North Carolina Directory of Radio

North Carolina Directory of Radio

North Carolina Directory of Radio WKSF(FM) -Co -owned with WWNC(AM). August LeAnn Wilson, prom dir; Pam Houston, news dir; Don Boone 1947: 99.9 mhz; 53 kw. Ant 2,672 ft. TL: N35 25 32 W82 Brown, chief engr. 45 25. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Prog sep from AM. Format: 'WASU- FM-May 18, 1972: 90.5 mhz; 340 w. Ant -120 Hot country. News progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -44. ft. TL: N36 12 58 W81 40 55. Stereo. Appalachian State Peter Clay, mus dir. Belmont Univ., Wey Hall (28608). (828) 262 -3170. Licensee: Ap- palachian State University. Net: Westwood One. Format: WCGC(AM)-Dec 11,1954:1270 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 w -N, New rock, AOR, jazz. News progmg 2 hrs wkly. Target Atlantic DA -2. TL: N3515 05 W81 03 26. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box aud: 18 -30; college students & area residents. Spec prop: 1360, 6021 W. Wilkinson Blvd. (28012). (704) 825.2812. Urban contemp 6 hrs, blues 2 hrs, Christian rock 3 hrs, WTKF(FM)-May 1992: 107.3 mhz; 7 kw. Ant 607 ft. TL: FAX: (704) 825 -2127. Licensee: WHVN Inc. Group country 8 hrs wkly. Carl Tyrie, gen mgr; Larry Cor- N34 53 01 W76 30 21. Box 70, Newport (28570-0070). owner: GHB Radio Group (acq 4- 17 -98; $250,000). Net: nelison, chief engr. Box 5447, Hwy. 70 E., Morehead City (28557). (919) 247- Westwood One. Format: Relg,talk. News statt 2; news 6343; (800) 818-2255. FAX: (919) 247-7343. Licensee: progmg 8 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: WATA(AM )-September 1950: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: Atlantic Ridge Telecasters Inc. (acq 11- 30 -94; S430,000; Sports. Tom Gentry, pres & gen mgr; Dusty Rhodes, N3612 59 W81 42 06. Stereo. Hrs opn: 5 AM- midnight FTR 1- 16 -95). Net: Westwood One, Motor Racing Net, gen sls mgr; Larry Bernard, progmg dir & news dir; Stu (M -S); 6 AM- midnight (Su). 738 Blowing Rock Rd. USA; N.C. News Net. Format: News/talk, sports. News Albert, chief engr. (28607). (828) 264-2411. FAX: (828) 264 -2412. Licen- progmg 18 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 plus; educated, in- see: Highland Communications Associates LLC (acq 10- formed. Lockwood Phillips, CEO; Bob Kenward, pres 23-98). Net: CNN. Format: Adult contemp, news. News & gen mgr; Shane Willis, opns mgr & pub affrs dir; Kermit Benson staff one. Spec prog: Gospel 5 hrs, big band 3 hrs, Graves, gen sis mgr; Luke Gruber, news dir; David Ger - Watauga High sports wkly. John Guzik, gen mgr; Andy noske, engrg mgr. WPYB(AM)-Sept 1, 1961: 1130 khz; 1 kw -D. TL: N35 Glass, opns mgr; J. Batten, news dir; Stoney Owen, chief 2140 W78 3445. Box 215 (27504). (919) 894 -3009. FAX: engr. (919) 894 -1530. Licensee: Benson -Dunn Broadcasting Atlantic Beach Inc. (acq 5 -1 -96; $250,000). Format: Country, relg, gos- pel. Target aud: General. Jasper L. Tart, pres &gen mgr; Brevard on air, 'WBJD(FM) -Not target date unknown: 91.5 Mable Sue Tart, exec vp; Sylvia B. Jackson, vp sls; Bill mhz; 50 kw. Ant 384 ft. TL: N34 45 34 W76 51 16. WGCR(AM)-Sept 16,1985: 720 khz: 10 kw -D. TL: N35 do Lambert, chief engr. Rates: S7; 7; 7; 5. WTEB(FM), 800 College Ct., New Bern (28562). (252) 1510 W82 40 28. Stereo. 1950 Old Hendersonville Hwy., 638 -3434. Licensee: Craven Community College. For- Pisgah Forest (28768). (704) 884-9427. FAX: (704) 883- mat: class. Kathleen Beal, gen mgr. Biltmore Forest 9427. Licensee: Anchor Baptist Broadcasting Associa- tion (acq 2-87). Net: USA; N.C. News Net. Format: Relg, WZLS(FM) -July 29,1994: 96.5 mhz; 260 w. Ant 1,112 news. News staff one; news progmg 15 hrs wkly. Target Aurora ft. TL: N35 31 39 W82 29 49. Firs opn: 24.780 Hender- aud: General. Spec prog: Gospel. Randy C. Barton, sonville Rd., Asheville (28803). (704) 277 -0011. FAX: pres, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Shanna Barton, prom mgr WFPF(FM)-Not on air, target date unknown: 104.5 (704) 277 -7991. Licensee: Orion Communications Ltd. & progmg dir; Shamma Barton, news dir; Lamar Owen, mhz; 6 kw. Ant 328 ft. TL: N351029 W76 5035. Box 1087, Format: Rock. Target mgr chief engr. Angier (27501). Licensee: Woolstone Corp. aud: 25-54. Brian Lee, gen & progmg dir; Barry Lee, opns mgr & gen sls mgr; Betty W SOL(AM)-Jury 6,1950:1240 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N3513 Lee, pub affrs dir; Buddy Riesenberg, chief engr. 23 W824220. Box 1240 (28712);1319 Wilson Rd. Pisgah Banner Elk WZRQ(FM)-June 1,1997: 96.5 mhz; 280 w. Ant 1,070 Forest (28768). (828) 877-5252. FAX: (828) 877 -5253. Licensee: A & L Broadcasting Inc. (acq 3- 14 -97; WZJS(FM)-Aug 5, 1989: 100.7 mhz: 6 kw. Ant 758 ft. ft. TL: N35 31 48 W82 29 41. Suite 700, C/O Eva S.& Sill, $110,000). Net: CBS. Format: Talk, adult contemp, MOR. TL: N36 10 34 W81 50 05. Hrs opn: 24.738 Blowing Rock 919 18th St. W., Washington, DC (20006). (704) 259- News progmg 18 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec Rd., Boone (28607). (828) 264-2411. FAX: (828) 264- 9696. FAX: (704) 259-9397. Licensee: Biltmore Forest prog: Jazz 10 hrs, gospel hrs, relg 4 hrs wkly. Allen 2412. Licensee: Highland Communications Associates Radio Inc. Format: Adult rock. John Friend, gen mgr. 8 Reese, gen mgr, opns mgr & gen sls mgr; Leah Reese, LLC (acq 10- 23 -98). Format: Country. News staff one; progmg dir; Norman Lyda, chief engr. news progmg 14 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-44. John Guzlik, sr vp; Andy Glass, opns dir; Jeremy Batten, news Black Mountain dir; Stoney Owen, chief engr. WFGW(AM)-May 27,1962:1010 khz; 50 kw -D, 19 kw- Bryson City CH, DA-2. TL: N35 36 19 W82 21 00. Hrs opn: 24. Box WBHN(AM)-Oct 1, 1967. 1590 khz; 500 w -D, 37 w -N. 159, 1330 U.S. Hwy. 70 (28711). (828) 669 -8477. FAX: TL: N35 25 41 W83 2618. Box 1309 (28713). (828) 488- Bayboro (828) 669 -6983. Licensee: Blue Ridge Broadcasting 2682. FAX: (828) 488-3594. Licensee: Starcast South W BHU(FM air, target Corp. Wash atty: Fisher, Wayland, Cooper, Leader & )-Not on date unknown:97.9 mhz; Inc. Group owner: Starcast Systems Inc. (acq 10 -84; 16 kw. Ant 423 ft. TL: N35 00 02 Zaragoza L.L.P. Format: Relg, MOR, oldies. Spec prog: W76 49 58. Bayboro $355,000; FTR 10- 15 -84). Net: ABC /E. Format: C &W. Broadcasting L.L.C., 702 Hartness Black one hr, class one hr wkly. B. Graham, chmn; T.W. Rd., Statesville Jack Mullen Jr., pres; Rob Henline, gen mgr, gen sls (28677). Licensee: Bayboro L.L.C. Wilson, pres; Donald L. Bailey, Thomas R. Atema asst, Broadcastig mgr & mus dir; J.B. Jacobs, chief engr. gen mgrs; Donald L. Bailey, dev mgr; John Baker, prom mgr & progmg dir; J. Michael Sumner, mus dir; Tim Beaufort Neese, chief engr. Buie's Creek WBTB(AM)-Nov 30, 1954: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N35 WMIT(FM) -Co -owned with WFGW(AM). 1941: 106.9 WCCE(FM)--Oct 7, 1974. 90.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 105 ft. 42 50 W76 38 51. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WNBR(FM) mhz; 36 kw. Ant 3,090 ft. TL: N354406 W821710. Stereo. TL: N35 24 36 W78 44 21. Stereo. Hrs opn: 6:30 AM -11 Oriental 100 %. 167 Little Nine Dr., Morehead City Dups AM 75 %. Format: Relg, news, MOR. Colin PM. Box 1030, Science Bldg., 4th FI., Campbell Univ. (28557); Box 1019, Morehead City (28557). (252) 240- O'Brien, progmg dir; John Belensky, mus dir. (27506). (910) 893 -1745. FAX: (910) 893.1746. Licen- 1400. FAX: (252) 726 -3188. Licensee: Eastern Carolina see: Campbell University. Net: AP. Format: Bttl mus, div, WTZK(AM )-Feb 26, 1966: 1350 khz; 1 kw -D, 74 w -N. Broadcasting Co. (group owner: acq 3 -97; $18,000). Net: relg. News staff one; news progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target TL: N35 3719 W8219 02. Hrs opn: 24. 109 Charlotte St. CNN. Wash atty: Arter & Hadden. Format: Black, oldies. aud: General. Spec prog: Bluegrass 4 hrs, big band 6 hrs (28711). (828) 669-3880 FAX: (828) 669 -3894. Licen- News progmg 8 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54; upscale. wkly. Travis Autry, gen mgr, mus dir & news dir; Carolyn see: Black Mountain Broadcasting Corp. (acq 2- 28 -97). Gene Gray, gen mgr, mktg dir, prom dir, adv dir & progmg Bowden, opns mgr, progmg dir & pub affrs dir; Walter L. Net: USA, CBS. Format: Country, bluegrass, gospel. mgr; Jay Cobb, opns dir; Luther Griffin, gen sls mgr; Don Johnson, chief engr. Brown, chief engr. Rates: $20; 18; 20; 12. News staff one; news progmg 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Maritza Gonzales -Yarborough, pres; Truett Yarborough, gen mgr. Burgaw Beech Mountain WKXB(FM)-Dec 13, 1964: 99.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 774 WECR -FM -1996: 102.3 mhz; 130 w. Ant 1,948 ft. TL: Blowing Rock ft. TL: N34 14 37 W78 07 24. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 122 N36 11 03 W81 52 48. Hrs opn: 24.1281 Newland Hwy., Cinema Dr., Wilmington (28403). (910) 772 -6300. FAX: Newland (28657). (828) 733.0188. FAX: (828) 733 -0189. WXIT(AM )-1983:1200 khz; 10 kw -D, 7 kw -CH. TL: N36 (910) 772 -6310. Licensee: Sea -Comm Inc. Rep: Licensee: Rondinaro Broadcasting Inc. Format: Light 0917 W81 39 41.

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