The 'Situation in Rhodesia Statement issued by the Executive Committee of the African National Congress of South Africa THE AFJUCAN NATIONAL CONGRESS of South Africa views with deep concern and indignation the extremely grave implications to- tbt people of Zimbabwe, of Southern Africa, the independent states of Africa and indeed the whole anti-racialist and anti-fascist fofCtl of the world caused by the situation which is now prevailing in Rhodesia. In the past the African National Congress has warned' the world over and over again that white domination and- fasCism persists and is planning to entrench itself in Zimbabwe no leas than it has done in South Africa, Mozambique, and South West Africa. We have often posed the question, what makes it POssible that in a world in which the overwhelming majority of the peoPle are opposed to racialism and colonialism such a situation could continue to exist in Southern Africa. We have suggested that it would be important to examine those who are shielding this obnoxious system from its complete destruction. It was and still is our view that the policies and practices o( those who benefit materially from the exploitation and oppression of the African people in Southern Africa constitute a barricade against the freedom of the African people. We do not think that it is necessary for us to go into lengthy details to support our views because these have already been submitted to The Special Comminee on the situation with rt!gtUd to Implementation 0/ the Declaration on the Granting a/Independ­ ence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, in the form of a Petition submitted in Dar·es·Salaam on June 9th, 1965. The Honourable 8. committee in its report reproduced our Petition in extell.w and it nOw forms part of the documents of the United Nations Organiza­ tion. L/nboly Alliance art from that Petition. in numerous spceches and declarations ~p have warned of the grave dangers which might face both th~ ,\Coples of Southern Africa, of Africa and indeed the whole world ~lcSS this sinister Unholy Alliance betwecn Verwoerd, Salazar. and smith was smashed. In thi<; statement we merely want to emphasize a few points which ,I'e have made before about this Unholy Alliance. We have alleged and still allege that the Un,holy Alliance of Verwoerd. Smith and Salazar was fundamentally based on a common ideology-racialism 3nd fascism: a common economic objective-the ruthless exploita­ rion and oppression of the African people: a common military design-the defence of colonialism, fascism, white domination and tbe subversion of the independent states. This white minority fascist triumvirate in Southern Africa is a bulwark and bastion of colonialism -and imperialism in Africa and l springboard from which the imperialist powers are plotting to reverse all that the African Revolution has gained. II is an irony that only twenty-three years have elapscd since the sons and daughters of Britain. France. Belgium. Asia and Africa were called upon to rally and to give their lives in the most un­ precedented war and loss of life to destroy the menacing and powerful fascist regime of Hitler and Mussolini in Europe. Today. some of these very powers are either assisting openly or clan­ destinely. conniving or directly supporting the very growth of a similar fascist regime in Southern Africa. It is legitimate to ask whether these white powers do so today because Hiller-s Aryanism was against one "vhite group as against another. and whether their indifference today is because it is white racialism against the black people. Or is it because economic benefits from the exploitation of the African takes first place to the morality. justice and human rights in the whole consortium of the Western Imperialist Powers. who have a stake in the maintenance of the bastion of imperialism and exploitation in Southern Africa? Western Powers It is our view that the main criminals who must be put in the dock in the present situation in Southern Africa are the main pillars of coloniali.~m and fascism in Southern Africa. We have alleged before 8' thal th.:re is in fact a more powerful and unholy alliance \v members are primarily Britain. the United States of Am It?!t France. Belgium and Japa~. It is these. powers who ,have a ~f1C:io, share and stake In the continued oppression and explOItation of ult people. II is these very powers who continue to give an exte tile lease of life to a wi::ked system which has been so vehemently nded demned by the peoples of the world. Their black record of sabo~b' ing all efforts made to end Dr. Yerwoerd's apartheid in So 1· Africa and South West Africa; Salazar's fascism in Mozatnb,lllh and Angola; and Smith's arrogant usurpation of power andl~ cOnlinued oppression of the people of Rhodesia must and iii remain an eternal indictment against them, II Britain's own acts before, during and after Smith's Declarati of Independence constitute an act of treachery which the Afric°n people and all other right-thinking people will never forget. an It is indeed not the first lime that the British Government It betrayed the rights of the African people in the interests of a Wlti~\ minority and ~Iso .in the interes.ts of her e~onomic stake in th~ ~ountry. !he SItuatIon of th.e.Afncan people In South Africa toctal' IS a classIcal example of Bntlsh betrayal. The people of Zimbabwe in many respects are beginning to suffer what the South African African people have been suffering for over fifty years. For very many years now Britain has been claiming that tlte United Nations Organization had no jurisdiction whatsoever OVtI' the situation in Rhodesia. And that Rhodesia was the sole responsi. bility of the British Government which was competent and ablt to solve the situation. It might be recalled that over several yean when the South African situation was also raised in the United Nations. Britain also emphatically excluded the jurisdiction of tlte United Nations over Ih:!t issue claiming that it was purely a domestic issue. Sanctions For a number of years too, the African people of South Africa demanded that if a very s~rious blood bath had to be avoided in South Africa the world should impose economic and diplomatic sanctions on South Africa. One of the greatest opponents to tltis suggestion and as far as we know up to date was the British Government itself. It is the height of dupHcity having regard to the foregoing atti· tude of Britain in the past that she should now be the first to .,appeal to the Security Council for assistance in the European situa· nd not only that but 10 appeal for sanctions which she ha!> lPn. a rs denounced as ineffectual. [aJ y~a our "iew that if the Security Council and the General II ~~IY of the Unite~ Nations Organization agree t? enforc.e ,"SSl:(ons against RhodesIa, a member of the Unholy AllIance, thiS sane I can be effective only if it is applied to the other members of I~LnholY Allianc~. Portugal and South.Africa, who arc.guilty of thiS me crimes agamst both the DeclaratIOn of Human RIghts and lhe ~h!lrter of the United Nations. Any other decision would be ~e tent and farcical and would merely permit Britain which has ~pOh a large stake in the economy of South Africa and Rhodesia e llI ontinue to reap economIC.. benefi!s. lOwe however, have never believed that economic sanctions alone b~ing the white racialists and fascists to their knees. They rule ..~ intend to rule the majority of the people with the baton and ::e gun; t,o. cr~sh them they must be r~ined economically and defeated mliltanly. The fact that Britain has not seen fit to intervene militarily in the Rhodcsi:ln situation remains a complete mystery to those who blOW hoW ruthlessly the British Government has dealt with mutiny, rebellion ar.d treachery in any other colony. Jt is needless to cite examples which have already been referred to like Malaya, Aden, Cyprus. etc.. etc. One can only presume that where British interests can be protected by a white minority government, they are even prepared to swallow rebellion and to leave the Governor-General, the Representative of the Crown, unprotected. Unless the boundaries of white racialism and fascism are to extend. the grave situation which exists today requires -the mighty lIld concerted efforts of the people of Southern Africa, the people of Africa and indeed the whole world. The time to act is NOW, tomorrow may be too late. D. NOKWE. SECRETARy-GENERAL. Communists and the Truth by Govan Mbeki GoVAN MBEKI. MEMBER of the South African Communist Party and of the African National Congress. was brought from his cell at Robben Island where he is serving a life sentence as one of the 'Rivonia' lrialists, 10 appear in a Durban courtroom last November. He was a 83 defence witness at the trial of Harold Strachan, former POrtj prisoner, whose revelations of abominable jail conditions cau~tal furore. Strachan is now being prosecuted for causing ·false infonn: tion' about jail conditions to be published in the Ralld Daily At The prosecutor, Combrink tried to shake Mbcki's evidence by 011. gesting that he had no regard for the truth. Govan Mbeki's eVi~ -the whole of which was an inspiring example of a revolutionary unbroken spirit-was more than a match for Combrink. We re~ some brief extracts of the cross-examination. Combrink: For several years before it was banned you were a kqj editor of the newspaper New Age'? Mbeki: Yes.
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