WE* CHER Smile for today Mainly sunnr a tu! warm to­ AHupo U wknu'thing that day and Saturday: winds light Isn't thrro, if the aw owlet- w Mcept we*t 15 this aftern«K>n. mm h too large. High today and low tonight 80 and 50. tjctbcookcDailuBfcotd Established 1897 Price: 10 Cents SHERBROOKE, QUEBEC, FRIDAY. JUNE 2. 19h7 Seventy-first year Second largest in peace time I Huge deficit predicted OTTAW A (CPI — A federal deficit of 8740.000.000. ■the 11th in a row and the second largest in peacetime, is ★ ★ ★ [forecast In i inance Minister Sharp. For most Canadians, the only bright spot in the minis­ ter's budget speech Thursday night came in a government Taxes assault on drug costs. In a three-pronged attack, he pro­ posed eliminating the 12-per-cent sales tax on all drues, teducing tariffs on them and changing their anti dumping on drugs regulations. The forecast deficit comes on * * * the heels of the actual shortfall i of $428.000.000 run up in the last slashed fiscal year. The largest peace­ OTTAWA (UP)--Finance Min- time deficit, $791.000,000, was in ! in isti-r Sharp wielded a tariff i 1901-02 when the Conservatives and tax knife un drug cost* were in office Tluirsdav night and promised The 06-year-ol.! minister, pro more steps In the government senting his third budget, includ to give consumers a better ing a mini-budget last Deeeni Sharp's price. her, defended the proposed def He eliminated the 12-percent ISRAELIS ON GUARD IN guards the Israel coast today- crisis. icit as necessary to give the sales tax on all drugs, cffci-tn# GULF OF AQABA — An Is­ in the Gulf of Aqaba, a focal (AP Wirephoto via economy a moderate sustaining 8cpt I when druggists will have rael torpedo boat patrol point in the Middle East cable from Te! Aviv) force as it passes through a deli image used up supplies on which they ■ cate transitional period, have already paid the tax, j He also said he is asking OTTAWA (CP)—In its lan­ He reduced (ho tariffs by 25 again for restraint iront busi­ guage more than us proposals. per cent on most drug imports ness and labor to counter cost Finance Minister Sharp's budget and confined dumping duties on and price increases which would ilru;: imports to those prépara­ speech Thursday night cast fed­ tions actually made in this coun­ Three are killed in lead to ‘'increasing inequity and eral economic policy in the try idissension in the country." image of Mr. Sharp himself. There were no changes in per­ The price tag in loss of re sonal or corporate income taxes. A budget deficit is not new— venue from the sales lax was The proposed lifting of the 12- this is the Uth in a row bu1 estimated at te.UKKMHK) and per-ceut sales tax, applied at Mr. Sharp’s repealed empha.-,s from the tariff cut at about $1,- the manufacturers' level, would;011 flexibility is. 000,000. armed border clash DRUG TAX SCRAPPED — drug prices which he aimnun- a number of products affect­ The sales lax and dumping lake effect Sept, t so druggists Hi.s speech returned time and I inanee Minister S h a i p ed in liis budget speech in ed hy Hie scrapping of the JERUSALEM (CP) — An chine gun, two antipersonnel keep pretty cool and keep our !'oui(i gei 1 id of existing stocks again to ferlerai initiatives ol drinks a toast—water—to duties action implemented re- Ottawa Thursday night. At a tax plus the cut on duties on commendations of the Commona armed clash erupted on Israel's mines and amnmnton. eyes on the ball.” f’n w .“ d*0 lax already has the last 18 months—the preese signify the end of the 12- press conference after the imported drugs hv ;’f> per drug prices inquiry which re border with Syria today, bring- It was the second day of firing Wilson said his talks with pai.d- term Mr. Sharp has spent ,n per cent federal sales tax on budget speech, he displayed cent. (CP Wircpluilo) inj the lirsl fatalities since the on Israel’s border. Jordan said Pearson had been "very good_ . fChanging ’anging thethe tautltanft andand anli- the finance portfolio ported April 3 that Canadian* Middle East crisis broke out. it opened fire Thursday on an as they alw-ay dumping rules would open the pay more than is necessary for are.” His speech made liberal t-e their drugs. Israel’s army spokesman said Israeli helicopter that flew over way to more competition and of the pronoun “1", and spnn two Israelis and a Syrian were its half of divided Jerusalem, Egypt showed no sign of back- help make sure the savings are | Mr Sharp accepted the enm- mg down in the confrontation passed on to the public, Mr. kled I-told-you-so's in discussing The City of Sherbrooke plans Miillce's position Dial these killed. Israel said a shell burst hit a the success of restraints he The fighting came a few hours house but no casualties were ^1^“ Ivna ^ ^<1' , sleps should be only part of » placed on the economic boom in -broader attack on the cause* after the appointment of Gen. reported. o ' f' j He tokl a later Press confer- 1966. Moshc Dayan, architect of Is- As the border incidents added 1n‘ 'Lion ','C" >rca encc ence however, that the govern- of high drug prices lie fore rael's triumph over Egypt in the to war jitters. French President tmaslon ment has no way of controlling His first words on the state to celebrate its day at Expo cast further measure* by other Suez war of 1956, as defencejde Gaulle spoke out on the Egypt threatened to close the pnees. But the government of 1)10 economy listed 13 legists , ministers. minister. Middle East crisis. warning S,iez Canal to any countrv that 'v°uld be keeping an eye on the tive items or government ac MONTREAL — (Staff)—The by Expo officials and will be secretary and the city clerk. WELCOMES REMOVAL The skirmishing was at the that any country opening fire tries to break the blo'ckade Quation, and he ..as sure other lions in which he played a Quebec Pavilion at Expo 67 briefed on Expo, Then the Company officials, the Removal of the sale;, lax was village of. Kfar Hanassi, popu-.will have ’’neither the approval Evident Nasser has pro-.S^PS would be tog, .prominent sole will be the official host to the party is on its own until 5 welcomed by drug induslr, Sherbrooke Chamber of Com latcd by settlers from the nor support” of France Arab c*aime^ 111 <-t,e Aqaba. Jbc 12.000-word speech, run included a budget and City of Shetbrooke June 78 p.m. when the Quebec Pavi­ poke men hut Mr Sharp * United States. It is less than a; states have considered France At the Mrttl end of the Sulf through ,n a faster than-usual 80 mim-budgct, five bills affecting when it wiil be City of Sher­ merce, and representatives of other slops were less popular lion has the guests for cock­ the Social Club and other mile from Syria’s border. |a friend in the crisis a Iti10u,jh dies Eiath, the Israeli port that! romutes, offered little else to the j income, old ago security and brooke Day at the Pavilion on tails and a buffet. jwitli them. groups, including the city's An Israeli army spokesman it has sold arms to Israelrar,, injn imports most of the nation’s oil. Public. •'-ales taxes, and two moves af- lie Notre Dame. The date has not been con­ Dr. W. W. Wigle, president of was two daily newspapers, are said a patrol encountered four the past. Israel has warned it will not ] llc dut-v on tequila feeling business investment. firmed by the Quebec Pavil­ the Phiirniaeeutical Mannfactur armed Syrians as they were re- "The worst thing which could 'vail indofi»tely for the Western,haJved’ antiques 100 years•C /'tlrlold No flag raising ceremony also invited. ers Association of Canada, aaid BOLD NEW APPROACH is planned but this does not ion although invitations are turning to Syria. Found near the happen would be the opening of Powers to work out a, plan to wil1 00 admitted duty free and being sent out to the various It is believed that the MP jlhe lower harriers to imports Syrian's body were a subma-hostilities,” de Gaulle said in a nullify the blockade. special margarines for allergy ue spoke of a bold new fed take away that the city coun­ (will mean “opportunists and cil and the ISO invited guests invited guests. and the MLA for Sherbrooke Paris statement, ( Reuters Correspondent Ayr VK'Ums w)1l be admitted to lhe cral line in dealing with the Invited to rhe show of .imitators” will concentrate on WANTS DISCUSSION Wallenstein reported a w’avc of country. i provinces. wil! have loads of entertain­ County will be invited to th-j importing the big money mak antiques had to be ment and things to do. shows are all of the members reception. Other provincial : De Gaulle again called for the relief sPread across the country Previously The siwecli also emphasized ing drugs wdiilo producers here (United States,“the Soviet Union af,er Prcm>01- Levt Eshkol's 120 >'fars. old to escape duty of the city council, various government leaders will at­ (will Mill be expected to stock Mm that Mr.
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