See Page 6 See Page 8 $1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 11 NO. 6 14 CHESVAN 5771 trhu ,arp OCTOBER 22, 2010 INSIDE BIG STRETCH RUN PUSH FOR BECKER FROM THE EDITOR Olympians We’re Not Talmid X 17 BY LARRY GORDON Settlers Are Human Why Not Taub? Ron Jager 35 As a community, we tend to Shabbos Yerushalayim kowtow when it comes to R’ Nison Gordon, z’l 36 praising and appraising elected Inherit Or Disinherit? officials chosen to or hoping to R’ Meir Orlian 43 represent us in some fairly influential legislative forums. Esther Epstein, a’h Certainly this year, there is no shortage of vital and con- Rabbi Yair Hoffman 81 PhotoByBrianG tentious races on almost every level that the world happens to r auer be watching and that can At a Tuesday reception in the New York offices of Weil Gotshal & Manges to support Francis Becker, the change the direction this coun- Republican candidate for the 4th District running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy are (L–R) Phil Rosen, Ambassador John Bolton, Fran Becker, and Eliot Lauer. Polls show the race too close to call. See Page 80 Continued on Page 6 EXPOSING THE I.S.M. HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE BY TOBY KLEIN Network, who is currently in And Now, The News... GREENWALD Israel to consult to the Israeli Justice Department on the BY LARRY GORDON bickering and fawning over Bat Mitzvah of Part I involvement of the ISM in the Republican gubernatorial candi- Meira Nussbaum. Is the International Solidarity cases of the flotilla and Rachel We have to somehow debunk date Carl Paladino. Paladino was See Page 79 Movement (ISM) composed of Corrie. this long-held notion that con- recently maneuvered and non-violent peace activists or The trial has already deter- tributing one’s efforts to the manipulated by self-serving and supporters of terrorism? mined that Rachel Corrie was political sphere ought to neces- self-promoting individuals to The answer is clear to Lee not protecting a house, as earli- sarily be labeled “public service.” promote their own important Kaplan, investigative journalist, er claimed. Cindy Corrie, From even a cursory glance at but nevertheless narrow agenda. senior intelligence analyst, and Rachel’s mother, is still claiming the process, it is simple to con- To me, Paladino looks more communications director for clude that it is anything but. the Northeast Intelligence Continued on Page 23 Case in point is the rabbinical Continued on Page 14 Scholars With Distinction A Great, FROM MINERS Tragic Divide TO GEDOLIM Students write software to gives criminals a WHACK. B Y RABBI AVI SHAFRAN BY RABBI DR. See Page 66 CHAIM WAKSLAK The timing couldn’t have been YOUNG ISRAEL OF LONG BEACH more uncanny. Or more sad. It was the week of the Torah The entire world was capti- portion of Noah when a flood of vated by the miracle that invective poured forth follow- occurred in Chile—the rescue of ing a statement by the New 33 miners following their being Jersey Jewish Standard, a region- ensconced underground in a This year’s group of HAFTR AP Scholars. See Page 54 Continued on Page 26 Continued on Page 27 Anne and Sheldon Golombeck, AMIT honorees. See Page 60 CANDLE LIGHTING October 22 – 5:46 PM October 29 – 5:37 PM 2 October 22, 2010 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 22, 2010 3 FEATURES Around The Five Towns 48 P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 516-984-0079 Classified Ads 72 [email protected] [email protected] Daf Yomi Insights LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 20 Publisher/Editor Managing Editor YOSSI GORDON, YOCHANAN GORDON The Dish Sales Managers Elke Probkevitz 70 CHANA ROCHEL ROSS Editorial Assistant Five Towns Simcha Glamorous Pics/Naomi Cohen 79 SIDI BARON YAKOV SERLE Insights On The Torah Sales Representatives R’ Ben Tzion Shafier 38 SHMUEL GERBER MICHELE JUSTIC R’ Shai Taub 57 Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Letters To The Editor 16 Hannah Reich Berman, Anessa V. Cohen, Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg, Yoni Glatt, Luach 6 Toby Klein Greenwald, Rabbi Yair Hoffman, Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky, Shmuel Katz, MindBiz Phyllis J. Lubin, Esther Mann, Rochelle Miller, Esther Mann, LCSW 46 Elke Probkevitz, Dr. Rachael Schindler, Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow, Rabbi Avi Shafran, Mother’s Musings Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier, Rabbi Meir Orlian, Phyllis J. Lubin 32 Eli Shapiro, Dr. Ari Sher, Samuel Sokol DOV GORDON, ELISHEVA ELEFANT Real Estate Staff Graphic Artists Anessa V. Cohen 40 IVAN NORMAN, IRA THOMAS Staff Photographers That’s The Way It Is! Hannah Reich Berman 42 FRANKEL & CO. Design & Production Tidbits From Israel TALIYE CORLEY Ron Jager 35 Art Director The Five Towns Jewish Times is an independent weekly news- Travel 58 paper. Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. We are not The Year In Israel responsible for the kashrus or hashgachah of any product or Talmid X 17 establishment advertised in the Five Towns Jewish Times. 4 October 22, 2010 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 22, 2010 5 FROM THE EDITOR helplessly observed as members of the many of us absorbing as much as a 40 anti-incumbency movement and an Continued from Front Cover House of Representatives voted—not percent increase in health-insurance effort to finally place the right people necessarily in our best interest, but premiums. who can get the job done into elected try takes for years to come. rather based on what they thought was And today, ten days before the office. Voters have had enough of names If any of us have in the past underes- best for their careers and survival in the midterm elections and with the presi- that sound good or that we are familiar timated how critical the composition of Obama Democratic Party—for the presi- dent facing a prognosticated colossal with as a reason to re-elect a candidate. Congress is for everything that happens dent’s heath-care plan, which instead of repudiation by the American people of The leadership of this country is failing in this country, then just think back a making health insurance affordable for his agenda for this country, Mr. Obama on a broad variety of levels; it is nothing relatively short time ago. Recall how we businesses in this country will have remains relentless in his campaign to other than common sense to want to raise our taxes and essentially redistrib- replace the management team and give ute the wealth in this country. And new leaders with fresh ideas the oppor- that’s not all; in fact, there are extensive tunity to get the job done. This approach additional factors that make the benefits all of us. November 2 election extremely impor- For us in the Orthodox Jewish com- tant for all of us. munity, there is a long-held and tradi- Still, though they may not represent tional belief that we are better off having our best interests as taxpaying citizens someone else—meaning someone other or as a Jewish community that deeply than a member of our community—to cares about the security of Israel, we. do our bidding even on vital issues of the as election districts and communities, day. Granted that there are very few reflexively vote incumbents back into instances of having homegrown talent office as if we were robots obeying willing to throw their hat into the ring some preprogrammed command. Not and get involved in the often tough and to follow that maddening crowd of thankless electoral process. knee-jerk reactors takes thought, As a result, we end up with represen- deliberation, and effort. tation in places like the United States Even a cursory view of news coverage Congress by people who are considered these days features intense talk of an dear and close friends of the Jewish community only to learn that the reali- ty is precisely the opposite. And that is the case, for example, in Queens, with longtime Congressman Gary Ackerman. No one doubts that Ackerman is a good and well-intentioned man. Local resi- dents will tell you that he cares deeply Continued on Page 10 CALENDAR LUACH Oct. 22-Oct. 30 ZIP Code: 11516 14 Cheshvan Friday, October 22 Daf yomi: Avodah Zarah 69 Z’manim*: Earliest tallis/tefillin: 6:20 am Sunrise: 7:14 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 9:20 am Gr’a 9:56 am P’lag ha’minchah: 4:56 pm Candle Lighting: 5:46 pm 15 Cheshvan – Shabbos Saturday, October 23 Shabbos Parashas Vayeira Shabbos ends**: 6:45 pm 72 min. 7:16 pm 21 Cheshvan Friday, October 29 Daf yomi: Avodah Zarah 76 Earliest tallis/tefillin: 6:27 am Sunrise: 7:22 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 9:23 am Gr’a 9:59 am P’lag ha’minchah: 4:49 pm Candle Lighting: 5:37 pm 22 Cheshvan – Shabbos Saturday, October 30 Shab bos Parashas Chayei Sarah Shabbos ends**: 6:36 pm 72 min. 7:06 pm * All times from MyZmanim.com ** add a few minutes for tosefos Shabbos according to your minhag 6 October 22, 2010 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 22, 2010 7 8 October 22, 2010 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 22, 2010 9 FROM THE EDITOR year and this is the election. Which openly expressed puzzlement at how Meeks in the general election. This, Continued from Page 6 leads us to try to understand the attach- quiet Meeks has been as he abstains however, is not a conventional year and ment, at least of our Jewish community, from any campaigning while waiting Mr.
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