-------------~.-., ~.-~----------~-----~ --·­ - --- ---------------..------ ' II II • ..' . an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's Thursday, October 20, 1977 Vol. XII, No. 38 -·· ----- -.. -. , 2 the observer Thursday, October 20, 1977 For USC game Weather Sign up to show banners Restrictions have been placed on beginning one half hour before the The outlook for South Bend is just about as usual. There will be rain banners. No slogans with double the displaying of banners on the game. A receipt must be pre­ meanings will be allowed. Any sometime during the day, followed by sunshi~e, fog, and brief snow football field. Banners will be sented. individual who displays such a flurries. It's bound to be windy, and always in your face if you plan allowed on the field at halftime, but 4) At halftime, both the banner to ride a bicycle anywhere. After sunset the forecas( is dark. banner will be subject to disciplin­ the persons displaying the banner and the receipt must be taken to the ary actions and students from must adhere to the following Field Entrance Gate in the student dorms who are in the decorating guidelines set up by the Student body section for admittance to the contest will be disqualified. If the Union: field. dorm displays the banner after the 1) Anyone who wishes to display Regulations have also been judging, the prize money will be On Campus Today_----... a banner on the field at halftime placed on the content of the forfeited. thursday must bring the banner to the SU Social Commissioner's office be­ tween 1 pm and 5 pm today and 3 pm career workshop, "how to gather & evaluate tomorrow, or between 10 am and 11 information necessary for successful decisions," am on Saturday. karen o'neill. sponsored by smc career development 2) At this time the SU will issue Your Source for the Unusual in center, rm. 161 lemans. the student a receipt. Diamonds and Precious Gems 3) The SU will transport the Platinum and Gold Jewelry 4pm seminar, "valence bond model of the water banners to the stadium where they molecule," dr. d.m. chipman, sponsored by rad. may be claimed inside Gate 15 You'll find untold treasures of the lab., conference rm. of ard. lab., public invited. finest quality brought to you by the eye of Openings an expert.* 4:30pm lecture, "study mJssJon to israel," sponsored by american professors for peace in the middle east, Due to last minute cancellations, And sold with the care of a professional.* there are three opening available prof. charles primus, university club, interested Insurance appraisals and purchases of fine diamonds faculty invited. for the Senior Oass Trip to San Francisco. Any interested senior and estate jewelry provided. 4:30pm colloquium, ''the heavy ion optical model potential should contact Teri at 7308. ·Graduate Gemologist: & long range absorbtion," dr. a.j. baltz, Gemological lnst1tute of America *Fellow Gemmologist: brookhaven nat' I. lab., sponsored by physics dept., Correction Gemmological Association of Great Britain rm. 118 nieuwland, open to public. The Sarin pep rally will begin at • B.A. Indiana Un1vers1ty 10 p.m. tonight, not at 7 p.m. as 7, 9:15, film, "the longest yard," eng. aud., $1. Lobby reported in yesterday's Observer. St. Joseph Bank Building 11:30 pm The rally will be held in front of Sarin and will feature a number of South Bend. Indiana 8 pm lecture, "a new canal treaty; justice for panama or Telephone: 287-1427 international justice?" by most rev. marcos mc­ speakers including: Digger Phelps, grath, esc, archbishop or panama, sponsored by Coach Yonto, Officer Tim Me· John M. Marshall's government and international studies depts., lib. Carthy, Ken MacAfee, Ted Berg­ aud. meir and Scott Zettek. Your Source for the Unusual 8pm recital, pianist leo smit, sponsored by smc dept. of Clarification music, little theater, open to public. ..... Dave Bender, student body pres­ ._.- - 9-11 pm performance, jim speier, rich marcello & martha ident, stated that he is not against paulding, nazz, basement of Iafortune, free. the Dancin' Irish and never made the statment concerning them to Buy all your Tennis needs midnight wsnd album hour, featuring dave Ioggins- "one way Sandy Stohrer, Dancin' Irish co­ ticket to paradise," 640 a.m. captain, which appeared in yester­ day's Observer. at Discount Prices midnight- films, featuring abbott and costello, darby's place, Stohrer was quoted as saying 12:20 a.m. basement of Iafortune. "Bender was totally against it. He lowest prices on racketball, wouldn't go for it so he said he handball, and squash needs couldn't help us." friday The Observer is published Mon. 3 dey through Frid1y except during pm seminar, "the materials engineer & hybrid micro­ ex1m end vaatlon periods. Tl)e electronics," dr. ted liu, corporate materials science Observer Is published by the center, honeywell, inc. sponsored by metallurgical students of Notre D1me and Saint Mary's College. Subscriptions engr. dept. rm. 5 engr. bldg. public invited. may be purch1sed for S20 per ye1r Used Tennis Racket Sale! (SIO per semester) from The 3:30pm colloquium, "dialectic & ontology," prof. milton Observer, P.O. Box Q, Notre Dame, lndl1na 4655,. Second fisk, ind. univ., sponsored by philosophy dept., class postqe paid, Not,.. Dame, Mon-Fri 9-6 faculty lounge, mem. lib., open to public. lndl•na, 4655,. The Observer is • member of 233-8712 Sat. 9-4 tt11 Auoclated Preas. All ,..,ro. 321 S. Notre Dame 3:30pm seminar, "the evolving role of data base manage­ ductlon rights are reserved. ment systems in the scientific area," dr. henry honeck, savannah river lab., sponsored by dept. of notre dame student union & sunshine promotions aerospace and engr., rm. 303 engr. bldg. DON'T MISS THE presents 4pm cross country meet, indiana state championships, nd golf course BOB HOPE 5:15 pm mass & supper, bulla shed. Joey 7 pm pep rally, between library and the towers. Heatherton 8pm concert, steve miller band with norton buffalo SHOW stampede, ace with a 25 full · 9 pm performance, "the return of jules thompson," nazz, basement of Iafortune, "the gong show." pc orchestra NOV. 4th 8:30 saturday Notre Dame A.C.C. 8 am test, certificate in computer programming; eng. aud. RESERVED SEATS­ 12:50 pm football, nd vs. southern cal. $6, $8, $10, $12 A C EDR PRODUCTION 9-1 pm homecoming dance, for students and alumni, ace concourse. tony barron and his orchestra. 25¢ 0 EER 25¢ .. oct. 22-30 vacation ' .. introducing Naght Editor: Joseph Bauer tha Fanning, Karen Chiames, Asst. Night Editor: Lauren Paula Vernon, Beth Rizzo, ·The Norton Buffalo Stampede McNulty Lisa DiValerio, BB layout Staff: Frank Kebe, E.M. T.: Karen Chiames, Beth Cutter, Mark Perry, Leigh Tunakan FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 Kathy Mills, Katie Kerwin, Day editor: Tom Nilsson, Bob Brink, Drew Bauer, Mau­ Kathy Connelly, Mary Law­ 8:00PM reen Sajbel rence Notre Dame ACC Editorial layout: Rosemary Copy Reader: ann Gales, Jack Mills Pizzolato, Ann Grzybowski ed & thurs · Tickets: $8.00, $7.00 Features layout: Dave 0'­ Ad layout: Paula Carroll, Keefe Greg Trzupek, Steve Bonomo 9- to -12 All Seats Reserved Sports layout: Paul STeven­ Photographer: Leo Hansen on sale now at the ACC box office & son, Harvard Typists: Gwen Coleman, Mar- Hap~·y Birthday, Steve! 25¢ DRAFTS 25¢ the student union box office • 1_hu_rsd_a....:...;y,'-Oct_obe_r_2_o-=-, _19_77___ tb.-.....;8--.::~0IIEJbiiiDIIs~e~rv.Le-......r _._.M.3 \I .•,.. :;' 1! t . ---,--~·-_:. -1' .·.~. .. ! ~" l . ,;~' i.' t( . l.,.ti I '--.. .!"'' i !I ,./. -'\\ .. f l , ( l}l I\. I)) - - Where are you going for October break? Burtchaell rebukes opinion The of pro-abortionist theologians by Mike Kenahan Concern" bluntly stated in their mendment. He said, "I don't article, "We support the Supreme propose an amendment, but Rev. James T. Burtchaell, pro­ Court decisions of 1973 which had there are people proposing it. fessor of theology and former the effect of removing abortion What my position is, I'm just Observer University provost, recently under­ from the criminal law codes. The criticizing theirs and defending an independent ~tudent new~paper serving notre dame and st. mary's took the task of rebuking the court did not appeal to religion or people who are against abortion.'' opinion of some 209 Protestant and ethics in arriving at its judegment, Burtchaell stated in his critique ~--------------------------.., Jewish theologians on their de- but we believe the decision to have that "if American leaders of all been in accord with sound ethical religious and humanitarian per­ 'Moon f·es, contact fenseBurtchaell of abortion responded rights. to a pub- judgement. In the last four years, suasions succeed in rallying the lished advertisement entitled ''A however, those decisions have massive public support needed for 6 b Call to Concern" with a point-by- been subject to a relentless attack a consititutional amendment which would leave the Congress and entitled "A Call and from those who take the absolutist J8CU1 ty mem ers ~o~~~f:~que position that it is always wrong to States free once again to enact In his artide, Burtchaell describ­ terminate a pregnancy at any time publicly desired laws protecting the by Jerry Perez tions," it ~ccused the ~u~commit- ed the pro-abortion statement as after the moment of conception." unborn, it is they who will be t~e of leakmg confidential mforma- "a political statement by ethical Burtchaell stated, however, "I serving the public will, in support­ The long arm of Rev. Sun Myung tion to ~oth press and opponents of scholars. •A Call to Concern' is not don't know of any absolutist on the ing a policy which already at this Moon's Unification Church has the Umficat1on Church.
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