Melksham - Census 1851 Includes Tythings Within the Parish of Melksham

Melksham - Census 1851 Includes Tythings Within the Parish of Melksham

Melksham - Census 1851 Includes tythings within the Parish of Melksham 0 4 8 /1 Year 7 Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes 0 1 Born O H 2 The Ark Adams Samuel Head M 57 M 1794 Cloth Weaver (Wool) Melksham Page 1. Folio 4 ed1a Adams Hannah Wife M 54 F 1797 Cloth Picker Melksham Adams Martha Daur U 18 F 1833 Power Loom Weaver Melksham Adams Sarah Daur-in-Law W 28 F 1823 Burlur Melksham Adams James Nephew U 8 M 1843 Scholar Melksham 3 The Ark Collett Stephen Head M 31 M 1820 Ag Labr Melksham Collett Grace Wife M 34 F 1817 Yarn Quiller (Wool) Melksham Collett George Son 10 M 1841 Scholar Melksham Collett Hannah Daur 9 F 1842 Scholar Melksham Collett Jemima Daur 7 F 1844 Scholar Melksham Collett Emma Daur 6 F 1845 Scholar Melksham Collett John Son 3 M 1848 Melksham Collett William Son 1 M 1850 Melksham 4 The Ark Jones Thomas Head M 48 M 1803 Cloth Slabber Melksham Jones Elizabeth Wife M 49 F 1802 Power Loom Weaver Melksham Jones Ann Daur U 18 F 1833 Power Loom Weaver Melksham Jones Henry Son U 15 M 1836 Cloth Scribler (Wool) Melksham Taylor Frederick Visitor U 22 M 1829 Cloth Yarn Spinner Melksham Flower Jane Visitor U 19 F 1832 Power Loom Weaver Stroud; Glos Morris William Visitor U 16 M 1835 Stoker of Steam Engine Farley; Somerset 5 The Ark Stockwell John Servant M 50 M 1801 Miller Melksham Page 2 Butt James Servant U 15 M 1836 Miller Cirencester; Glos 6 The Bear Inn Joyce William Head M 34 M 1817 Inn Keeper empl 5 Men Lacock Joyce Emma Wife M 28 F 1823 Bath; Somerset Burton Catherine Niece U 17 F 1834 Barmaid Melksham Ovens Mary Servant U 25 F 1826 General Servant Seend Sealy Ruth Servant U 27 F 1824 General Servant Corston Green Alfred Servant U 20 M 1831 Tap Boy (Gen Servant) Warminster 7 Cauhold Tything Berry John Peter Head M 35 M 1816 Master Plumber empl 5 Men Melksham Berry Mary Ann Wife M 35 F 1816 Melksham Berry Maria Sprags Daur 8 F 1843 Melksham Berry Clara Elizabeth Daur 5 F 1846 Melksham Berry John Henry Son 4 M 1847 Melksham Berry Arthur Son 0 M 1851 Melksham Age 9mths Hunter Georgiana Servant 13 F 1838 Servant Melksham Berry Joseph Father W 70 M 1781 Dependant on Relatives Salisbury Smith Martha Servant U 20 F 1831 Unknown 8 Cauhold Tything Pollard Andrew Visitor U 29 M 1822 Wool Merchant Melksham 9 Blind Lane Dowse Thomas Head W 56 M 1795 Tailor Keevil Page 3 Dowse Jamer Louisa Daur U 16 F 1835 Tailoress Melksham 10 Blind Lane Gunstone John Head M 31 M 1820 Mason Melksham Gunstone Eliza Wife M 31 F 1820 Sempstress Melksham Gunstone Sarah Jane Daur 2 F 1849 Melksham 11 Blind Lane Selman Robert Head M 30 M 1821 Tailor Melksham Selman Mary Wife M 31 F 1820 Wendover; Bucks Selman Henry Son 2 M 1849 Melksham Selman Alfred Son 0 M 1851 Melksham Age 1mth 12 Blind Lane Owen Charles Head M 25 M 1826 White Smith Derby; Glos Owen Caroline Wife M 22 F 1829 Power Loom Weaver Twerton; Somerset Owen Jane Daur 5 F 1846 Scholar Melksham Owen John Son 3 M 1848 Scholar Melksham ©Wiltshire OPC Project/2019/John Martin, John Pope Page 1 of 100 Melksham - Census 1851 Includes tythings within the Parish of Melksham 0 4 8 /1 Year 7 Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes 0 1 Born O H Owen Amelia Daur 1 F 1850 Melksham 13 Blind Lane Keen James Head M 38 M 1813 Warehouse Man Melksham Keen Caroline Wife M 41 F 1810 Needle Woman Keevil Keen Mary Daur U 16 F 1835 Needle Woman Melksham Keen Jane Daur 8 F 1843 Scholar Melksham Keen Sarah Daur 5 F 1846 Scholar Melksham 14 Music Street Hiskens Eliza Head U 39 F 1812 Mistress Baker empl 1 Man Semley Page 4 Barnett John Servant U 19 M 1832 Journeyman Baker Bradford 15 Music Street Outley James Head M 35 M 1816 Woolen Cloth Cutter Melksham Outley Charlotte Wife M 36 F 1815 Melksham Outley Mary Daur 11 F 1840 Scholar Melksham Outley Thomas Son 10 M 1841 Scholar Melksham Outley Emily Daur 2 F 1849 Melksham 16 Music Street Gunstone John Head M 62 M 1789 Master Quarryman empl 3 Men Melksham Gunstone Sarah Wife M 63 F 1788 Melksham 17 Music Street Scott Ann Head W 54 F 1797 Annuity from Interest on Loans Melksham Scott Alfred Son U 17 M 1834 Apprentice Melksham Scott Maria Daur 12 F 1839 Scholar Melksham 18 Music Street Drew James Head M 40 M 1811 National School Master Amesbury Drew Sarah Wife M 31 F 1820 National School Mistress Bath; Somerset Drew Emma H. Daur 7 F 1844 Scholar Purton Drew Isabella J. Daur 6 F 1845 Scholar Purton Hancock Hannah Servant U 15 F 1836 General Servant Seend 19 Music Street Harris John Head W 79 M 1772 Chelsea Pensioner Minchinhampton; Glos Smith Mary Visitor W 71 F 1780 Minchinhampton; Glos 20 Music Street Orlidge John Head M 21 M 1830 Journeyman Tailor Trowbridge Page 5 Orlidge Ann Wife M 26 F 1825 Wroughton Orlidge Charles Son 1 M 1850 Melksham 21 Canhold Harding William Head M 53 M 1798 Cloth Weaver (Wool) Melksham Harding Sarah Wife M 53 F 1798 Yarn Quiller (Wool) Melksham Harding Thirza Daur U 28 F 1823 Dress Maker Melksham Harding Thomas Son U 23 M 1828 Sack Weaver Melksham Harding Samuel Son U 19 M 1832 Tinman Melksham Harding Mary Daur U 16 F 1835 General Servant Melksham Harding Joseph Son 13 M 1838 Scholar Melksham 22 Canhold Matthews Lucy Head W 76 F 1775 Pauper Melksham Matthews Sarah Daur U 30 F 1821 Washerwoman Melksham 23 Canhold Helps William Head M 42 M 1809 Brewer's Labr Melksham Helps Sarah Wife M 41 F 1810 Melksham 24 Canhold Gunning Caleb Head M 39 M 1812 Brewer's Labr Melksham Gunning Ann Wife M 41 F 1810 Melksham 25 Canhold Haines Edmund Head M 28 M 1823 Master Painter Melksham Haines Martha Wife M 27 F 1824 Dress Maker Trowbridge Haines Martha Jane Daur 3 F 1848 Scholar Melksham Haines Mary Daur 1 F 1850 Melksham Haines Mary Mother W 71 F 1780 Trowbridge Page 6 Haines George Nephew U 11 M 1840 Scholar Melksham 26 The Vicarage Hume George S. Head M 51 M 1800 Vicar of Melksham Bath; Somerset Hume Helena Wife M 51 F 1800 Ireland Edwards Eliza M. A. Visitor U 47 F 1804 Annuitant from Funds Liverpool Webb Sarah Servant U 16 F 1835 General Servant Melksham ©Wiltshire OPC Project/2019/John Martin, John Pope Page 2 of 100 Melksham - Census 1851 Includes tythings within the Parish of Melksham 0 4 8 /1 Year 7 Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes 0 1 Born O H Peprell Elizabeth Servant W 64 F 1787 General Servant Salisbury Gregory Rebecca Servant U 22 F 1829 General Servant Melksham 27 The Grove Stratton James Head M 36 M 1815 Master Grocer Seend Stratton Caroline Wife M 30 F 1821 Melksham Stratton Mary Daur 7 F 1844 Scholar Melksham Stratton Alfred Son 4 M 1847 Scholar Melksham Stratton Charlotte E. Daur 3 F 1848 Melksham Stratton James Son 1 M 1850 Melksham Lindsay Phoebe Servant U 22 F 1829 Cook Trowbridge Harding Mary Jane Servant U 18 F 1833 Nursemaid Melksham 28 Canhold Webb Daniel Head M 54 M 1797 Gardener's Labr Lacock Webb Hester Wife M 51 F 1800 Laundress Scotland Orford Louisa Daur M 26 F 1825 Melksham Webb John Son U 24 M 1827 Journeyman Shoemaker Melksham Webb Matilda Daur 14 F 1837 Melksham Page 7 Webb Samuel Son 11 M 1840 Scholar Melksham Webb Elizabeth Daur 9 F 1842 Scholar Melksham Oakford Eliza Granddaughter 4 F 1847 Scholar Devizes Oakford Richard Grandson 2 M 1849 Devizes 29 Canhold Clarke Benjamin Head W 63 M 1788 Master Carpenter Evercreech; Somerset Clarke Emma Daur U 27 F 1824 Mistress of Infant School Holt 30 Canhold Millard William H. Head W 64 M 1787 Accountant W. Brough; Westmoreland Millard Emma Daur U 26 F 1825 Governess Newbury; Berks Millard Mary Ann Daur U 24 F 1827 Governess Bradford Kelson Emily Granddaughter 10 F 1841 Scholar Bradford Taylor Ellen Boarder 8 F 1843 Scholar Melksham 0 House Uninhabited 31 Canhold Selman Robert Head M 71 M 1780 Master Tailor Melksham Selman Mary Wife M 71 F 1780 Staffordshire Selman Susana Daur U 37 F 1814 Melksham 32 Canhold Newton Henry Head M 25 M 1826 Master Cabinet Maker Trowbridge Newton Sarah Wife M 28 F 1823 Trowbridge Newton Frederick Son 1 M 1850 Melksham 33 Canon Square Taylor Sarah Head M 36 F 1815 Yarn Quiller (Wool) Stroud; Glos Page 8 Taylor Charles Son 15 M 1836 Woollen Weaver Melksham Taylor George Son 12 M 1839 Melksham Taylor John Son 9 M 1842 Scholar Melksham Taylor Sarah Daur 7 F 1844 Scholar Melksham Taylor Ellen Daur 5 F 1846 Scholar Melksham Taylor Ruth Daur 3 F 1848 Scholar Melksham Taylor Benjamin Son 1 M 1850 Melksham 34 Canon Square Hayward William Head M 70 M 1781 Ag Labr Hinton Hayward Jane Wife M 72 F 1779 Ashton Hayward Sarah Daur U 29 F 1822 Servant Melksham 35 Canon Square Seymour Eliza Head U 35 F 1816 Infant School Mistress Melksham 36 Canon Square Chilton Anna Head M 40 F 1811 Dress Maker Corsham Merrett Mary Mother W 75 F 1776 Pauper, formerly Washerwoman Purton Martin Robert Lodger W 36 M 1815 Butcher Calne Martin William Lodger 12 M 1839 Twine Spinner Calne Martin Thomas Lodger 7 M 1844 Scholar Melksham 37 Church Street Harwood Jane Head U 47 F 1804 Private School Mistress Heytesbury ©Wiltshire OPC Project/2019/John Martin, John Pope Page 3 of 100 Melksham - Census 1851 Includes tythings within the Parish of Melksham 0 4 8 /1 Year 7 Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes 0 1 Born O H Harris Martha Sister W 57 F 1794 Heytesbury Garrett Frances A.

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