E978 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 26, 2006 returned more than $400,000 in earned in- healthcare community through his dedication tives when a strong and competent leader was come revenue to dozens of groups. and commitment to several healthcare related needed, and at all times he was the right man As part of its mission, the Willows engages organizations. He has served on numerous for the job. He served as chairman of the Judi- youths in a variety of programs, including a healthcare related boards. He currently serves ciary Committee during a difficult time in our conservatory, a round theater arts and student as Chair of the Association of American Med- country’s history, and brought the highest level internship training program. In addition, it of- ical Colleges, and chairs the Health Care of integrity to his position. fers greatly reduced student ticket rates to en- Committee of the Los Angeles Chamber of Mr. HYDE was appointed chairman of the courage family and school attendance at live Commerce. International Relations Committee shortly be- theater. It is our distinct pleasure to ask our col- fore 9/11, where he has valiantly led us With a remarkable record of achievement in leagues to join with us in saluting Mr. Priselac through the early crucial years of the War on the past 30 years, the Willows is now focused for his outstanding achievements and to con- Terror. In his career, Chairman HYDE has on the future. Later this year, the company will gratulate him on receiving this prestigious worked diligently to protect and expand the expand its operations by opening a 220–seat award. freedoms of unborn children, to protect the cabaret-style theater in Martinez, the seat of f honored symbols of this Nation from desecra- government for Contra Costa County. Earlier tion and to protect the freedoms of citizens all this year, the company completed a 9,000 HONORING THE STUDENTS AT over the world. HALF HOLLOW HILLS HIGH square-foot production facility in Waterfront Chairman HYDE has dedicated his career in SCHOOL EAST Park in Martinez, in close proximity to the public service to ideals worthy of a great Re- 1,000-seat John Muir Amphitheater. The facil- publican, and to principles worthy of a great ity was constructed to accommodate multiple HON. STEVE ISRAEL statesman. His determination to seek truth and performances of ‘‘John Muir’s Mountain Days,’’ OF NEW YORK justice has earned him the respect of his col- a musical, commissioned by the Willows, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leagues on both sides of the aisle. based on the life of the famed preservationist Thursday, May 25, 2006 My single regret is that I only had 2 years John Muir, whose residence in Martinez is a to learn from Chairman HYDE, but those are National Historic Site. Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lessons I will carry with me throughout my ca- These activities are part of the John Muir congratulate the students from Half Hollow reer. I wish him the best of luck in all his fu- Festival Center, an educational, cultural herit- Hills High School East in Dix Hills, New York ture endeavors. age and economic development project in for their hard work in the ‘‘We the People: the Citizen and the Constitution’’ national finals. which the Willows has taken a leadership role f along with its partners—the city of Martinez, These outstanding young Americans placed the John Muir Association, the National Park fourth in this nationwide competition and I am RECOGNIZING 30 YEARS OF SERV- Service, and the Martinez Historical Society. honored to call them my constituents. ICE BY COLONEL JOHN C. COLE- On July 3, 2006, the Willows will celebrate The students, Jason Aronson, Matt MAN, USMC its 30th anniversary with a gala that includes Bauman, Jillian Bernstein, Eric Bierman, Emily a dinner and a show in the John Muir Amphi- Chen, Davina Etwarn, Leily Faridzadeh, Zach HON. DARRELL E. ISSA theater featuring the Diablo Symphony and Goldberg, Chris Green, Arun Gupta, Jennifer OF CALIFORNIA performers from past Willows Theatre produc- Kim, Praneet Korrapati, Emily Kuznick, Tia tions. Mansouri, Joshua Milber, Brooke Schachner, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I am proud to join in the celebration. Stephen Schiraldi, Dana Schwartz, Dara Seidl, Thursday, May 25, 2006 f Fauzia Shaikh, Kunaal Sharma, Kavita Vani, Alyssa Weinberg and Joshua Wohl, led by Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor the TRIBUTE TO THOMAS M. PRISELAC their teacher Scott Edwards, demonstrated a 30 years of dedicated service of Col John C. remarkable understanding of the fundamental Coleman, USMC. HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN ideals and values of American constitutional Col John C. Coleman assumed duties as Commanding Officer, Marine Corps Base, OF CALIFORNIA government. Camp Pendleton on 21 October 2005. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Also worthy of special recognition is Eileen Gerrish, the state coordinator, and Charles Colonel Coleman was born 11 February Thursday, May 25, 2006 Trupia, the district coordinator, who are among 1954 and is a native of Warner Robins, Geor- Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, we rise today those responsible for implementing the ‘‘We gia. He was commissioned through the PLC to pay tribute to our good friend, Thomas M. the People’’ program in my district. Program following graduation from the Virginia Priselac, President and CEO of Cedars-Sinai Their success in the competition is also a Military Institute in May of 1976. Since com- Health System. Mr. Priselac has held the posi- testament to the excellent teachers at Half missioning, he has completed seven tours of tion of President and CEO since January Hollow Hills East High School and elsewhere duty in the Corps’ operating forces, two in the 1994, and has helped transform Cedars-Sinai on Long Island. supporting establishment, and two with the Heath System into one of the premier pro- I offer my congratulations on their success joint community. viders of heath services, graduate and con- and commend these students on their dedica- As a Company Grade Officer, Colonel Cole- tinuing medical education services, and med- tion to the study of the Constitution and the man served tours of duty with 2nd Battalion, ical research. He has proven himself to be a Bill of Rights. 1st Marines, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, and strong leader who gets impressive results. We f with 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Assignments are pleased that he will be honored by B’Nai during these tours included Rifle Platoon Com- B’Rith International with the prestigious Na- TRIBUTE TO CHAIRMAN HENRY J. mander, 81mm Mortar Platoon Commander, tional Healthcare Award on June 5, 2006. HYDE Company Executive Officer, Assistant Bat- Mr. Priselac began his career in healthcare talion Operations Officer, H&S Company Com- after receiving his Bachelor degree in Biology HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL mander, Rifle Company Commander, Weap- from Washington and Jefferson College in OF TEXAS ons Company Commander, and Rifle Com- Pennsylvania and his Masters in Public Health IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pany Inspector/Instructor. In addition to these from the University of Pittsburgh. He began assignments, he served in the supporting es- his career at Montefiore Hospital in Pittsburgh Thursday, May 25, 2006 tablishment as the Training Support Officer, as a member of the executive staff. In 1979, Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Officer Candidate School, and as a Company he began working at Cedars-Sinai. He was honor a man who has for the past 31 years Grade Monitor, Headquarters Marine Corps. appointed to the role of Executive Vice Presi- brought honesty, integrity and distinction to As a Field Grade Officer, Colonel Coleman dent in 1988, which he fulfilled for six years this Chamber, to his party and to the people served tours of duty with 1st Battalion, 2nd prior to being appointed President and CEO. of Sixth District of Illinois. I consider myself Marines, 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, 2nd and During his tenure at Cedars-Sinai, Mr. Priselac fortunate to have my congressional career 6th Marine Regimental Headquarters, 1st and has turned it into one of our nation’s finest overlap with his, even if only for one term. 2nd Marine Division Headquarters, and I Ma- healthcare establishments. At several points throughout Chairman rine Expeditionary Force Headquarters. As- In addition to his work at Cedars, Mr. HYDE’s career, he served in a position of lead- signments during these tours included Bat- Priselac makes many contributions to the ership within the U.S. House of Representa- talion Operations Officer, Battalion Executive VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:32 May 27, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25MY8.058 E26MYPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS May 26, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E979 Officer, Regimental Operations Officer, Assist- PERSONAL EXPLANATION seized Herresbach, Belgium, during this fierce ant Division Personnel Officer, Battalion Com- action of the Battle of the Bulge. Due to his mander, MEF (Fwd) Operations Officer, Divi- HON. JIM GERLACH aggressive, fearless and superior leadership, sion Operations Officer, and Regimental Com- OF PENNSYLVANIA Lt. James Megellas inspired his men to excel. mander. In addition to these assignments, he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After serving 4 years as a rifle platoon lead- completed two joint tours. The first of these er during World War II, including many combat was with U.S. Central Command serving in Thursday, May 25, 2006 jumps into Italy and Holland, Megellas left the the J–3, Command Control, and then Joint Ex- Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, during consid- active Army and served for 16 years in the ercise Division.
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