Pl'V,ElSenido LiIIto pa'& Aprtmder de PBS, deIJ-Ie 8Il pate de Ia pnte que ve ~ p6hIb como Vd., Ia Corpontlonfor Pablie Bro8deutiDg, y EON Corporation. o. o iPRUEBELOl 0 ~ I·~~~O 1° Ie IG PTV - el nuevo servicio lisoo Diferente8 tipOII de famiIiIIII Be destaean para aprender de PBS - es un EdwvdJames hoy en R6adifIg Ingar especial en donde niflos de OImoB lee "Baby RaitrbmD en"Through RattJeenaIre" en Moon and Stars and Barney va al dentista 2 a 12 aflos pueden divertirse, '4 (' Night Skies." hoy. Sf.ar'rti- hoy. aprender C088S nuevas, y encon­ 1 trar un Ingar id6neo para ellos. I PTV captur'a.m el interes de o· m mA_.o___-' m ltD to m- niflos, fomentarA 8U aprendizaje, y los introduciri a muchas • Enti!reeen como actividades nuevas. Algunos Ie dieron el nombre a la eetaci6n hoy en favoritos que Be pueden ver SMniftg fim6 St.ation. durante todo el verano son ..Ba1"lUf1/ & Friends CD I m Detectives 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m Chop'8 ..Lamb Play-Along van hutaBulpria ..Mi8ter Rogera'Neighlxwhood & I hoypa'&J'M01ver ..ReadingRainlxYw 11 "The Kazunlnk ..S68ame Street Cologne Cape" en I Fred Savage lee WINrf mt.w World I • "Willythe W"unp" ..Shining Time Station 0 I C_SmtdWgol hoy en Sf.ar'rti-. "Sturytime A los nifios mayores les va ED ED agustar 8 D m • +m 1m ..Gko8f:writer ~ Sabfa Vd. que LImb ..Square One TV Chops Be come laB uftaIIT V6Bla hoy para ~. ..Where inthe World 18 averiguar que es 10 Carmen Sandiego'l que ella va a haeer. iVAYA Y AVERIGUE! Un Ingar maravil1080 para averiguar C088S nuevas es 8U biblioteca local. Queda cerca y es gratis. Ayude a 8U niflo a Hoy l!lI el emnpleIdlos HaIri eelebrad6n del King Friday en consequir tarjeta de 1& de cump1eaftoll en una Miatsr Rogma' 1lamBr & Frisfr.da biblioteca para que puedea lle- I NeVJ1fburlwod. tambi6n. var1i6:roa aI8.casa:y yean p===== . i t= ........ ReadirIfJ Rainbow y 't G) o 0 0 to CD Termine so 1 Storytime, programas basados IVIALOI semana en Indonesia, en libros. 1\• Mariel HemiJJgway VeaenSeBame mientras ayuda a lee "The Very Quiet Street hoy como el 1'l!IlOlver el CIIIlO "The Cricket" and "Whistle grupo aprende BObre iMANTENGASE CON for Willie" hoy en "intentar e intentar NOSOTROS! Storytime. otra vez." ~ ~! -------IIE:..=.,I Este verano ver&n a1go nuevo CD 2' m CD 1m e m 1m en PrY - en los momentos o f entre los programas. Es un I lugar donde los nifios pueden D aprender todo de cosas - a t tipo ~ veces basta en 30 segundos. o Por eso qu6dense con PrY ] entre los programas y des­ fDI m ED fJ) fD ED 1m cobran un mundo nuevo de .....VALOI ideas, producido especialmente Aprenda DIU BObre Yeacomo lagente II para nifios. familias hoy en puede ponerae de 1­ R«rdiftg RaiftboID acuerdo plU'Il no estar I~ en "The Patchwork de aeuerdo hoyen o Quilt." 8hifliflg 7'ime St4tion. .__I! ED I ED ED ED Yea Lamb CIwp'8 DOJI11IIQOI Plat/-Along plU'Il ver AGOSTO como LImb Chop supera el miedo de II IlIIlJIllZBl" la eecoela. • •• Una pregunta sencilla al final de MUCHAS GRACIAS Un agradecimiento especial a todos los calia programa ayucla.m a su nifio a proveedores que dan apoyo a los programas hablar sobre 10 que aeaba de ver. para ninos de PTV en PBS: Preglintele 80bre los personajes y 10 Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation Helen and Peter Bing que estaban haciendo. Preglintele Corporation for Public Broadcasting qu~ tuvo de nuevo el programa. Intel Corporation Foundation Preglintele qu~ Ie gust6 - 0 no Ie Kellogg Company Kimberly-Clark Corporation gust6 - del programa. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation National Endowment for Children's Educational Television iINVENTELO! National Science Foundation NIKE Just Do It Fund Los tfteres ayudan a los nifios a Pew Charitable Trusts desarrollar su imaginaci6n y a hablar Public Television Viewers Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. de sus emociones. Un calcetfn viejo, US Department of Education. una bolsa de papel, 0 un dibujo de una cam pegado a un palito de madera - tod08 ~ hacen tfteres maravillosos. .....llc TV'. Actlvlly .... for F••III•• Watch • Story, Read a Story PTV's two great reading series -Reddillll Storytime's guest readers include such Rainbow and Siorytime - will keep your stars as Dave Coulier, A Martinez, child interested in books all summer long. Edward James Olmos, and Fred Savage. Readi:Iag Rainbow, a long-time favorite for .. .I.d Oull ages 5 to 8, shows reading as an adventure. Once you've watched the stories, you can Each program includes a video version ofa read the stories again with your chil­ feature book, using the book's actual pictures. dren. Your public TV station has lists of Well-known actors, such as James Earl Jones more than 500 books featured on both and Ruth Buzzi, tell the story. Then, host Storytime and Reading Rainbow. LeVar Burton expands on the theme ofthe Help your child find some of these in the feature book with "you are there" adventures. public library. Or, your child could pick For example, one program highlights the book another book about the same topic he or Paul Bunyan, about the greatest logger who she saw on PTV. Interested in LeVar's ever lived. LeVar thenjoins Smokey Bear to travels to a zoo? Check out other books watch rangers fight a forest fire. LeVar even about zoo animals - and visit your tries out his lumberjack skills! Each program nearest zoo! Does your child really like ends with three book talks by young children. Kino? Find books that show kids how to put on their own puppet shows. The Storytime is a new series this summer on adventure of reading starts with PTV! PTV for ages 2 to 6. Each story is introduced by three hosts: Marabina Jaimes (Mara), Anne Betancourt (Lucy), and a hip kid/puppet named Kino. Kino wears sneakers and acts and talks like many 7-year-oIds - and he just loves to have Mara ap.d Lucy read to him. hats as worn many o:'iN Var Burton has adingB,ainb . 1.£ . host ofIte •• celebrtty •••••••••••• • INSIDE • • ~ Guiding TV Viewing • ~ Getting Ready To Read • Storytime hosts Marabina Jaimes, Kino, • and Anne Betancourt. ~ Activities for Kids! • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• PTVPointers­ Whall s .n II."",••• Work it out! PTV Pr..rallls Skillsthat help children talk A whole new world for. children can be found in and work through a problem between the programs on PTV. And it's a place to arrive at a consensus and where kids can pick up all kinds ofterrific learning resolution. tips and messages - in as little as 30 seconds. Look for these PTVPointers before and after PTV programs - how many can your family find? Stick to it! Skills that help children accom­ plish a set goal, by working through their frustrations and overcoming obstacles. PTY ....lyn... Vol. 1, No.1, Summer 1994 Editor Paula Davis WGTE Public Broadcasting Designer, Art and Graphics Jauneth Skinner WGTE Public Broadcasting Editorial Consultont Toby Kleban Levine, Toby Levine Communications, Inc. DesiF Consultant WGBH Design Group Chris Pullman, Vice President Alison Kennedy, Senior Designer I.'torl.' Bo.rd Carol Copple Publications Editor National Association for the Education ofYoung Children, Washington, DC Barbara Elleman Editor, Book Links American Library Association, Chicago,IL Sherryl Browne Graves Chair, Educational Foundations and Counseling Programs Hunter College, NewYork,NY Concha Orozco Program Director, CQSSMHO (National Coalition ofHispanic Health and Human Service Organiz~tions), Washington, DC Cynthia L. Scheibe Director, Center for Research on the Effects of Television Cornell Universityllthaca College, Ithaca,NY Michael Webb Director, Education and Career Development Programs National Urban League, NewYork,NY PTVFa'!lily Times is published bimonthly by WQTE Public Broadcastirla in Toledo, Ohio, with financial support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and in cooperation with Pl'V, the :aeady to Learn Service on PBS, which is fundlid in part by Public Television View~ like you, the Corporation for Public Broadcailting, and EON Corporation. The opinions expressed herein are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. All comments should be sent to the attention of . together can help your local public television station, or to the ~;tdren develop skills for school Editor, PTVFamily Times, P.O. Box 30, oto by Charley Drake.} . Toledo, OH 43697-0030. l'o'ung children need cert 0 0 to get ready to read Yi am skllls in order deVe lop such sk oil . ou. can he l P YOur child 1 s as llsle' l speaking. mng, ooking and Share Books Together t/ Find books with simple, fun stories about familiar things. Stories about families, animals, or everyday life interest young children. For example, is Cookie Monster on Sesame Street popular at your house? Then fmd other books about cookies, food, or meal times. ~ Look for books with bright, colorful pictures. a . raw a ~ Pick books that have only a few words pIece ofpaper. Then on each page. Children love to hear simple that letter in maga . od ZInes books read over and over again. Soon they cans, and all around ' learn to say the words right along with you. V' Have fun with sound! (Really huffand puffwhen you blow the house down!) Make your voice louder, softer, higher or lower for different characters or moods. Develop listening skills with rhymes and word plays. Mter watching the Barney & Friends "Mother Goose" episode, you could read nursery rhymes together. V' Let your child turn the page. This keeps your child interested in the reading process.
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