$20.00 http://www.iwba.com International Wound Ballistics Association WOUND BALLISTICS REVIEW JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOUND BALLISTICS ASSOCIATION The Lee Clegg Case: A Study in SelfDeception -Martin L. Fackler, MD Wound Profile of the 5. 7 X 28 MM FN Cartridge (SS 190) Fired from the FNP90 Submachine Gun -Dean B. Dahlstrom -Kramer D. Powley -Cst. Gordon Effect of Distance of Fire on Deformation of the M16 A2 M 855 Bullet -Martin Fackler -Alan J. Brown -David Johnson .223 Ammunition Development -Duncan MacPherson Tungsten Frangible Bullet Wounds in Pig: Exam by Autopsy & X-Rays -Martin Fackler Terminal Performance of.38 Special and .380 ACP Hollow Point Bullets -GaryK. Roberts Missile-Caused Wounds -Martin Fackler VOLUME 4 SPRING 2000 NUMBER 3 ... JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL \VOUND BALLISTICS ASSOCIATION WOUND BALLISTIC REVIEW Editorial JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOUND BALLISTICS ASSOCIATION IWBA ORGANIZATION The International Wound Ballistics Association (IWBA) is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit Ma rtin L. Fackler, MD scientific, educational, and public benefit California corporation with Federal 10#94-3136817. ED ITO RIAL The IWBA is devoted themedical and technical study of wound ballistics, including to About this Issue: to illustrate the fundamentals of wound ballistics. We evaluation of literature in the field well encoura and promoting new work. as as ging hope these will provide the information desired, help our The WOUND BALLISTICS REVIEWis the Journal of the IWBA. The evidence presented in our lead article, on the Clegg case, teaches the critical importance of ana­ · readers review the basics of wound ballistics, and pro­ lyzing fo rces in accounting for deformation of recovered vide reference material for them to help educate their bullets. The action of fo rces at the interface of the pene­ confreres. The first of these Institute Reports is included Board of Directors trating projectile and what it is striking is the crux of in this issue, beginning on page 39. wound ballistics: it must be the fo cal point of any valid Martin L. Fackler, MD Alexander Jason Torrey D. Johnson analysis. Some who were involved in the Clegg case Reader Reviews: Wound Ballistics Consultant Ballistics Consultant Criminalist disagree with my opinion that the errors and false im­ Todd Moldower, an Orthopedic surgeon IWBA Gainseville, FL Pinole, CA Las Vegas NV pressions presented by the prosecution were due to self member sent us a copy of a recent wound ballistics pa­ deception. They fe el that they were due to attempted per from an orthopedic journal.Dr. Moldower's not only Peter G. Kokalis Duncan MacPherson Richard Mason, MD conscious fraud. I am, however, aware of no objective recognized the article as riddled with fallacy, but identi­ Firearms Consultant Engineering Consultant Chief Medical Examiner evidence supporting either their opinion or my own. Or­ fied the reason. The authors had been seriously misled dinarily, the differentiating of truth from error is all we by the papers of Ordog et al.; which they cited 26 times. Phoenix, AZ El Segundo, CA Santa Cruz, CA can do in forensic science. Determining if error is a re­ As our readers will recall, we not only exposed Ordog's sult of ignorance, self-deception, or fraud is most often errors and misconceptions, but tried, in vain, to get those impossible. It is hoped that our presentation and analysis papers retracted (Wound Ballistics Rev 1997; 3 [ 1]: 3 6- Eugene Wolberg of strong confirmatory evidence beyond that presented 42). But the system didn't work: Martin Luther King, Criminalist in court in the Clegg case will help the prosecution's Jr./Drew Medical Center fa iled to request the retraction San Diego, CA experts to see though their cloud of self deception. It of Ordog's papers. Thus this flawed work remained in should clear up their nagging doubts and ease the pain of the literature to mislead the unwary. Dr. Moldower and I defeat. It is meant to educate rather than further embar­ collaborated on a letter to the editor who published the rass them. recent fa ulty paper. We will give a follow up on this in WOUND BALLISTICS REVIEW For comments on the FN P-90 see the editorial the Autumn 2000 issue. note fo llowing the article. We encourage our readers to fo llow Dr. Mold­ The study on fragmentation and deformation of awer's example and identify wound ballistics errors in Journal of the International Wound Ballistics Association the M 855 bullet was used recently in the case US v the scientific literature they read. The IWBA needs the ISSN 1055-0305 ©Copyright 1995, IWBA. All Rights Reserved Manion, tried in a US Marine Court Martial. The prose­ help of its members to uphold its Statement of Purpose cution claimed a Marine was shot and killed (during a by fo llowing Dr. Moldower's example. If readers wish Editor-in-Chief: Martin L. Fackler, :MD live fire exercise) by an M 855 bullet fired from 300 to help in correcting errors they have identifiedwe will be happy to collaborate on a letter to the editor as we have Production Manager: Duncan MacPherson 350 yards. X-rays taken at autopsy showed a fragmenta­ tion pattern consistent with shots from less than 150 with Dr. Moldower. yards as shown by our study. The prosecution's expert Design & Production -Townsend Document & Design shot through gelatin blocks at various distances and took Diallo Case: X-rays of his blocks rather than collecting the bullets Two members of the IWBA Board of Directors, BALliSTICS The WOUND REVIEWis issued twice a year. Subscriptions are included with and fragments. His X-rays actually showed results simi­ Richard Mason and myself, served as the scientific ex­ membership, but are available without membership. Dues are $40 for 4 issues of the IWBA lar to ours - but he misinterpreted them. He had done perts fo r the defense. We pointed out to the jury that the Journalfor both members and subscribers. Four issue mailing cost surcharges of$8. for Canadian shots at 100 yards, showing the M 855 bullet breaking at angles of the bullet paths, as shown at autopsy, did not and Mexican addresses and $18. for other foreign addresses are required with the dues. the cannelure, with the jacket behind the break remain­ permit Mr. Diallo to be flat on his back while most of ing intact -- as in 3 of 4 of our shots at 150 yards. This the bullets were fired - as claimed by the prosecution. complemented our results; and gave me evidence to The news media grudgingly reported the verdict -- not All matters related to me ership should be directed to: mb =art• opine that the shot that killed the Marine came from less guilty on all charges for all of the officers. The media, I •j IWBA, PO Box 701, El Segundo, CA 90245-0701; Telephone (310) 640-6065. than 100 yards. Major Manion was fo und not guilty. however, "forgot" to mention that it was clearly shown We have had several communications from or for informationabout the IWBA visit us on the web at that Mr. Diallo was standing, and still an apparent threat, readers requesting publication of wound profiles be­ rather than flat on his back and defenseless, fo r most of cause of their usefulness in illustrating the basics of the shots. This oversight was pointed out to the New http:/lwww. iwba. com wound ballistics. We have decided to do this by publish­ York Times, yet they failed to correct their distorted re­ Sp ring 2000 ing several Institute Reports from the Letterman Army porting of the case. 2 Volume 4, Issue 3 Institute of Research. These reports use wound profiles Volume 4, Issue 3 Sp ring 2000 3 ... WOUND BALLISTIC REVIEW WOUND BALLISTIC REVIEW Questions and Comments JOURNAL OF THE. INTERNATIONAL WOUND BALLISTICS ASSOCIATION JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOUND BALLISTICS ASSOCIATION THE 30 CALIBERSIERRA MATCHKING BULLET QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS During the discussions at your training seminar in 1995, numerous verifications of the Matchking's erratic per­ formance in human and animal tissue were recounted by Cartridge. They pretty much guarantee the bullet will not Questions and Comments those present. Since that time, in my forensic practice, I have over penetrate a human target. If you are unaware of them, Note: Questions to the IWBA office are given a timely per­ had several additional cases in which the Matchking acted as you might want to contact JeffSemko at (3 10) 543-51 12, to an FMJ bullet in the human torso. One was a shot through sonal response. Some of these questions that are considered obtain test samples. the heart in which the minimal damage it caused was suffi­ to be of general interest are included in this format for all Thanks for your assistance in this matter. If I can cient- and in the others no disaster occurred. A disaster with members. ever return the favor, don't hesitate to contact me. that bullet did occur, however, with the first shot by the FBI Credit Cards Respectfully, Derrick D. Bartlett sniper at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in August 1992. The 30 caliber We have occasionally received requests from Response Matchking perforated four inches of soft tissue in Randy members relative to making payments by credit card, and Dear Derrick, would like ourselves to have this capability for foreign Weaver's torso, producing only a small punctuate entrance Thanks for your letter. I am glad that you have seen members because non-USA checks cause us a lot of trou­ and exit, and causing no incapacitation whatsoever. Had that fit to include, in your training, the debunking of the "me­ ble and expense.
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