SCOTCH PLAINS PUBLIC LIBRAE* 1927 BKluiZ AVEWUB OTCH PLAINS. W. J- 07076 SCOTdPUUMf —Serving Scotch PlainsTIME mdFanwood Since 1959- S MMf FITTY CENTS FIFTY-FIVE ADDED PARKING SPACES SOUGHT Fanwood Council Entertains Pro and Con Discussions About Train Station Redo Transit Authorities Said Design and Construction Would Cost Around $100,000; Citizen Input Sought BySUZETTE STALKER construction tab to renovate the sta- L.RkhajdMariani.Transit'sMan- tion, which Mayor Linda d. Slender ger of Passenger Facilities, empha- The Fanwood Borough Council described during last week's special sized that his corporation has "no heard dual presentations last Wednes- meeting as the "focal point of our preferred design alternative" for the day of the pros and cons surrounding community and a source of pride." site and was seeking input from New Jersey Transit's controversial Theplancalbfor the creation of 55 Fanwood residents. He added that proposal to spruce up the additional permit parking stalls to New Jersey Transit was also not at- municipality'shistoricNorthAvenue accommodate commuters who up to tempting to force the project on the train station and provide additional now have often been compelled to borough if the community did not parking for commuters who currently leave their vehicles on neighboring want it. scrambleforlimitedavailablespaces. residential streets when space is un- A coalition of Fanwood residents A OHmtoStudiotar Th» Ttntl New Jersey Transit, in a bid to available at the station. The practice ARRIVING IN STYLE^Tb«e Scotch PtaiM-Fir tbSdK known as the Save Our Station Com- encourage ridership on the Raritan has created hazards for homeowners mittee countered tlieTraiuitfiroposal Valley Line, would foot the projected dI rt attempting toenter and exittheir own with its own presentation, arguing $100,000 architectural design and driveways. that additional paved surface around The station property on both the the station would sacrifice precious north and south sides would be en- green space and compromise theover- hanced through landscaping based all suburban flavor of the commu- Year-Round Hot Dog Stand Approved on borough specifications which could include planters and flower Opponentsof meTransitplan, who beds, brick walkways and wrought- iron fencing. Passenger.amenities 50 residents at last week's council such as historic-style benches, bi- meeting, are urging the governing By Zoning Board for Scotch Plains Zoo cycle racks and upgraded trash re- body to instead explore other options ceptacles and shelters for news boxes for supplementary parking, such as at the station would also be available. ppy pg, Lottery Might Be Held for Affordable Units at New Seniors Complex utilizatioilization of existiniti g public and/or In the first presentation, Herman private lots elsewhere in the munici- By GLENN R, KAPUNSKY on township property. However, Volk, Director of Community Rela- pality. Specially Wrinnfor 7k Tlmei Chairman of the Board of Adjust- They were: Ira Kraemer, of Grant township officials, due to safety con- ment Thomas Barth assured her there Avenue; Thomas Straniero, of tions for New Jersey Transit, briefly Gregory Cummings, lead speaker Three new applications were heard cerns, would prefer to have the stand discussedhowridershiphasincreased for the group, cited figures which Thursday by the Scotch Plains Board are no plans to expand the zoo pend- Ramapo Way; MJSP, Inc., of Raritan located on zoo property. Mr. Vitale Road; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wittish, through a 96 per cent on-time perfor- illustrated that a portion of existing of Adjustment including one for a ing before the Board of Adjustment. mance rate for its rail line and bus has operated the stand for the past Dr. Robert Spellman of Clove Lane, of O'Donnell Avenue, and Armored spaces at the Fanwood station are temporary operating permit and two three to four months. system; a major marketing campaign being used by residents of communi- for "C" type variances, all of which . .. ,_ . ^ M locateddircctly behind the zoo, spoke TransportofNewJersey.of Plainfield promoting transit services and be- A resident of Raman Road spoke in favor of the application. While Dr. Avenue. ties such as Berkeley Heights, New were approved by the body at its in cause there has been no fare increase Providence and Edison which have opposition to the plan. The man Spellman has voicedI disagreements The Times has spoken with Louis over the past three years. felt that allowing a hot dog stand on Riccio, consultant to the Senior Citi- their own train stations. Harold Kafka, of Raritan Road, with the zoo's management in the zoo property would lead to an expan- past, he sees the addition of a hot dog zens Housing Authority, and he ad- This current level of service, Mr. He also suggested mat renovation was granted a temporary operating sion at the zoo. The stand sells hot vises that only 30 "affordable hous- Volk explained, can best be main- oftheNemerwoodstationamileaway permit to allow ahot dog stand on his stand as increasing property values tained through aesthetic improve- dogs, candy, chips and soda. for all. He noted that most zoos have ing" units are available for rental of in Plainfield, which he reported has property. Mr. Kafka is the owner of Mrs. Laura Biglely, ofTerrill Road, >N ments to local stations, ensuring pas- fallen into a "decrepit state" without the Scotch Plains Zoo. The stand will food consessions. the total units. |V.' senger security and providing suffi- which is across the street from die Dr. Spellman said Mr. Vitale is As there are three times that nuhy adequate security measures, would be operated by Louis Vitale, a dis- Scotch Plains Zoo* also opposed the cient parking for the approximately once again provide service to com- abled Vietnam veteran. "more of an asset to the zoo than applicants, a lottery may be held to plan. Mrs. Biglely has resided at the determine who receives the units. assengeh who muters from Plainfield, North anything else." drive to train depots. Fanwood would Plainfield and Springfield who pres- Mr. Vitale's stand is currently lo- Terrill Road address tbrover30yean. A permit was unanimously ap- Another open house, is planned for cated on township land near the zoo She says she is paying high taxes Satuiday, June 17, fiom 9:30 a.m. id continue to own'the land and would ently use the Fanwood station. entrance. As a disabled veteran, Mr. proved & allow' Mr! Kafka ami ip. maintain the station improvements Mr. Cummings predicted that cre- compared to the zoo, and she wants Vitale to operate a hot dog stand noon at the facility located pff Old Vitale ispermittedtooperate the stand any further "expansion" stopped. ' Lake Avenue and Marline Avenue. through a permanent Station Beauti- ation of additional parking spaces at seven days a week between 9 a.m. fiauionFundsupp6rtedby additional the station "would compound an ex- and 7 p.m. year round. The permit is Mr. Riccio said it is hoped that the building will be ready for occupancy panting revenues ciuuineieo DSCK XO isting problem" of motorists speed- to be renewed on an annual basis. the borough; COMNUDWMaUf Police Sergeant Rose . Mr. and Mrs. Scott McDowell of by September 1. Wood Road were granted a "C" vari- ance permitting them to build a deck at the rear of their home after it was Dies of Heart Attack determined neither their neighbors Township Planning Board Approves nor the board had any objections. Officer Had Been With Fanwood Department Since 1972 In fact, one neighbor, Roy Rusk, of Gray Mill Drive, spoke in fayor of the Care Center on East Second Fanwood Police Sergeant Thomas In addition, the department re-proposed deck. "The McDowell's Rose, 44, died Tuesday, June 6, of a ceived a letter in 1976 from a motor- nave done nothing but upgrade their By GLENN X. KAPUNSKV tee hopes to meet with council mem- One member of the audience, heart attack at the Morristown Me- ist who had been stopped for speed- SUlWtm/ihni ben at the next conference meeting Seymour Stein, urged the committee home since they have lived there, and The Scotch Plains Planning Board morial Hospital. Sergeant Rose had ing by the officer, the letter com- the neighbors are happy about it," he to discuss the situation. toreachsomefinal recommendations. been hospitalized since last week mended Sergeant Rose for his pro- met Monday night to discuss the pro- In the interim, the committee said "Itgoesonforever," said Mr. Stein. said. posed Broadway Associates redevel- when he had surgery to remove a fessionalism. Finally, the board heard a new ap- they will combine forces with the "Improvements to the township blockage in an artery. The officer was within 10 credits opment plan and the Master Plan. Downtown Busiiwu and Professional should not be limited to the Muter plication from Mr. and Mrs. John Dr. Martin Marks of the Muter The heart attack occurred the same of obtaining a degree in criminal jus- Scrofani, of Raritan Road. The Alliance. The Alliance also haiabud- Plan." day in which the officer, who once tice from Union County College. He Plan Review Committee told the get of $15,000. Mr. Stein said the Business and Scrofanis were given, approval to board that the committee has met served as Fanwood Fire Chief, was was attending night school to earn construct a five-foot-high cedar and Dr. Marks urged mat the review be ProfeuionalAlliince should be more scheduled to go home. the degree. twice since the last Planning Board limited to the downtown area. active and not wait for the township one-foot-high lattice fence around meeting. The committee's budget is Fanwood Police Chief Anthony J. Sergeant Rose had also attended their property. The fence, the board Planning Board Chairman George to effect change.
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