om mencement l-lighlights Final Week For Seniors Week Of Activity Winds Up Four Years Of College ilver Cord Science Students Life For 349 Seniors; Women's Day Sel for Sunday Enter Training n Until Fri. The 56th annual commencement 6: 15 President's concert in front person will be the guest spea kcr Seven Montana State college week is lo begin June 6 and ex­ of the gymnasium at the Women's Day Asembly five science students have been ac­ e "Silver Cord" is being pre­ tend through Juop 8, with Women's 7:30 Baccalaureate services - years in the future. This year's cepted by dental and medical d each nigbl this week in the Day honor assembly and gradua­ Rev. Dr. Hanfold L.'Kiog, speak­ speaker is Irene Giovanini, a grad­ schools and will start their lrAin­ ent Union ballroom, com­ tion exercises highlighting the final er uate of the class of 1948 in the ing this fall, reports Dr. F. B. cing at 8: 15. Under the direc­ moment in the college career of 8:45 President's reception of sen­ field of chemistry. Cotner, dean of science. of Jack Barsness, the play is 349 senior students o( Montana iors and parents in the SUB Commencement exercises, sym. Pre-medical students and the uced by the Sock 'n Buskin State college. lounge. bolizing the end of the long road medical schools they will enter is presented in the 'theatre in The schedule of events for the !llonday, June 8: of curricular and extra·curricular arc: Mason Henderson, Billings, round" style. week is as follows: 10:00 Commencement exercises activities, will be held on Monday, and Elizabeth Stoddard, Lewistown e plot of the play consists of Saturday, June 6: in the gymnasium when 349 seniors will come forth Washington university, and Robert other who dominates, or tries Musicale presented by the music 12:15 Senior-Faculty picnic on to be presented with their diplomas. Weeks, Baker, Northwestern uni­ mJnate her two sons. Sbe man­ department, to be held in the stu­ the lower campus Following this ceremony, the sen­ versity. to break up one son's engage­ dent lounge of the SUB at 8:15 1:45 Military review and awards ior-faculty picnic wil be held on Pre-dental students and the p. m. ! and attempts to wreck the The five-year speaker, a woman the lower campus, that area below schools of dentistry they will enter: Sunday, June 7: .-iage of the other. Tbe plot from the graduating class will be Montana Hall. Donald Bauer, Helena; Creighton l: 15 Women's Day Processional tually approaches the place announced at the women's day ex­ Programs for the commencement university; Robert Cotner, Boze­ 1:45 Women's Day Exercises in e the "silver cord" which ties ercises, which will take place in week event are available to seniors man, University of Michigan; Fred nts lo their ~hildren is in need the gymnasium the gymnasium on Sund;ly. This at the registration. office now. Olson, Helena, Washington univer­ •ing broT<en. Though written in Those interested in obtaining them sity: and John Thompson, Boze­ the play is timely even today; man, Northwestern university. ominanl mothers still exist. (Continued on Page 2) understanding permits the nee lo seo the play as though Colorful Tradition Is Continued In ,ppened in 1953. MO NTANA c cast includes Lou Heron as mother: Sanna Green as ber 31st Annual Women's Day Pageant hter-in-law, Christina; Judy e as Hester, who is engaged The 31st annual Women's Day clock in the Student Union Build­ rs. Phelps' son, Robert, played pageant will be held Sunday, June ing. The Spurs and senior women, 7, at Montana State college ac­ in their caps and gowns, will lead 'ed PbiJLips. Tom Woodbridge cording to Marilyn Milburn, Grass the processional. They will be ·ays the part of David and Range, general chairman. followed by the remaining women rem Hale bas the part of the The annual event was founded dressed in white and wearing blue by Dean Una B. Herrick, the first and gold arm bands. They will e Sih'er Cord" was first pro­ Dean of Women at the college. It proceed on a designated route to was first held on May 26, 1923, the Gym for the assembly. d in London, although it is an and has since become an impres­ The five year speaker this year can play by an American sive tradition. At these first pa­ will be Miss Irene Giovanini. She (Continued on Page 2) geants the girls wore white skirts has chosen "What Government and colored sweaters, and marched Science Means lo You" as the sub­ Crom Montana Hall- to the Agri­ ject of her speech. wick Heads THURSDAY, MAY 28, I 953 culture Building. Since that time, The pageant of "The Breaking Vol. XXXXIV No. 24 the dress and route have changed. of the Ties" will be held again The traditional Blue and Gold lhis year. In this ceremony the processional will begin at one o'- senior women, carrying wands joined together by ropes and the an Berwick, Bainville, is the senior hands her wand to a junipr who will be in charge of next Gestring Wins Top Award girl. This is symbolic of the sen- s big Fall event, Homecoming (Continued on Page 2) 1end. Dean is student chair­ In Little lnt'I Climax of the event, which will occur r 9-10 at MSC. The 2oth Liltle International Galt Memorial Trophy, and the Irene Giovanini ting Dean will be: Marilyn Mil­ Livestock Show came lo a climax Kiwanis Plaque, both of which are ' Arlene Stephenson, Leland last Saturday night before a cap­ on display in the agriculture build­ To Speak Sunday Winkle and Don Elser. These acity crowd with Charles Gestring ing. Gestring has his choice of being chosen grand champion show­ two breeds of sheep from which Miss Irene Giovanini will be the man and Bob McLaughlin as Re­ to choose a registered purebred five year speaker at the annual serve Champion. ewe. The Montana Columbia As­ Woman's Day Assembly on Sunday, The show was acclaimed by sociation and the National Targus June 7. The title of her address stockmen from all parts of the Associa lion offered a ewe to the will be, "What Government Science Means lo You." Miss Gio­ state as the best managed show winner of the sheep division. Char­ vanini graduated in 1948 with a they had ever attended. Gene Tha­ les chose the Columbia sheep for degree in chemistry and is now yer, manager of the show, in re­ bis own. on lbe editorial staff of Chemical turn stated, "No show is possible Top winners for the Friday night and Engineering News. without good belp from committee­ show were Tom Williams in the In September of that year she men." beef di, ·ision, Charles Gerner in went to work for E . I. Du Pont Charles Gestring from Creston, dairy, Ramona Denton in the holler de Nemours & Co. in Waynesboro, Montana, was top winner of the horse division, Bob Billows in the 111arilyn Milburn Virginia. They were developing the process in preparation for the Saturday night show, being chosen sheep division and Jerry Stensland first commercial production of Or­ grand champion for both nights. in swine. lon at that time. In July of 1950 For his performance Charles won Division winners for Saturday ICC Elects New Officers she was sent on a special assign­ a gold wristwatch, donated by l\lrs. night were Tom Williams in the The Inter-Church Council has an­ ment lo Camden, South Carolina, Vinke of the college English de­ beef division, Bob McLaughlin in nounced its new officers and com­ al the start-up of the first Orlon partment, whose husband, the late the dairy, Nancy McLaughlin in mittee chairmen for next year. plant. During September of 1950 Louis Vinke, started the first Little the holler hor e, Charles Gestring The newly elected officers arc: she was transferred to Wilming­ International on this campus. His in the sheep division and Jerry President, Boyd Keefer; Vice Pres­ ton, Delaware, to the new experi­ ment station. She worked in the name will also be engraved on the Stensland in the swine division. ident, Connie Neibel; Treasurer, pioneering research department The, Saturday night division win­ Jim Hurst; Secretary, Mary Park­ there on new methods of produc­ ners, besides being presented with er; and Faculty Advisor, Mr. C. ing fiber and trying to understand Conrad. more about the maleriat. r ?veral committees each hav- an animal, were entitled to vie for EXPONENT Aflcr resigning from Du Pont in 1 particular job in connection top honors in the final ring. In the The newly appointed commitlcc the Homecoming planning. THIS WEEK beef division Tom Williams chose chairmen arc: Campus Evangel­ August of 1951, she went on an E. Cameron announced Ber­ an Angus heifer, Nanc)' lllrLaugh­ ism, Vera Stucky; Campus Rela­ extended lour of Europe, the Med­ iterranean countries. and the Near 's appointment this week, and tionships, Tom Dundas; Publicity, lin, winner of the holler horse di­ East. She arrived back in Mon­ stated that the classes of 1928 Commencement __ Pg. 1 vision chose a Morgan filly, Bob Jan Keefer; Religious Emphasis 1943 11ill be honored at the tana in November o( 1951 to visit McLaughlin an Ayresbire heifer Week, Don Schilling; and Worship, with her family. In June of 1952, ecoming festivities. Cameron Helen Sargent. that the visiting team will he Women's Day __ Pg.
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