Wordlist Focus 4 (A-Z) Word Page Part of Pronunciation German French Italian Example speech 3D perception 18 n phr ˌθriːˈdiː pəˌsepʃən 3D-Wahrnehmung percezione Dominance of the left hemisphere enables left-handers to be better at 3D tridimensionale perception. a bottle of mouthwash 8 n phr ə ˌbɒtl əv ˈmaʊθwɒʃ eine Flasche Mundwasser flacon de solution pour un flacone di colluttorio This bottle of mouthwash is past its sell-by date. bain de bouche a bowl of sweets 9 n phr ə ˌbəʊl əv ˈswiːts eine Schale mit bol pour confiseries et una ciotola di dolcetti Before the show I just need cheese, a bowl of sweets and some water. Süßigkeiten bonbons a can of energy drink 8 n phr ə ˌkæn əv ˈenədʒi eine Dose Energiedrink canette de boisson una lattina di bevanda I always have a can of energy drink before an exam. drɪŋk énergétique energetica a couple of 46 pron ə ˈkʌpəl əv ein paar, einige, zwei deux ou trois, deux un paio di Get a couple of bin bags and put the rest in there. a great deal of 46 det ə ˌɡreɪt ˈdiːl əv viel beaucoup molto, parecchio I’ve noticed that a great deal of furniture has been delivered next door. a jar of anti-ageing 8 n phr ə ˌdʒɑːr əv ˌænti ein Tiegel Anti-Ageing- pot de crème anti-âge un vasetto di crema anti- Can you imagine? My mum has just spent 100 pounds on a small jar of cream ˈeɪdʒɪŋ ˌkriːm Creme età anti-ageing cream. a matter of time 95 n phr ə ˌmætər əv ˈtaɪm eine Frage der Zeit une question de temps questione di tempo It’s just a matter of time. a number of 46 det ə ˈnʌmbər əv mehrere, einige certaines una serie di You’ve had a number of opportunities to tidy your room but you haven’t, and now the very cool new friend you like is coming round. a pack of chewing 66 n phr ə ˌpæk əv ˈtʃuːɪŋ ɡʌm ein Päckchen Kaugummis un paquet de gomme à un pacchetto di gomme It was a pack of chewing gum, which is now a museum exhibit, together gum mâcher da masticare with the scanner used. a packet of crisps 8 n phr ə ˌpækət əv ˈkrɪsps eine Tüte Chips un paquet de chips un pacchetto di patatine I had sandwich and a packet of crisps for lunch. a pair of trainers 8 n phr ə ˌpeər əv ˈtreɪnəz ein Paar Joggingschuhe, und paire de baskets un paio di scarpe da I bought a pair on new trainers yesterday, but I want to take them back to Sportschuhe ginnastica the shop. a range of products 55 det ə ˌreɪndʒ əv ˈprɒdʌkts ein Produktsortiment une gamme de produits una gamma di prodotti Junk Shop UK is the place to snap up a bargain from a range of vintage jewellery and sustainable fashion. a tube of toothpaste 8 n phr ə ˌtjuːb əv ˈtuːθpeɪst eine Tube Zahnpasta un tube de dentifrice un tubetto di dentifricio There are a few clever ways to squeeze out every last drop from a tube of toothpaste. 1 Word Page Part of Pronunciation German French Italian Example speech abandon 74 v əˈbændən im Stich lassen abandonner abbandonare She accused them of abandoning her when she had turned eighteen and refusing to fund her college education. abduct 31 v əbˈdʌkt entführen enlever rapire But whether the ships and planes were destroyed by storms or abducted by aliens, it is a fact that numerous ships, planes and people have disappeared without explanation. abduction 31 n əbˈdʌkʃən Entführung enlèvement rapimento A number of books have been written about the abduction of the aviator Charles Lindbergh’s baby. abilities 109 n əˈbɪlətiz Fähigkeiten compétences, capacités competenze, capacità Try to invent something that shows your scientific abilities. ability 103 n əˈbɪləti Fähigkeit capacité, possibilité abilità, capacità Well, I suppose the ability to have conversations with our machines will make a big difference. abolish 11 v əˈbɒlɪʃ abschaffen abolir abolire During his presidency, Abraham Lincoln had slavery abolished. abroad 6 adv əˈbrɔːd im Ausland à l'étranger all'estero If only I lived abroad. absorbingly 73 adv əbˈzɔːbɪŋli interessant, fesselnd de manière captivante, in modo avvincente The magazines depicted lives so absorbingly at variance with our own. fascinante accept WS 10 v əkˈsept annehmen accepter accettare In the end, they accepted me as an apprentice, but the interviewer advised me to prepare better for any future interview. accept an invitation 38 v phr əkˌsept ən ˌɪnvəˈteɪʃən eine Einladung annehmen accepter une invitation accettare un invito Maria accepted Niko’s invitation to a candlelit dinner, which made him really happy. acceptable 91 adj əkˈseptəbəl akzeptabel, annehmbar acceptable accettabile Some people claim we should always tell the truth, while others feel there are times when it is acceptable to lie. access information 101 v phr ˌækses ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən auf Information zugreifen accéder aux informations accedere alle informazioni I can access information about how someone made me feel the first time I met him or her. access to something 16 n ˈækses tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ Zugang zu etwas accès à accesso a qualcosa In 1999 Dr Sugata Mitra set up an experiment with children living in slums who didn’t have access to good teachers. accessibility 104 n əkˌsesəˈbɪləti Verfügbarkeit accessibilité accessibilità In other words, when it comes to accessibility, information is no longer only for the privileged. accessible 24 adj əkˈsesəbəl zugänglich abordable, accessible accessibile If you want a book that makes science more accessible, I can recommend Bill Bryson’s ‘A Short History of Nearly Everything’. accommodation 41 n əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən Unterkunft logement alloggio Nightlife is affordable, as is accommodation and transport. accomplishment 123 n əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt Leistung, Erfolg réussite, accomplissement traguardo, risultato She needed a number of accomplishments to achieve their ambition. according to 41 prep əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə gemäß, zufolge selon, en fonction de secondo, in base a The Youthful Cities Index have ranked the biggest cities in the world according to how youth-friendly they are. Accountancy 76 n əˈkaʊntənsi Rechnungswesen comptabilité contabilità Many students decide that a more practical degree, in Accountancy or Engineering, for example, is a safer option. accountant 68 n əˈkaʊntənt Buchalter/in comptable contabile, ragioniere/-a An accountant keeps and checks financial accounts and calculates taxes. accuracy 104 n ˈækərəsi Richtigkeit, Genauigkeit précision, exactitude accuratezza Since much of the information online is generated by users, there are few checks on accuracy. 2 Word Page Part of Pronunciation German French Italian Example speech accurately 15 adv ˈækjərətli genau avec précision accuratamente The witness could describe the suspects accurately after seeing them for only a few seconds. accusation 116 n ˌækjəˈzeɪʃən Beschuldigung, accusation accusa Not only are you making ridiculous accusations, but you don’t even know Anschuldigung the basic facts! accuse somebody of 62 v phr əˌkjuːz ˌsʌmbɒdi əv jmd. beschuldigen, etwas accuser qn. de faire qc. accusare qualcuno di fare We had bought some drinks and were enjoying ourselves when the doing something ˈduːɪŋ ˌsʌmθɪŋ zu tun qualcosa manager of the café approached our table and accused us of being too noisy. accustomed to 32 adj əˈkʌstəmd tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ gewöhnt an etwas avoir l'habitute de faire essere abituato a Firstborns, who are accustomed to accepting rules, are better-behaved at something qc., être habitué à qualcosa school. achieve 59 v əˈtʃiːv erreichen atteindre ottenere Distressed jeans are increasingly popular and to achieve this look – the jeans are blasted with sand. achieve your ambition 123 v phr əˌtʃiːv jər æmˈbɪʃən sein Ziel erreichen, réaliser son ambition realizzare le proprie She needed a number of accomplishments to achieve their ambition. verwirklichen ambizioni acid rain 110 n ˌæsəd ˈreɪn saurer Regen les pluies acides pioggia acida Thirty-three percent of toxic contaminants in oceans come from air pollution such as acid rain and debris blown from landfills. across 45 prep əˈkrɒs quer über à travers in, attraverso Those who have visited the space station can look at it shooting across the sky at night. act 114 n ækt Gesetz loi legge The Aboriginal Protection Act of 1869 gave the government powers over the lives of Aboriginal people. act of violence 94 n phr ˌækt əv ˈvaɪələns Gewalttat acte de violence atto di violenza At the age of sixteen, Laurel witnesses an act of shocking violence committed by her mother, Dorothy. act older than your 32 v phr ˌækt ˌəʊldə ðən jər durch sein Verhalten viel agir de façon plus mature comportarsi in modo più Only children, who spend more time with adults, will often act older than age ˈeɪdʒ älter wirken, als man ist maturo della propria età their age. act your age 34 v phr ˌækt jər ˈeɪdʒ sich altersgemäß agir selon son âge comportarsi da persona ‘Be responsible and act your age … but be home by 9 p.m.!’ verhalten matura activity tracker 100 n ækˈtɪvəti ˌtrækə Gerät, das die Aktivität capteur d'activité dispositivo per il Sixty-one percent of all devices in the wearable technology market are aufzeichnet monitoraggio dell'attività activity or fitness trackers. fisica actual 106 adj ˈæktʃuəl derzeitig, tatsächlich actual, réel, vrai reale, effettivo I know Germany won, but I can’t tell you the actual score. actually 60 adv ˈæktʃuəli eigentlich, tatsächlich en fait in realtà The birthday party was a bit of a disaster, actually. adapt 53 v əˈdæpt anpassen adapter adattare, modificare Not every cave home can be adapted by the owner to suit their own tastes. addict 96 n ˈædɪkt Süchtige/r drogué/e, toxicomane tossicodipendente Withdrawal symptoms experienced by young people deprived of gadgets and technology is similar to those felt by drug addicts who need their drugs.
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