THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY JKKSKV O7U9O" 36 Page*—10 Cents Treasure Chest Winners List Due Next Week HS Christinas Program 1 : l.ueky IHIIIIJ), !^ in the Treasure I'li/es must h,. el.umed by IK-c. 1, Chest Key card program spou.-.ored I'xiii. by preseniiiii.; the winning 1 hv ih,. Wc-Uudd flianiNT ol Com- Ireasiire chc.-l key cards. merce liclail Dn isuin «ill be iitt- The piM;:iam. winch was launched notmccd next week and also posted in OCIOIHT. v>;«. pan uf |he Kel.iil Scheduled Dec. 21-22 •in ilie o7 participating stores. The Division's t'Hiti spoliis4htini: of its I'ent cuine.- tu a close today. "Simp in Wc.-llic-ld" eampnisn Ilial The program which lias drawn otio highlighted Ihi' convenience of shop .Schools To Have 2 Evening Presentations Planned i.l Ihe larue.-t p.ntui pal um audi piti); in lovvn. Ihe |*Tsouati/cci serv- Holiday Krrrss ' ei'ci s iii any chamber event tcalures ice and competiiive |uiees ollcivd by For Public; One After School a ^iMiut prize nf ;wi all oy.|>ci)sv tiip chamber sluivs, and the many brand WcslfiHd piil.lie schools Mill 1 i to I'enniula lur Iwo in addiliou lu;naim (ducts available lor shop close lur Mi rlianksuiviiij; lioli The annual Westfukl lliuh School Christmas Pageant this ; a host nf other valuable and vxt >l • pers. diiy tiller n Inur-hour session nevl : year will follow llu* patten* set in !!>(>">. lieinjj hold after school inu prizes. More than T.i.ilHO num Tin' program was under the iliivci Wi'Unrsdii.v mid will riMipi-n Mini- hours with nlteiulaniT on a strictly voluntary basis. j lured treasure ehesi key cards b.tve supervision of the Kelail Di\ ISIOII'S ila.v, \«v. SK ut tl»' iiKular (inu'. l'latis lor the program were announced last wt*t*k by Dr. i al'vady been culUvtcd hy shoppers. 1 advertising cmitMiiilci . including Cliisiiii! limits for Wodiii'sduy »lll l.illanl I". Law. Siiiu-riiiirmlciit of Schools, who noted thai tho pre- j According to In iim Weiss of Mir Chairman Irvmi: Weiss nf M.ulm hv JIS ftilious: Kli'iiii'ulary hclinuls senlatioii for the public will he Pee 21. with Ihe dale for the j Iii: Jewelers, cbainiian of Ihe Cham- .lenders. Saul lintii'l of Milady's (Ki'iitirs i-li) i p.m.; junior mid student hotly pivsrnlatuin Dec 2'2 accoidini: to Dr. Hubert Koosc ; Ivr's Kelail Division, the lucky M'lilor lililli SIIIIHIIK, 1J:3II p.m. 1 Shop; Al Stone, Hie Stones. Howard principal of I hi senior high school. | liviksure chesl IIUMIUM'S will In1 hsl- KiiiilcrKiirU'ii inoniliiK scclimis lircennian of Cynthia Howard, lion , The prnvirnni for the public lo be ; ed in this publication lor key cai\t 1 will nil<'iiil Iniiii S: IT, |» II IIIII. eit Sii'sii'l ol tin Clara Louise Simp ! eondiic-led in Ihe high school audi- and ntliiIUKIII srctiiiiis will nltiml ! holders lu cheik A more detailed! i t in mi ii will be ni 7:15 mid again at lid IIIIKII .MCIIIIKII ot I ho Siilnu'ha'i fiiuii 111: 15 ii.iu. (o 1 p.m. | list Culllaiitm.i; in addition Ki tin. Hltl : !\y«s Next \\ < (Incsdiiv live •!:"> p in., and Ihe piv.si'ntiilion (hu IIIII:: numl>ers. ilti- precise prizes u,m i Assistant administrators uf the pin- •M d.iy fur the sludcnLs will be at The 1'Kfd ihaiilisKhliiu service and u licit" they ran In- puked ;in. | «i-inn ;issu:in'il to aid participating a •l;i p in. A shorleneil school day will 1 K|iuiiKor4 (l by tlie U'eslfleUt CIMIII- 1 will bv pulled iu ,-ach of MM (17 par- held in order that the pageant stoles in Ihe distribution of treasure etl nf ('hin'chcN featiirest clinitKCH ticipating stores listed on the hack Commerce Group staged after llio close* of chest cards include: Charles (iraef, In lime mid pal (lrl|Kitlon »VIT lay h of 111 treasure chest key cards. iConlimied on pa«e 2i lueviiMis yejirs. The Hi-rvlce will ivsses. Elects Banker be held WectiirMla.v, TlintlliMtlv- Dr. l.au-, in bis monthly roiKirt to IliK I'.vi1, nt the Mvi.1 CoiimcKll- le IliKMil of I'idncation, also said IRVEAB-Thc Wostfleld High School Saturday Scu-nep Program roiimiliU-c mrt at (he hum," of 1 lliiniil Cliiirili, K% l:liuir St. ir Uoosevt'H .liinioi High Sehool has ,^r, chairman »f the Westflcld High Sohnol RCUHW department, to make uiraii.K.iiirnts lor Uiis As President xliiitliiK lit 8 p.m. een iipiiroved by the slate Hoard of irepsiii and U> contact scientists who will discuss sHcctcd topics. SeuU-d, li>f| („ Hglii nn> I)r Westfield Hospital :diic:ition unlit l!»7l. Ho rciwrted Horace K. Corbin Jr., has heeti II will lie it truly rt'llitli'llteiil LStMTOS, Ainrrican Cyunamld; Gavin Taylor. Standard Oil <<i. (N.J); Dr. Cirald Itoman-m West- int the second year of the high lecied president of Hie West field service Hllh Die iiddicss lielnK i^dan; Carl Peterson, E.I. du Pont dc Ni-mours; Dr. h. K. Law. Superiiilciidiiit uf Srhiral's- I>r IOOI Cooperative Occupational Area Chamber of Commerce. The Klveii by Hnlilil Cliiirlm Knihiff L tme. Wostficld High Sehool principal; Clurenc.- Joins, Hcstfiild High School sciciic,. lea'chi-r' 'diinealiiin pnwimi. desiKiied for senior vice president of the Suburban of Teni|ili> Kimiiin-KI mid piullc I- (,left lo right, arc Dr. Max Tishler, Merck, Sharpv & Dolinir; Dr. I'rank Itusg, I'nloii Carbide Co •' Campaign Resumes bound students, luis nn ju Imbrtit, Kutgers University, and Dr. Itobert S. Miner, Clba l'harniacculical Co. Trust Co., Westfield, wiis nanur-d ul luitlon by oilier fnltlis. the CbntnlK'rs Hoard of Directors niollnient nf ly lioys JUld 111 girls. In The Westfield's Hospitals Cam- of our hospitals lo Weslfielders. Lo- Heeling last wivk. iddi'.ion, five hoys nre iMirolled in paign is being continued this year cated only four miles from tin1 heart cooi'eriitive pi'OKrum willi the uildi1!" the s|Mnisursliip of The West- of town our hospitals serve us ninhl .lack I,. Cohen of the Made in Brody Is Chairman hiion Cnuiily Vocational :utd Tuchrri- iurday Science Program field Hospital Association. and day, :«;!> days a year. Mulileu- America store was elected vice presi- al Institute and \2 students in ttio A gouj of $4:W,<K)0 was established j! and Overlook are clearly o'lr dent. I,. I lean Johnson of The John- ilnt pruiaiini uf etectricily-elcc- la.s! year as Woslfield's "Fair Share" hospitals and deserve our support. son Agency was chown as treasurer Of Area Campaign ronies rixiiso. ol the funds neisled lo expand hospi- and Kdward Walsh, of the Wyckofl "This phase wf the canfliaiuii is he- The boaid jipprnvcd the following tal laeililies al, MitlilenlKTg and int! COIKIUCIIMI largely by mail," be Printing and riiblishnig Co., wus uhng 7th Year Dec. 10 lected secretary. ippuinlmrnls Tlicinias II. Drown, Overlook which serve more than 1KI concluded, "and we ur^e till West- For Israel Bonds 1 OulKoiiiK president, Robert J. l.oo toosevi'lt, (iiM'innn nnd social stud- per cent of Wcstfieid residents. fiehlers lo r< s|iond promptly und es, $!i,<ilM: Mrs. K;i»lierlno M, rJ local scientists and ol South Avenue. Rambler, wlm Herbert llrody has ticon niiniit Frank J. Duu.in, chairman of The lieiierously." I'hai Its, F.disoii. guidance counselor, & the Wcstfidd IliKh served with distinction for two years chairman ot Ihe I'.U'li campaign o Westfield Hospital Association, slated Trustees of the Weslfield Hospital $7,IMi5; Mrs. Suiulra ti. l'cri'ln, Co- Id are formulating plans w;vs named as advisor to tin* execu the Westfield ConimlUeo for Stut< Ihal Westficlilcrii hiwo pledged or Association are Frank .1. Diman lumbus, sixth mud«, $ri,8W). Mth consecutive Saturday Telephone Appeal Due given more than (.'J5U.IXK) toward Ihe chairman. Mrs. C. Kenneth Hanks live Iniard which is comprised of the of Israel ltuiuls. hgrain at the liiijli school, Also, tviicliui-H lor tho Tillo I "Fair Share" goal. "This is an en- Itobert V. Canett 111. Lee M. Hale four officers. llrody Is president of the Sliof (to begin Dec. 10. Mrs. couraging record," said Mr. Dutum, (Continued on pajje 2) A native of Kllznhpth. nnd eihr llite Super Markets. He Is ii men Iiiickmun, Franklin, leading k members currently "and 1 am sure Unit as Weslfieldor* catetl at l'lnijry School, Hillside, um her ot Temple Kmunu-KI ot W(?sl CCIIUT U'aclior, $5,600; Mrs. Dorothy W Nx-I A. Taylor, chnir- As UF Seeks $20,000 realize thai our hospitals are spend- I'rinwlim Univeisity, Mr. Corbl field. (Overlook Follies V. Miller, tinnssiKmil, $7,050; Mrs. high school science dt- inR more (ban $l4.IKX>,urK) on pla.nl now resides in West Oranne. Th A lelephone solicitation campaign k Co-chairmen of Hie drive will 1 I j in I; i I', ll.ipp, Columbuii, kiiidetgar- ) plan llio program arc and e(|Uipment that wilt directly TirkolM On Sal< cou|ile have two children, Mnrci; will start Saturday as Hie United Kin.'iiiuel Mawtlics, I.miis liakii Icn, part-lime, $:i,tr>0, nnd Mrs. Vlr- Shier, Merck, Shru-|)c & YlvS ()flii>«> Holiday wlm teiicbes in Denver, Colo., an Fund of Weslfield moves from the benefit Westfield families they will Tomorrow Herbert \,.
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