S2232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE March 18, 1998 when he said that the wealth of the lected ``Citizen of the Year'' in 1993 by worked hard until it was successful. country is in it people. He said, ``We the Pueblo Chamber of Commerce. In These young women represent Ameri- have to have a highly educated popu- 1994, Bob Rawlings was honored as ca's commitment to hard work and lation if we are going to compete in the ``Colorado Business Leader of the self-sacrifice, and they inspired us with next century.'' Year,'' and at this year's Colorado their performance both on and off the Milt continues to support improve- Press Association's Annual Convention ice. ments in our educational system, but in February, Bob was presented with After coming back to defeat Canada, has never neglected his own continuing the ``Gold Rule Makeup Award,'' which the U.S. team's confidence swelled and education. In 1993, Milt earned a Ph.D. is the highest honor a member of the they swept away the opposition, beat- in economics from Case Western. press can achieve in Colorado. ing Japan twice, China 5±0, Sweden 7±1, He continues to serve the community For more than a half-century, Bob Finland 4±2, and Canada 3±1 in the gold as a member of the Board of Trustees Rawlings has served his community, medal game. of Case Western Reserve University, state and nation. He represents the Team star Tara Mounsey has just and on the boards of the Cleveland best and the brightest of his profession, celebrated her 20th birthday and her Clinic, Mount Sinai Health Care Sys- and the citizens of Pueblo and the state New Hampshire teammates Katie King tem and the Cleveland Orchestra. of Colorado are honored to call him one and Tricia Dunn have all joined in the Last November Ambassador Wolf re- of their own. It is individuals like Bob festivities surrounding their Olympic ceived the Austrian Cross of Honor for Rawlings who make America great. It victory, including a celebration at the Science and ArtÐFirst Class bestowed is my pleasure to honor him and thank Statehouse in Concord. by the Ambassador of the Republic of him for all he has done, and all that he As a United States Senator from New Austria in New York. Last December will continue to do for Pueblo and Col- Hampshire, I wanted to pay tribute to the Ohio State University granted Am- orado.· the U.S. Women's Ice Hockey Team bassador Wolf an honorary Doctor of f and give special mention to three la- Diplomacy degree. dies from New Hampshire who made us TRIBUTE TO THE 1998 U.S. WOM- In its resolution of recognition of so proud of them at the Olympics. EN'S OLYMPIC ICE HOCKEY Ambassador Wolf's receipt of the Aus- I congratulate all of the members of TEAM trian Cross of Honor, the Ohio Senate the 1998 United States Women's Olym- stated · Mr. GREGG. Mr. President, I rise to pic Ice Hockey Team: Goaltenders Sara At a time when the international land- commend the United States Women's DeCosta and Sarah Tueting; Defensive scape is dominated by images of conflict and Ice Hockey Team for its outstanding players: Tara Mounsey, Angela antagonism, and in an era when hostility gold medal achievement during the 1998 Ruggiero, Colleen Coyne, Sue Merz, both within and between countries could Winter Games in Nagano, Japan. A Vicki Movessian, and Chris Bailey; spell disaster for the whole planet, every at- proud America witnessed the outstand- Forwards Lisa Brown-Miller, Karen tempt to forge closer ties among citizens of ing teamwork and determination ex- Bye, Laurie Baker, Sandra Whyte, A.J. diverse backgrounds and beliefs is of urgent hibited by the team in going significance. In this context, you have shown Mleczko, Jenny Schmidgall, Shelley how very much a diligent, conscientious per- undefeated and winning the gold medal Looney, Alana Blahoski, Katie King, son can accomplish, and you can be proud in the inaugural women's Olympic ice Team Captain Cammi Granato, Gretch- that your commitment to promote global hockey competition. New Hampshire is en Ulion, and Tricia Dunn; Head Coach harmony through language, learning, and especially proud of three young women Ben Smith, Assistant Coach Tom letters has inspired many who know you to from our state who contributed to the Mutch and Team Leader Amie Hilles. dedicate themselves similarly. success of the U.S. team: Tara Ladies and coaches, we salute you and Milt Wolfe has set an example for us Mounsey of Concord, Katie King of wish you well in your future endeav- all in his efforts for all people. He is a Salem, and Tricia Dunn of Derry. ors.· builder, an educator and a humani- Just nine years ago, the U.S. wom- tarian. Milt is a successful business- en's ice hockey program did not even f man who made time for helping others. exist. Now, U.S. women's ice hockey is I am proud of his friendship. My wife the best in the world, and the team's HUMAN RIGHTS IN TURKEY Annie joins me in congratulating him youngest player, Angela Ruggiero, is on this much deserved recognition.· off to college with an Olympic gold · Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, on Feb- f medal and some memories to cherish ruary 23, 1998 in Ankara, Turkey, a for a lifetime. penal court handed down an important TRIBUTE TO BOB RAWLINGS Leading up to Olympic competition, decision regarding human rights. Elev- · Mr. ALLARD. Mr. President, I rise everyone knew Canada was the favor- en board members of Turkey's largest today to pay tribute to an individual ite, having a slight edge in winning independent human rights group, the who has made a significant contribu- seven of thirteen previous meetings be- Human Rights Association, were ac- tion to the journalistic profession in tween the U.S. and Canada. As the quitted of charges of disseminating the state of Colorado. record shows, however, the United separatist propaganda and inciting rac- Bob Rawlings, publisher and editor of States was not far behind and was un- ist and ethnic enmity at a December the Pueblo Chieftain and Sunday Chief- derrated by the international competi- 1996 meeting. A request by prosecutors tain and Star-Journal, has worked at tion. to close the organization was also re- the same newspaper for more than 51 A thrilling comeback in the first jected. years. During his tenure at the news- game of the round robin grabbed the Turkish Prime Minister Mesut paper he has worked as a reporter, ad- nation's attention and showed that this Yilmaz has pledged to make progress in vertising salesman, General Manager, team could overcome adversity and win protecting human rights, and the Feb- and since 1980 has served as Publisher against a powerful team from Canada, ruary 23rd decision is a commendable and Editor. In 1984 he was selected to by scoring six goals in the last ten step forward by the Turkish Govern- be president of the Star-Journal Pub- minutes to prevail 7±4. ment in that process. Hopefully, the lishing Corporation, which owns and The team just didn't quit although decision will encourage human rights operates both newspapers. they were down 4±1 with only ten min- advocates to pursue reforms in Turkey In 1985±86, Bob Rawlings served as utes to play. Much like forward Katie and protect them from similar persecu- President of the Colorado Press Asso- King who refused to quit after she was tion in the future. An active civil soci- ciation. He also has served as a mem- rejected from the U.S. national team ety in which people can organize and ber and past-chairman of the Colorado during sophomore year in college three express their opinions without fear of Bar-Press Committee, and is a past years ago and much like defensive prosecution and official harassment is president of the Rocky Mountain Ad player Tara Mounsey, who refused to essential to the fulfillment of Prime Manager's Association. hang up her skates after she sprained Minister Yilmaz's goal. He was voted ``Colorado Newspaper her knee just two weeks before the Unfortunately, this step forward was Person of the Year'' in 1989, and was se- Olympics. This team persevered and recently marred by a step back. On.
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