w\ HOLLYWOOD NO MORE? // Legendary local cinema on Broadway threatened with closure, renovation P8 IMPROMPTU AID // UBC-affHated conservation group hard at work in villages hit by Super Typhoon Haiyan P3 // Page 2 WHAT'S ON l THIS WEEK, MAY WE: OUR CAMPUS// ONE ON ONE WITH THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE UBC MONDAY /18 The business of comedy CAN THE WORLD Kaidie Williams HANG TOGETHER? Contributor 8 P.M.-9 P.M. @ COACH HOUSE OF GREEN COLLEGE Poli sci PhD Charles Roger gives a "Comedy is the truth masked by talk on taking on the world's chal­ humour," says Ed Hill, a budding lenges through global cooperation. stand-up comedian in Vancouver. Free "Often, the truth is ugly and comedians make it something acceptable." Hill was born in Taiwan in TUESDAY ' 19 1984. In 1994, while he was still in elementary school, his parents TOONIETUESDAY took him and his brother to Canada ALL DAY ©WHITE SPOT for a permanent "vacation," which Wondering what that lineup involved school, work and worst of around Tim Hortons is about? all, taxes. It's Toonie Tuesday at White Spot After graduating from Pinetree where the original Triple O's burger Secondary School in Coquitlam, is only $3.33 every Tuesday. This Hill attended UBC in 2002 and is not a paid advertisement, but joined the Arts faculty family as a anin-case-you-didn't-get-it-and- member ofthe honours psychology were-too-afraid-to-ask-someone- program. However, he fell out of and-didn't-want-to-Google-it. =HOTO COURTED ED HILL love with his choice. He remem­ Ed Hill's advice on how to achieve success: "Don't play Candy Crush.' bers listening to a lecture during a history class, when the professor album was recorded live at a com­ The nature of Hill's occupation told everyone to close their eyes edy club in Taipei. Its cover shows makes it easy to become swayed by WEDNESDAY' 20 and consider the following scen­ Hill as a child standing in front of a alcohol and drugs. He prides him­ ario: "You are 45 years old and it's park near his home. self on the discipline he developed Monday morning. What are you "I look like a little Korean Dicta­ from attending UBC, which forced DIRT! THE MOVIE doing?" 7:30 P.M. @ FREDDY WOOD THEATRE tor," said Hill. him to grow up quickly. He believes UBC's Engineers Without Borders As he sat at the back ofthe class For his inspiration, Hill admires it is important to make the most of chapter screens Dirt! The Movie. reflecting, Hill said to himself: Louis C.K.'s work ethic and Dave every situation. For Hill, every­ Afterthe film, there will bea panel "Not this." Chappelle's insight. thing in life serves a purpose. discussion with experts from A few years after his gradua­ He commented that although "I am my greatest critic," he an environmental journalist, the tion in 2006, Hill went through his job may seem like all fun and said. He loves the challenges that president of Fair Trade Vancouver a terrible breakup. His road to games, a lot of work goes on behind come with his job, and he values and more. recovery led him to a comedy class the stage and the laughter. every hour in his day. $5 suggested entrance donation that encouraged him to get back on "The audience only sees 30 to His advice on how to achieve stage and channel his comedic per­ 45 minutes of me, but my prepara­ success is simple: "Don't play sonality into a business. He built a tions take a lot more time. I always Candy Crush. It wastes your life. network of people through Google have homework," said Hill. His job Build a network of successful indi­ and Facebook, and spread his never stops. viduals, keep your family by your information through these media. "You are in control 100 per side and find affordable coffee." "It's amazing how quickly you can cent ofthe time. You are a busi­ Indeed, Hill attributes his suc­ track people," he said. ness," he said. "I don't report to cess to McDonalds' double double On Oct. 31, Hill released his new a boss, I report to the man in the coffee — since it was, and still is, THE debut comedy CD, Canasian. The mirror." the most affordable. XI COVER SFU VANCOUVER SPEAKER SERIES Our photo editor returns to Totem for the first time since first year. The walkways keep both residents and photographers dry on a dreary day. Photo by Carter Brundage. Video content climate Check out our "UBC Football Men" video airing now at ubyssey.ca/videos. wars f riday november 22, 7 pm ^|THE UBYSSEY NOVEMBER18.2013 | VOLUMEXCV| ISSUE* a lecture with gwynne dyer EDITORIAL Video Producers BUSINESS Lu Zhang + Coordinating Editor Nick Grossman Business Editorial Office: Geoff Lister Manager Ad Sales 3UB24 [email protected] [email protected] Fernie Pereira Tiffany Tsao SO 4.822.2301 Copy Editor rpereira@ webadvertisinc Moderated by Georgia Straight editor Charlie Smith Managing Editor, Print Business Office: Matt Meuse jbyssey.ca ©ubyssey.ca ~ Ming Wong 3UB23 Tickets $20 at sfuwoodwards.ca [email protected] 604.822.668l 604.822.1658 Student Union Buildinc [email protected] 6138 SUB Boulevard ~ Photo Editor Vancouver. BCV6T1Z1 Managing Editor, Web Ad Sales Accounts Carter Brundage SFU's Goldcorp Centre for the Arts CJ Pentland MarkSha Graham Web: ubyssey.ca [email protected] advertising® McDonald Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema [email protected] Twitter: ©ubyssey Illustrator jbyssey.ca accounts® News Editors Indiana Joel 604.822.1654 jbyssey.ca 149 West Hastings Street Will McDonald + [email protected] Sarah Bigam LEGAL [email protected] Graphic Designer The Ubyssey is the official studentnews- your year and faculty with all submis­ Nena Nguyen Senior News Writer aaper of the University of Rritish Cn- sions. ID will be checked when sub­ [email protected] Brandon Chow umbia. It is publish^ missions are dropped off at the edi­ anclThursclaybyTheuujMcj ruuin.a- torial office ofThe Ubyssey; otherwise [email protected] Webmaster tions Society. We are an autonomous, verification will be done by phone. Tony Li democratically run student organiza­ The Ubyssey reserves the right to Culture Editor [email protected] tion, and all students are encouragec editsubmlss >r length and clar- ^ WOODWARD'S Rhys Edwards to participate. ty. All letters must be received by 12 [email protected] Distribution Coordinator Editorials are chosen and written by the noon the day before intended publi­ SFU'S VANCITY OFFICE OF Lily Cai Ubyssey staff. They are the expressec cation. Letters received after this point Senior Culture Writer COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT [email protected] opinion ofthe staff, and do not neces­ will be published in the following is­ Aurora Tejeida sarily reflect the views ofThe Ubyssey sue unless there is an urgent time re­ [email protected] STAFF Publications Society or the University striction or other matter deemed rel­ Catherine Guan, NickAdams of British Columbia. All editorial content evant by the Ubyssey staff. Sports + Rec Editor Kanta Dihal, Marlee Laval, appearing in The Ubyssey is the prop­ Angela Tien, Carly Sotas, Alex t is agreed by all persons placing dis­ Natalie Scadden Meisner, Luella Sun, Jenny erty ofThe Ubyssey Publications Soci­ play or classified advertising that if the ety. Stones, opinions, photographs anc SFUl—' [email protected] Tang.AdrienneHembree^ Ubyssey Publications Society fails to Mehryar Maalem, Jack Hauen artwork contained herein cannot be re- aublish an advertisement or if an er- Senior Lifestyle Writer Kosta Prodanovic, Olivia Law, aroduced with out the expressed, writ­ 'or in the ad occurs the liability ofthe PUBLIC JethroAu, Bailey Ramsay, ten permission ofThe Ubyssey Publi­ UPS will not be greater than the price Reyhana Heatherington Jenica Montgomery.Austen cations Society. aaid for the ad. The UPS shall not be SQUAR.ARE y "[email protected] Erhardt, Alice Fleerackers _etters to the editor must be under •esponsible for slight changes or ty- aographical errors that do not less­ Features Editor 300 words. Please include your phone number, student number and signa­ en the value or the impact of the ad. Amo Rosenfeld ture (not for publication) as well as [email protected] // News )RS WILL MCDONALD + SARAH BIGAM MONDAY, NOVEMB AID» CRIME » Two bikes stolen from UBC bike cages I..J rl 1 1 Km.x^H wmm \^^^^ ifi >'^-rffeii i -1 •Unfa MuglM | =ILE PHOTO GEOFF LISTER3THE UBYSSEY 60 bike thefts are reported yearly at UBC. Mariam Baldeh Contributor The Chemistry Secure Bike Park­ ing facility has become the latest =HOTOCOURTESYOFTHE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETYOF LONDON location of bike thefts on campus, Field staff hand out relief packs to villagers in Panay, Philippines. with two bicycles recently stolen from the new bike cages. Bike thefts aren't a new phe­ UBC team leads aid for 60,000 in Philippines nomenon on campus, but Barry Sarah Bigam Eccleton, director of Campus Sec­ News Editor villages where we worked they lost with the pain from their injuries," "We are the people able to help. urity, noted that the two bikes were 75 to 90 per cent ofthe houses, and said Vincent. There is nobody else, so it would stolen within days of each other. Biologists and social workers from that is also the schools, and the Yesterday, the first 2,000 relief be unconscionable for us to turn According to Eccleton, around 60 a UBC-related conservation group health centres, and just every­ packs were sent to coastal commun­ our backs and say, 'Sorry, we're a bikes are stolen each year at UBC. are providing impromptu aid for thing," said Vincent.
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