• XI '= |L .■I ' 1' > 1 . 1 4hi I . * . .. \\ .., K>. WEDNESDAY^ APRIL 17, 19B7 Average Daily Net Preaa Run The Weather . „ . j l W E 'TWENTY-EIGHT Forth* Week Ended i FoMMSat of T7. i. WoatlMr Oarsaa f liattftrgBittf lE»i?mnB %faU> >. ♦ AprU 1«, 1957 Fartiy deady.tMMho fog 9eidgli|L Zodda and Mrs. Helen Curtin, rep­ 12,578 Low In Ms. Pailly eloady, esk resentatives; Mrs. Rofstta Bot- Member of the Audit Unaod mUd Friday. High In npper About Town turn, librarian; and Mr*. Winifred Bureau of CZrculntlon 80s. Bplion, publicity. a ■■ Manchester— A City of Village Charm ■■ St. Christopher’* Mothers Cit- ' We has elected the following offi- Mr^ and Mrs. William B. Os- *c«n: Mrs. Helen-Whistler, leader; trinsky, 182 Blssell St., have re­ The Biggest Fashion Event of the Year TOL. LXXVI, NO. 169 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1957 (OlaasUlod Advarttalag on Page 28) PRICE FIVE CENTS Mrs. Kay Faulds, secretary; Mrs. turned home from a trip to Cali­ Rob* O'Neil, treasurer; Mrs. Carpi fornia. " Is Almost Here—- Wil| You B^e Reaiiy? At Pinehurst \ ... .IK NOT, WE SUGGEST YOU HOP TO IT AND HEAD FOR HALE’S—WHERE OVER 80 YEAR’S EXPERIENCE IS YOUR y These Morrell ready Kills M orrell to eat hams are not GUARANTEE OF QUAUTY MERCHANDISE FAIRLY PRICED! •«v lE-Z-CUt only already baked, HAM but thisy are shank­ less with all skin and Corner Kolakowski in Suffield House surplus fat removed. ■0 i We will also have shankless, skinless springtime cottons Soviet Sets Mattie tg g Later hams from FIRST go partying Suicide Sought Fort Lauderdale, Fla.. 18 (FI— PRIZE OF ALBANY Off Largest Albert Cote. 353-pound Maine leg­ islator who thinks he is the cham- and RATH OF ,.|4)lori egg eater of the land, will Already baked N-W eapon have to prove it to P. J. “THny" I when you biiy HI IOW A. Terrill. As Pay Bandit Terrill, a Ft. Louderdal* Dplly . I •" Washinjrton, April 18 {!?)— News photographer who tips the The government said today beam at 381, airmailed a challenge 5 • All kinds of hams in that Russia Exploded on.Tues-l U Cote to engage him in an egg­ Suffiel4, April 18 (IP)— Francis Kolakowski, fuffitive killer day a nuclear weapon which j eating contest. ■and FBI Agent Richard P. Horan of Hartford were shot and cans including do­ wa.s "one of the largest thus, “I would like to test your capac­ I killed today in Suffield. ity. Terrill wrote. mestic and import­ far in the current .Soviet' He suggested 'that they go to i Kolakow.ski wa.s surrounded in his sister’s East St. home A Mn$t series.” i restaurants at the same time, Cote 'at 11 ;1.'> A, M. ed in 3, 3% , 4, 5 and for Easter Chairman Lewis L. Sti-auss of Kolakowski was wanted for the March 29 murder o f h is Easter HATS the Atomic Energy Commission ] (Continued on Page Seventeen) wife in Hartford and was identified as the lone bandit w ho (AEC) said this was the fifth ini 8 lb. sizes. Morrell's j . a series since April 3. Just last j stole a $66,;>73 payroll from the. Hartford Machine Screw Be smart with a large flower trimmed hat. Do Saturday, he had announced that Company in Wilson seven days ago. 8 lb. can at $6.69 or come in and try them on. four tests had been conducted in Teamster Boss Capt. Philip Schwartz and Agent Horan entered the house the previous 10 days. by way of the cellar at the rear of the house. Making their 3 lb. can at ,$3.49 Strauss said today that the lat­ f est explosion was ’"at a site in Denies Link to way through the dark cellar, they reached the stairway lead­ offer plenty of 1 4 central Asia previously used for ing to the first floor. from such operations." Cautiously ant with their guns drawn, they inched their 5-6 LB. FRUITED choice on size in a MILLINERY DEPARTMENT—SECOND FLOOR “The weapon tested in the most Scranton Strife way side by side up the stairway. recent explosion," the announce­ Afjler taking but a few steps, a shot rang out from the HAMS, Bornttss good quality ham. Also vi.nit our Hat Bar on the Main Floor. Hats ment said, “was one of the largest priced $1.98 to ,$4.98. thus far, in the current Soviet ser­ Washington, April 18 ijPi John upstairs door, hitting ,\gent Horan in the cheat. ies." Durkin, a power in the Scranton. I The agent fired hack despite being hit. | Qui% Whizes Latest Prize This was the 11th teat explosion Pa., Teamsters Union, today brand­ Edgar Eisenhower and his wife enter car en route to the White Capt. Schwartz then dropped- Chairles Van Doren. of TV' quiz show. fame, is shown as he attend­ reported by the AEC since the House last night. Edgar was a guest with another brother. Mil- I bark to the cellar floor, grabbing SWIFT FftEMIUM ed a Ne* York party vtth Geraldine Ann Bernstein, then his AEC since Russians began a ed as false testimony linking him ton, at a stag party. Hia wife, Lucy, dined with the President's Horan and pulling him beneath the secretary. Couple was married April IT in the Virgin Islands. with violence. I cellar alairway. test series last August. He protested against iteing ques­ wife. Street, Young and Chic Urges Bon on N-Testa I State Police say Kolakowski took BUTTER BALL TURKEYS ^M9c as seen in McCALL’S tioned now before the Senate I his own life. Meanwhile, in London, the Soviet Rackets Investigating (3bmmittee, Union renewed an appeal today i- He was found on the kitchen floor 7»o9lbs. little sister S5.98 big .sister $ 7 .9 g contending it r Ight prejudice his ■ with his brains blown out. GIRLS’ SUITS for a ban on nuclear weapons teats trial on pending federal ctiafges as "a first modest step toward end­ Siiimnary of Events “ Pretty is as pretty does . in Cinderella's SUbteetis dress up for Easter and spring in Ike Spells Out Ways of taking "kickbacka" and rfltw Edgar Denies Rift Tins is how it happened: party cottons, that behave beautifully, fashions from our new as the season collection. ing the atomic arms race.” trial on charges of conspiracy in About 0:30 a m., .today, Mrs. ARMOUR'S STAR STUFFED TURKEYS ..... For the Easter Parade Valerian A. Zorin, the Kremlin's the dynamiting of a home. evert in suds. Left: the cape collar adds Box jackets are short and new in wool and cash- delegate at the 5-power subcom­ Wanda Slater, about 35, was In the its news to a bouffant cotton-moire mtres. A good selection , of style.s and colors, But the graj-ing, 50-year-old kitchen of her East St. home doing mittee of the U. N. Disarmament witness, invoked no Fifth Amend­ housework. HANDBAGS gray, nav>’ and beige. Sires 8 to It. To Reduce Spending Commission meeting here, told the Get all your "^oad things to I dress. Sizes 3 to 6x, 7 to 14. Right: frou­ ment plea. He had invoked the With Ike, Brothers Here two children, Constance frou frills raise a Directoire midriff Foreign Press Assn: r.mendment's protection agains(t and Jack were in Spaulding School. Boxie and top handle styles "An agreement to end the tests for Ea^er at Pinehurst shirt dress t o pew fashions heights. in wanted colors. Many styles .98 Washington, April 18 Army Board of Engineers and not self-incrimination j'eaterday in re­ TTien about 9:45, she heard her would be an important practical fusing to tell the committee his Washington, April 18 l(P) - <»• When he was a.sked by a newa- name called. "Hey. Wanda.’’ came' Sizes 3 to 6x. 7 to 12. in leather and plastic calf, also 1 6 "“ and * 1 7 President Eisenhower spelled out | reviewed by the affected states step toward a solution of the whole I patent leather. Black, red, navy, and all interested parties. occupation-;lhe only question Edgar Eisenhower says “a breach t man if he had anything more to the voice in the backyard. She 1 e TEE.N DEPARTMENT—SECOND FLOOR for Oongreas today how it can cut | atomic problems—toward halting asked him then. in our family is the last thing th a t' say about the administration's looked out the window, but sgw no 8-6 SI *—Baby Department, Main Floor beige, gray, tan. white. Projection of the costs for fu­ the production of atomic and T-14 SiE*—Girls’ Department, Second Floor % agprtquiations by *1,858,000,000— 1 ture years, and' reappraiaal of the eSmUengee WltneM (joifid ever develop. " budget, Edgar replied; one. Then the, voice came again. | but he still said there can be no : necessity, before any unbudgeted But today, v^th his lawyer beside Edgar, the President's older; "I want to forget the whole thing “Hey, Wanda."' 82.98 •” *7.95 each “substantial reduction" In actual | prograins tire adopted. tCentiDued on PageTwenty-Uiree) him, Durkin.tinswered the question brother, also said last, night: ’ as fast as I can," Looking more closely out over | 302 MAIN ST. spending Unless Congress revises ’ Granting the Resident auUvor- and challenged the truthfulness of "I want to make it very plain But he Mressed that he hasn't | thetl rcaV yard, she could distinguish | there are no differences between changed Ws opinion " n"not o t a bitbit." a man's figure behind high grass Colorful for or repeals some laws.
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