Longest Possible 6 Current News Items Summer Vacation About Our Servicemea LLLEMi Corn- Cooklngham advised his Closes Sept. 7 parents In a letter received last • week that he has arrived in Ja- The longest possimc summer Established June, 1893 LOWELL. MICH., THURSDAY. AUGUST 27. 1953 Number 18 iian- His new address is: Pfc Cor* vacation in the history of Lowell ry S. Cooklngham. 1348414 G-3-1 schools will end on September Lowell Represented j First Marine Division, F. F. F., 7th. Following a custom inaug- i '•/o FPO. San Francisco. Calif. urated years ago to open on the In National Woriishop Well Prepared Teachers to Fill Five Vacancies Prize Exhibits day after Labor Day. the Board Of Christian Churches Pvt. Duane Raymor. son of Mr. of Education voted to open on and Mrs. Ellsworth Raymor and September 8th—the latest date Two Lowell ladies were in at- Appearing in Lowell High School System This Fall Found at 4-H Fair Pvt. Ralph Whitney, son of Mr. possible. tendance at the Fifth Annual and Mrs. Harvey Whitney of Gd. Enrollments Uncertain Workshop which is sponsored For State Show Rapids, have completed their has- For the first time in years it is jointly by the American Baptist ic training in the Airborne Di- anticipated that the initial enroll- Assembly and the National Coun- \.ith the closing of the highly vision, and have received their ments in the grades will show a Hugh Vanderveen has purchas- successful 19th annual Kent Coun- wings at Fort Benning. Ga They ed the Earl Blakeslee home at 203 cil of Churches of Christ in the decline. It is unlikely that the in- U. S. A., held at Green Lake, ty t-H Pair last Friday after-! will be «ieni to Fort Bragg. Nuilh S. Jefferson St. and expects to I • • • I • ill! <• i (t n t-« r, m r* ~ 4 a i- .. _ . crease in the kindergarten will Wisconsin, last week. noon, I hose in charge of the var- Carolina, for further training. move his family there about Sept. offset the number who will leave Mrs. Charles Houseman repre- ious departments, leaders, and ex- The boys are cousins. 15. They are living out on Fallas- 9 to enter St. Mary's school now sented the Congregational Church hibitors. as well as the general burg Drive until their house is Captain Richard M. Doezeraa under construction on the west of Lowell and Mrs. Clark Ellis the public realized that this group side of town. Teaching assign- ready in town. of young people had accomplish- has been transferred from Quan- * * • Methodist. There were 140 del- ments have been made on a tenta- egates from thirty states and two ed a record-breaking movement tico. Va., and his current addreti tive basis and will not be made Charles Hill seems to have Canadian provinces, from Maine in their search for excellence in Is: Capt. R. M. Doezema, 41 Jup- permanent until the initial mem- solved the problem of identify- to California, studying at the an- the extensive field of agriculture iter St.. R-l, Eastern Park, Lynn- this past year. bership is known. However, it ing lost shoes, rubbers and boots, nual Religious Drama Workshop haven, Va. will be impossible to eliminate or mismated ones at school, and Each class in each division on the grounds of the American Pfc. Walter D. Christopher, any teachers because of the ex- he is offering the new service made outstanding exhibits and Baptist Assembly. whose wife. Margaret, lives at pected loss in registration. On the free to his customers. A metalic many qualified for state compe- Freeport. Mich., is now under- other hand, the projected enroll clip supplying the child's initials tition. Some 75 head of livestock going post-truce training with ment in the high school indicates is the gadget which marks all Training Cycle will probably be sent from Kent the 25th Infantry Division in a slight increase. The freshman footwear. county to the State Show in East Korea. He is a mortarman in Co. class should be about 125. the Any mother of small chil- Nears Completion Lansing. Names were announced C of the 14th Regiment and hat largest in the history of the dren will say it is well worth a at the dosing. school, and the senior class is ex- try. Private Leonard D. Hoag, son Horse-pulling contest for heavy- has been In Korea since last May. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. pected to exceed 85. It would not * * * of Mrs. Hattie Hoag. 11571 Kirby Top row. left to right: Mrs. Har- weight teams was won by a 4.300- Walter Christopher, 4094 S. Sag- » be surprising if the total enroll- Tom Lyon, program chairman Street. Alto. Michigan, is nearing riett Arnold, A. B.. whose home is pound team owned by John Gouz- inaw St., Flint. ment in the upper four grades for last week's Rotary luncheon, completion of a 16-week training Saranac. win teach first grade- waard. and the lightweight by a would approximate 400. introduced thr various heads of cycle here with a unit of the 6th She was trained at University at 2.995-pound team nu-ned by Amiurai Divisiun. George Collie of Alto. A-c Wm. B. Laux is now sta- New Teachers the 4-H staff who are responsible Michigan and has had three tioned at Ktatlavik Air Base in for the record-breaking Kent years' successful experience. Sec- The Board of Education was ex- Jack Matthews of I ovoll wrs Iceland. He left Lowell Aug. 10 County 4-H Club Fair this year. ond. Miss Rosalie Sue Williams, tremely fortunate in finding well named top Kent 4-H plowman after a month's furlough. These leaders furnished the pro- A. B., Alma College, who comes prepared teachers to fill the va- in a plrw'rj -ontest r.nd will re- gram for the day. from Ferndale, will take over cancies created by resignations. prv?sem the County in state com- There is no grounds for Home Economics. Third, Miss Demonstrate Waterway Mrs. Harriett Arnold, A. B. 1950, petition. He scored 268 of a pos- apologies for the annual feat- Vivian Voorhorst. B. S. degree Thursday Afternoon will take over the first grade va- sible 300 points. Rowland Ryder ure this year as each depart- from Michigan State Normal cated by Miss Roost, who will of Lowell placed second with a On VandePeerie Form ment was a success in itself. College comes from Holland, teach In Tensing. Mrs. Arnold score cf 250 and Dan Goldner of has three years of very successful * * * Mich., to teach Health and Phys- W- Construction and seeding of a ical Education. In second row, Lowell was third with a score of sod waterway will be demon- experience and she secured her Louis Kingsley will be the Dis- 2D training at the University of trict representative to the Amer- left to right: Miss Delores Ann r; strated at the Neal VandePeerie Kent County probably will send j fjrm located at 7712 Two Mile Michigan. ican Legion National Convention Combs. A. B.. Alma College. Hes- nearly 75 head of livestock to Road just west of Honey Creek Mrs. Elizabeth Arehart, not at St. Louis, Missouri next week. peria resident, will teach ninth the sta+e show. .new to the system, will teach one Mrs. Kingsley will accompany grade. Mrs. Virginia Fonger, A. Avenue in Ada Township on section of the second grade, made him. leaving Saturday and re- B.. a local resident, will teach GRAND CHAMPIONSHIPS Thursday. August 27th. beginn- ing at one o'clock. Work will be necessary by heavy enrollments turning after Labor Day. European History and Social Sci- Six grand champions for the done by Mr. VandePeerie and in the kindergarten two years * ^ * ence. on duty half days. dairy cattle breeds were named rcighboring farmers under direc- ago. Mis. Charles Doyle will be Paul Cariano of Grand Rapidt* at the fair. tion of Soil Conservation Service transferred to the third grade to was in town on Tuesday making Leon Snyder of Byron Center Technicians. take up the duties relinquished arrangements to re-open Thelma's James Dale Okker, 19 walked off with his second grand Lou ell Youth killed. Six Injured Site of the demonstration is a by Mrs. Charles White. Mrs. Max- drive-in restaurant on East Main Dies of Crash Injuries championship In Ayrshire compe- ine Kropf will be ready to take St. which he hopes to have ready tition 'n ?s many years with a lolling twenty acre field just over any special assignments, but by October 1st. Funeral Rites Monday In Earlv Morning T wo-Car Crash mature cow. Reserve champion west of the VandePeerie home- it appears that she will be on full * • * vtead. part of which was once a Funeral services were held One young man was killed and was a 2-year-old shown by Ruscell time coaching those who will Merlington of Cedar Springs peach orchard. During the fif- School bells will be ringing all Monday afternoon at Roth Funer- six other young people serlouslv need individual attention. LATEST BULLETIN while Roy Cornell of Alto showed teen years that the field was in over the land within the next al Home for James Dale Okker. injured early Saturday morning Mr. Clark Wurm will surrender week or two and most students Wednesday morning reports the junior champion, a junior peaches it was clean cultivated who mei sudden death Saturday when two cars crashed a mile his teaching assignments in the and parents are looking forward on the injured are that Charles calf.
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