233% PROFIT! Direct-from-Factory SPECIAL OFFER ••• ENDS JUNE 30 Officers of the Northern California GCSA are (Front row,' L to r): Richard Viergever, secy-treas; W. Harrison White, pres, and Cliff Wagoner, vp. (Back row): Directors are George Santana, Stanley Pitcher, Charles Metzger and Fred Layton. NCGCSA recently gave the University of California a gift of $250 to further research work on bentgrass diseases. John Madison heads this project. YOU BUY IN BULK Central Plains Meeting The Pee Gee Tee regularly retails at 5 ¢ each; millions Theme of the Central Plains Turfgrass have been purchased at that price. During the period field day held June 2 at Kansas State Col- of this special offer we will sell in bulk at $15.00 per 1,000 ••. 1.5 ¢ each. You package in small containers lege, Manhattan, was "Better Athletic and retail at 5 ¢ and make a profit of 233%! C.O.D. or Turf." Beryl Taylor, supt. at Iowa State send check with order and we pay all shipping costs. College, an authority on cool season grass- es, discussed the effect of traffic on blue- COSOM INDUSTRIES INC. grass while Bob Lester, supt. of Wichita 6012 Wayzata Blvd., Minneapolis 16, Minn. i., municipal courses, gave a talk on warm ./ season grasses in the transition zone. Dr. Campbell of the KSU staff demonstrated controls that are being used on the Uni- MCLAUGHLIN versity's crabgrass plots. Ray A. Keen, PRESENTS FOR 1958 William F. Pickett, Roy Rasmussen and TOMMY MC LAUGHLIN Jim Tobias made up the committee in charge of the June 2 field day. GOLF BALL During the meeting it was announced that the fall field days will be held Oct. All NEW Construction 15-17 at Manhattan. Also the following IMPROVED reconditioned WMGA Tournament Card and rewound golf balls: Women's Metropolitan Golf Assn. re- ALEX CAMPBELL Proven the most re- cently released its 1958 tournament -high compres- liable pro line in the schedule. The tourney season officially sion-liquid cen- got underway on Apr. 29 with the first of ter. competitive p ric e ~ five inter club team matches. Included in ALEX DUNCAN r.a n g e. Available the book are revised handicap require- - medium com- with our trade name pression - liquid ments for new members and a new course or private brand in rating system. center EDINBURGH -low 24 doz. lots. Satis- compression faction guaranteed. N. Y. Turf Officers Used cut or uncut balls taken in trade New York State Turf Assn. recently or purchased. ~ elected the following officers and direc- Custom repainting of your golf balls. tors for 1958: Pres.., Charles Schmalz, Ko- dak Park, Rochester; VP, Lynn Kellogg, These balls sold to pros exclusively. Oak Rill CC, Rochester; Secy-Treas., Write .lor prices George T. Swanson, Cornell U.; Irving HUGH J. Me LAUGHLIN & SON Pollen, John Hohm and Leo Stellrecht, CROWN POINT, INDIANA directors. !JI-. june, 1958 91 IN USE 100 YEARS MZ££BUBN ON HUNDREDS OF COURSES! Write lor FREE Catalog! The MURDOCK Mfg. & Supply Co. Spia91eU,* Cincinnati 2, Ohio Peat Moss Sterilized ready to use John Darrah, agronomist for Millburn Peat, Inc MILLBURN PEAT COMPANY III N. Wabash Ave.. Chleaao 2. III. Mid Atlantic Association Musser Survey Shows Need Honors Tuckerman, McLeod of Turf Management Training A survey recently completed by Prof. 101 years of championship golf were H. B. Musser of Pennsylvania State Uni- honored when the Middle Atlantic Golf versity shows that only nine U. S. colleges Assn. paid tribute recently to Walter R. or universities offer a 4-year study course Tuckerman and Freddie McLeod at the in which students can major in turf man- association's 56th annual meeting at Co- agement. During the last 10 years these lumbia CC, Chevy Chase, Md. Tuckerman, a founder of Burning Tree institutions have graduated an average of Club and a Washington area resident, won only one student a year. Altogether, 8,500 the MAGA championship in 1907, when agricultural graduates leave the campuses he was one of the country's top amateur of our land grant colleges each year. The golfers. In 1910 he was runner-up to upshot of Musser's findings is that if Walter J. Travis in the North-South Ama- country clubs are going, to have a steady teur. flow of competent supts. over the years McLeod, pro at Columbia since 1912, they will have to find some method of won the U. S. Open in 1908 and tied training young men for these jobs. Walter Hagen for second in 1921. In 1919 he lost in the PGA final to Jim International to Mexico City Barnes who won the 1921 Open. New president of the MAGA is Her- Sixth annual International Golf Cham- bert A. Wagner, Jr., of Baltimore. He suc- pionship and Canada Cup Matches will ceeds Lt. Gen. Floyd L. Parks, former be held concurrently in Mexico City in commander of the Second Army and the November. Dates of the competitions and assn's senior champion. - _ name of the course will be announced later. Torakichi Nakamura and Koichi Jacobsen 21·Inch Deluxe Ono, representing Japan, will be defend- Power Propelled Rotary ing the titles they won last year against Jacobsen Manufacturing Oo., Racine, Wis., teams from 30 nations. has announced the details of its 1958 Model 35C, Deluxe 21-in. Power Propelled Ro- Wanda Sanches on Wilson Staff tary Mower. Wanda Sanches, who plays the LPGA circuit, Powered by a 3 now is a member of the Wilson Sporting Goods hp Jacobsen-built Hi- Coo's women's advisory golf staff. A onetime Torque engine with softball star, Wanda took up golf in 1949, won r e co i 1 starter, the the Baton Rouge, La., City title that year and Model 35C features then gave up the game for three years to work Jacobsen's exclusive as an accountant. Upon resuming golf in 1953 Turbo-cut suction lift rotor. Selective forward she won several :amateur championships but it I r speeds, from " to 4 mph, are controlled by a wasn't until 1956, when she either won or was smartly styled airplane type lever control on a contender for several important amateur titles, the handle. Adlitional features include fully that 'she became well known. She turned pro in enclosed V-belt, automatic belt take-up, engine May, 1957. She joins Patty Berg, Betsy Rawls, control pa.pel and leaf mulcher attachment. A Mickey Wright and Betty Hicks on the Wilson push button electric starter kit is available. staff. 92 Golfdom 1914 FULNAME 1958 Original Ball Marker with DURAMARK DIE Clearer Imprint _. Long Lasting Choice of Established Clubs Box 178 Cincinnati 6, Ohio Ben Hogan "power-driving" golf shoe (Style No. H-210) is claimed to be the first moder- ately priced shoe with tournament features, by its manufacturer, Stone-Tarlow, Inc. It comes in tan grain, has three-eyelet blucher overlay and is made of high-grade, selected leather. The single spiked sole construction is fortified by strong innersoles, steel plates and soft, shape- retaining counters. The H-210 is available ex- clusively at pro shops. Robbins Markets Massage Master Al Robbins Enterprises, Box 887, Evanston, Harry Obitz (center) Shawnee-on-the-Delaware CC Ill., is marketing a ~ pro, shown with his associate, Dick Farley (right) massage master vi- receives a silver-plated Etonic-PGA Ryder Cup shoe brating machine from Bob Eaton, vp Charles A. Eaton Co., Brock- that is said to be ton, Mass., for being 1,OOOth pro to buy a pair of just the thing for Ryder Cup shoes for his own use. tired golfers with miseries in the back, legs or other Toro Dealer Campaign parts of the anato- ;. The campaign of the Toro Manufacturing my. Hand held, it Corp. to add dealers in territories not already can be operated in )} covered has brought in 1,475 new dealers, ac- three speeds whereas most machines of this type cording to Robert W. Gibson, vp 'in charge of have only one speed. The machine, according to sales and advertising. All-expense Caribbean Robbins, is recommended by physicians, physio- cruises, mink stoles, TV sets and other prizes therapists, etc. for use in athletic clubs, homes were used as incentives for sales reps and and offices. It is available with or without established dealers to bring in new distributors. handles. GOLF 'RANGES MINIATURE GOLF COURSES We Have a Complete Line of Supplies Write for Catalog EASTERN GOLF CO. 6-64th St. RICHFIELD, WIS. June, 1958 93 OUR 17th YEAR of Service to LOCKER NAMEPLATES Golf Professionals Quality Awards Shipped Promptly FOR CATALOG AND DISCOUNT WRITE Sports Awards Co. Write for sample and prices 429 W. Superior St. KIRSCH CARD SERVICE Chicago 10, Illinois $9.00 BOX 426X, ELMHURST, ILL. Distinctly New and Different Onyx Awards Wilson staff members and sales personnel who attended a company dinner at the Masters included: First roW (I to r): Gene Sarazen, Pres. Fred J. Bowman, Sam Snead, l. G. (Plug) Osborne; Cary Middlecoff, Hdrry W. Colburn and Vic Ghezzi. (Second Row): Arnold Palmer, Joe Wolfe, Billy Maxwell, Dick Roper, Bill-Casper, Jr., Claude Hastings, Mark Cox and Gerald Waidel. (Third Row): Denny Shute, Pete Mitchell, Julius Boros, Johnny Revolta, Bob Wren, Bob Crosland, Matt Warren and AI Bonk. Scott Issues Cost Pamphlet Jacobsen Edge-R Trim Available from O. M. Scott & Sons, Marys- The Jacobsen Model 32A Edge-R Trim for ville, 0., is a four-page pamphlet, entitled 1958 is adjustable to four positions - ·15 degs. "Watching Costs in '58?" It describes several to right for undercutting, vertical, 45 dgs. left of the company products and also lists prices and 90 degs, left (horizontal).
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