Winter 2013 - 2014 - Newsletter n°22 the BIE newsletter EDITORIAL La Triennale Di Milano 2016 : the story of a “rebirth” A long history connects the BIE and La Trien- La Triennale is unique. Symbol of the culture nale, which occupies a special place in our or- of projects for over a century, it has presented ganisation by its very nature. in its works the great challenges of modern social life: from urban planning to entertain- Between 1933 and 1996, the BIE has recog- ment, from environment to cultural integra- nised 20 editions of La Triennale. Today after tion. La Triennale has given art the role of a gap of almost 20 years, the BIE and La Tri- privileged interpreter of society. ennale join efforts and work together on the INTERVIEW preparation of a project on the theme “The Innovation has always been at the forefront of 21st century: Design after Design”, which will La Triennale. Its unique approach of synthe- take place in 2016 in Milan, global city of inter- sising the various trends, without opposing with Claudio De Albertis action between design and industry. them reflects its innovative nature. President of the Foundation The relationship between the BIE and La Trien- With its new edition, the XXIst Century Trien- La Triennale di Milano nale has deep roots: the first Triennale Exhibi- nale will present a major innovation: cities, re- tion under the auspices of the BIE took place gions, universities, companies, design centres in 1933, only two years after the BIE started its and young designer groups will be present. mission of regulating and overseeing World All these stakeholders will be invited to par- Expos. ticipate to this global dialogue and present their prospects, their challenges, proposals, In this context, La Triennale has always rep- thoughts, their objects and their possible ap- resented a “niche” within the world of World plications in the daily life and in the society. Expos highlighting – on a smaller and more specialized scale - the most dynamic and in- While being deeply anchored in aesthetics and novative aspects of International Exhibitions. design, the XXIst Century Triennale is changing 1. After a pause of 20 years, what has mo- tived the organisation of a new Triennale International Exhibition ? In the last decades, the Triennale’s combina- tion of tradition in International Exhibitions and its permanent activity have ensured a broad success in terms of audience. Acknowledging that International Exhibi- tions play a prominent role in sharing best practices on vital worldwide issues, the ma- nagement of Triennale, with the support of the Italian Government, has decided to resume this core activity. 2. What about the theme “XXI Triennale . Design after Design” ? Supported by the Italian Government, that recognizes to Triennale a major role as a forerunner and a pioneer in the proposed Just like World Expos, the different editions the way in which it encapsulates and communi- themes and in its presentations, as well of La Triennale are a mixture of social com- cates innovation. The innovation will not just be as for the capacity of combining arts and mitment and education, of utopia and real- dictated solely by materials and products but also industry in multi- disciplinary events, we ity, of aesthetics and functionality, of im- by solutions and practices, at the service of hu- chose for the coming edition the theme agination and commentary on the current mankind and society to improve the quality of life. “XXI Triennale. Design after Design”: a high- world, of cultural diversity and celebration of ly articulated concept, whose key elements individual identity, of tradition and innova- We look forward to working in close coopera- can serve as founding principles for an tion. tion with the organisers of La Triennale and the BIE Member States to prepare this 21st exhibition flourishing with objects, at the The Triennale bridges art and industry, design edition of the Triennale di Milano 2016. same time enjoyable to the larger public and engineering, tradition and modernity, and a source of reflection for experts, under public and private interests, leading and pro- Vicente González Loscertales economic, technological, cultural and edu- moting cultural renewal. Secretary General of the BIE cational aspects. 2 - BIE INFO n°22 La Triennale di Milano : a short historical background In 1930, the IVth International Triennale Ex- Milano” (where the evolved coherently hibition of the Modern Decorative and In- 1906 International Ex- from the original ones, dustrial Arts, called La Triennale, replaces the hibition took place). capable of adapting to Biennial of the Decorative Arts that had been the most varied func- held in 1923, 1925 and 1927 in the Villa Reale Right from its inaugu- tional needs keeping di Monza. ration, the palace was at the same time a characterized by the unique and distinctive completeness and personality. In fact, functional modernity right from its origins, of the project. It pro- the building was de- vides an entrance not signed to be flexible only from the road but and adaptable, in or- also from the park, der to meet the needs a series of services of any performance or among which a bar- exhibition. restaurant, a space for open-air events, In this framework, the Customs and Post Of- Biblioteca del Pro- fices and a large hall getto (Project Library) accessible from both was created, docu- the theatre and the menting the evolution exhibition halls. of creative thought in Italy in the Twentieth The Palazzo dell’Arte century and keeping is developed accord- the memory of con- ing to three basic temporaneity. criteria: the grouping of the exhibition areas along the perimeter; the highlighting of an In 2007, the refurbishment of the building was autonomous route unconnected to these completed specifically for the opening of the areas; the gathering of the community and Triennale Design Museum: from the restora- formal areas in the heart of the building and tion and modernization of the systems in the In May 1933, the Vth edition of La Triennale is on the side towards the park. This clear distri- first floor named Curva to laying the bridge at held in Milan. On this occasion, the new Pal- bution draws its origin from the rational and the main entrance, a highly symbolical thresh- azzo dell’ Arte, the current headquarters of La advanced building concept. old stating the museum’s autonomy from the Triennale is inaugurated. This Italian cultural building as well as its willingness to communi- Institution holds international exhibitions, col- The building underwent its first important re- cate with the surrounding space. loquiums, cultural and artistic events about furbishment at the beginning of the Eighties design, fashion, architecture, cinema, commu- when it was stripped back to the essentials to The reunification with the Teatro dell’Arte is the nication and society. evaluate the quality of the space fully. The sec- most recent renovation: another phase in the The Bureau International des Expositions may ond important refurbishment dates back to rediscovery of Muzio’s original project consists grant recognition to the ‘Milan Triennal Exhi- 2002 and was designed by architect Michele in the recovery of the connection between the bition of Decorative Arts and Modern Archi- De Lucchi achieving a final revaluation of the exhibition building and the theatre, conceived tecture’, on ground of historical precedence, building. as parts of one single unit but divided physi- provided that it retains its original features.” cally and administratively since the Seventies. BIE Protocol-Part II-Article 4 B) 1. The recent restoration is part of a wider project In 2010, the theatre was reconnected to the to relaunch Triennale di Milano and its activi- building and now offers a real stage to discuss The Palazzo dell’Arte was constructed in very ties. The new exhibition and public areas have design, art and the culture of projects. little time, between autumn 1931 and spring 1933, on architect Giovanni Muzio’s project. The building covers an area of 16,000 sqm. It was designed and built with the specific pur- pose of hosting exhibitions, so much so that Muzio himself liked to call it the “container”: as time goes by, the building has come to be identified with the Institution; for each edi- tion, it has been ‘reinvented’ with hundreds of exhibition routes, each time set up and dis- mantled according to a logic based on tempo- rary transformations. Situated in the green of Parco Sempione, a short distance from Castello Sforzesco, from the Arco della Pace with its neoclassical ar- chitecture and from the Arena, the Palazzo dell’Arte displays historical and architectural continuity with the city’s noblest heritage. The site lies at the centre of important infra- structural hubs, such as the Ferrovie Nord, the Cadorna railway station, the Sempione road system and the exhibition complex “Fiera di BIE INFO n°22 - 3 XXIst International Exhibition 2016 of Decorative The concept Arts and Modern Architecture La Triennale di Milano XXIst century. La Triennale de Milan presents its XXI International Exhibition, to be held in year 2016, from Design after Design April 2nd to September 12th, entitled « XXIst century. Design after Design ». In the new urban dimension, design describes an apparently interstitial and complex activity La Triennale is proud to resume its historic tradition after a pause of 20 years, while contribut- but is in reality fundamental to the functioning ing to this new Exhibition with a strong innovative character: Cities, Regions, Universities, En- of the contemporary city and its image, and to terprises, Design Centres, as well as young designers’ groups will be invited to participate. The satisfying the continual demand for refunction- second and most important novelty consists in extending La Triennale traditionally held in the alism.
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