COLORADO PARKS & WILDL I F E State of Colorado Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan Invasive Species Program cpw.state.co.us The Colorado Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan is part of a multi-jurisdictional collaborative efort to prevent and contain aquatic nuisance species to avoid or mitigate negative impacts to natural resources, outdoor recreation, and the water infrastructure of the state. Colorado Parks and Wildlife is providing coordination for the implementation of this plan, and together with their partners, are providing implementation guidance and oversight. ALL PHOTOS © CPW INVASIVE SPECIES PROGRAM UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. COVER: LONG DRAW RESERVOIR; INSETS: RUSTY CRAYFISH © GENE SEAGLE; EURASIAN WATERMILFOIL © DOUG YOUNGERS; QUAGGA MUSSELS © ELIZABETH BROWN DESIGN SERVICES PROVIDED BY STATE OF COLORADO/INTEGRATED DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS Table of Contents List of Figures 5 Acronyms 5 Executive Summary 7 Introduction 9 Program History 9 ANS Management Actions 13 Sampling and Monitoring 13 Watercraf Inspection and Decontamination (WID) 14 Te Regional WID Data Sharing System 16 Information and Outreach 17 Plan Purpose 17 Plan Development 18 Public Involvement and Preliminary Comments 19 Geographic Scope 20 Prioritizing Management Actions—Science Based Risk Analysis 22 Risk of Introduction of Zebra or Quagga Mussels by Recreational Watercraf, 2018 22 Risk of Establishment of Zebra or Quagga Mussels 22 Problem Defnition and ANS of Concern 24 Previous ANS Detections and Management in Colorado 24 Asian clam (Corbicula fuminea) 24 Brazilian egeria (Egeria densa) 24 Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) 24 New Zealand Mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) 24 Rusty Crayfsh (Faxonius rusticus) 24 Water fea (Daphnia lumholtzi) 25 Water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) 25 Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) and Quagga Mussel (Dreissena bugensis) 25 Recent ANS Challenges 27 Impacts from Aquatic Nuisance Species 27 ANS of Concern to Colorado 28 Aquatic Nuisance Animals 28 Aquatic Nuisance Species—Plants 30 Pathways of Introduction 32 Boating 32 Boat Dealers, Marinas, and Marine Service Providers 33 Angling 33 Fishing Tournaments 33 Fish Bait Release 33 Illicit Stocking 34 Aquaculture 34 Aquarium and Pet Release 34 Schools and Classrooms 35 State of Colorado Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan 1 Table of Contents (continued) Organisms in Trade—Nursery, Garden Centers, Pet Stores, and Aquaria 35 Professional Activities and Construction 35 Scuba Divers 36 Hunters and Outdoor Enthusiasts 36 Firefghting Activities and Equipment 36 ANS Management Methods 37 Existing Authorities and Programs 37 State Government 37 Colorado Department of Natural Resources 38 CPW Legal Authority for ANS 38 Colorado Department of Agriculture 42 Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment (CDPHE) 43 Colorado State Patrol (CSP) 43 Federal Legal Authority 44 Federal Government 46 United States Department of Agriculture—United States Forest Service 46 Department of Defense—U S Army Corps of Engineers 46 United States Department of Commerce—National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association 46 United States Environmental Protection Agency 47 United States Department of the Interior (DOI) 47 DOI—Bureau of Indian Afairs 47 DOI—Bureau of Land Management 47 DOI—U S Bureau of Reclamation 47 DOI—U S Fish and Wildlife Service 48 DOI—National Park Service 48 DOI— United States Geological Survey (USGS) 48 Regional and National Organizations 48 Te Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance species (WRP) 48 Te Western Invasive Species Coordinating Efort 48 Western Governors Association 49 Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 49 Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 49 Te Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force 49 Local Governments 50 Recreational User Groups and Industry Members 50 Non-Governmental Organizations 50 Other Invasive Species Management Plans 50 Colorado Parks and Wildlife 50 Colorado Department of Agriculture 50 Western Regional Panel on ANS 51 Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force 51 National Invasive Species Council 51 2 State of Colorado Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan Management Plan Goal 51 Management Plan Objectives, Strategies, and Actions 52 Objective 1—Ensure efective and consistent implementation of the Plan 52 Objective 2—Prevent and contain introductions through managing human vectors, pathways of introduction, and spread 53 Objective 3—Improve the capacity to implement rapid response for new ANS 54 Objective 4—Survey and monitor waters of the state for aquatic invasive species 55 Objective 5—Evaluate, improve and expand upon the current statewide informational and educational ANS campaigns 55 Objective 6—Identify and support research on ANS including surveying, monitoring, control, eradication, and education 56 Priorities for Action 57 Acronyms for Implementation Table 57 Implementation Table 58 Rapid Response Strategy 65 I Incident 66 II Confrmation and Notifcation: ANS are Reported or Detected in Colorado 66 III Establish Incident Command 66 IV Rapid Assessment 67 V Response 67 VI Plan 67 VII Implement, Monitor, Evaluation 68 Gaps and Challenges 68 Climate Change and Invasive Species 69 Plan Review 71 Conclusion 71 Literature Cited 72 Glossary 73 Appendix 74 Appendix A—Acknowledgments 74 Appendix B—Preliminary Comments from the ANSTF 76 Appendix C—ANS Positive Waters List 92 Appendix D—Species Descriptions 94 Rusty Crayfsh (Faxonius rusticus) 94 Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and Quagga Mussels (Dreissena bugensis) 94 New Zealand Mudsnails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) 96 Fishhook Waterfea (Cercopagis pengoi) and Spiny Waterfea (Bythotrephes longimanus) 96 State of Colorado Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan 3 Table of Contents (continued) Aquatic Nuisance Plants—Primary Species of Concern 97 African elodea (Lagarosiphon major) 97 Brazilian elodea (Egeria densa) 98 Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) 99 Giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta) 99 Water Hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) 100 Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) 100 Parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) 101 Yellow foating heart (Nymphoides peltata) 101 Appendix E—CDA’s Noxious Weed List 102 List A Species (25) 102 List B Species (38) 102 List C Species (16) 103 Watch List Species (19) 103 Turquoise Lake 4 State of Colorado Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan List of Figures Acronyms Figure 1— ABYC—American Boat and Yacht Council Colorado ANS Program Timeline ACOE—Army Corps of Engineers Figure 2— Summary of CPW’s Mussel Monitoring AFWA—Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Activities by Year AG—Attorney General Figure 3— AIS—Aquatic Invasive Species Colorado Watercraf Inspection and Decontamination Stations for 2019 ANS—Aquatic Nuisance Species Figure 4— ANSTF—Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force Entities Utilizing the Regional WID Data BIA—Bureau of Indian Afairs Sharing System BLM—Bureau of Land Management Figure 5— Geographic Scope of ANS in Colorado Map BOR—Bureau of Reclamation Figure 6— CANS—Colorado Aquatic Nuisance Species Colorado’s Major Rivers and Waterbodies Map Management Plan Figure 7— CANSTF—Colorado Aquatic Nuisance Species Colorado’s River Basins Map Task Force Figure 8— CDA—Colorado Department of Agriculture Infested Mussel Boats Intercepted by Entity CDNR—Colorado Department of Natural by Year Resources Figure 9— CDOT—Colorado Department of Transportation All ANS Distribution in Colorado for 2019 Map CDOW—Colorado Division of Wildlife Figure 10— Colorado’s Illicit Stocking Events 1980–2015 Map CDPHE—Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment Figure 11— Live Aquatic Bait Fish Regulations in Colorado CDWR—Colorado Department of Water Resources Map CMDA—Colorado Marine Dealers Association Figure 12— Colorado’s Federal Lands and Waters Map CRB—Columbia River Basin Figure 13— CRFWC—Colorado River Fish & Wildlife Council WRP Geographic Range Map CPW—Colorado Parks and Wildlife Figure 14— CWA—Clean Water Act Rapid Response Strategy Protocol CWCB—Colorado Water Conservation Board Figure 15— Model Showing Impacts of Climate Change on DARCA—Ditch and Reservoir Company Alliance Invasive Species DNA—Deoxyribonucleic Acid DOI—Department of the Interior State of Colorado Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan 5 Acronyms NPS—National Parks Service (continued) NSGLC—National Sea Grant Law Center NWCG—Te National Wildfre Coordinating eDNA—Environmental Deoxyribonucleic Acid Group EDRR—Early Detection, Rapid Response NZMS—New Zealand Mudsnails EO—Executive Order OIT—Colorado Governor’s Ofce of Information Technology EPA—Environmental Protection Agency PACFA—Te Pet Animal Care Facilities Act ESA—Endangered Species Act PCR—Polymerase Chain Reaction EWM—Eurasian Watermilfoil PIJAC—Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council ISAC—Invasive Species Advisory Committee PSMFC—Pacifc States Marine Fisheries ISAN—Invasive Species Action Network Commission ISSC—Invasive Species Subcommittee PWC—Parks & Wildlife Commission ISP—Invasive Species Program SOBA—States Organization for Boating Access IT—Information Technology SWA—State Wildlife Areas MRBP —Mississippi River Basin Panel USACE—US Army Corps of Engineers MRBP—Missouri River Basin Panel USDA—US Department of Agriculture NAAG—National Association of Attorneys General USFS—US Forest Service NAISMA—North American Invasive Species USDOT—US Department of Transportation Management Association USFWS—US Fish and Wildlife Service NANPCA—Non-Indigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act USGS—US Geological Survey NASBLA—Te National Association of State VHSV—Viral
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