SiteSolutions Combined Contaminated Land FURTHER ACTION Flooding PASSED Argyll's Overvie Contaminated Land ! Plausi#le $ontaminant linkages have #een identi'ied and soil and groundwater lia#ilities $ould o$$ur( A$$ordingly) potential Liabilities have been identi'ied under the relevant $ontaminated land legislation. Flood Ris% ! The Site is not $onsidered to be at a signi'i$ant ris% o' 'looding and #"ildings and $ontents insurance should #e availa#le and a''ordable( Environmental Ha+ards ! No other Environmental Ha+ards have been identi'ied in the immediate vi$inity o' the Site( Report on! O*erational Permits ! Sample Site, Sample Street, Anytown, UK No authorisations) li$ences) $onsents or enfor$ements have been identi'ied at or ithin ,-m o' the Site( Report prepared for: Report Reference: Report date: Sam*le Sam*le_Com#ined 5t& Jan"ary ,7/3 Client Reference: National Grid Reference: Sam*le /,01-2) 345/,0 Site Lo$ation Report prepared on Sam*le Site, Sam*le Street, Anytown) U8 Site Area (m2) 0/4,,( Current Use Ass"med Light Ind"strial roposed Use Ass"med Light Ind"strial Report Author As&a Mistry BS$ ;Hons< MS$ PIEMA Tele*&one! 0845 1-4 5250 E=mail: [email protected] Additional "nformation ro#ided = (argyllenvironmental($om Intelligent D"e Diligence Sam*le_Com#ined , 5t& Jan"ary ,7/3 E?e$"tive S"mmary Ris% Eval"ation Contaminated Land F"rt&er a$tion Lia#ility Assessment Potential Lia#ilities &ave #een identi'ied "nder Part ,A o' t&e Environmental Prote$tion A$t /557 ;or &ere a**ro*riate) e@"ivalent re@"irements "nder t&e *lanning regime< andAor t&e Bater Reso"r$es A$t /55/( To @"anti'y t&ese yo" may de$ide to "nderta%e a more detailed assessment t&ro"g& t&e re$ommendation;s< set o"t #elo ( B&at is t&e overall on=site ris%C Moderate B&at is t&e overall of'=site ris%C Moderate B&at is t&e environmental sensitivity rating? Moderate to High Re$ommendations Be re$ommend "ndertaking an environmental a"dit at t&e Site, in$l"ding a site ins*e$tion, sta'' intervie s and regulatory cons"ltation wit& a**ropriate t&ird parties to clari'y t&e ris% *resented by c"rrent and histori$al operations( The assessment will consider t&e standard of environmental management and identi'y potential risks associated wit& ground $ontamination in t&e conte?t of t&e transa$tion at hand. An u*grade to a Site Sol"tions Ins*e$t is availa#le pri$ed from £1255 pl"s VAT and in$l"ding all dis#"rsements. A re*ort $an normally be pre*ared in dra't format wit&in 10 working days or to your s*e$i'i$ re@"irements. A finalised re*ort can be provided following re$ei*t of regulatory res*onses) &i$& may take u* to 25 working days. We would be &a**y to provide a detailed proposal on re@"est. Please conta$t us on 0845 458 5250 i' you ould like f"rt&er assistan$e( As a minimum e would re$ommend regulatory $ons"ltation wit& t&e Local A"t&ority Environmental Healt& and Planning De*artments as outlined a#ove to in$l"de a revie of *lanning re$ords for t&e Site, details of any past Site investigations/remediation wor% and relevant in'ormation con$erning t&e A"t&orities strategy under Part 2A of t&e Environmental Prote$tion A$t 1990. An "*grade to a Site Sol"tions Cons"lt is availa#le for t&is Site 'or D17- *l"s VAT (in$l"des all dis#"rsements<. This re*ort can us"ally #e pre*ared wit&in /7= /- working days b"t may take u* to 25 working days de*ending on res*onse times( (argyllenvironmental($om Intelligent D"e Diligence Sam*le_Com#ined 0 5t& Jan"ary ,7/3 Ris% Eval"ation Flooding Passed Cons"ltant's Comment T&e site is not $onsidered to #e at signi'i$ant ris% o' 'looding( No '"rt&er a$tion is $onsidered ne$essary( Ho ever) it o"ld #e *r"dent to $onsider t&e meas"res o"tlined in t&e Re$ommendations se$tion( / If development is proposed would a detailed Flood Risk Assessment be re@"iredC Yes ;Drainage< , B&at is t&e overall ris% of flooding, ass"ming de'en$es 'ail or are a#sent or over=top*edC Low to Moderate 0 Are t&ere e?isting flood de'en$es t&at might bene'it t&e No SiteC Ins"ran$e The flood ris% identi'ied is unlikely to a''e$t obtaining b"ildings and contents ins"ran$e( Re$ommendations 1. You s&ould s*ea% to t&e seller to $on'irm w&et&er t&e property or t&e s"rrounding area &as flooded #e'ore( If it has, please $onta$t us for advi$e. 2. Prior to e?$&anging contra$ts, esta#lis& t&e terms of b"ildings and contents ins"ran$e 'or t&e property( (argyllenvironmental($om Intelligent D"e Diligence Sam*le_Com#ined 1 5t& Jan"ary ,7/3 Contaminated Land Ris% Analysis Investigation Commentary On=site so"r$es A revie of histori$al ma*s indi$ates t&e Site remained undeveloped from prior to 1878 "ntil t&e 1960 ma* edition w&en it formed part of a wider dis"sed air'ield wit& associated "nits. No signi'i$ant c&anges were noted until t&e 1994 ma* edition &en an uns*e$i'ied orks as part of B&ite Horse Business Par% as developed( An ele$tri$al s"# station and *otential tanks were also noted at t&is time. The Site &as remained in light ind"strial use, it& an alteration to t&e foot*rint of t&e #"ilding noted in t&e ,772 and 2016 ma* editions( Re$ent aerial imagery indi$ates t&at t&e Site is in use as a timber mer$&ants( Be have not been in'ormed of t&e c"rrent Site "se and have t&ere'ore ass"med t&at it is in light ind"strial use and ill contin"e in t&is use it&out redevelopment( Argyll's As a res"lt of t&e &istori$al and c"rrent use of t&e Site) t&ere is a moderate ris% of Comment $ontaminants being present( O''=site so"r$es A revie of histori$al ma*s &as revealed a n"m#er of histori$al or c"rrent *otentially $ontaminative uses in proximity to t&e Site. These in$l"de: t&e ider dis"sed air'ield mentioned a#ove c(/527=/55/ and light ind"strial "nits as part of W&ite Horse #"siness Par% 'rom adGa$ent east c(/555=,7/2( A$$ording to trade dire$tories) c"rrent or re$ent operations in *roximity to t&e Site in$l"de s&eet metal or% (24m nort& east<( F"rt&ermore) a Li$ensed Waste Management Fa$ility $ategorised as an inert land'ill as identi'ied 68m nort& operational on 29t& 6"ne 2004 &i$& may be a#le to impa$t u*on t&e Site( Argyll's The histori$al and c"rrent "se of t&e s"rrounding area is t&ere'ore considered to present a Comment moderate ris% of a''e$ting t&e Site( Pat& ays and Bit& re'eren$e to Environment Agen$y data, t&e bedroc% hydrogeology underlying t&e re$e*tors Site is $lassi'ied as a Se$ondary (A< A@"i'er ;de*osits wit& moderate permea#ility<( In terms of t&e overlying soils, t&ese are given a H/ ($lass H/< v"lnera#ility classi'i$ation( A$$ording to in'ormation provided #y t&e Environment Agen$y t&e Site does not lie wit&in a ground ater Sour$e Prote$tion Zone (SPH<. There is one a#stra$tion li$en$e located it&in 1000m. It is a ground ater a#stra$tion (432m nort&< for sand and gravel as&ing "se. The nearest ater feat"re (a drain< is located 6m sout& east( The general area a**ears to be largely in light ind"strial use( The following designated e$o-re$e*tor was identi'ied wit&in 1000m: S&ellingford Crossroads Q"arry ;Site of S*e$ial S$ienti'i$ Interest< located 826m nort&( Argyll's Overall, t&e Site is t&ere'ore considered to have a moderate to &ig& environmental Comment sensitivity( Additional No additional materials have been used in t&is assessment( So"r$es o' In'ormation Argyll's Con$lusion Considering t&e in'ormation revie ed d"ring t&is assessment, a n"mber of pla"si#le $ontaminant linkages have #een identi'ied( Soil and ground ater lia#ilities could arise &et&er or not redevelopment is considered( Please re'er to ris% analysis met&odology se$tion for f"rt&er guidan$e and de'inition of terms( (argyllenvironmental($om Intelligent D"e Diligence Sam*le_Com#ined - 5t& Jan"ary ,7/3 C"rrent O*erations $nvironmental %ama&e Re&ulations 2''( ($DR) Potential 'or o nerAo*eration to in$"r a Lia#ility "nder t&e EDR Argyll's T&e Site is in $lose *ro?imity to a *otentially sensitive re$e*tor as set o"t in t&e EDR( It o"ld Comment t&ere'ore #e *r"dent to ens"re t&at o*erations on t&e site are a"dited on a reg"lar #asis to minimise t&e ris% o' $a"sing environmental damage t&at $o"ld res"lt in lia#ility "nder t&e EDR( In addition) t&e *resen$e o' s"$& re$e*tors s&o"ld #e $onsidered as *art o' any '"t"re develo*ment or a$tivity( Please re'er to t&e ris% analysis met&odology se$tion 'or '"rt&er g"idan$e and de'inition o' terms( Additional Considerations Item S"mmary S"ggested A$tion O*erational S"$& lia#ilities may arise i' t&e Site is in commer$ial/ind"strial use and bot& t&e Complian$e a"dit Com*lian$e Site and t&e b"siness are being p"r$&ased) or t&e Site is to be p"r$&ased as an investment wit& an operational b"siness as a tenant( As#estos If t&e #"ildings at t&e Site were constr"$ted or renovated d"ring t&e period C&e$% t&e As#estos #et een /5-7 and 1999, t&en t&e fa#ri$ of t&ese b"ildings may contain Register and as#estos in a variety of forms( Management Plan Energy Under t&e Energy Per'orman$e of Buildings (England and Wales< Regulations C&e$% for EPC or Per'orman$e ,7/, and t&e Energy Per'orman$e of Buildings (S$otland< Regulations 2008, $ond"$t energy Certi'i$ate t&ere is a re@"irement for all b"ildings to &ave an Energy Per'orman$e assessment Certi'i$ate (EPC< u*on t&eir constr"$tion, sale or lease (and in some $ases &en t&e b"ilding is modi'ied<.
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