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[of his incident]." wt - car theft at the College Cross- *4 ,# The Accordingtothepolicereport,theowner 4- .'. ing parking lot happened on Nov. 14 of the Buick believes that he had left his car unlocked. "11£ <'3%34* at approximately 11 p.m., according to ...: offered for those .*02: .* R freshman communication major Chris Vitangeli safetyadvice te. car owner. He said parking on campus. Harden, who is the . did not notice the missing car until the In general,interms ofparkingon cam- following morning and filed a report pus, it's important forpeople tobelooking / with the Indianapolis Metropolitan out for each other, making sure that they Police Department. Harden said that keep their car doors locked, making sure -04' 1 - - ''. ' ' i he was parked in the gravel lot and his that valuables are not left out in the car. I Pboto by Anna Wieseman construction car doors were locked. think people just need to be looking out President Beverley Pittsleads group to overturn dirtintheofficial groundbreaking fornew residencehall Roberts Hall on Nov. lo infrontofthe VitangelisaidthatCollegeCrossing's forsuspicious activityandmakingsurethey site. „ video surveillancewas abletocapturethe call campus police. those thoughts. car being taken, but at the time, she did Harden echoed holds Roberts Hall not think they [IMPD] had been able "I just don't want this to happen to Ulndy Groundbreaking to identify a suspect. anyone else," Harden said. "I encourage «It's not easy to tell who it is or any- everybodytomakesureiftheyhaveanolder Milena Jevtic A number of alumni and resident morning, it will be really nice to have an- thing, but they show that the car pulled car-there's not much they can do-but By keep valuable things assistants attendedthegroundbreaking. other dorm on campus," she said. up, and people got out of the car, and make sure they don't STAFF WRITER in their can All my school stuffwas in my Junior mathematics major and vice BecauseRobertsHallisbeingbuiltover people found a way to get in my car. and ISG Austin Hauser em- whatused to be a parking lot for residents, They [IMPD] said it was possibly with car, my backpack everything." ' president of phasized how excited he was about an parking has been affected, and residents ascrewdriver,"Hardensaid."Oneperson Vitangelisaidthitthecampuspolicewill " and 'Ihe groundbreaking ceremony for exclusive dorm for upperclassmen. and commuters have been parking in a got in and drove away. b6 doing extrapatrols theyare goingto Roberts Hall was held on the south side Roberts Hallis named after UIndy's temporary lot. 'Ihe reported car theft on campus trytomonitortheparkinglots. Shealsosaid ofcampus betweenWarren and Cravens firstpresident,JohnTaylorRoberts,and Once Roberts Hall is built, UIndy will occurred Nov. 17. According to the that IPD regularly comes through campus Police De- and they will continue to do so; the south Halls on Nov. 10 at 3:30 p.m. will be the seventh residence hall. make additional parking space to the east University of Indianapolis Thelocationoftheceremonywasclose . 'Ihis dorm will feature single and ofthe building. partment report, the car owner's room- side officers comethroughcampusontheir be extra to the spot of the actual constructi6n double rooms with a main living area Freshman Brooke Lee lives offcampus mate saw a white male, approximately shifts and also will doing patrols. if students are site. Many people came out in support for the students. The hall will open in and drives' whed she needs to come in 5'10"tallwearing awhite Colts hat and She also recommends that of the groundbreaking and to see the August 2012 and is estimated to be a for classes. She finds parking anywhere atanjacket, enter the vehicle atapproxi- by themselves and it's late at night, they leave northbound in call an escort. construction site. $10 million project. difficult. mately 3 p.m. and campus police for email said that if Dean of Students Kory Vitangeli The new residence hall will allow "I usually drive around for ten minutes the University Apartments parking lot. Vitangeli's anyone the parking kicked offthe eventbyintroducingguest older students to have a place to live or until I can find a spot,"Lee said. "It has 'Ille report was filed with patrol officer notices suspicious activity in or of * speakers from members of Indianapolis where they will not be paired up with not always been like this, but right now it Bill Woollen. lots surrounding area campus he or 3, she should contact campus police at 317- Student Ggvernment and.the Board of freshmen. It.mill fit 200 students and is pretty frustrating,., Vitangeli's email said that the cars • Tr -stde .UIii«jifesiddhl,Beferl«Pit --"hfifid fiv8 siori26 tall. Den though parking has-been gre-atly beihg- targited bre oldtr carEThe -car -788-3333. -- » - also attended the event. Roberts Hall is being designed by affected, the situation will be resolved. Pitts led theceremonialgroundbreak- Blackburn Architects, and Wilhelm Roberts Hall will bring together the up- ingbyoverturningthe fresh dirtwith her Constructionwill oversee the construe- perclassmen andgive them achancetolive * shovel while her followers did the same. tion. amongstotherupperclassmanandinteract. The search Residents in the Junior criminal justice major Taylre begins ResidenceHallAssociationpresident neighboringdorms, andjunior socialwork major Olivia Koe- Warren and Cravens Halls, hear con- Oard was present at the groundbreaking nig spoke about how having a new dorm struction continuously. Freshman art ceremony and looks forward to Roberts Committee finalized in search for next president will create a diverse atmosphere, with major Nicole Edwards lives in Warren Hall's completion. students By Abby Ropes upperclassmen on both sides of campus. Hall and said she is used to allthe noise «Itwas so nice to see myfellow STAFF WRITER Until Roberts Hallis and come out to the ceremony,"Oard said. opened, theonlyall activity. upperclassmanresidencehallisEastHall. «Besides the noisy machines every «AndIknowthejuniorclassisveryexcited. University of Indianapolis President Beverley Pitts announced her decision to retire at the end ofthe 2011-2012 academic year in early Octoben Pitts has served receive as president of the university since 2005. lhe process of choosing a new president turf the hiring of an to has the selection of the presidential panel and IPS school already begun with international consulting firm to help with the search. Arsenal Technical Higb Scbool set to use ARC turf after Super BOWL Members ofeaselecdoncornratteeincludeNursingprofessor mdpresident of theFacultySenateConnieWilson,VicePresidentforStudentAffairsandEnrollment Management MarkWeigand, Chair ofthe Board ofTrustees Robert Wingerter and team] want their privacy." structure of the Legacy Center, which By Garrison King leaders in the community, including president and CEO - Keith Burke, the Athletic Director willhouse a number ofcommunityevents. STAFFWRITER forTecll High School, saicl that the do- Burke said the communityp illhave access of Keystone Construction Ersal Ozdemk involves a committee of IJIndy .-:.ighwh: ,i.-- nation ofthe turfwill benefit a number tothe facilities throughcollaborationswith 'Ihe selection process faculty chosen by the Board ofTrustees to represent the D.r 1. of Tech athletic programs. IUPUI and the 'YMCA. .=*"===..... - =I'l.: i. entire university in the search for a new president. As the Super Bowl draws near, so do "It gives us an opportunity to be TheLegacyCenterstillrequiresinterior These IF - 1.- selections included people that could best represent the -.5 .v..... -, the NFC champions who willpractice in a viable place to host events, not just construction, but the outerframe has been university as a whole. the University cif Indianapolis' Athletic for football, but for soccer, band com- completed. The Super Bowl Host Com- a TheBoardofI'rustees chooseswho serves onthe search I .... -- and Recreation Center.lhe ARC's turf petitions and even physical education mittee Legacy Project is a program that members is to renovate inner-city areas. committee," Wilson said. "One of the board • football field, that was installed to allow classes," Burke said. helps the NFC champions to practice for the as as construction to represent the faculty because of my role president of - Super Bowl, will be moved. ately to Tech, however, BowlHostCommittee] spendasignificant 'Ille tl:trf\ ill Ilot be Irloved irrlrflecii- "'Ille F'I,re(1 lirestllattlle),[tlle Sllperthe Faculty i Senate."1 cllar e of tlle searcll con:1 llittee, and I co ./ltacted -1 After the turfhas served thatpurpose work is still being done on the Legacy amount ofmoney on the Legacy Project," Another aspect of the search for the next president of » for the university, it will be donated to Center,alongwithotherathleticrenova- Braughton said.
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