36 Butler, J., 203 Bath (Somerset), 137 bathhouses, 137–138, 170, 172 Caerleon (Wales), 158 ‘beaches’ for small boats, 72 Caesar, 127, 188, 189, 216 Beasley, M., 197 Caesarea Maritima, 149, 173 Bell Brook , 103, 104, 128 Caistor-by-Norwich, 95, 110, 119, 120 Bellum Judaicum (Josephus), 146 street grids, 126 Bennett, P., 54, 135 water-pipes, 133 Biddulph, E., 58 Caldicot Level (Wales), 191 Bidwell, P.T., 113 Calleva Atrebatum, see Silchester Bingley’s Island (Canterbury), 52–53, 53 Campbell, B., 10 Bird, J., 173 Camulodunum, see Colchester Blue, L., 16 canals, 117–118 boats, 174–175, 176 Ilchester, 122 ‘beaches’ for, 72, 160 Lincoln, Fossdyke, 70–71, 115 Bronze Age, 160–161 Canterbury (Durovernum Cantiacorum), 4, 5, Lincoln, 195 22, 34, 51–57, 53, 55 270 index Canterbury (Durovernum Cantiacorum) religion, 16 (cont.) water supply, 186 drainage, 213–214 water-pipes, 133 fords, 126 waterfronts, 154–155 ports, 111 watermills, 137 trade, 111 Coles, B., 182 transport, 110 Coles, J., 182 watercourse alteration, 117, 123 Colne (river), 16, 95, 111–112, 112, 113 waterfronts, 57, 157 coloniae, 4, 5, 28, 176, 219 watermills, 137 colonial mapping, 215–216 Car Dyke/Dykes, 192–193, 199 colour, and social meaning, 150 Cassius Dio, 18 Columella, 7, 189 Cato, 187 concrete, 125, 145, 149–150 cattle, 77, 185, 197, 210, 213 social meaning of, 150 causeways, 31, 144 construction technologies, 147–151 Fenland, 193, 209 cultural meaning of, 155–159, 175–176, 221 Somerset Levels, 160 Coombe Stream (Exeter), 101 Southwark, 125–126 Copais (Greece), 188, 189 Wigford, 69, 69–70, 125 Corinium, see Cirencester cemeteries, 58, 67, 219 Corinth Canal (Greece), 109 Chester (Deva), 21, 158–159 Cornhill (London), 4 Chesters (fort), 135 Cosa (Etruria), 149 Chichester, 29–30, 95, 117–118, 226 Coventina’s Well (Hadrian’s Wall), 216 ports, 111 Cowan, C., 211 water-pipes, 133 crane-bases, 168 watermills, 137 criminals, 208 Christian Church, 195 Cripplegate (London), 5 Churn (river), 58–59, 60–61, 62–66, 63–65, Cuckoo Pool (Lincoln), 67 185 cultural landscape, 142–143 Cicero, 187 cultural value Cirencester (Corinium), 5, 21, 57–66 boats, 174–175 drainage and land reclamation, 194, 200 and construction technologies, 155–159, and Leaholme Fort, 58, 219 221 ritual deposits, 164 islands, 104 watercourse alteration, 59, 60–61, 62–64, land reclamation, 25, 201–202 63–65, 120–121, 124, 219–220 and men and women, 15n watermills, 137 monumental construction, 212, 221–222 see also Bagendon stone, 205, 207–208 cisterns, 7, 118, 186 travel, 115–116 civitas-capitals, 4, 5, 28–29, 176 water, 1–3, 6–9, 15–16, 18, 23–26, 217–219, Classical World, 145–146, 148–151 224 see also Greece/Greeks; Rome coastlines, 143 Claudius, 188–189 diversion of, 121, 123 Cleere, H., 144 Iron Age, 110 climate, 9, 91, 106 rivers, 14, 29, 39, 91, 92–94 Cloaca Maxima, 196 travel, 116 coastal regions, 181 waterfronts, 157, 159, 160, 176, 226 coin production, 29 waterscapes, 3, 31, 52, 57, 67, 87, 141, Colchester (Camulodunum), 4, 177 142, 156 Iron Age settlement, 28, 30 wetlands, 184, 197, 199, 201, 203, 206 military base, 5 culture, 2–3 ports, 111–113, 112 culverts, 37, 98.
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