' ,. ' ~···. '->:' '.··· ....... '·-=--- ..... ':· ' ' ' \ ,; . _...," - ··--!--- ........ ,,.,.-~:'·:·: .. ,.-.. ,.·• ' ' ' .,.,.' •-'. ~ --~ .. .. .--~~ ~.~:. ,·,: ', .. ·.. ··: '. ' - • , .. ~.. ~~' ',,·,~·,I . ·-~ ~ .' ' ' . ~ : Y$ •. free.· ·. 0 #Reindeer· s Carol: 8 ° FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1990 ' rium. Free. : tirs.,·-Pu~ : :r-popular : ppeals to ~. ... · .··. ~~:·r.; ..</~~t'\f~~/,G-1¥'~$ .... 'High CriJlleindex Rate. 0 0 .·: ;. ,, • • By MIKEOMcKINLEYO~ ·0 • •• •• ~ ~ :cpmparison ·of_Crline·rat~ for Wake. Forest · _.c~;Pidi:di~~:tf.llevisio~~~tion~. ,o:··:•_ .. :.,:.!;·;os~~tisiicsreported bys~~~-ulll:ve~i~~.· _:· .. year to teach students how to protect their · 0 0 0 0 0 ; /<· · · : • EDIT_ORi~c:meP ' • ,0 0" oc oanfi:ii,~eicampuses}'•:.''> ;•·;:'.' :: •• ·, A.~!gh ~nme'rate.~uld meilli th~¥:h9<)I:: 1. 'fheoUniversit)i ;?f-,Fl<!r,tda: m'.Gamesvllle property, .. Boyette said. ,Reynold& 0 0 •• • • • • • • 0 • • ••• • •• ::. "Neither WakeoF,'ore,stnoranyotbe~univ-er- h~s-agfessJVe police or stUdent{; I:qJort more bad the thirdhigb~t ciimeindex mthatstate, · USA Today reported that Wake Forest had ~rican Art. ·· Wake FQresthas the second highest cam- s1ty can be accllflltelyjudged by the survey, cnrne, USA Today reported; Also, not all · ~though five-students were murdered.there. one violent crime; eight assaults; 294 burglar- . :Repertory . :p~_crirne rate in N.orth Cai'qlin~.:according : based onUSATo~ay:s own admission that i11stit~tions define ~rimes the same way,: . Boye~saidfla'Ysinthesurveyareobvious ies,Iarceniesandthefts; llcrimeswithalcohol 0 matization · :to_a.survey releasedby US~ :.foday !>4on~ay. the~ are some problems- with it/' .she said. causipg inconsistency between·eampuses. 0 when U$A Today suggestS that:sonie North- or drugs; and 156 counts ofvandalism. · rtin Luther · :!be oewspaper gave Wak~•-forest .~ cn.~e'': J'h~·suryey is !Jas~ 9n '-!nreliable data; whic~ . : · .: CampuS .secl:lrityJll,risdi~on~'. also v~,o ea8te11rurban can]pus~ tn the nation~.s more .• .Stanford University, Dartmouth College, ·. 'adults;$5 -m!fex rat~ of ~7 per 1,000 students~ ~hmd ·:: Ie~ towrong ~o~clustons and unfair' com- · · USA Today: says: Some ·rna)' C9ver sorority · crime-ridden neighborhQOds are. safer· than -· Yale University, Georgia Tech, Northwestern · ,DukeUmvers~ty: s ~5~. ; .·< :· "'-"' .. :. pan~()ps, she ~rud_. ·.· .. ·.·. - ·. •_ · .· .an9.frate.mity·houses while others.do not. As · some in suburban and [:ural areas. Unive~ity, Brandeis University, MIT and .and Wed., .S~ra ~oyette; _the ~icepf!lSentfo~publ!c .Thefindingswerejrnmediate~y repeated in . ~· resul~7 crimes agains~ §~dents. who live ·. "Most crime at Wilke J'orest is property · Vanderbilt an had the highest or second- ~ter. Cole affairs, sa1d USA Todaj Pnl$(l~lt~ an_JI)Valld • the (lreensboro News ~o~J?.ecord and on lo- . I~I!l~.ately off-campus willonot show up in · . crime._ ... We rnak!' a significant effort each · highest crime rates in their respective states._ onsoredby .e Theatre. cipal roles e·women. so needed. Vandals Flood :''infonna- Sig Ep House ' BY JAY -WOODRUFF vandalism in the Sig Ep block of Nsws El>ITOR Poteat Saturday night are being in­ vestigated by thed~'s office. More. than 4oo. students living in Mike Ford, the directOr of student Poteat and Huffmail houses awoke development, said a report concern­ Sunday morning without water. ing the incident was submitted to-the The physical plantshutoffthemain offices of student development and · water valve late Saturday night when student services Monday morning;: vandals diuhaged a main supply pipe Seven students have been charged· leading into the·basernent bathroom with the vandalism and are awaiting: of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity's judicial action, he said. Their indi;-: loung~: ,Watei":remained off until .vidual cases will be heard in an ad; 0 damages could_ be repaired late Sun­ ministrative hearingoor, ifthe studentS: day moining.' ·· choose, in a hearing before the Case: Brian Eckert, the director of media Referral Panel. · _ relations, said water flooded the Harold Holmes; me dean ofstudent~ basement lounge floors when some­ services, said: "I believe that for our: one bent the pipe into the bathroom community we are taking a compre: and then· broke' it while trying to hensive review of this and studying . straighten it. The Sig Ep lounge :was the nature of the organizational in­ flooded with three inches of water, he · . volvement" said. Ford said agroup hearing is still • 0 According to Denni£ Gregory, the possible. directorofresidencelife and housing, Michael Farrell, the president of the water valve was off for several the Sig Bps, said the fraternity is ·POW! hours, but the estimate of repair costs conducting its own internal investi­ . :paul Sonderegger and Paul Hodullk relieve roommate tension the natural way. is not available at this time. gation and that he does not wish to Eckert said several incidents of comment until it is complete. · ~ommittee OrganizesA2t~yit~esfotMClftin Luther KingJ~,,pay '0 ' ' • ' • • ) •o ' • - ' •• ' },~,'. ' ' ,' •• I • ' •' . • ' • - "< (• ~- I ·~ ' ·. · · BvCHiaa"Y.CHEVY · ' ·· activities. · _·-. / ·.· : •'' -~'··· ··:";. ".·':. ·.· . fromWakeFo~.willspeakatllant1an.2l.Reynolds· sessionlocatiGnswillbeaimoiliieed·atlater. OLD GoLo ANti BlA<X REPoR...,. Events include a cao4lelight procession· atr6:30 p.m. graduate_d in 1964 and is a history professorafthe Univer- Ernest Wade, the crulirman of the committee and direc · Jan. 20. The procession will start at Benson ·uni~ersity sity of California at San Diego. ... · "tor ofminority affairs, said he is excited about getting th· In response to a Wake Forest Senate resolution calling Center and end in front of Wait Chapel, where represen- Following his speech, campus and community leaders campus community involved. In previous years the pro for .a committee "to organize an annual observance to tatives from Sigma Nu, Thymes, Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha will lead break-out discussions of ideas brought up -in grams have been most heavily attended by people outsid horior the memory of Martin Luther King, ... (involving) Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta and Theta Chi will Reynolds' speech, as well as on topics such as "The . the university community. all constituent parts of,the university in the observance speak. Sophomore Stephanie SpellerS will also speak, and Impact of Martin Luther King and the Homeless." "Having Reynolds speak is a good way to start a new · activities," a committee appointed by Provost David G. the Gospel Choir will sing. There will be two sessions Monday afternoon allowing tradition. He gives Wake Forest perspective from being a Br~wn has planned several Martin Luther King Jr. Day Edward Reynolds, the first black student to graduate guests to attend the sessions that interest them. Break-out See King, Page 4 ~ : . ' Student Legislature Approves SBAC Budget Recommendations for 1991-92 · Bv K. REISTAD s. OLD GOLD AND BLACK REPoR'II!R $70000 $60000 Request After much deliberation, the Student Gov­ ·------------=--• ernment Legislature passed the budget rec­ $50000 ommendations by the Student Budget Advi­ __ !!I Allocatio·n sory Committee. The total budget passed was $40000 $206; 148.50, of which $1 0,082;50 wentto 12 $00000 neY~lyofunded groups. The 'Howler and the Old Gold aiui Black $20000 · the most money, respectiveiy. Several students expressed concern over $10000 the budget increase. Tuition is increased by 10 $() Q) c. (/) >. .c ~ >. ~ .c .s::: .c >. ~ 0 c:: Ol .c u c:: Q) percent each year for Wake Forest students, .t::. c:: 0 Ql ~ c:: ;: u ""C -~ c:: " 0 (..)" .s::: 0" "' (..)" u Q; 0 ike any and 15 percent ofthatfunds budget allocations. u. u c. (..) "'5: 0 0 0 "'s: "' "' 0 c::.~"' - Q) 0 E .E"' 0 en :uteJ; are A legislator suggested each allocation should .c Ql (/) c:: ~ 0· :c Q) c: ..:.:: (I) ::I o· c:: u. 'iii Q) •use of Ql :c <;; be cut by 9 percent to "send a message to the Cl) c. " .c w~ ·"0 - 0 u. Q) c: ~ c:: 0 ~ c. "' "' C/) 0 <( u. administration" that students do not agree Q) 0> 1- a: Cl) .~ c:: 0" " 0 ~so mil­ "' - 0 0 ~"' c:: o en u Ql 3: with the yearly tuition hikes. c:: c:: C!l -;;; oeerdo c: Ql (/) ,..::!: DJ. .0 Ql C' ~ "'(/) - Q)· (/) vv:ho Hill, the treasurer of the legislature and "' " Q) ..:.:: c:: .t::. a ~ c: Ol w ~ o;::- "' Ql 0 Ql ro 'C Q) far a member of the SBAC, said the budget in­ u "' c: .s::: ::::; .s::: :0- - 0 ::::; c: E npact crease was because of allocations to new .q: 0 0 "' til 0 0 (..) >all)~ On !l-roups and increased production costs faced :r:"' 3: s,:ind . >. 0 by;The Howler and the Old Gold and Black. -"'u ;;:; C/) "'Q) on of ~ Much discussion was raised over the newly 0 "'c: aJ"' Q) ~ > 'C Q) fonned sailing club, which has not yet received "'~ a brief. 0 .c 'C its charter. The club requested $10,243.75 Q) ::::; JIO­ c: -0 lSpon· and was allotted $716. Adam Myerpresented . :z ~ a revised budget to the floor, but the .SBAC )the refused to hear it because it would ·set an :page. undesirable precedent. Omicron Delta Kappa, a national leader­ yasa ing in their positions without the approval of because of the unpleasant setting. The legislature also discussed installing tall The sailing club has 27 members who wish ship society, was given a grantof$130 for its the legislature raised questions on the floor. They said, the most favorable location telephones in the main entrance ofReynolda, lseri­ to represent Wake Forest on a collegiate level. fund-raising drive to solicit donations from LegislatorssaidanarticleintheOldGoldand would be Benson University Center, but in the gymnasium and in the not-yet-com­ •ls and Myer saidRJR would donate to the club team, alumni. S(} said it does not support the Black last week implied that SG President PepsiCo donated the building stipulating that pleted South Campus parking lot and putting .but_ the university will not allow dQnatioll~. iinploe!llentation of l:l}~~ep1tone ~gistration El~ne Mas~yhad byp~,~Ssed,the.l~gisla~;s,o, /D!) ~gs, including· !ll~o~l, W()uld ~per.:,. ,.~l~;~~,li~'!ts o~ e_mergeJ1CY te~ephones to make added .from a company to any group cairying the process if it would resiilt in a tuition increase.
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