E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2004 No. 65 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was Ghraib Prison from the Congress of the ary 20, 2004, the gentleman from Texas called to order by the Speaker pro tem- United States when he had full knowl- (Mr. DELAY) is recognized during morn- pore (Mr. PENCE). edge about it, but it is also his incom- ing hour debates. Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, this week, f petency to appreciate and understand the political firestorm that would be the House will make history, taking up DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO set off across the Islamic and Arab the first of eight components of the TEMPORE world by the humiliation that was tak- most ambitious and forward-looking The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ing place, or even the suffering and the economic agenda in a generation. For fore the House the following commu- humiliation that Americans would feel the next 8 weeks, the House will debate nication from the Speaker: when they saw these out-of-control sol- and pass legislation that will begin the diers engaging in that conduct. process of remaking our economy for WASHINGTON, DC, But it is also because he is reigning May 11, 2004. the new century. I hereby appoint the Honorable MIKE over the most incompetent and mis- Rather than treating individual pol- PENCE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this managed occupation of the country of icy initiatives in a vacuum, the Amer- day. Iraq, because his arrogance would not ican Careers Initiative takes a com- J. DENNIS HASTERT, allow him to pay attention to those prehensive approach, treating health Speaker of the House of Representatives. prestigious institutions and people who care, energy, education, taxes, regula- f had actual experience in peacekeeping tion and lawsuit abuse reform as parts and restoring democracy to countries, of a broader economic agenda. MORNING HOUR DEBATES who had done it without taking casual- For the next 2 months, the House will The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ties of American soldiers. They pushed focus on one of the eight components of ant to the order of the House of Janu- ahead with an inadequate number of the Careers Initiative each week, start- ary 20, 2004, the Chair will now recog- resources in terms of soldiers and ing tomorrow with Health Care Secu- nize Members from lists submitted by equipment; they pushed ahead with in- rity. the majority and minority leaders for adequate resources in terms of paying First, we will pass legislation to re- morning hour debates. The Chair will for this, and for the force protection, form medical malpractice liability alternate recognition between the par- his number one responsibility, the laws to protect good doctors, nurses, ties, with each party limited to not to force protection of our soldiers. and hospitals from predatory trial law- exceed 30 minutes, and each Member, Because of his actions and because of yers and their abusive lawsuits, low- his rush to war, as the Pentagon Joint except the majority leader, the minor- ering the cost of health care. Chiefs of Staff study tells us in Lessons ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- Second, we will pass the Small Busi- Learned, they failed to provide for the ited to not to exceed 5 minutes. ness Health Fairness Act, which will protection of these soldiers. More re- allow small businesses to enjoy the The Chair recognizes the gentleman cently, that failure has been translated same economies of scale now used by from California (Mr. GEORGE MILLER) by the Pentagon to say because of im- large corporations, organizations, and for 5 minutes. proper equipment for the personal pro- labor unions in their health plans. f tection of soldiers, because of the im- Third, we will make Flexible Spend- CALLING FOR THE RESIGNATION proper kind of mix of equipment in ing Accounts even more flexible, by al- OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE terms of non-armored Humvees, one lowing account owners to hold on to out of four of the casualties was unnec- some of their unspent health savings Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. essary, had we been properly prepared year to year or even roll some of that Mr. Speaker, Vice President CHENEY with the proper equipment, the train- money into a new health savings ac- has told the Nation that people ought ing, for our soldiers. One out of four of count. to get off Secretary Rumsfeld’s case the casualties was unnecessary, accord- We will do all of these things not and let him do his job. President Bush ing to the Pentagon, another reason simply because they are good health has called him ‘‘really good’’ and ‘‘su- why Secretary Rumsfeld should resign. care policies, but because they make perb’’ in the last week alone. f for greater economic policies. There are many reasons why Mr. By reducing the threat of abusive Rumsfeld should resign from his posi- HEALTH CARE AND AMERICAN lawsuits, more doctors will continue to tion as Secretary of Defense. It is not PROSPERITY see patients and thereby help to reduce just because he engaged in a cover-up The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the crisis in health care access. By al- in keeping the atrocities at the Abu ant to the order of the House of Janu- lowing small businesses to reduce the b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2735 . VerDate May 04 2004 04:24 May 12, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY7.000 H11PT1 H2736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2004 cost of employee health insurance, The Republican bill to make the 10 Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, the infa- those businesses will in turn use their percent income tax bracket permanent mous Iraqi prison photographs with savings to invest in new products and could win overwhelming, perhaps unan- which we are so familiar portray de- hire new employees. And by expanding imous, support if it were paid for. In- plorable scenes for which we will apolo- the utility of Flexible Spending Ac- stead, it would add an estimated $218 gize. I am concerned that these inap- counts, we will promote more health billion to the national debt. Our chil- propriate practices occurred, but I am care competition and help Americans dren and grandchildren will pay that further concerned regarding the double save money on their insurance costs. debt. standards that many countries apply All of these new policies will help The Democratic substitute, in con- regarding terrorism, and I will discuss break down the barriers between the trast, is paid for. Unfortunately, Re- that in detail herewith. American people and the affordable publican leaders believe that tax cuts Much attention has been directed, quality health care that they demand. are a freebie. In fact, the chairman of Mr. Speaker, against America regard- And they will also break down the bar- the House Committee on the Budget, ing the Iraqi prison matter; but com- riers between them and the thriving the gentleman from Iowa (Mr. NUSSLE), paratively speaking, little has been ex- competitive and prosperous 21st-cen- said in March, and I quote, ‘‘We don’t pressed against the terrorists. tury economy that they deserve. believe that you should have to pay for Who will apologize or express concern f tax cuts.’’ for the 9/11 attack and the 3,000 inno- It is that mathematically challenged cent lives lost? FULFILLING OUR DUTY philosophy, that denial of reality that Who will apologize for the first at- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- continues to stall negotiations on the tack to the World Trade Center and ant to the order of the House of Janu- 2005 budget. House Republicans refuse subsequent attacks upon our embassies ary 20, 2004, the gentleman from Mary- to pay for tax cuts. House Democrats, a and the U.S.S. Cole? land (Mr. HOYER) is recognized during bipartisan majority of the Senate and Who will apologize for the recent morning hour debates for 5 minutes. the chairman of the Federal Reserve, deadly explosion in Spain? Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, before I Mr. Greenspan, fully support pay-as- Who will apologize regarding hos- discuss the legislation that will be con- you-go budget rules. In fact, if my Re- tages who were mutilated and hanged sidered on the floor this week, I want publican friends missed the comment from a bridge while onlookers gleefully to comment briefly on the continuing of Chairman Greenspan last week, let applauded and laughed obscenely? revelations about the abuse of Iraqi de- me repeat it. He said, ‘‘The free lunch These questions are rhetorical, Mr. tainees in American custody and the has still not been invented.’’ Speaker, because no apologies are This week, the Republican leadership need for vigorous congressional over- forthcoming, and many do not appear will also put three health care bills on sight through full and open committee to be concerned about it. the floor, apparently in recognition of hearings. I am told that the majority of Iraqis Cover the Uninsured Week. I could not disagree with my friend, wanted Saddam removed from power, the majority leader, more when he says Today in America, the richest, most powerful Nation on the face of the but they were unwilling and were in- the idea of a congressional investiga- capable of doing the job themselves be- tion is like, and I quote, ‘‘saying we Earth, 44 million Americans do not have health insurance; and that figure cause they feared Saddam and knew need an investigation every time there has increased by 4 million since Presi- the pain and torture he was capable of is police brutality on the street.’’ inflicting upon them.
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