• 1 I ' Tlmos-Nows, Twin Folia, Idaho A-3 I X' r - •• • • ' ' i S ■ ' . "'i-Pi ! ' >V' ; - . ' '• . • . lilillil} 's j.lll i. Even U tt lor ) - i 5 - I.atdsli.vry ' ______________ 7 3 rd Year. e a r No. 273 ■ T'.vin r-tts , tcioc i o h o , V‘v . ; ‘......... ............ a r t e rr p u t !t s b r i‘a k e ■ * J 1 s a l te s t o S R ' ' ,:ir WASHINGTON'ON (UPl) - President WhileV House source, when askedask< whether think It’ss prproper to look al this aroa of . ■ Carter, reacting.ng lo h a rdening U.S.-Sovlel lhell sale might be revived atit a later dale, Irodcandlccd technology a s a w ay in which we ’ . •‘• • r - , . ’ relations, has killedklllec a co m p u ter sa le to lhe. sas. id ll w as dead, ' could legltingltimaU’ly exert pressure on the The president has been und(jndcr pressure Sovlel Unionnion," i p -.ifcjtSoviet Union and Imposed White Iiouse • ,• -• . veto authority' on Uth e sa le of oil equipm ent' fromfi several members of Congress, The presiDresidcnt also put all U,S. oil , toRussla. llIncluding Sen. Henry Jackson{son, D-Wash,. equipment;nt bbeing sold lo the Soviei Union : A top admlnlslrInlslralion official said the anda Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan,,in,, 1to block the on the comnommodllies control list — a move ru step s w ere p art of sa g en eral reaction to th e sas le. th o t mleans e an the sales. must have ! Soviet trials and convictions of two • Jackson today commendcdied Carter for presidentialillol approval before being com- Russlondlssld/^ntsjpnls and two U.S. rep o rte rs, cancelingc thc com puter sale,’ .sa sa y in g it pu ls pleted, ................... Is the productprodi of the whole situa- C a rte r "in a slro n g bargalningiingposillon." Also reflet■cflecting th c colder relation^Jivith tlo n ," he said TucsiTuesday night, " I think It clearly give;lves us real the Soviet'let Union,' Russian embassy of* T he Sovietss re<recently convicted dLssi- leverage.”I Jackson said, "Al"Alter all. It’s ficlals. wenwere told ’lo • meet with State dents' Alexanderider Glnsburg and Anotoly beenI a one-way slrc el.’’ DepartmentTicnl representatives to discuss the , , fa le o fthhc o T T i a ss off Ice In San Francisco, ‘3>>1 |Q |||9 B S hcharansky,, despitedcs] U.S. prote.sts, and Jackson urged Carter to go furlher and ;rs for Thc New York TImfs ^ found rep o rte rs fo cancel a $-14 million agreementle n lb y 'D re ss e r T hat actionactI was seen as a direct . and the Baltimore.noreSunguiltyof libel. industries ot Dallas to sellcll oil drilling response« lo the trial of iwo U.S. reporters Jent h a s ta k en an a p p ro p ria te ^ f ■‘ •'T ‘‘Thepresldcnth technology to the Soviet Unionion 1a n d said the - Harold)ld PPiper of lhe B altim ore Sun and step," said SenaScjjato Dcmocmllc lender U. nited Stales should (ry (0 chachange (he sile Craig WhltnWiltney ol Thc N ew Y ork Tim es — Robert Byrd.. "He"Hc has backed up United of th e 1500 Moscow Olympics.3 . who w ereire cconvicted on the chargcs by a ■•'Vi S ta te s criticismsm olof Soviet oppression wilh Moscow; coucourt Tuesday. concrete action.lion. The civil Irial and Rep, Barber Conable. R-N.Y..R- told K fm . '.- J , ' •' sentencing ofif Iwttwo American journalists rer p o rte rs he thought C a rter’s'’s aactions w ere No d aIte te w as se t Monday tor th e m eeting ‘ , was the Sovietivlet U nion's contem ptuous ana "allomalivc to cuttingng relations,’’ of the RussIlusslons with U,S. officials soon in ' - ' C v l B J f ;^u', ■ ■' answer to world)rld ccriticism of lhal nation’s adding,? "These are half me:measures ... 1 Washingtonigton. There was no elaboration on program of crueltyrueltytoitsowncltlzcns.’’ thinkt it's appreprl.ile. a mtmeasured re- the planntxlnned meeting, but the move raised thc posslbisslbillly thc Tass office In San 7 w MM Carter decidedcided lo kill the .sale of a sponsc."s sophisticatedI SpeiSperry-Unlvac computiT. A R ep, John A nflerson,' R-llIMil., said, "I FranclscoMSCO would be shutdow n, . /i m ■ j l l l j g 'ijf nate fiillibuste, newivest f f '' ’ t BBHT '^'’n l H l H WOJ>rryfor> r W T ^ U p p bo i ^ e r s ^ ^ supporters began worrying Tuesday " , ©WashlngtonStar©Wa: of uncertainty over the idea.3. Its suppt ' I B E i M -■% WASHINGTONJTON — If a lale summer "Tlie 19 :5 I’ctc lo extend the deadline for that, whenvhen thc plan gets lo the Senate lale H q BS i - . Illlbustcr doesc s no l b rea k out In lh e S enate rallfleallon .was a majoror victory for this summjm m e r, opponents m ay try to ta lk It B j^^M thc proposedxi EcEqual Rights AmendmentI fcmlnls-ts who, want lhele Comititution lo death.ith. H B g B H h a s a new chancclancc, possibly a slroni; one. off changed to guaranlce legalRal tKjuality for Plonsns dapparently already have been. •, to take the Issue direcUy to the m g H surviving. tlie sexes. Thoy had not be<been confident ■ made to J T uesday'si vole by the House Judiciaryy about the lest in thc Ju d ic iaaryCommlltcc. ry Senatee flcfloor, thus byp.-issing a possible Committee to gi\give states until mld-1982 lo0 They are more confidentlent about next filibusteriter wllhln the Senate Judiciary ■^H E B -actonERAputtip u t th e proposal p a st th e m o s; lt------ month's acllon In the full HotHouse, allhough Committc-nittce. , difficult b a rrieT ier r 1It has yet faced, the Issue Is expected to bec decideddt there. Thatit nmoneuver, however, probably irst time in historj’, a commit-I- too, by a'Close vole, ■ could.succsucceed only If It has lho support of tec of Congres:igress has voied to give a Unless Congress, voles; • to extend the Majority•lly IL eader R obert C. B yrd, D-W.Va. s reaction. Senate aides said Tues- S j^ ^ B proposed const:constitutional amendment a ratification deadline, nowIW set at next Byrd’s rc; second chancc,ncc, and ll did so afler monlh.si.s M arch 22. ERA is alm ost sure■uretodle. .. day, mayln a y be shaped by w h eth er he expects lh e Scnalcmale to bog down In a filibuster over ER A onlhon th eS en ate floor. HousoISO SSpeaker Thomas P. O’Neill Jr., II w o r k s - ---------------- --D-Mass,7lss.TTucsday told re p o rte rs thot B yrd ..... '«■ • - - , . ■ > i - t § S i a N e ww t a l k s i n ^ , h a d Indlc;ndlcalcd the Issue could' bo fillbus* nlslers.. ' ’ Icrcjl,, but "Byrd’s aides said lalcr he had ■ LE E D S CASTLE,CASl England (UP13 r-. mecUn^oflhc foreign mlnlsl : no such prediction, U.S. ^ re lary[ary <of Stale Cyrus Vance saidId V anoj 'm ad e his announc)unconTenf after made nos gn so. those who favqr ERA.say now, jo r differen ce s" on Middle E.-istst Egypt-’imdlsrael 'agreed^toI to conllnue the today ‘‘m a jo r dl (hey -^xpect-heavy-support In-lho- • .aVn’beljvcen Egypt and Israelul ta lk s afffl ifS iiltrD ep a rrmm c ent'spokcsm ii an-'-------/ ' ’>•>' ■ > p e ac e rem ain b Ie for added tim e to ratify, lays of talks here but that they)v said lhe United States iss nready to take _ . after two days < he Senate 3nd H ouse do go along w ilh . s i ^ / ' . ha v e a greedfd lo m e et a g ain In aboul Iwo• 0 p a rt. desman Hoddlng '^c aclhacllon of the House Judiciary i • w eeks, Stale Department spokesr -Tgyi-^w""— \- a JI C om mTiitlce, itlc the deadline would be pul al ulcn^cnrTcnd-out-at-n-nc\vfl—v-fl------- eartcrlllsald-^TheUnllcdS ^iTa^talcm i T(5riM27ThltP*>adllno 'would^lvc ------ le' lo meet wilh them whenevclevcr thc partloal^^5™ =~j^ ^ conference: hereh e re a t th e end of talks with the • legislatures two, and in some cases and Israeli foreign ministers.s. consider lluscfol,’’ V Egyptian and f. m orc sessions lo consider ERA. U,S, officials said th aIt t w hile slill f a r , th ree , mo V- Vancc said:1: far, 35 sln lc legislatures have voted to lie a p a rt Israel and Eg>.'pt h aad d aagreed lo hold So far,; j9(«loDg«<' "M ajor differencesdiffer remain between the ovc thc am endm ent. 11 would rc<jtrire of further direct negotiationsIons’next week, approve I positions ofif the two sides, ThDre is a lot of approval of Ihrcc more. B H Y A N AATWELL TRIES TO COCm iFO H T TEAIIFUL KlMlilMBERLEE HART h a rd w otk aahca h ea d ." probably In Israeli-occupiedle d EI g y p l, •‘‘PP Hesald hohcpli pla n s lo visit the Middle Fa.sl . h ecr r newlyn purchuHcc! car wwax h diiiiio^cd in coIliNion>n nncarTw in Falls again In aboutibout two weeks. Meantime, he sa id , h e Is seisending A m bassador Alfred Atherton 'there to prepare fnr furlher Firrst car."5 poor' Iluck ’ A n d r•US i preesses TWIN FALLS-Klmbcricol•lee H arf, 17, vehicle into tlie path of a nother sm all ScSchoolroy, 28, M urtaugh, damimaging i It r^Q hasn’t had very good luck wwith ith her flr.st c a r on A ddison/a n Avenue E a s t n e ar the D , aabout t S200.
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