United States Patent 15 3,650,778 Dumesnil et al. (45) Mar. 21, 1972 (54) LOW-EXPANSION, LOW-MELTING 3,520,831 7/1970 Trap et al............................. 106/47 X ZINCPHOSPHOVANADATE GLASS 3,393,060 7/1968 Blair et al................................ 106/47 COMPOSITIONS 3,534,209 10, 1970 Anderson et al......................... 106/47 (72) Inventors: Maurice E. Dumesnil, Palo Alto; Robert R. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Hewitt, San Jose; Joseph L. Bozarth, Grossman et al., J. AM Cer. Soc. Vol. 47, (Sept., 1964) “Zinc Mountain View, all of Calif. Borophosphate Glass' page 471 (73) Assignee: Fairchild Camera and Instrument Cor Primary Examiner-Daniel E. Wyman poration, Syosset, Long Island, N.Y. Assistant Examiner-W. R. Satterfield 22) Fied: Oct. 29, 1969 Attorney-Roger S. Borovoy and Alan H. Macpherson (21) Appl. No.: 870,620 57) ABSTRACT Low-melting, low-expansion, lead-free glass compositions are 52) U.S.C. ............................... 106/47 R, 106/46, 117/125 provided for sealing ceramics parts and encapsulating ceramic 51 Int. Cl............................................................ C03c.3/00 substrates. In addition to having a thermal expansion matching 58 Field of Search................ 106/47, 48, 46; 1611196, 192; that of alumina, the glass compositions provide for the forma 252/519; 65/43; 117/125 tion of a glass-to-alumina seal in the 380 to 450° C. tempera ture range. 56) References Cited 1 Claims, 3 Drawing Figures UNITED STATES PATENTS 3,446,695 5/1969 Janakirama-Rao......................106/47 7 8 4 22 >- "l-D 5 6 2 IO Patented March 21, 1972 3,650,778 4 O F. G.2 NVENTORS O MAURCE EDUMESN ROBERT R HEWITT 0 00 200300 400 500 JOSEPH L BOZARTH TEMPERATURE OC BY %a 4 ATTORNEY 3,650,778 1. 2 Low-EXPANSION, LOW-MELTING ZINC PHOSPHOWANADATE GLASS COMPOSITIONS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a simplified cross-sectional view of an application BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION of the glass compositions wherein alumina ceramic parts are 1. Field of the Invention sealed together. This invention relates to low-melting, low-expansion glass FIG. 2 is a simplified graph illustrating the similarity compositions, and articles including such compositions as part between the linear thermal expansion of alumina and that of of their structure. In particular, this invention relates to glass one of the glass compositions of the invention. compositions that match the thermal expansion of alumina FIG. 3 is a simplified cross-sectional view of another appli ceramics, and provide for the formation of glass-to-alumina O cation of the glass compositions wherein at least one surface seals in temperatures in the 380° to 450° C. range. of an alumina ceramic substrate and semiconductor devices 2. Description of the Prior Art located thereon are encapsulated. Effort has been made in the past, without success, toward DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS providing the semiconductor industry with a chemically inert, electrically insulating glass material possessing a softening 15 The new glass compositions according to the invention are point in the 400° C. range and a thermal expansion matching selected from the lists of chemical components listed in Tables alumina ceramics (57 to 62x10 per degree centigrade). 1 through 5. These tables also indicate the percentage by Until now, low-melting glasses, known generically as solder weight of each of the chemicals of a particular composition. glasses, have contained large amounts of lead oxide to reduce For example, referring to line 5 of Table 1, a glass composition their softening points to low workable temperatures. How 20 comprises by weight percentage zinc oxide 55 percent, ever, increasing the lead content in these glasses cor vanadium pentoxide 15 percent, boron trioxide 10 percent, respondingly increases their thermal expansion coefficient to and phosphorus pentoxide 20 percent. Such a composition has a value 30 to 80 percent higher than that of alumina. There a softening point of 465 C. and a coefficient of thermal ex fore, to produce hermetic and mechanically sound seals on pansion equal to that of alumina. 25 In order to decrease the water solubility characteristic of alumina with these high lead content glasses, it has been the composition, it is preferred that the weight percentage of necessary to add to the glass, while in powder form, a low-ex vanadium pentoxide be not greater than 20 percent. pansion ceramic powder (such as 6-eucryptite, zirconia, Zir Moreover, a low vanadium pentoxide content helps reduce conium silicate) and to modify the internal structure of the the electrical leakage of the glass. glass by induced recrystallization. The presence of a multitude 30 A process of making one of the glass compositions accord of small crystals within the glass layer prevents the propaga ing to the invention comprises selecting the chemicals accord tion of surface cracks through the glassy/polycrystalline seal ing to Tables 1 through 5. The chemicals are weighed and subjected to considerable tensile stresses. A major drawback mixed, and the mixture is then transferred to a covered cruci to this method is the necessity of increasing the sealing tem ble, normally of platinum or quartz. Next, heat is applied to perature by about 100° C. above the glass softening point. Ac 35 the mixture, such as by placing the crucible in a furnace of ap cordingly, this type of seal is in general made at 530° C. For proximately 1,000 C. for about 10 minutes, or until the mix many semiconductor devices, particularly metal-oxide-silicon ture melts and forms a clear liquid. The crucible containing (MOS) and linear devices, sealing temperatures in the 530 C. the liquid is removed from the furnace and after cooling to range are too high because of the surface sensitivity of such around 500 to 800 C., the liquid is poured through a system devices and the likelihood that unwanted impurities, such as 40 of rollers, which press the composition into glass sheets. This sodium ions, will diffuse through the overlying thermal oxide glass may be delineated into preforms having a desired size to the silicon surface and detrimentally affect the device elec and shape, suitably by well-known photoresist and etching trical characteristics. processes. A particularly convenient etchant, for example, Furthermore, serious difficulties have been encountered comprises a strong solution of hydrofluoric acid, such as one because of the high water solubility of recrystallized lead 45 having a pH content of 2 or less. glasses at temperatures above 60° C. Also, lead glasses are Next, the glass preform is placed directly onto a ceramic sensitive to chemical and plating solutions, particularly solu substrate and heat is applied. Suitably, the temperature of the tions containing acids having a pH value less than 5, or bases applied heat is around 425 to 430°C., which is slightly above having a pH value greater than 9. the softening point of 400°C. The glass preform then softens, Another drawback with lead glass seals is related to the high 50 and upon removal of the heat forms a seal with the underlying neutron cross section of lead ions which causes destruction of substrate. Moreover, any interconnection leads on a device the seal when exposed to high density radiation. located on the ceramic substrate become embedded into the The drawback of lead glasses, namely, their high linear ther glass. For example, referring to FIG. 1, a pair of alumina mal expansion, hot water solubility, chemical sensitivity to ceramic parts 10 and 11 are placed above and below a acidic and basic solutions, ease of chemical reduction during 55 semiconductor device 12, the latter bonded to one of the sealing and high radiation absorbency make glass composi ceramic parts. A glass sealing material 14, selected from one tions containing lead oxide unsuitable for many semiconduc of the compositions listed in Tables 1 through 5, is located tor applications. between ceramic parts 10 and 11 and functions to bind and seal these parts together. Interconnection to the semiconduc SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 60 tor wafer 12 is provided by terminal leads 15 and 16 and wires The low-expansion, low-melting glass compositions of the 17 and 18. Portions of leads 15 and 16 are embedded in the glass material 14. Terminal leads 15 and 16 comprise material invention overcome the above shortcomings of the prior art as compatible with the glass material 14, such as Kovar or Alloy they enable a glass-to-alumina seal to be made at approxi 42. mately 400° C. and have a linear thermal expansion matching 65 The glass compositions of the invention as set out in Tables alumina. Moreover, the glass compositions provide hermetic 1 through 5 provide a suitable encapsulating material for sealing for surface sensitive semiconductor devices in alumina semiconductor devices and passive components. The close packages of large, as well as small, size. similarity between the thermal expansion of alumina and that Briefly, the invention comprises a plurality of glass composi of the glass compositions may be better appreciated by tions having four to seven types of chemical components 70 reference to FIG. 2. Curve 20 shows the typical thermal ex therein, according to weight percentage. The chemical com pansion of alumina for temperatures from about 25 to above ponents are selected from a group comprising zinc oxide, 500 C. Curve 22 indicates a typical thermal expansion of one vanadium pentoxide, boron trioxide, phosphorus pentoxide, of the glass compositions selected from Tables 1 through 5. It niobium pentoxide, tantalum pentoxide, zinc fluoride, molyb can be seen that the thermal expansion of the glass closely ap denum trioxide, bismuth trioxide, and copper oxide. 75 proximates that of alumina. 3,650,778 3 4. Because the glasses can be easily drawn into sheets as desirable than the former lead glasses for hermetically sealing described above, it is practical to place semiconductor and and packaging semiconductor devices.
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