38 MA THEMA TICS: P. R. HALMOS PROC. N. A. S. and not yet completely settled, is the following: Given a ring R, is there at least one group K which isfully adapted to R, that is, which will convert R into a ring-logic (K)? 1 FQster, A. L., "The Theory of Boolean-Like Rings," Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 59, 166-187 (1946). 2 Foster, A. L., "The Idempotent Elements of a Commutative Ring Form a Boolean Algebra; Ring Duality-and Transformation Theory," Duke Math. J., 12, 143-152 (1945). "Maximal Idempotent Sets in a Ring with Unit," Ibid., 13, 247-258 (1946). 4 Foster, A. L., "On the Permutational Representation of General Sets of Operations by Partition Lattices," to appear in Trans. Am. Math. Soc., June, 1949. G Foster, A. L., and Bernstein, B. A., "Symmetric Approach to Commutative Rings with Duality Theorem: Boolean Duality as Special Case," Duke Math. J., 11, 603-616 (1944). 6 Foster, A. L., and Bemstein, B. A., "A Dual Symmetric Definition of Field," Am. J. Math., 67, 329-349 (1945). 7 Harary, F., "The Structure of Boolean-Like Rings," in process of publication. ON A THEOREM OF DIE UDONN1S By PAUL R. HALMOS DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Communicated by A. A. Albert, November 12, 1948 1. The fact that a measure preserving transformation may be decom- posed into ergodic parts was proved first by von Neumann, under the assumption that the domain of the transformation is an m-space (= a com- plete, separable, metric space with a regular measure).' Several years later I defined the concept of direct sum for measure spaces and, in terms of this concept, proved a more general decomposition theorem for measure spaces subject to certain separability restrictions.2 My proof rested on a lemma, stated by Doob, concerning the existence of certain measures on such measure spaces. It was recently pointed out by Dieudonn6 that Doob's lemma and my decomposition theorem are both false.3 The situation, in greater detail, is that my proof of the decomposition theorem is valid for a measure space if and only if the conclusion of Doob's lemma is correct for that space. An examination of Doob's proof shows that his conclusion is certainly correct if the measure space in question is the unit interval. Since, however, there is a wide class of measure spaces (called normal) for which it is known that they may be put into one to one measure preserving correspondence with the unit interval,4 a large part of my original decomposition theorem is saved-all that has to be done is to re- place the original separability assumption by the assumption of normality. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 VOL. 35, 1949 MA THEMA TICS: P. R. HALMOS 39 Since every non-atomic m-space is normal, and since the few additional considerations required by the possibly atomic case are'trivial, my treat- ment for normal spaces still constitutes a generalization of von Neumann's theorem and a simplification of his proof. In addition to finding the error in the decomposition theorem as originally stated, Dieudonn6 has also proposed two partial replacements of it.5 Since the second of these deals with compact (and a fortiori complete) metric spaces, it follows from the remarks in the preceding paragraph that that theorem is in fact a special case of the decomposition theorem for normal spaces. Dieudonne's first theorem, however, is a very beautiful and powerful addition to decomposition theory. Since his proof of this theorem rests on some earlier theorems of his concerning Banach space valued integrals, I propose in this note to offer another, somewhat simpler, and more direct proof and to make some comments about the relation of the result to previously known facts. 2. Let Y be a totally disconnected, compact Hausdorff space and let.E be the class of all open-closed subsets of Y. Let B be the smallest Boolean a-algebra of sets containing E; the sets in B are called the Baire sets of Y. A Baire measure in Y is a finite (countably additive) measure on B. For every Baire measure IL in Y and for every Baire set B, ju(B) ='suptI(K): B 3 Ke K} = inf{I,u(U):Bc UE U), where K is the class of all compact Baire sets and U is the class of all open Baire sets; these relations are usually expressed by saying that every Baire measure is regular.' If an open-closed subset of Y is the union of a class of open-closed sets, then, by compactness, all but a finite number of members of the class must be empty. It follows that. every non-negative, finite and finitely additive set function defined on the class of all open-closed subsets of Y is in a vacuous sense countably additive on this class and hence that it has a unique extension to a Baire measure in Y. A Baire measure ,u in Y is positive if Iu(E) > 0 for every E in E,(and hence ,u(U) > 0 for every Uin U). If the space Yhas the property that the class E of all open-closed sets is a ar- lattice, and if ,u is a positive Baire measure in Y, then the pair (Y, ,u) will be called a Kakutani space. Equivalently, a Kakutani space is a totally dis- connected, compact Hausdorff space with a positive Baire measure and with the property that corresponding to any countable class of open-closed sets there is a least open-closed set containing them all. If B is a Baire set in a Kakutani space (Y, ,u), then there exists a unique open-closed set E in Y such thatM(B A E) = 0 (where B,AE = (B-E) u (E-B) is the sym- metric difference of B and E). A Boolean a-algebra J of Baire sets (i.e., a ar-subalgebra of the algebra B of all Baire sets) will be called full if for each B in Jthe open-closed set E for which ,u(B A E) = 0 is also contained in J. Let A be an abstract Boolean c-algebra, let X be a finite measure on A, and Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 40 MATHEMATICS: P. R. HALMOS PROC. N. A. S. denote by A/X the quotient algebra of A modulo the a-ideal of all those elements A for which X(A) = 0. By Stone's theorem there exist a totally disconnected compact Hausdorff space Y and a one-to-one mapping 4) (the Stone mapping) from A/X onto the class E of all open-closed subsets of Y such that 4) preserves all finite Boolean operations. If ,u(E) is defined for every E in E, by ,i(E) = X(4-1(E)) then ,u has a unique extension to a positive Baire measure in Y. It is easy to verify that (Y, ,u) is a Kakutani space; it will be called the Kakutani space associated with A and X. It may be remarked that by combining 4) with the natural homomorphism from the algebra A onto the quotient algebra A/X one obtains a homo- morphic mapping of A onto E;, it is convenient and harmless to use the same symbol, i.e., 4), for this mapping as for the original isomorphism. While with the new interpretation of 4) it is no longer true that if 4)(Al) = 4)(A2), then A1 = A2, a similar and equally useful statement is still true: if 4)(A1) = 4)(A2), then A1 = A2 [XI, where the equality of A1 and A2 modulo X is of course defined by X(A1 A2) = 0. The construction in the preceding paragraph is of particular interest when applied to a finite measure space (X, A, X), i.e., when A is a Boolean a-algebra of subsets of a set X. In this case it may be shown7 that the mapping 4), when viewed as a mapping between characteristic functions, has a unique extension, which may also be denoted by 4) and which maps each essentially bounded, real valued, measurable function f on X into a real valued, continuous function g on Y so that (i) 4)(aLfi + a2f2) = ai4(fl) + a24)(f2), (ii) (ff2) = (D(fl))(f2), (iii) iff 2 0 [XI, then4(f) 2, and (iv) if (4)f) = g, then lifll. = 1g I,I where l =,inf{k:X(1x: If(x)I>k1) = 01 andIfg!! = inftk: {y:jg(y)j> k},= 01 3. In the language and notation introduced above, Dieudonn6's funda- mental decomposition theorem may be stated as follows. THEOREM. If (Y, ,u) is a Kakutani space and if J is a full Boolean a- algebra of Baire sets, then there exist a Kakutani space (Z, v), a continuous mapping Xrfrom Y onto Z, and, for each z in Z, a Baire measure gO in vr-(z) such that the set transformation induced by irs a one-to-one mappingfrom J n E onto the class F of all open-closed sets in Z and such that, for every open- closed set E in Y (i.e.,for every E in E), jA(E) = Jf,uI(E n 7r (z))dv(z).8 Proof: Let (Z, v) be the Kakutani space associated with J and ,u and denote the corresponding Stone mapping (from sets and functions of Y onto Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 VOL. 35, 1949 MATHEMATICS: P.
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