Nr. 55 Juli 2018 SPG MITTEILUNGEN COMMUNICATIONS DE LA SSP Top: A source of entangled photons that was used to teleport a qubit into a quantum memory. Read more on p. 27. Right: Ion trap for precision measurements on cold molecular ions (p. 31). In memoriam of Stephen Hawking we present on p. 37 a summary The Swiss team won the International Physicists' Tournament 2018, of his research. This picture shows him trying a zero-g environment congratulations ! Read on p. 58 a report of the team leader. during a parabola flight in 2007. (Credit: Jim Campbell/Aero-News Network, NASA) © A.Lomakin (MIPT), supported by MIPT-Union, Abbyy and Pres. Grants Fund. Annual Meeting of the SWISS PHYSICAL SOCIETY 28 - 31 August 2018, EPFL in collaboration with CHIPP AND NCCR MARVEL General information: p. 12, preliminary program: p. 14 SPG Mitteilungen Nr. 55 Inhalt - Contenu - Contents Editorial 3 Jahrestagung in Lausanne, 28. - 31. August 2018 - Réunion annuelle à Lausanne, 28 - 31 août 2018 5 Vorwort - Avant propos 5 Generalversammlung 2018, Preisverleihungen - Assemblée générale 2018, Cérémonies de remise des prix 5 Informationen für die Mitglieder - Informations pour les membres 6 Allgemeine Tagungsinformationen - Informations générales sur la réunion 12 Vorläufige Programmübersicht - Aperçu préliminaire du programme 14 Colloque "Le Référentiel, selon Ferdinand Gonseth" 25 Nachruf auf Dr. sc. nat. ETH Karl Knop 26 Progress in Physics (63): The challenge of long-distance quantum communication: From quantum repeaters to a quantum internet. 27 Progress in Physics (64): Cold molecules: techniques and applications 31 Why should you be interested in Thorium Power? (Part 2) 34 Milestones in Physics (12): Stephen Hawking 37 Milestones in Physics (13): Ground States of Metals 42 Physik und Gesellschaft: Wechselspiele der Welterklärung - Das neue Weltbild der Physik und seine Rezeption in der modernen Literatur 50 La cosmologie et la relativité générale par les mathématiques et la physique du lycée 53 Stromproduktion: Erneuerbare sind spitze 56 Great success at the International Physicists’ Tournament 58 Physik Olympiaden 2018 60 Kurzmitteilungen 61 Rückblick 2. Internationales Jost-Bürgi Symposium 62 Call for the SCNAT Prix Schläfli 2019 63 Vorstandsmitglieder der SPG - Membres du Comité de la SSP Präsident - Président Geschichte der Physik - Histoire de la Physique Dr. Hans Peter Beck, Uni Bern, [email protected] Prof. Jan Lacki, Uni Genève, [email protected] Vize-Präsident - Vice-Président Physik der Erde, Atmosphäre und Umwelt - Prof. Minh Quang Tran, EPFL, [email protected] Physique du globe et de l'environnement Sekretär - Secrétaire Dr. Stéphane Goyette, Uni Genève, [email protected] Dr. MER Antoine Pochelon, [email protected] Biophysik, Weiche Materie und Medizinische Physik - Kassier - Trésorier Biophysique, Matière molle et Physique médicale Dr. Pascal Ruffieux, EMPA, [email protected] Prof. Giovanni Dietler, EPFL, [email protected] Kondensierte Materie - Matière Condensée (KOND) Prof. Laura Heyderman, PSI & ETHZ, [email protected] SPG Administration - Administration de la SSP Angewandte Physik - Physique Appliquée (ANDO) Allgemeines Sekretariat - Secrétariat générale Dr. Stephan Brunner, EPFL, [email protected] (Mitgliederverwaltung, Webseite, Druck, Versand, Redaktion Bulletin & SPG Mitteilungen) - Astrophysik, Kern- und Teilchenphysik - (Service des membres, internet, impression, envoi, rédaction Bulletin & Communications Astrophysique, physique nucléaire et corp. (TASK) de la SSP) Dr. Andreas Schopper, CERN, [email protected] S. Albietz, SPG Sekretariat, Departement Physik, Klingelbergstrasse 82, CH-4056 Basel Theoretische Physik - Physique Théorique (THEO) Tel. 061 / 207 36 86, Fax 061 / 207 37 84, [email protected] Prof. Gian Michele Graf, ETH Zürich, [email protected] Physik in der Industrie - Physique dans l‘industrie Buchhaltung - Service de la comptabilité Dr. Andreas Fuhrer, IBM Rüschlikon, [email protected] [email protected] Dr. Thilo Stöferle, IBM Rüschlikon, [email protected] Protokollführerin - Greffière Atomphysik und Quantenoptik - NN. Physique Atomique et Optique Quantique Prof. Philipp Treutlein, Uni Basel, [email protected] Wissenschaftliche Redakteure - Rédacteur scientifique Physikausbildung und -förderung - Dr. Bernhard Braunecker, Braunecker Engineering GmbH, Education et encouragement à la physique [email protected] Dr. Céline Lichtensteiger, Uni Genève, [email protected] Dr. MER Antoine Pochelon, [email protected] Impressum: Die SPG Mitteilungen erscheinen ca. 2-4 mal jährlich und werden an alle Mitglieder abgegeben. Abonnement für Nichtmitglieder: CHF 20.- pro Jahrgang (Inland; Ausland auf Anfrage), incl. Lieferung der Hefte sofort nach Erscheinen frei Haus. Bestellungen bzw. Kündigungen jeweils zum Jahresende senden Sie bitte formlos an folgende Adresse: Verlag und Redaktion: Schweizerische Physikalische Gesellschaft, Klingelbergstr. 82, CH-4056 Basel, [email protected], www.sps.ch Redaktionelle Beiträge und Inserate sind willkommen, bitte wenden Sie sich an die obige Adresse. Namentlich gekennzeichnete Beiträge geben grundsätzlich die Meinungen der betreffenden Autoren wieder. Die SPG übernimmt hierfür keine Verantwortung. Druck: Werner Druck & Medien AG, Kanonengasse 32, 4001 Basel 2 Communications de la SSP No. 55 Editorial Science for Development Thierry J.-L. Courvoisier, University of Geneva, President EASAC, the European Academies Science Advisory Council There is no development without science, whatever the compasses humanities, social and economic sciences. meaning of “development“ may be. All what mankind has Once the physical, chemical and biological components of ever built or constructed rests ultimately on the knowledge a problem are understood, the human, social and political we have acquired by observing nature – which may also be implications of the proposed actions must be considered in a way of responding to the ever recurrent question of the order for them to be accepted and implemented, or modified relevance of fundamental science for our societies. This is and adapted. true for the measurement of time, as it is for biotechnology or semi-conductors, two of the many tools essential in de- Independence then. Bringing science in society and policy velopment of human communities worldwide. always requires, but probably even more explicitly when dealing with development issues, that the scientists active But science, like any tool, is used for development, but also in informing the decision making processes be free of politi- for destruction, a triviality that needed no extra emphasis in cal interests in the narrow meaning of the word, of industrial, Viet Nam, where science for development was discussed financial or commercial ties be they local or global, or of re- May 9-11 2018 at the XIVth Rencontres du Viet Nam 1. ligious biases. This may be relatively easy to assess as far as economic interests are concerned, it is not when cultural Science serves interests of all sorts, some for the benefit of values are concerned. Science is indeed universal in that the concerned human communities; we call this develop- observations, experiments and the deduced knowledge are ment. But science also serves the commercial, industrial, valid for all. The scientific questioning, however, depends or financial interests of actors very far from the communi- on the epoch and the culture of the scientists. One does not ties involved. These may be large multi-national companies address the same questions in the same way when sitting in looking for new markets for products, which may or may a XXth century western lab or in an oriental surrounding. Fol- not be adapted to local conditions. Geopolitical interests of lowing generations look at the world in different ways. These far away nations also influence sometimes the evolution of aspects of culture intimate to each of us colour our thinking communities in a way that may not necessarily be to their and our action, the present text included. To mitigate the bi- benefit. The Viet Nam war being a striking example, but by ases they introduce in science advice, groups including sci- no means the only or last one. entists of diverse origin and backgrounds should be formed in order to formulate advice. Using science for development therefore requires knowl- edge, independence and judgement. With companies eager to access developing markets, or na- tions pushing geopolitical agendas, both sometimes show- Knowledge first. A large number of decisions that need be ing little if any interest for local development issues, think taken now everywhere and at all levels, be they local, na- for example of tobacco industries advertising for cigarettes tional, continental or global, require a wide body of knowl- in cultures where smoking is not presently a cultural ele- edge. This is true of agriculture and the use of pesticides or ment, independence of the knowledge brokers is of utmost genetically modified organisms, but also of mobility and CO2 importance. Science academies are often, rightly I think, emission or adaptation to climate change to name but few considered to be among the knowledge actors most devoid examples. It is worth remembering here that climate change of vested interests. This is the reason for which the interface is in fine a problem of solar radiation transfer in the Earth’s between science and policy is often entrusted to them, be atmosphere, continents and oceans that needs
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