Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC January 1981 Daily Egyptian 1981 1-22-1981 The aiD ly Egyptian, January 22, 1981 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_January1981 Volume 65, Issue 81 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, January 22, 1981." (Jan 1981). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1981 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in January 1981 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. _,., :---; Qus ' <:~ l~ \.,--,' 1Jode C\~e""J .~~....... 'Daily ~tian <Ius says thr~ guys to a room Thursday. January 22. 1981-Vcl 65. No 81 may ~ OK If they don't pile Southern Illinois University thPir snpakprs in ~ plac:e. Carter greets freed hostages WIF.SBADEN. WestGermany Cyrus Vance and Edm:md 1API - Hi!' face strained hut Muskie. former Treasury smiling slightly. Jimmy Carter Secret3ry G. William Mill..'r waved to a t·heering crowd as and Carter aides Hamilton he entered ii miiitary hospital Jnrdan and Jody Powell Wednesday on personal It was Carter's first day as a mission to ~reel the 52 private citizen and he arrived in :\mt>ricans whose capt.vity Frankfurt aboard the former frustrated his last 14 1, months Air Force One. looking worn in office. from th" final hectic days of The former president·~ nt>gotiations to free the mt'ettng with the freed hostages hostages. the ceremonies was "emotton<&i to the pomt of transferrmg powt-r to Ht>agan awkwardness.·· and so moving and the long flight that a photographer was asked Carter. dressed in a light gray to stnp takmg pictures at nne cnat. wa\·ed at a crowd of point. a Carter aidt> said sevt-ral hundred. some of thPm Even as Carter met w1th the hearmg signs reading: "We Americans. the lJ .S. govern­ St11l Love You J1mmy." H1s ment reported some of the plane touched down at 2::10 p.m formt>r captives had been EST. and he was greeted by subjected to phvsical and West German Chancellor ·From IPft, Tom Mahood. frt'!lhman in Jaw me'.ltal mistreatment during Helmut Schmidt. A few minutes t'nfon:Pment. Kevin Rollins, frt'!lhman in thelr 444 days as hostages in later he left in a motorcade for enginrering, and Frank Hankin!IOII, frt'!lhman Iran. the hospital, 2() miles from the The State Department issued airport. a statement here. based on The f?rmer hostages, preliminary interviews, sayin~ dramatic:ally released Tuesday that "on the basis '>f what we in Tehran and Down to a U.S. Triple-occupant dorm policy have learned so far, we have military ho5pital, relaxed by further evidence of serious misb'eatment in a numb-1" of aases durin1 the period of their ~=.f.They were==~:e released ~\~~under rec~i_yes mixed reactions captivity." The statement did terms of aa agreement to ell- By Bill Turley be replaced with a smaller -· there wauld be nat elabantle. Staff Writer more room for what he and his roommmates Carter was denied lhe chllnc:e ~!":T..~n:=.~,....*::: really needed-additional storage space. of announcing the hostages' State Department spakesman freedom whilestiU in office. But said Wednesday that the Putting three people in a dorm room may What bothered Rollins the most, however, as a special envoy of President Reagan administration would sound like a way to study the effects of over­ was that he had heard students 'Nho shared Reagan, he said he would be not commit itself to fulfiUing crowding on college students. but for some three-man dorm rooms would get rebates and able to "express the thanks or a the agreement's terms until University housing residents it's a way of hfe. he hadn't seen a rebate yel grateful nation to the brave there was a chance to examine And many of them like it. Rinella said refunds for those who lived an hostages.·· it in detail. The three residents of Room 205 in Schneider entire semester in the rooms would be credited Small groups of the former Most of the former captives Tower say they enjoy it. Jeff O'Brien. a jiDiior to those students' accounts at the bursar's hostages gathered on the third­ rushed to telephone loved ones in construction. Tom Weidoff, a junior in ac­ office at the end of the spring semester. He said floor balcony outside their in America. some of whom had counting and Jim Jaskoske, a freshman in the refunds would be $72 a semester. hospital rooms, waving and no word on their fate during automotive technology. all said they are getting Three-man dorm rooms were "under con­ clapping as Carter's limousine their days of captivity they alon~ well. sideration" for next year. but no one would be drove up. Several of them, endured. Sam Rint>lla. director of University housing. permanently assigned to these rooms as ~Pas including Marine guards. wore The family of Malc?lm Kalp said his llffict> has received complaints from the case this year, Rinella said. A week-by­ only light T-shirts and blue or Brockton, Mass .• said he students who thought they weren't properly week refund would be given to those who pajama bottoms in the sub­ reported he was beaten and informt'd about the three students to a room resided in the rooms. freeziq night air. The Marines placed in solitary confinement policy. He said future notices would be sent in Rollins said there was another advantage to appeared to have new haircuts. ror more than five months after different-colored, bolder type. the three-man c!orm situation. Other American dignataries he tried to escape. His family Kevin Rollins. freshman in engineering, sat who made the pre-dawn flight to had not heard from him since at and complaint'd about his desk. "There's always somebody to do something Germany included former Vice the U.S. Embassy in Tehran "it's too large, .. he said. He thought il it could with," he said. President Walter Mondale, was seized by young Moslem former Secretaries of State militants on Nov. 4, 1979. Hemphill denied right to compensation By Mille Anton men's athletic director smd. Industrial commissioner, a know why his lawyer went that motion for dismissal by the Staff Writer Hemphill, who was paralyzed decision reacht'd by Ray Duity. way." University of Hemphill's $5 from the neck down following the arbitrator who heard the Obra Hemphill. Mark's million neglegence suit is like Mark Hemphill, the former an injury in a game on October compensation case, concluded rather, expressed disap­ "the state saying 'sorry. but we SIU-C football player paralyzed 6, 1979. filed a motion in Sep­ that "no employer or employee pointment in the decision, can't be s~K."' in an injury in October 1979. has tember asking for $190,000 in relationship existed ... by virtue saying he hoped that an appeal been denied the right to collect compensation pay. the of Hemphill's status and per­ would reverse it. In filing the motion, attorneys worker's compensation equivalent or S90 a week for the formance as a scholorship "I'm hoping," he said. "It's representing the Universit:' are benefits, an official with the rest of his life expectancy. athlete." like this-he Mark is still claiming that becatl'le it is :a lllinois Industrial Commission Chris Holthause, a St. Louis When contacted Wednesday, surviving. But I c:an't support govennental part of the State of said Wt'dnesday. attorney representing Hem­ Holthause said he hadn't heard him for the rest of my life." Illinois, the University can ooly In addition. a motion for the phill, had argued during a or the decision, but that as a be sued in the Ulinois Court of dismissal of a $5 million compensation hearing last precautionary method, a Holthause said that the Claims. October that HemphJJl qualified University's and Hemphill's ne~wt:~~~~~/~ ~n~ll~ as a University employee when fi~!~~~~f~:e ar:eeaJe~~:. ~:: family insurance has c:overed Holthause said that by ~the University in the U.S. he played football at SlU-C made. the $77,700 in medical expenses claiming "sovereign im­ District Court in St. Louis on the under a scholarship awarded "If the guy isn't an employee, that HemphiU has accumulated munity," tbe UniversilJ is grounds that the University him in 1978. While playing then I don't know who is." since his injury. However, he limiting tbe top awaFd that can't be sued in an out-of-state football. Hemphill was per­ Holthause said or Hemphill. "It added that when the two-year Hemphill could hope for to court. forming the sertice under his seems patently unfair and limit on University insurance is $100,000, tbe limit for non­ Meanwhile, the University scholarship "co-.1tract" while unjust when a kid like Mark up this Octobel', Hemphill will automobile related accident has released $14,000 in funds under the constant danger of can't be helped." have to pay the mate dian $2,000 cues in the Court of Claims. collected during last October's having it revoked 1f he left the Commentiq on the decisioa, every three weea r.. IU'IiJtl Mark HemphiU fund drive to team, Holthause claimed. Sayers said that he "felt all that bis family's iaauraace ..It's the difference between pay for a specially equipped alonc thllt 1M! wauldn't win. He .._'t cover.. • · a•temobiles and football ~~rdi~·•• ~~ :==crm::; .
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