l>ffiEOTO:a.Y. :ME)1BERS OF EXCBANG:El. MANCliESTmn.. Mitchell---------------------------------------·----------------~----------------~---- George 8. ll Bloom Jlf. Mo.. Wm. R. Roae Hill end Gilno11r N icbolls Tbos. Greens:ate, Saltord Old ham Archibald, Bowling Grrea Manohdlter Mill*, Bolton Nicholla Wm. W. 41 \\est llosley at Mill, Rochdale llllchell John, lthod.rl Mill, JU. Mo~!IOp J. Holcombl!, Ramsbottom Nichols John C. Darwen Old ham Charles, St. reter's squar• gent at. Rochdale Mo~ton John, Mlle1 Platting Nichols Samuel A. Over Darw~n Oldham Charle•, 4~ Sack•llle at Mitchell John, 32 Portland st :M. othersill Chrill. 2 Marrden at Nichol• S. S. Over Darwen Olive John, 40 George st, Bury Mitchell John, Oak. Mills, Rochdah! Mothersill Fredk. T. 2 Martlkn at Nichohon Al'Jert, 62 Fountain 1t Oliver George, 1 Hunt st. Brook at Mitchell John,AlbionWorks,Ba.cup Mothersill Sam, Manche•ter Nicbolson Fdward, 64 Geor~e st Oliver Jas. Butler Street l\Hlb1 Mitchell John :r. W, Rochdale 1\Jottram Josh. Russell st. Every al Nicholaon l"rancia, 62 Fountain 11t Ancoats Mitcbell John W. SI. Peter'• sq Motlram Richard, 100 King at Moholaon Robert, Glil Fountain at OliverJno. Bromleoy Street Workl, Mitcbell 8amueL, « Regent at. Mmmcey J ameJ, V ern on at. Little lliicholoon ~amuel, 57 Market 5t A~hley lane Rochdale Bolton Nickson William, Parker at Oliver John R. ll11tler Street Mlll• Mitchell Tbolna!l, Ol~bam Mountai• Thnmlls, 14 Newton st Nicol Robert D. Gla5gow OliYer Josepb, Sta.lyhridge Mi1chell Thomas, Rhodea Mill, Mound in Agop, 11 Bloom et Nieolaon Iober\, 1011 Portla•d at Oliver lhchBrd (John Sattertield & Rochdale M ucklow Edward, Bury Ni1ld Charles E. Bradford build- Co.), St. Ann'• aq Mltche-11 W . .N. Vulcan Workl, Mttir ,lluander Maach11ter and . \1;1~11, Boltop Oliver Robert, Hromley Street Pollard st. flloulhtr l!ank Pn'!!lt Ill wind ,10 C"li!'per~lnl. at Worh ..A.ablwy lane fnon a~ Mitchell Wllliam, to D&'fld at Muir Alfred, Britsnnia Works, Nield Emanud, Boiler Works. Oliver Samud,.'i Tipping IlL Can- .Mitton George, Oldham Strangewayll Oldham [ham Ol!ver Thom.u, Bollington Moffatt Tbomaa, 23..t Geor~e at Mullenenx Cba.rles J. !4. Northern Nield James, Windqor Mill, Old- Ulivo Marco, 11 Pall Mall !oloff11tt Thomu, 11 Rum!ord at. Anurance chamber!!, Tllhebarn l'ield Joseph, Failsworth Oilier Georu, ~8 York M: Liverpool et. Liverpool N ield Mark, Bent Grange Mill, Olli •ant A lfr.,d, S Alhert st Moir George, Dncie bntldings, Muller Geo. Hradford, Yorkshire Oidham fnon st Olltnlll Jamu T. i:nhan,. 11 Ban\ lt [Billlk st Muller J. Egrrto!l, 22 Booth st Nightingale .lames P11.rker, ~9 Can- O'Malley ThomHs, 7 Swan court Moir Patriclr, Dncle buildlnp, Mulliner John, Woralel et. Hulme Nil{hliPgale John W 3 Cl arlotte at O'l'loeil Gtorge .A. Bnry llollllworth Edw1rd ~- 20 Chan· Mundo.gnialidi E. G.L•verpool Nightingale Peter, 7 Swan court O•Neill John, 42 Sackville •t cery lane \1unn Robt. W. Newchureh N1mmg William, I & 9 il•ref• Openshaw A. A. Pi m bole, Bury Moll 11:. A.! :!~x lit Munroe Mattbiail, Guide, tower buildings, Liverpool [King ,t Openshaw Abraham, 65 Cannon .t Moller J. V. 16 Kennedy 1t Darwen Nix Edward W. Bank of England, Openshaw Arthur, 46 Sackville at Moll er ~.ll6 Lloyd•s House Munslow W. New st. Miles Platting !'11 ixon John J. 31 Exchange alley, Open.baw Char le! H.30 Gtoqre s& :MollarWillillm. I Cumberland at Murdocb Alex. 1 Hunt at. Brook. st Liverpool Opea•baw George, Bury Mollisoll Wm. M. 7 Uavid et Morgatroyd George L. Woodbine Nixon Robert P. 16 Li•erpool and Openshaw Henry, 30 George 11t Monk J onath1n, Great Harwood Crescent, Heaton N llrris London chamber•, Liverpool Opensha w J. A. Plmhole, Bury Mollk Willlam, Preston [rington Mnrga.lr<>yd Henry, KnutsFord Nosll Edward R. Bell st. Oldham OpPnshaw JamPs, i 8ioL.Je at Monka Frederick, Brooklands, War· M ur11atroyd J e.m1B, Luddendenfoot Noble John, Great He.rw JOd Openshaw J ames Henry, ~lbioD Moor Joseph, Corp01ation st Murgatroyd John, Hebden Br1dge Noble Joseph, Siouth Para.rle Milia Mills, Bury ){oore Archibald B. ll6 Portland at Mnrgatroyd Saml. Macdonald's la Noble Mark, Great Harwood Openshaw Joshua, Bury Moor• Frank, 23" George at Murphy John, 8 Canada docks, Noble TbGma.s, Great Harwood Opensha" Robert, Greentleld- Mill, Moore John, l! C\Jrporalion at Liverpool Noble Wm. Weliington Mill, Bury Bury Moore Jonas, M Geo~e st · Murray Hy. 89 Union at Oldhl!lm Nolan P.A. 3 South st Opensbaw Wm. 80 George 11i Moore Robert, 2 Exchange bnlld.- M us grave Herbert E. Bolton Noon Thomas, Edward at. Chodey Openshavr Wm. H. L. Liverpool inga, St. Mary'i gate Musgrave JB.II.GiobeWork•,Boltou Norbury Gem·ge, 1 Police at Opensh&w William W. Church Moore Samuel, :t Oak at Mnsgrave John, Glob11 Works, Norbury John, Fallowfield Oppenheim S. 34 Queen st ldoore Thoa. .,. "3~ Ma.rket •t Bolton NorburyJohn H. York chambers, Oram William, Gre~ngate, Salford 1!'00111 W. C. LHton Mill, Sheffield Musgra.vc Josb. Glob!'! Works, Yorkshire et. Rochdale Ormc Robert, Wellington road, MoorCI! Henjamin (North Moor Bolton Norbnry 'Villiam E. Knot !\fill Stock port Spinninw Co.), Old ham Mmgrave Wal11r M. Globil Iron Works [Oldham Orme Robert, Ohlham Moorhouae Abrabam, Cheetham works, Bolton • Nnrcliffe Thomas, Phren1x Mill, Ormerod A.braham, Todmorden Rill rd. flltalyhridge Muagrllve Wm. :Bolton Norcro!S John J. Old ham Ormerod Georg~, Bacup Moorhouu Fredk. fl4 Pori Bt Mmsalli Joseph, 2 South st Nordlmger Charlu,44 Sackvillut Orm~rod HaniOn, Brighouse Jlloorhouse James, ~tnckport Mu!salli You!!jef A. 2 South at Nordlinger S. 44 Sackville st Ormerod John, A1bert cbambwrs, Moorhouae J1me1, Jun . ..A.shton Myersoough Thomas, Myrtle Cot- Norris Saml. H. jun. 36 Cannon et and Haslingdan lloorhoue Joalab, Stockport tage, Swinton Norris Sydney P. Halifax Ormerod John H. Todmorden Moor1Jouwe81Ul1uel H. Stock port Myrtle Geor~e A.ll Brown ~t Norris T. P. 36 Cs•non st Ormerud Peter, Shaw Moreom W. L.(Ralli Bros.), Office Myrtle Henry B. Liverpool Northcott Jas. ll. (Manchester All- Ormerod 'f. J,. Haslingden and C, Eoyal Exchang• Nacken llenry J2 Llo~·d"s House surance Co ), 98 King st Albert square [•hire Mortarott Josepb, 28 Mo11ley at Nadin Thus. F. oi Corporation •t Not on G. W. (A.. & S. Henry), Ormerod Tbomas,Bril(bouse,York- Moreoroft Wm. 6A Moaley st. and 1\iall Henry, 2 Victoria si Portland st Ormerocl William, T~le Worka, Stock port Nansen Em1l, Rochdale Noton Henry H. 10 Norfolk st Todmorden Moreton :!rn ..t, 12 Half Moon at Napier John, Plymouth gro\"e Noton John, 20 Cannon st Ormerod Wm. Edward, Rochdale Jlllora-an Charles, Wardleworth Nappier Jo~eph C. 4A, 80 Deam- Noton Willla.m, 20 Cannon at Onnerod "illlam Henry, King st Leather Works, Rm:hdale ~rate, and Exchange arcade Notz Hermann, 14 LiLtle Lever st Ormerod William Henry, Castleton Morg11n Joa. Ducie Works, Dceie Na.smitb John, Vulcan Works, Nuttall Andrew, Bury Ormesher John, Bridge Mills, bridge Pollard st Nuttall Harry (Jobn A. Bremner & Carruthers st Mor~tan Wllliam M. 21 Chorlmn st Nas.mith Joseph, Sheffield Co.), Albert at Ormesher Willlam, Bridge Mill, Morley JaDJes1 15 New Cannon !t Nathan Benjamin, 90 George st Nuttall Jas. Town HeaT!, Rochdale Middleton, and 23 Pall Ma.!l Morley John, 1 Mount st Nathan Godfrey, li9A Mosley st Nuttall .Jame11, Oak Millil, FJU"ll· Ormrod Jame!l, 3 Pall Mall IJcrley John E. 45 Westmiuter Nathan J obn, 40 Brazennose st worth Ormrod James Cross, 3 Pllill\Iall terrace, Bold lit Nathan Lnnis, 20 Oxford st Nuttall John, Oak Mills, Faro- Ormrod John, 43 Portland st )dorriB t. R. 22 Parsonage Nathan Samuel, 33 M nsley st worth Ormrod Josepb, 10 St. Ann'• aq Morri• Edmnnd, 22 ParBonage Naylor William A. Todd, Liverpool Nuttall John, Ash ton Orr A damS. Whalleyran~o Morris GeuJ1ie, fl Hall st N eale Charles, 14 Marsrlen 8t Nuthll Joho W. Oldham [Bury Orr James, Lytbam IIJorris H. E. Victoria Bri1ge Oi1 Needham Joseph, 16 M&ldon st. NYttall Richard,Shuttleworth, near Orr John, A comb st Work! Rochdale Nutter H€nry, Burnle5' Orr William, 2 North parade Morri1 Henry, l9 Mount 1t Need ham Lee• (Wernetb Spinning Nutter Willia.m, Shavor Orrel Ralph D. Southport Morrll lsuc H. 19 New Bro~n st Co.), Oldh:Jm Oakes John navenport, Egerton Orrell Edrnund, Dyed Department. Morri• J. A. Victoria Bridge Oil Negenborn Albeit, 21 Pall Mall Mill, Stockport .'ill Cherstow at [Boltoa Worh ~egroponte John,63 George at Obe~ti A. F. 7 Bra:r:ennoae 11t Orrell Genrge W. Great Lever, Morris John, i'anre Valley, Dukln- !' eild Frederick, -47 Peter st Ocker F. 44 Brazennose st Orr1ll John, Mansfielll chambers field Neild George B. Oldham Ocldoshe.w Thorn&~, L1 verpooi Orrell Percy, Fair field Morris John E.:Marsden pl.Peter st NeildJotm, Oldham Oddie John William, Blaekburn Orrell Robert, 117 Portland st Morris John S. Victoria Bridge Oil N eild Luke (Boundary Spinning Oddy George, 74A. G•orge 1t. and Orton Willoughby, 39B York st Worka CompBny), Oldaam Tin•wirtle [Oidhan~ Ottewell David, 77 Davenport st !Worrla Jo•ep'll, '26 Lever st Nelll Larmour, Arcade chambers, Ogdeu Alien H. Clarence Mill, Ovaghimian K. 0. 19! Albert sq Morria Josepb, Store Street Mills, St. Mary's gate Ogden Amos, Asbton Ovaghiruian 0. 0. 104 Albert 11q Store lit ~elson George, 117 Portland 1t Og-den J. Armitage, Dukinfield Overmann It". Tlwod<tr1 38 Cooper st Morrla T. W. 'Iiio :Sr'Bzenno5e st Nelson Hartley, I Mount at New Mill, Dukinfielci 0Terton Jan.c<, Victoria Coin Mill, Morri1 Willlam, 73 Clarenoe st.
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