The NCAA ~__-._- April 6,1983, Volume 20 Number 14 Oftkial Publication of__ the .National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I summer meeting to be held in Kansas Citv Planning for the first summer meet- tivcs of the I9 Division I indcpcndent grams, rcspcctively, with the under- ing of the NCAA Division I member- institutions-two directors of athm standing that each will designate not ship has been approved by the NCAA letics. two faculty represcntativcs and more than two coaches in a sport from Administrative Committee, and voting two primary women administrators. the mcmbcr\ of any one allied confer- allied conferences and independent The American Football Coaches cncc. rcprcscntativcs will be asked this week Association and the National Associa- Also in attendance will be the 22 to attend the meeting and to submit tion of Basketball Coaches will bc members of the Divrsion I Steering suggestions for agenda items. asked to select 20 head coaches of Commrttcc and the NCAA president The meeting will bc held Frrday and Division I football and basketball pro- SQQ ,!hkiofl I, pug’ 8 Saturday, June 24-25, at the Hyatt Rcgcncy Hotel in Kansas City, Mis- souri. Each of the 35 Drvrsion I voting allied confercnccs ~111 bc mvrtcd to send two, three or tour rcprcscnta- tivcs. based on the conference’s span sorshrp of men’s and women’s confer cncc programs. The 17 Division I conferences offer- ing both men’s and women’s programs will be invited to send one faculty ath- letic represcntatrvc, one drrcctor of athletics, one primary woman admrn- istrator of athletics programs and the conference commissioner or executive officer. Eleven Division I conferences span sor programs for men only, and they will bc mvrted to dcsrgnatc one faculty athletic representative, one director of athletics and the confcrcncc commis- sioner. The seven Drvrsron I conferences offering only women’s programs may designate one primary woman admin- istrator of athletics programs and the confcrcncc commissioner to attend the Phoro hy Malcolm Emmonr meeting. Final Four The invitation to conference corn- missioners or exccutrvc directors is Houston’s Larry Micheaux shoots from the top of the key in the hmrtcd to those scrvmg full-time as the Cougars 94-81 victory over Louisville in semifinal action from the salaried chief opcratmg offrccr of the Division I Men’s Basketball Championship. The Cougars, rated confcrcncc. No. 1 in the nation by both wire service polls, lost to North Caro- In addition, the Administrative lina State in the championship game April 4 See story, page 3 Committee will invite six represcnta- Basketball rules changes approved By James A. Sheldon guidelines on rules experimentations all currently used counts still in cffcct. The NCAA News Staff and voted to conduct experiments next l A three-point field goal from ALBUQUERQUE - The NCAA season only in five specific areas: 19 feet, nine inches, measured from Men’s Basketball Rules Committee, l 45-second shot clock left on for the center of the basket (similar to Close encounter meeting hem April 4-5, passed rules the entire game with no time counts, experiments conducted in the Big Ten, Kim M&key of Louisiana Tech puts pressure on Southern Cal’s changes in two significant areas - except I O-second and three-second Southern and Atlantic IO Confer- number of timeouts and intentional counts. ences). Rhondu Windham during the Division I Women’s Basketball fouls. l 45-second clock turned off for l Use of rear-boundary arc to Chumpionship final in Norfolk, Virginia. The Lady Trojans rallied The committee also passed stricter the last four minutes of the game, with minimize stalling. to guin thr title, 69-67. denying the Lady Techsters u second 0 A marked coaching box similar straight NCAA crown. See story, puge 3 to experiment used in the Southeastern NCAA committee approves Contcrcncc. Following passage of Proposal No. AIA W appeals.ruling special football TV dates 123 at the NCAA Convcntton last Jan- uary, the rules committee now has Although the future of college foot& under provisions of the 19X2-1985 control over rules u\ed during regular- ball on television still rests with the Football Television Plan, each had season play, including all experimen- ofdistvict court judge 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Den four special dates for the 1983 season tation. The Association tor Intercollegiate lcadcrshrp rn adoptrng the governance ver, the NCAA Football Television approved by the committee. In the past, the official NCAA Athletics for Women has appealed the plan and offermg programs and serv Committee proceeded with plans for Television coverage ot the 19x3 colJ men’s rules could be enforced only February 28 ruling by I1.S. District ices for women‘s athletics. the 1983 season at its April 3-4 mcct- Irge football season will begin on during NCAA championship play. Court Judpc Thomas P. Jackson that According to NCAA legal counsel, ing in Albuquerque, New Mexico, by ABC Septcmbcr 3 when UCLA meets “The number of cxpcrrmcnts con the NCAA committed no violations ot the district court clerk is to transmrt the assigning tight special dates for the Georgia in a national, prinie~timc tclc- ductcd last year helped us zero in on the antitrust laws when It began offcr- record of the cast to the appeals court upcoming season. cast. Other special dates assrgncd to the areas we wanted to pursue,” said ing championships and other programs wrthrn 40 days of the filing of the ABC-TV and CBS-TV, which sham ABC were Army vs. Navy November Edward S. Steitz, secretary-rules edi- in women’\ rntcrcollcgiate athletics. appeal telccastrng rights to collcgc football 25 (late time slot), Texas vs. Texas tor of the committee and athletic dircc- The appeal to the U.S. Court ot After that, the AIAW has 40 days to A&M November 26 (national, early tor at Springfield Collcgc. “The Appeals for the District of Columbia file us prmcrpal brief, and the NCAA In the News trmc slot) and Alabama vs. Auburn cxpcrimcnts conducted last year and Circuit was filed March 29, and the then has 30 days for Its filrng. The December 3 (national, late time slot). Cornell Unrversity’s new football the results of our surveys indicate an NCAA was notrl‘red the following day. AIAW has I4 days after the NCAA film coach dors not fit the traditional Ivy The Notre Dame-Miami (Florida) increasing interest in two arcas- Judge Jackson stated in his 46pagc rng to reply to the NCAA brief. It is not likely that oral arguments League mold _._. .2 game Scptcmbcr 24 will bc tclccast three-pomt plays and shot clocks. opinion in February that the AIAW will bc heard by the appeals court until Northwestern center fielder Mike Huff nationally on CBS at 9 p.m., EST. “We’re cutting down on the number had faitcd to prove its claims against the court’s fall term, September to would not qualify as a member of the Other special dates approved for CBS of conferences conducting the expcri- the NCAA His decision said the Dcccmbcr, and there is no way to ‘Me Generation’ _....... .4 wcrc Alabama vs. Boston College mcnts; but the rules committee is AlAW’s decision to suspend its opcra- dctcrmine when a decision might be For the second trme in three years, November 25 (national), Nebraska vs. mindful that while we have an excel- tions was the result of legal competi- tion. rather than any illegal practices reached, according to counsel. there were no football fatalities at the Oklahoma November 26 (regional, lent code of rules, we always are will- AIAW originally brought the suit college level . .II late tmlc slot) and Florida vs. Florida ing to look at improvements for the by the NCAA, and that there had been SQQ NCAA, PU~Q 8 See nuskethtrll, ptrgr 8 no conspiracy on the part of the NCAA October 9, 1981. 2 April 6.1983 I I I The NCAA Comment ~ Ivy League not afraid to mix brains, brawn By Furman Bisher febsional leagues and plucked a man to Several years Maxic Baughan plied on this rcdhcadcd son of the Alabama of things started to add up. Atlanta Journal coach its sturdy students of football. It his trade. He backed up lines for the South as its next coach, to follow such “I’d always had a secret desire to Nothing like this has happened in wasn’t at all repulsed by dealing with a Philadelphia Eagles, Los Angeles historic figures as Gloomy Gil Dobie, coach at one of the service academies. the Ivy League, where the Cabots man who played for the minted coin. Rams and Washington Redskins and Carl Snavely and Lefty James? I like the discipline, the values, the speak only to the Lodges, since Her- Each year, the Ivy League shamelessly then coached, including two seasons “I understand that it was Tom straight and hard-line course. Cornell man Hickman arrived at Yale from a graduates muscular alums into the pro- back on campus at Gcorgla Tech. Matte. I’d known Tom in Baltimore, fills the same purpose. Young men mountainside in Tennessee. It wasn’t a fessionals. Two of its grads wore the There is a particularly strong cast of and he is the friend of an influential come here not to prepare for the pros, direct trip - Herman made a few armor of the Washington Redskins and I I but to get an education. This is a great detours on the way - but these inter- one of Miami’s in this year’s Super institution, and I like the challenge.” ludes never cost him an ounce of ample Bowl.
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