SUPPLEME3NT TO THE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL. LONDON: SATURDAY, APRIL 20TH, 1907. CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE MATTERS REFERRED TO DIVISIONS: South-Eastern of Ireland Branch . 202 NOTICES OF MOTION ... ... ... ... ... 197 South Wales and Monmouthshire Branch . 202 MEETINGS OF BRANCHES AND DIVISIONS: ASSOCIATION NOTICES.-1907 Annual General Meeting- Cape of Good Hope, Eastern Province Branclh: East London Annual Representative Meeting ... ... 202 Division .. ... ... ... 198 Cape of Good Hope, Eastern Province Branch: Grahamstown METROPOLITAN COUNTIES BRANCH: HAMPSTEAD DIVI- Division ... ... .. ... 198 SION.-The Kilburn Provident Medical Institute: W. Dorset and West Hants Branch : Bournemouth Division ... 199 Winslow Hall, M.D. ... ... ... ... ... 203 East Anglian Branch ... ... ... ... 199 Dundee Branch .. .. ... ... 199 NAVAL AND MILITARY APPOINTMENTS ... ... 204 Edinburgh Branch: Southern Division ... 199 South-Eastern Counties Division ... 200 VITAL STATISTICS ... ... ... ... ... 205 Lancashire and Cheshire and Northt Wales Branches ... 200 VACANCIES AND APPOINTMENTS ... ... ... 206 Lancashire and Cheshire Branch : Altrincham Division ... 201 Blackburn Division ... 201 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS ... ... ... 207 Rochdale Division ... 201 DIARY FOR THE WEEK... ... ... ... ... 207 Metropolitan Counties Branch: Lambeth Division .. .. 201 Wandsworth Division ... 201 BOOKS, ETC., RECEIVED ... ... ... 207 South Eastern Branch: Brighton Division .*. ... ... 201 CALENDAR ... ... ... ... ... ... 208. SPECIAL NOTICE TO MEMBERS. Every member-ls requested to prserve this " Supplement," which oon- tamne matters apeolaiiy reolerred to Divislons, until the subjeots have been disoussed by the Division to whloh he belongs. BY ORDER. the Royal Navy Medical Service, the Royal Army Medical Service, and 1he Indian Medical Service, MATTERS REFERRED TO DIVISIONS. provided that in each case such medical officer shall not have retired from the active list more than five years previously. ANNUAL REPRESENTATIVE MEETING AT 2. Mode of Election of Members of Sounoll by Branches, EXETER. That By-law 25 be amended to read as follows: SATURDAY, JULY 27TH, AND FOLLOWING DAYS. The elective Members of Council shall be elected by voting papers sent to each elector by post. Can- didates may be nominated by any Division of a Branch or by such number of mombers as the rules NOTICES OF MOTION. of the Branch may prescribe. Nominations shall be sent, in writing, to the Secretary of the Branch on THE following notices of motion have been received or before an appointed day, of which not less than for discussion by the Annual Representative Meeting fourteen days' notice shall have been given by him in the BRITISH MEDICAL JOuRNAL. The names o,f of the Association, to be held at Exeter, July 27th, all candidates so nominated shall be placed in a list which it shall be the duty of the Secretary to 1907, and following days. circulate to every member of the Branch. In any case in which Branches are grouped for re- ASSOCIATION REGULATIONS. presentation on the Council, the above provisions ALTERATIONS PROPOSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE shall be carried out as though the Branches so grouped formed one Branch, and it shall be the ASSOCIATION. duty of the Secretary of the Branch having the- largest membership to carry out the requirements. A.-PROPOSED AMENDMENTS OF BY-lA WS. of the By-law. 1. Representation of the Servioes on the Council. That By-law 23 be amended to read as follows: 3. Naval and Military Commiftee. The Council shall come into office on the first day of That By-law 41, paragraph 5, be amended by the the Annual Meeting, and shall be composed of the omission of the last sentence-namely, " Such Committee Officers and ex-Officer named as Members of the to include the Representative Members of these Services Council, ex offcio, in Article XXXVIII of the fore- who are on the Council." going Regulations, together with the Members duly elected or appointed by the Branches and other The By-law as amended to read as follows: bodies authorized by the By-laws to elect or appoint A Royal Naval and Military Committee, not exceeding Members of the Council, and of Members annually nine in number (three to form a quorum) shall be- co-opted by the Council in manner hereinafter pro- appointed by the Council, to which shall be referred vided. The Council may also elect, if it think fit, all matters relating to the Royal Navy Medical at any of its meetings all or any one of the fol- Service, the Army Medical Service, the Indian, lowing, namely: One medical officer on the active Medical.Service, and the Medical Organization of or -retired list of each of the following services- the Auxiliary Forces. (I 57) SUPLIPILMUT TO TEU 198 I3AITIM XRDCAL 1')TUAL J MEETINGS OF BRANCHES AND DIVISIONS. [APRIL 20, 19", 4. Irish Oommittee. That By-law 41 (12) be amended to read as follows: An Irish Committee, consisting of the Irish members Iteetintz .f 3raudhes & bi5iLmn. of the Central Council, one Secretary from each Irish Branch, one member elected by each Branch, [TAe proceedings of the Division and Branches of the who in the case of the Leinster and Ulster Branches shall be a member not resident in Dublin or A8sociation relating to Scientific and Clinical Medicine, Belfast, and not more than three members co-opted when reported by the Honorary Secretaries, are published by the Committee to represent districts which are in the body of the JOURNAL.] not otherwise represented thereon. If the Secre- tary of any Branch be also a member of the Central Council, the said Branch shall have power to elect CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, EASTERN PROVINCE, an additional member of the Committee. It shall BRANCH: have a Secretary, resident in Ireland, and shall EAST LONDON DIVISION. meet at such place and time as the Committee may THE usual ordinary meeting was held on March 8th in the itself direct, and shall report to the Council on any Frere Hospital. There was a good attendance. matters specially concerning Ireland. Complimentary Member.-Dr. Hagemann, of East London, a newcomer, was elected a complimentary member. OddfeUows.-A letter from the Oddfellows was read in B.-PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES. which they agreed to the terms of the British Medical Arrears of Subseription. Association. By the COUNCIL OP THE ASSOCIATION: Dispenwing of Medicines for Friendly Societies.-The East That the necessary steps be taken in due course to London Chemists'Association wrote requesting the British amend as follows: Medical Association members to leave the question of the Article VIII dispensing of medicines for friendly societies and for the Insert in the last line but three, between the words Harbour Board in the hands of the Chemists' Association. " given " and " previous," the words " one calendar It was decided to acknowledge the Chemists' Association's month's," and delete the words " on or before the letters, and to say that this question had already been let December in the current year." looked into and settled in favour of the doctors taking on the contract of dispensing prescriptions, and that it was too late now to reopen the matter. ALTERATIONS PROPOSED BY3DIVISIONS AND BRANCHES. Formation of an East London Branch,-It was agreed Order of Business of Annual Representative Meeting. that the forming of an East London Branch should be BY the KENSINGTON DIVIsIoN (Metropolitan Counties taken in hand at once. Branch): Reading of Papers by Members.-At Dr. RoULSTON'S sug- To amend By-law 20 to read as follows: gestion it was decided that members should be asked to The first daily session . Annual read papers at the meetings. After some discussion it was General Meeting. The Chairman shall be elected decided that each member should read a paper in turn, for a period of three years, and the first business of though it would be optional for the member to decline. the session shall be (when necessary) to elect the The order in which members should be called on was Chairman of Representative Meetings and also one decided by ballot. Vice-Chairman. The next business shall be to Medical Fees.-Dr. NANGLE wished to discuss medical determine the order in which the various matters fees. As this subject had been thoroughly talked out, and placed upon the Agenda ehall be taken. the views expressed formulated into resolutions which There shall be two Vice-Chairmen, one of whom were formally passed some time ago, he was asked to call shall be elected each year to hold office for two a special meeting, at which only would it be possible years. The Chairman and the two Vice:Chairmen, constitutionally to make alterations in the rules. together with a member of the Central Council, and Papers, etc.-Dr. TANNOCK then read an illuminating elected by the Council, and the General Secretary, paper on gastro-enteritis, after which every one present shall form a permanent Committee to arrange the joined in a discussion. Dr. HILL ArrKEN demonstrated business of the Representative Meetings. the use of the stereoscope in the study of anatomy. Mr. The minutes of each Representative Meeting THIN (Edinburgh) had kindly sent out specimen plates of shall be forwarded to the Council by the Chairman. Waterston's Stereoscopic Atlas of Anatomy. Votes of Thanks.-Votes of thanks were accorded Dr. 'AMENDMENT OF BY-LAW 21. Tannock and Dr. Hill Aitken. It seemed to be the idea of some of the members that a reference copy of such a Voting at Representative Meetings. work as the Stereoscopic Atlas of Anatomy might be sub- By the KENSINGTON DIVISION (Metropolitan Counties for the members. Branch): scribed amongst To amend By-law 21 to read as follows: The Representative of a Division or of a group of Divi- GRAHAMSTOWN DIVISION. sions shall be entitled to vote. Voting shall be by A REGULAR meeting of the Grabamstown Division was show of hands, but when the majority is not more held at the Albany General Hospital at 8 p.m.
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