SONGSABOUTJANE ONEHARDER TO BREATHEZ TWOTHIS LOVEa THREESHIVER ts FOURSHE WILL BE LOVEDre FIVETANGLED z+ SIXTHE SUN so SEVENMUST GET OUT so EIGHTSUNDAY MORNING +z NINESEGRET aa TENTHROUGH WITH YOU oo ELEVENNOT COMING HOME s+ TWELVESWEETEST GOODBYE OZ : :ï:: '..'' ,' ':.:..,::.:;;'.\ '-.'.,.".1 ,.-.r,1-::-;''-,--é THIS PUBLICATIONIS NOT AUÍHORISEDFOFI SALE IN THE UNITED STATESOF AIíEFICA AND /OB CANADA WISEPUBLICATIONS PABTOF THE MUSICSALES GROUP LONDON/NEWYOFK/ PABIS/ SYONÊY/COPENHAGEN / BERLIN/ À4ADRID/TOKYO HARDERTO BREATHE WORDS& MUSICBY ADAM LEVINE, JAMES VALENTINE, JESSECARMICHAEL, MICKEY MADDEN & RYANDUSICK ^N (-nm )=uq t:.:]D tHul How dare you say that my be - ha - viour's un - ac - cep - ta - ble. Drums cri-ti-cal. I have the ten - dan - cy of 'cause get- ting ve-ry phy-si- cal. So watch your step if I do you'll need a mi - ra - cle. @ COPYRIGHÍ2OO2 BI\iIG N,USIC PUBLISHING LII\,IITED. ALL RIGHTSRESERVED. INTERNAÍIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. I I - - was You drain me dry and make me won - der why I'm ev - en here The dou ble vi sion I - ter nev- What you are do - ing is screw - ing things up in - side my head' Youshould know bet You l'' l)' +! - I want you gone. see - ing is fi - nal - lY clear. You want to stay but You know ve ry well - swear. -er lis - ten to a word I saY. Clutch-ing your pil - low and writh-ing in a na ked - Not fit to funk - in' tread the gÍoundthat I am walk ing on. 1 And when it gets cold- Hop - ing some- bo - dy some- daY would do you like I did l -* B t' 1r |m t**lll out - side- love,- 3 L-m, # you'll un - der - stand what I mear- when say- there's no -tt ^It B fn ( ím, (rí t:H tI:]E4F {:]:@46 l+#.t # F++H] ffl.Hl - we're gon - na give up.- And like a lit - tle girl cries- -* B tÍ ttl fu ffi in the face of a mon - ster that lives- in her dreams.- 'cause it's get - ting hard - 4 To Coda & L.m D5 C'5 Êd n. $r; ffi # iïr- N.c. Is there a - nY - one out- er and hard - er to breathe /] a t/n l.- l)' trc* LíIn H+H ffi ^k tím Alci sboi-/c# ffi ffi ffi 5 Bbdim,icf ffi ful to learrl that - that has all- lhe con- nol.- Does it tbdll does it stins- when vou feel Btdim/Cf 'Erd Nc# H#+fl t+tttl bring,- and you wisll that you haL me to hold.- 6 0 Coda C*m ffino +- 'cause - - Is there a - ny - one out- there it's get ting hard ^]t L1lm ffi - er and hard - er 'cause - - Is there a - nY - one out-- there it's get ting hard ---4- 6- T1 4 1 + T t- # 7 THISLOVE WORDS& MUSICBY ADAMLEVINE, JAMES VALENÏINË, JESSECARMICHAEL, MICKEY MADDEN & RYANDUSICK =92 G/B iffirr. Fmt G/B Ímmlffi' m^Ê +t Hl m6Í. 'S',G/B +Hl 1.I was_ so high- I did not re-cog-nise- the fire- burn 2. I tried- my besl to feeL her to keep her com O COPYRIGHT2OO2 BMG I!1USICPUBLISHING LIMITED. ALL RIGHTSFESÊBVED, INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED, fm' ffi8ri m6F in her eyes. The cha - os thal con - trolled- my mind., ev -'ry nlght,- so hard to keep- her sa - tis - fied.- Whis -pere[ good- bye- as she- got on- a plane,- nev - er to- -tend - Kept play - ing love- like it- was Just- a game,- pre ing- to Fm7 ffi+6ír tfiHl -tum a - garn but al - ways in my heafi.- feel the same, then tum a - round and leave u - guin.l Fm7 gb Cm7 ffil8n H+H] i[ffi has ta-ken it's toll- on me. She said good - bye q Cm7 Fm7 ffi8ft H+# ma - ny times be - fore. B' Cm7 ffi ffirn ,Lt?l+ m8h EE fiffisr stl+ srHl rllrl-\ I won't say good-bye a - ny - more._ Wloa,- whoa,- lr. rm, DdimT DdimT mB8Íi F++IH Fm6Í' ffiuo 10 fm' ffi H+fl these bro- ken things,- re- pair- your bro- ken wings ffi". 'ry make- sure - thing's- My pres - sure on- your hiPs,- oh.sinl-ing- my fing - er tiPs.- m-to inch oi you- be-cause I know- that's whal you want- me to- do' 11 Bb Eb6 ffi ffi ffi ta - ken it's toll- on me. ffior good - bye- ma - ny times be - fore. Fm7 Fmt8F. H+H] Em8h Ltfll:l ffi Repeatacl lib. to fade 'cause I won't say good - bye a - ny - more. 12 SHIVER WORDS& MUSICBY ADAM LEVINE, JAMES VALENTINE, JESSECARMICHAEL, MICKEY MADDEN & RYANDUSICK AM J=84 ffi ffi Arn ffi 1. You build me up, you knock me down, 2. Im - mo - bil - ized by the thought of you. @ COPYRIGHT2OO2 BN4G MUSIC PUBLISHINGLIIVITED. ALL RIGHTSRESERVED- INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURÊD. IJ EmTbsEb tu",F f+u+ pro - voke a smile artd make me fiown. You are the queen of run - a- round. You I'm pa - ra- lized by the sight ol you. And hyp - no - tized by the words you say, Am ffi know it's- true. Youchewme up and spit me out. not true,but Ibe- lieve them a-nyvay. So come to bed, it's get - ting late. Em7 IfrÍr,.J/D. l+llJl Fm" En - joy the taste I leave in your mouth. You look at me, I look at you. There's no more time for us to waste. Re - mem - ber how my bo - dy tastes? Em ffi Nei-ther of us know what to do. I And there may be a- no -th€r way You feel your heart be - gin to race.J 14 1" so I guess I'd bet - ter find a ): Cmaj? iËïH I- shi - ver when I think a - bout you but it's Em g^tbslp.b ffi Ím"'o I won't be sa - tis - fied till I'm B lÍffi N. fic q. T' a a-a tataa 15 Am7 ffi Em gb lJ++ LfÍlll 87 Em ffi be a-no -ther way C-uÍ Éll+ 16 Enl := N.c.(A) /, t I shi - ver when I e '): CmajT lull Em p^tbslBb Lil# I won't be sa - tis - fied till I'm un - der t B F?lst yeah,- yeah!- It' ++ J+t 17 SHEWILL BE LOVED WORDS& MUSICBY ADAM LEVINE, JAMES VALENTINE, JESSECARMICHAEL, MICKEY MADDEN & RYANDUSICK J=100 Cm fuffrri. fi1fi'ar ffi r Cm ffi 1. Beau - ty queen of on - ly eight - een, she_ 2. Tap on my win - dow, knoclt on my- door, I_ r frfrsr $si"or. had some trou - ble wittr her He was al - ways there- want to make you feel beau - ti - ful. I know I tend to get_ r O COPYRIGHT2OO2 BMG IVUSTCPUBLISHING LII\4ITED. ALL RIGHTSRESERVED. TNTEBNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECUBED. 18 BD/ Cm Bb7 6m ffi FIl+H ffi ffi -to help- her, al - ways be - longed to some one else.- _so m-se-cure, does - n't mat - ter a- ny more. r ) I drove for miles- and miles- and wound- It'S not al - ways ruln bows and but - ter - flies ir's r up at- your door com - pto - mrse that moves us a - long.- Bb7 Cm .Ht"sr ffin 6n I've had you so- ma-ny ímes- but My heart is full and my door's- al - ways op 9tr, r 19 Cm Bb1 Ebsus2 ïw mn6fr ffffi* ' /---' - how I- want mole.- I don't mind spend- ing - I a ny time you wan[._ t a,) r ** Í Í j'? tt'==' !J I-J -- tt.2 rFY tz BDsusa Cmn Bbsus4 ffi6 t:]::E ffior ffi ev-e-ry day out on your cor - ner in the pour - ing rain.- alV"Y ( l'Y f v-Y Ebsus2"ffir Bbsus4 Cmtr ffi6rr Lm ffi Look for the girl with the bro - ken smile,_ ask her if she wants to -Fr a) r f v'Y f r-Y Abadde É"sus. -ffi"n Bbsusa mn4fr ffi6 ffi -4_. 2: stay a - while. And she will- and she will- a) ( vtY f l'Y f v'Y 20 Cmtr rT9 ^J_^-l) Q' Bbsus4) Bbsus4 ffio And she will- loved,- be lor ed. I know where you hide- gb Bt (-m' '-ê F@ !I:m ++H.l #q+ a - lone in your car,- know all of the things that make you who you are. 21 Cm gb M f? fu I know that good- bye- means no - thing at all,_ comes back and begs me, Bt 4b ffi! ffi ]+tHl ffirn Fffi r ffi"uo 22 E"SUS_ Cmll "ffirn Bbsusa "- ffi ffi ffi Btsusa ffio !ffior ffi,'r. good - bye. Please Cmtr i:m mE4h ffi II+HJ Please bye 4b f?t]ji 23 TANGLED WORDS& MUSICBY ADAM LEVINE, JAMES VALENTINE, JESSECARMICHAEL, MICKEY MADDEN & RYANDUSICK F ffi Am ffi F ÉÍ-t H O COPYRIGHT2OO2 BMG I.4USICPUBLISHING LIMITED. ALL RIGHTSBESERVED. INTEFNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. 24 of re - grets for all the things that I have done And F ffi ffi I don't know if it -'ll ev-er be O. You're an ln - no - cent, a help - less vic - tim of a Am tt+l+ l+tt+ K. to show my face spi - ders web and I'm F FmajT lffi iffis # l'+f-H Some- times I won - der if I dis - ap - pear, would you- CV - CI tuÍL go - ing af - teÍ a - ny - thing that I caÍr get.
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