Repothe RteR The official publication of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers, AFL-CIO OCT - DEC 2010 Volume 49 | Number 4 Pressley elected Industrial Sector IVP Warren Fairley continues to serve as IVP for Southeast Section BY A MAJORITY vote of the Inter- national Executive Council (IEC), TWo coNdenser moduLeS round Manhattan and pass the Brooklyn Bridge on their way to the Astoria Energy project site. Story on PG. 14 James A. Pressley has been elected International Vice President-at- Large, Industrial Sector Operations (ISO), effective Oct. 28. l-7’s Bogue wins national In his new role, IVP Pressley will support the regional IVPs in their apprentice competition servicing of lodges with members in L-502’s Nordstrom places non-construction industries (ship- second; Northeast contestants building, railroad, cement, stove, take team honors metal, mining, boiler shop, forging, and manufacturing). Pressley’s role GRADUATE APPRENTICE as ISO Executive Director has been Michael Bogue, Local 7 (Buffalo, elevated to an IVP position. He will N.Y.), won first place at the 23rd also retain his position as Director of annual Boilermakers’ National Administrative Affairs of the Interna- Outstanding Apprenticeship Com- tional President. petition, held Sept. 26-30 at Local IVP Warren Fairley, who will 7’s training center in Orchard Park. remain IVP for the Southeast Section, Western States apprentice C. Eric explained, “Jim Pressley is uniquely Nordstrom, Local 502 (with offices qualified to represent industrial in Puyallup, Wash.), took sec- sector lodges. This change ensures ond. Team honors went to Bogue that both the Southeast Section and Jeffrey Nasta, Local 5 Zone 5 and lodges in the Industrial Sec- LocaL 7’S mIchaeL boGue shows his enthusiasm after being named the top U.S. see BNAP, pg. 11 see PRESSLEY, pg. 4 Boilermaker graduate apprentice for 2010. 565 te eporter thIS ISSuE r INSIDE , Sui E Union Plus L-580 apprentice wins nu E helps L-60 y, KS 66101 y, v T a welding contests member Ci te S L-128 member a a T S 10 enjoys Survivor the Boilermaker Kan 753 S 15 experience 18 ThE BOilErmaker RepOrter 2 OCT-DEC 2010 HEADLINe nEWS National tripartite conference marks 25th year moST announces announced it would suspend efforts marketing initiative to secure nearly $8 billion in federal NATIONAL TRIPARTITE ALLIANCE loan guarantees for a new unit at partners attending the annual con- Calvert Cliffs after failing to reach ference in Myrtle Beach, S.C., Oct. agreement with the Department of 10-15, celebrated a quarter century Energy on loan fees. And in New of cooperation and progress. Citing Brunswick, the $1.4 billion refur- the milestone in his opening remarks, bishing of NB Power’s Point Lepreau Intl. Pres. Newton B. Jones asked, nuclear power plant has been pushed “What other labor/contractor/ back for technical reasons. owner relationship can you point to Ballooning project costs, schedule that has endured so long and accom- overruns, and public opposition to plished so much?” He said the tripar- nuclear energy remain major hurdles consultant brad bradFord discusses PeTer deQuattro, president and CEo to new plant construction. Despite tite gathering “is more than an annual the new MoSt marketing program. of Prairie State Generating Co., describes a meeting; it is a relationship that is massive new coal plant his firm will operate. those concerns, Hawthorne said that clearly in our best interests.” worldwide “there is a massive amount MOST Administrator Bill Palmi- ers and contractors, and enhance the from Local 363 (East St. Louis, Ill.) of the population with no access to sano noted that the tripartite rela- skills of tradesmen, those programs and other lodges across the country. electricity,” and many countries are tionship held a special significance have not received the exposure they Boilermakers are projected to work considering nuclear energy, especially to the late International President deserve. about five million man-hours on in India and China. He said China is Emeritus Charles W. Jones, who Bradford presented promotional the job constructing air quality con- currently completing an average of passed away April 5, 2010, after video clips that include testimonials trol equipment, SCRs, dry precipita- one coal-fired unit a week and four more than half a century of service. from Boilermakers, contractors, and tors, wet precipitators, wet scrubbers, nuclear plants a year. “There are many of us in this room owners about the benefits of MOST and tanks. Expertise and leadership in nuclear today, including myself, because of programs. Produced in conjunction DeQuattro said Boilermakers energy “is…moving away from North him. He was the architect of MOST with Martin Public Relations, the “have been the key to our success on America,” he stated. [a labor-management trust fund] video is part of a strategy that also will this project. The scope of work being ePa official discusses which has set the standard for the include Web site development, pro- executed by the Boilermakers is big, new air standards construction industry. He knew the motional CDs, and print materials. it’s important, and it’s critical path.” ROB BRENNER, AN official with significance of this annual meet- boilermakers shine in largest Boilermakers will perform about the Environmental Protection ing with his Boilermakers, his con- coal plant project 70,000 tube welds, complete numer- Agency, discussed new air stan- tractors, and his owners — the ous heavy lifts, and construct over PETER DEQUATTRO, president dards that will affect the electric util- tripartite.” Palmisano led the confer- eight million gallons of tank capacity and chief executive officer of Prai- ity industry as well as factories and ence in a moment of silence for “C.W.” during the project. rie State Generating Co., presented refineries that use industrial boilers. and presented a video tribute in a virtual tour of the largest coal plant Nuclear power in North america Brenner is the director of policy and his honor. still faces hurdles currently being built in the United analysis for the EPA’s Office of Air As the conference unfolded, par- States. The $5 billion Prairie State and Radiations. ticipants heard presentations across WHILE DOZENS OF nuclear Energy Campus, located in south- a spectrum of topics: a new MOST power plants are being built around ern Illinois, about 50 miles east of marketing program, coal and nuclear the world, prospects for a nuclear St. Louis, is being constructed atop energy projects, environmental resurgence in the United States a new coal mine and includes two issues, economic and political chal- and Canada remain dim, according supercritical 800-MW units with lenges, the Boilermaker Delivery to Duncan Hawthorne, president advanced environmental systems. System, industry best practices, and and CEO of Bruce Power, and a fre- Now about 50 percent complete, other areas. quent speaker at Boilermaker tripar- the project is being managed by Consultant Brad Bradford, chair- tite conferences. Bechtel Power Corp. and is being man of the MOST Marketing Hawthorne noted two recent constructed with 100 percent union Committee, introduced a new mar- announcements, one in the United labor. Signatory contractors Bab- keting initiative. He stressed that States and the other in Canada, that cock and Wilcox, Sterling Boiler, and while MOST has long led the indus- highlight the obstacles to nuclear Fisher Tank, are employing a total of try in programs that cut cost for own- energy expansion in North America. nearly 1,000 Boilermakers at peak In Maryland, Constellation Energy bruce PoWer’S duNcaN hawthorNe reports on the status of nuclear power. the OCT - DEC 2010 Volume 49, Number 4 NEwtoN B. Jones EditoriAl StAFF the Boilermaker reporter is the official publication Web site: www.boilermakers.org International President and Editor-in-Chief donald Caswell of the international Brotherhood of Boilermakers, CanadaPost Agreement : PM 41892512 williAM t. CrEEdEN Managing Editor iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers, and Helpers, AFl-CIO. it is published quarterly to disseminate infor- PoStMAStEr: Send address changes to: International Secretary-Treasurer Carol Almond mation of use and interest to its members. Submis- iNtErNAtioNAl ViCE PresidENtS Assistant to the Managing Editor sions from members, local lodges, and subordinate [email protected] Mike linderer or affiliated bodies are welcomed and encouraged. the Boilermaker reporter J. tom Baca, Western States 753 State Avenue, Suite 565 warren Fairley, Southeast Writer and Editor this publication is mailed free of charge to active members and retired members holding a retired Kansas City, KS 66101 Joe Maloney, Western Canada Mary Echols Members Card. others may subscribe for the price (913) 371-2640; FAX (913) 281-8110 lawrence McManamon, Great Lakes Publications Specialist of $10 for three years. Standard Mail (A) postage paid Sean Murphy, Northeast at Kansas City, Kan., and additional mailing offices. Ed Power, Eastern Canada iSSN No. 1078-4101. Printed in the U.S.A. James A. Pressley, Industrial Sector an award-winning newspaper ThE BOilErmaker RepOrter headline NeWS OCT-DEC 2010 3 “The BDS is intended to build Arc, drug testing, and safety training. a better Boilermaker, build a better “This is a time to catch our breath,” system for us to be able to track and he said, “and to make the necessary understand how we’re doing,” he said. changes for the future.” He cited refer- “We’ll have realtime reports available ral rule modernization and the new for Boilermakers nationwide.” Boilermaker Delivery System as the Jobs, hours “will come back,” kind of changes that will prepare says NACBE’s bell the alliance partners for a revival of the industry. NACBE PRESIDENT WENDELL “When we come out the other side Bell (vice chairman and CEO of of this current economy, it will get Enerfab), encouraged conference better,” he said.
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