Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-22-2000 Arbiter, March 22 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. IItJfl JL~ lISt ZONES tEAL TH scecas 'e ARTS . ,.at::J ~ATlON j AD.flSTRA TIOO _ , ~ " SOOAL,SCENCESIH.MANTESCAAfUS HQj5J.IG --' ::; • {) • ATIt.ETlCSIEVENTS - 7/1} TECItO.OGYIE~ - 0 ~ STlaNT ~VlCES _ ? PHVSCAi. PlANT lEI •+ lNVERSlTY VlLAGf _ ' "v lNVERSTY ~.. .-# (!) ...9 o lllIl Gllllll I G f • I ~M. C " I ." _" ~ . , dJo'TI®tffi ~.~ ~~~ ~ ........ KIVI·TV '1 _ . 11ckels are $16.50 on .. now at RecordExchqe by caIIJng 1-800-9654821 or on/Ine at www.tlckelweb.com. AD ApI • Beer & WIne wIlD f) Skateworld ~.' .. -,----~-----_._-_._..__ ._- ._- . ( 'laws. Interestingly enough, Idaho remains one of the few news states that still has sodomy editor laws on its books. Viruses, robbery and jail I'm continually amazed The move was a thinly at how much slips through. veiled attempt to make' sure time. Tell me. again why our legislature without the progran1s such as "lt's Ele- spring break is so fun? knowledge of a majority of mentary" don't show upon those on campus. The latest Idaho's airwaves again. in actions that should not ~ Certainly it proves only outrage most of us, but aggravating that state law- also prompt serious response, makers insist their values arc 'is a move last week by state golden, while the education cover budget writers during consid- of a state already viewed as eration of funding for Idaho academically and socially Public Television. imprisoned becomes of sec- "This land was your land, Tacked onto a measure ondary concern. this land is now MY that would grant the station It'§ time for us to stand land!" $2 million of the $4 million up for ou,,: rights to be dollars needed to convert to exposed to a variety of views. digital broadcasting was what The last place we can experi- lawmakers term "intent lan- ence that type of knowledge guage." Our senators and is through public television representatives decided to because it isn't ,influenced by have the state board of edu- corporations and big money. cation review programming Too bad that in Idaho, our decisions by the station, to public. television-Is .forced to succumb to big egos. ~~#~5,,~~~~k~~,:,; .. ensure they don't' .promote evenmg's.entertam;;. .. the violation of any Idaho mente Columnists: staff Ira Amyx . Damon Hunzeker box Lesleigh Owen Dale Slack . Cartoonists: Eric ElliS sports . Editor In Chlef: Erica Hill Photo Editor: Jim Allen Associate Editor: [essi Loerch Photographers: EdltorialAdvlsor: Peter Antonelli- Ted Harmon Wollheim Tiffany Thompson Bronco track star sets Online Editors: Design Director: school record. Stephanie Pittam General Manager: Brad Arendt Business Manager: Krista Harkness News Editor: Stephanie Matlock News Writers: Ad Director: Melica johnson Jake Campbell Classified ad manager: Bannister Brownlee Mike Winter Mark Woods 'Ad Designers: . Hannah Bankhead joshua Hammari The 0pllUons presented in advertise-r Sean Hayes Michelle Van Hoff Kate Hoffman merits, editorials and cartoons within reflect the Wolf Hoffman Ad Sales: views of those who created them and are not Sara Mitton Chris Hinson Jim Steele Kelly Lembeck necessarily the views of The Arbiter or its staff Amy Wegner Cameron Wiseman Office Managers: Emily Childs A6E Editor: Brtttney Raybould The.Arbiter is the official student news- D~butionSupervlsor: A6E Writers: paper of Boise State University. Its mission is Dominik Brueckner Dlstrlbution: Mindy Builer Fernanda Barbosa to provide a forum. for the discussion of issues jordi Figueras Mark Holladay impacting the community. The Arbiter's budget Jessica Holmes Anna Maria Figueras Geoffrey Godfrey consists of fees paid by students and advertis- Sports Editor: Doug Dana Sports Writers: ing sales. The paper is distributed to the cam- Pete Erlendson 111(' Arbiter IljlO University Dr pus on Wednesdays during the school year. The Josh Jordan HOISl' II) Bj72; Dave Stewart first copy is free. Additionalcopies cost $1 Phone (20m l·!;-lbl.1 1.1:\ (20m ,12()-lIQH each, payable to The Arbiter offices. email drblll'r,')('llldd bOISl'Sldll' orlu _,...., .JJ (~'------'- Spring breakers ..'; warned to tone ".'-.> ~:"';- .j',:',.;',': ..',:.::. .: .' " ..... • .. 'Co ':::' •. ' ,'.'.',:"; ." ' down reckless ~DOll0t,c()~S~#;~~,.~~,~~xneat:" .: ~Donot;~b;~~~~~:"~..,~:'> ...:.',. : . " '"c'" behavior ~D()l1ot~~s~~.ot~9:~P~o~U~~'; .. '. -. ,~".~.-:,-.: .'... ',-..-:~'«";:.'~C: '~.<:', .'.~.: .~"'Y:· '," <-.::':l" .;,:~., :>::\;/ -.:::i;';,;,'';,'" Erica Hill from Mexican police possession and the blame will "TIley thought I knew ,:~~t~:~d:P~,,"ed ~nis~t editor in chief 'be placed on the tourist." Pun- ;:,;" '.,;, •.. r ... · •. :· crtain behaviors consid- this guy who was taken in for ishrncnt can range from inter- ...:.". ".- C ered innocent in the having marijuana at a club . .I rogations and lengthy trials to :-avoid.~a~'ili.res;tatltaritsWid1filthy . United States can land spring. convinced them I didn't know two years to life in prison, or in testroofus':,:, ..'.' ' . .,.' breakers in foreign jails. It hap- him but it was obvious he was countries such as Saudi Arabia, . ',,}. <..,':,,," ," :' -I'-~' . , , ....',t.' . facing' some big time charges Turkey or Malaysia, the death pens more than we'd like to ~Avoid ice·iJryou:drinkS think. The U.S. Bureau of Con- and jail time," penalty may be enforced. Mex- sular Affairs reports more than The bureau reports that ico, Jamaica, the Bahamas and over half the nearly 3,000 2,)(111 American citizens get the Dominican Republic all ·.¥~~~~~~Wr'~~~';~@ arrested abroad every year. arrests arc on drug-related have stringent drug laws \vhich .-":,>- "',," "Some young people arc charges, and a substantial num- impose. mandatory jail sen- . ber due to the usc of alcohol \'ictimized because they may be tences for people found guilty 'E~twell-cookedfo()d$:, ',-', "-" .. .'''',".:': - -,.':that- >, " are-' still '..hot unaware of the laws. customs am! disorderly behavior. of possession. or standards of the country Many foreign countries Secretary of State Made- Ear only fruit that can ,be pe~led andpee1 . they are visiting," says Marie consider the usc or possession line Albright recently released a th~ll1Y°Urself . ....;' , Rudensky of the Consular of .drugs a serious offense, media alert to colleges around Affairs office. especially the transport of sub- the nation, to warn spring Safe aIternatiyes to water: . '. Boise State vacationers stances. Rudcnsky says some . breakers of the ramifications . .. a. drinks ritadeWiihboiled '·Water have proved no exception. Eliz- tourists may agree to carry a associated with such reckless ~~ch'astea, cOffee;ah~Soup.':. suitcase or package for a large abeth Riley took off to Cancun beha~or, but she also urges , 'b~'cann~d orbott1ed carbonated two years ago only to find her- sum of money. "If they're using proper judgment to avoid .~fi~~'~e~~s"· ..... ···c:: . self enduring interrogation caught, foreign officials typi- being raped or robbed. Many cally accept no excuses for the students are ~crimized because of the unfanUliar location. .>"~;ideij~;~~d'ijy th~,B~J~~~h;qllp .ce/I~er'···· I '~, ''',' -;:.: .~,' ':" i\~" l t'>" ""£~'';:~r':, ~. ".,'_.'.~ But poor 'Judgment can ;,~:~,,':):~\\~'_:'-:~:.;i;:i/~~::-'-'. ,- ;"',; ...:,':....:-'.,c,:.~: . .' . :.,._)' _'.:_.'_','.,< . • "Jo also mean assuming other countries live up to the same ted diseases and even preg- season. sanitation standards. Jayne Nel- nancy. "Whether students son, director of the BSU stu- National statistics show decide to engage in reckless . dent health center, says· they that chlamydia and pregnancy sexual beha~or or illegal acti~- typically gear up for an increase testing at college heald1centers ties, it's important to be cau- in appointments ranging from were highest during April of tious," warns Rudensky. "Many upper respiratory infections to last year, the month after spring Amencans believe they can dissentary. The center remains break. escape punishment because closed during spring break. Even more alarming they Wear the United States cit- Engaging in dangerous were the number of students . izen label. The truth is that just sexual· behavior also. presents a who tested positive in both cat- because certain behavior, like concern: to health officials. egories. Forty-three percent getting drunk, is often accepted Increased alcohol· intllke .can tested positive·· for pregnancy in the United States doesn't lead to unprotected sex, which and seven percent forchl3my- mean .it is ..allowed in other oftell means sexuaI1y transmit- . dia, d1e highest numbers of.d1e countries." J _'""'T:---- ) C-----,-I(JII New parking garage philosophy: .'pay as you go' news writer arking at BSU will get a P little more expensive this fall upon completion of the new garage. Permits will not be valid in the new facility, though those. responsible for the decision feel that a "pay- as-you-go" plan will benefit everyone involved. The rates for parking will remain the same as those on the visitor lots of the Stu- dent Union and Administra- . tion buildings, $1 an hour or 50 cents per half-hour. Regis- tered students need only pay half this cost when using Bronco Bucks. Bob Seibolt, director of campus safety; says that stu- . dents will get the discounted rate bec~\lse fees were~? .:' important source of funding for the structure. Also, offi- cials did not want to charge Estimated completion date for the new parking garage JSAugtlStiitSi. students . using alternative forms of transportation, such ing those holding general per- willing to operate on a pay as permits. as well as cash. Those machines as bicycling or walking. mits. He says that the fact that you go plan.
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