292 KILMERSDON. SOMERSETSHIRE. [KELLY'S in the gift of Lord Hylton, and held since x864 by the Rev. CouNTY MAGISTRATES FOR KILMERSDON PETTY SESSIONAL. Henry George John Veitch B.A. of Balliol College, Oxford. DIVISION. Part of this parish was formed into the ecclesiastical parish Hylton Lord D.L. Ammerdown park, Bath, chairman of Coleford, April4, 1843. Here are Wesleyan and Primi­ de Blaquiere Lord, Woodborough house, near Bath tive Methodist chapels. In I875, to the north-west of the Jolliffe Hon. Hylton George Hylton M.P. Ammerdown parkr church, and close to the boundary of the parish, a shaft was Bath sunk for coal, and is worked by the Kilmersdon Colliery Batey John esq. St. Edmunds house, Vobster, Mells, Frome.. Company Limited. Ammerdown, the seat of the Right Bird Frederick esq. Norton house, Midsomer Norton, Bath Hon. Lord Hylton D.L., l.P. within a park 4 miles in Brodertp Edmund Greenhill esq. Cossington Manor house~ circumference, surrounded by a wall 8 feet in height, is a Bridgwater modern building in the Italian style, from a design by the Butler Samuel Evan esq.M.A.Caisson house,Combe Hay,Batb. late James Wyatt, and commands extensive views of the Daubeney Wm. Arthur esq. M.A. The Clevelands, Dawlish surrounding country; in the park, on a site Boo feet above Dickinson Robert Edmund esq. Coombe cottage, Lyncombe. the sea level, stands a column, I5o feet high, rising from a hill, Bath platform relieved wit'tl casts from antique statues and con­ Horner John Francis Fortescue esq. M.A., D.L. Mells Park,. taining an iron staircase : the erection of this structure, Frome designed and completed under the superintendence of Knatchbull Captain Wyndham, Babington house, Bath. J oseph J opling esq. to the memory of Thomas Samuel J olliffe Porter Edward Endymion esq. M.A. Easthill, Frome esq. a former possessor of this estate, is explained in inscrip­ Shore John Henry esq. B.A. Whatley house, Frome tions in Latin, J.<'rench and English, on the different compart­ Strachey William esq. Rock house, Elm, Frome ments of the plinth ; the column is open to the public by Turner Lieut.-Col. Mansfield, Sidmouth house, Weston­ order : in the grounds is a fountain of five tiers, given by an super-Mare ancestor of the proprietor to George IV. for the Brighto~ Clerk to the Magistrates, Geo. A. Daniel, Bath st. Frome. pavilion, but never erected there, and now restored by Lord Special & Petty Sessions for the division & hundred of Kil­ Hylton. Lord Hylton is lord of the manor and principal mersdon, comprising the parishes of Babington, Chil­ landowner, and impropriator of the great tithes. There is compton, Forscote, Hardington, Hemington, Holcombe,. every variety of soil, from stone brash and loam to heavy Kilmersdon, Midsomer Norton, Radstock, Stratton-on­ clay ; the subsoil is various, but coal abounds, and in some the-Fosse & Writhlington, are held at the petty sessional cases is found at great depth. The land is in pasture for court house once a month, on a monday at 12 o'clock for­ dairy purposes. The area of the parish is 3,552 acres; rate­ general business, & on every mondaythroughoutthe year able value, £9,522 ; the population in I891 was 2,438, of for hearing cases under the Summary Jurisdiction Act. which 1,534 are in Coleford. Attendance is given by the clerk every monday morning from I2 till I, for the purpose of taking informations,. Under the provisions of the "Divided Parishes Act, 1882," depositions &c a detached part of Holcombe, in Shepton Mallet union, has been transferred to this parish. County Constabulary, John Westcott, sergeant. There ar~ CHARLTON is a hamlet, half a mile west, and has a Primi­ two constables stationed at Midsomer N orton & a sergeant. tive Methodist chapel, built in x861. Charlton House, a & constable at Radstock, & a police constable at each or noble mansion of stone, occupies a prominent position and is the following places-Coleford, Chilcompton & Falkland now (1897) occupied by the Rev. I<'rederick Tufnell M.A. SCHOOLS:- Endowed School.-In I7I9 the Rev. Thomas Shute gave a. Parish Clerk, Charles Gane. rent-charge of i,2o towards the support of a school for 40. PosT, TELEGRAPH & ExPRESS DELIVERY OFFICE, Kilmersdon children, & Mrs. Mary Freeman's gift, with Baynton's Village.-Miss Ellen Florence Woolford, sub-postmistress. & Sheppard's charity, bring in £7 12s. 8d. ; this bene­ Box closes at 7 p.m. Letters arrive from Bath at 7.50 faction was further increased by an annuity of £2o, given a. m. & 6.45 p.m. ; on Sundays letters arrive at 7.50 a. m.; by the late Col. John Twyford Jolliffe; Herbert William. box cleared at 7·50 a. m. Nearest money order office is at Long, master Radstock. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid National School (girls & infants), erected in 1855, for I28. children; average attendance, I03; Herbert Wm. Long,. WALL LETTER BOXES at Charlton, cleared at 6.40 p.m. master week days only&. at Kilmersdon Pit Cottages, cleared at I The two schools are now (I897) about to be amalgamated,. 8. xo p.m. week days only pending the final decision of the Charity Commissioners Hylton Lord D.L., J.P. Ammerdown Candy Jas.dairy farmer,Ame'sLane frm Lusty Samuel, Gauntlett's Arms P.H park; Merstham, Surrey ; & Carlton, Caplen Wm. estate bailiff to LordHylton Orledge Henry,miller (water) & farmer,. White's, Boodle's & Athenreum, Cox John, draper Waterside mill · clubs, London s w Cox John, jun. beer retailer, Charlton Paget Leopold Cecil, land agent Jolliffe Hon. Hylton George Hylton- Cox John Robert, dairy farmer, Green's Plaister Mary Jane (Mrs.), farmer,. M.P., l.P. Ammerdown park; & farm, Charlton tpostal address, Orange & Greenhill farms Carlton club, London s w Radstock, Bath) Purnell William Willcox, surveyor, &.. Paget Leopold Cecil, The Batch Cradock Herbert, dairy farmer, Low- inspector to Frome rural district Tufnell Rev. Fredk. M.A.Charlton house field farm council, No. 2 district, Old Vicarage Veitch Rev. Hy.GeorgeJn. B.A.. Vicarage Garrett Tom James, wheelwright & Read Samuel, plumber, painter& decor- Walton J. Coulthard, Huish house blacksmith ator; sanitary work & hot water COMMERCIAL. Kilmersdon Colliery Co. Limited (Kil- circulator Candy Albert Tom, dairy farmer & mersdon pit) (A. E. Chivers, sec.; West James, dairy farmer, Manor farm.· grocer, Walton farm J. Coulthard Walton. manager; John Westcott John, sergeant-in-charge: Candy Alfred, dairy fanner, Hackmead Batey, consulting engineer) police station . Candy Hy. Davis, farmer,Haydon farm Kilmersdon Farmers'Club(Lord Hylton WoolfordEdward Wm. boot & shoe ma. Candy Herbert, farmer, Tynini farm pres.; Rev. H. G. J. Veitch B.A. & Woolford John Chas. boot & shoe maker- Candy Walton Tom, dairy farmer, Leopold C. Paget esq. vice-presidents; Wyatt William, shopkeeper, Charlton Charlton (postal address, Radstock, Herbert W. Long, hon. sec.; W. W. (postal address, Radstock, Bath) Bath) Purnell, treasurer) KILMINGTON is a pleasant parish, about 4 miles south- value £475• including 52 acres of glebe, with residence, in east from Witham Friary station on the Great Western rail- the gift of the Earl of Ilchester, and held since 1866 by the way and 6 east from Bruton, in the Eastern division of the Rev. Mark Warburton B. D. of Queen's College, Oxford, and county, hundred of Nort{)n Ferris, Wincanton petty sessional prebendary of Wells. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. There division, union of Mere, Frome county court district, rural are two charities of £3oo each, the interest of which is dis­ deanery of Bruton, archdeaconry of Wellsanddioceseof .Bath tr1buted in money amongst 20 deserving poor annually. and Wells. The Wiley stream has its source in this parish. The manor of Kilmington once belonged to the Crown, but This parish, originally in Somerset, has been transferred to in the time of Edward I. it was granted to the family of Le Wilts, under the provisions of Section 54 of the " Local Port ; thence it to the family of Hartgill, two of whom, Government Act, I888 " (SI and 52 Vict. c. 4I ), by "Local in the reign of Mary, were assassinated by Charles~ Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. ~h baron Stourton, who was hanged for this crime with a 3) Act, I896" (59 and 6o Vict. c. 75), as from September 30, halter of silk, at Salisbury, March I6, I557 ; it is now in 1896, Order made March 23, I8g6, numbered P. 1,226. The the possession of Sir Henry Hugh Arthur Hoare bart. The church of St. Mary is a pl~in building of stone, consisting p1 inctpal landowners are Sir H. H. A. Hoare bart. Samuel of chancel, nave, north aisle and an embattled western tower, J arvis e-.q. and Henry Hobhouse esq. M.P. of Hadspen House, with pjnnacles, containing 2 bells: the chancel was rebuilt P1kmnbe. The soil is sandy loam; subsoil, clay. Chief crops in 1864 and the church was restored in 1872, at a cost of are o ts, barley and some land in pasturage. The area is £i,64o: there are sittings for 170 persons. The register 2,746 acres; rateable value, £3,50); and the population in dates from the year I538. The living is a rectory, net yearly I891 was 369. .
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