Repositorium für die Medienwissenschaft Hans Jürgen Wulff Alfred Hitchcock als Herausgeber, die drei Fragezeichen und das Mystery Magazine. Eine Bibliographie 2006 https://doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/12868 Veröffentlichungsversion / published version Buch / book Empfohlene Zitierung / Suggested Citation: Wulff, Hans Jürgen: Alfred Hitchcock als Herausgeber, die drei Fragezeichen und das Mystery Magazine. Eine Bibliographie. Hamburg: Universität Hamburg, Institut für Germanistik 2006 (Medienwissenschaft: Berichte und Papiere 62). DOI: https://doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/12868. Erstmalig hier erschienen / Initial publication here: http://berichte.derwulff.de/0062_06.pdf Nutzungsbedingungen: Terms of use: Dieser Text wird unter einer Creative Commons - This document is made available under a creative commons - Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell - Keine Bearbeitungen 4.0/ Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives 4.0/ License. For Lizenz zur Verfügung gestellt. Nähere Auskünfte zu dieser Lizenz more information see: finden Sie hier: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ Medienwissenschaft / Hamburg: Berichte und Papiere 62, 2006: Alfred Hitchcock. ISSN 1613-7477. Redaktion und Copyright dieser Ausgabe: Hans J. Wulff. Letzte Änderung: 14. Februar 2006. URL der Hamburger Fassung: http://www1.uni-hamburg.de/Medien/berichte/arbeiten/0062_06.html. URL dieser Online-Ausgabe: http://www.derWulff.de/Berichte/62. Alfred Hitchcock als Herausgeber, die drei Fragezeichen und das Mystery Magazine. Eine Bibliographie Zusammengestellt v. Hans J. Wulff In der Chronologie der Ersterscheinungen versam- bad lands, by John Metcalfe. – Ghost Hunt, by H. R. melt die folgende Liste von Hitchcock veranstaltete Wakefield. – Skule skerry, by John Buchan. – The red Sammelbände, Kriminalmagazine und dergleichen room, by H. G. Wells. – Ten sack of emeralds, by Lord Dunsany. – The night reveals, by William Irish. mehr. ¬ German: Neunmal geschockt und gethrillt. München: Heyne 1966, 157 pp. (Heyne-Bücher. 1214.). 1. Hitchcock als Herausgeber ¬ 2. Aufl. 1978, 125 pp. (Heyne-Bücher. 1783.). 2. Drei drei Fragezeichen Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.): Alfred Hitchcock presents: 3. Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine A baker’s dozen of suspense stories. New York: Dell 1949. 1. Hitchcock als Herausgeber Hitchcock, Alfred (comp.): Suspense stories: Thir- teen tales of tensions. Selected by Alfred Hitchcock. New York: Dell 1949, 192 pp. (A Dell Book. 367.). Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.): Fourteen suspense stories Hitchcock, Alfred (comp.): Alfred Hitchcock pre- play Russian roulette by. New York: Dell 1945. sents: Stories that scared even me. New York: Dell ¬ German: Neunmal russisches Roulette. München: Publishing Co. 1955. Heyne 1967, 157 pp. (Heyne-Bücher. 1264.). ¬ Repr. New York: Random House 1967, xvi, 463 pp. ¬ Repr. London: Reinhardt 1968. Hitchcock, Alfred (comp.): Suspense stories. New ¬ York: Dell 1945, 192 pp. (A Dell Book. 9.). Repr. in 2 Bde.: London: Pan Books 1971, [Bd. 1:] 203 pp. Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.): Bar the doors: Terror sto- ¬ Port.: Alfred Hitchcock presenta treze histórias que ries collected by Alfred Hitchcock. New York: Dell até a mim assustaram. Rio de Janeiro: Distribuidora 1946, 192 pp. (A Dell Book. 143.). Record [1967?], 283 pp. ¬ ¬ New ed.: Frogmore [...] 1977, 173 pp. German (in two volumes; vol. I): Alfred Hitchcock ¬ German: Verrammelt die Türen. München: Heyne bringt: Mörderisches Bettgeflüster. Kriminalstories. 1965, 154 pp. (Heyne Bücher. 1157.). München: Heyne 1969, 159 pp. (Heyne-Bücher. ¬ 2. Aufl. 1977, 154 pp. (Heyne Bücher. 1770.). 1367.). ¬ Repr.: Alfred Hitchcock bringt: Mörderisches Bettge- Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.): Fireside book of suspense. flüster. München: Heyne 1974. New York: Simon & Schuster 1947, x, 367 pp. ¬ (vol. II:) Geschichten, bei denen es sogar mir graust. Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.): Fear and trembling. Shive- München: Heyne 1970, 141 pp. (Heyne-Bücher. ry stories. New York: Dell 1948, 192 pp. (A Dell 1382.). Book. 264.). Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.): Alfred Hitchcock presents ¬ Contents: Forms of fear, by Alfred Hitchcock. – Cassi- stories they wouldn’t let me do on TV. New York: Si- us, by Henry S Whitehead. – The tarn, by Hugh Wal- mon & Schuster 1957, 372 pp. pole. – Little Memento, by John Collier. – Oh, Whist- ¬ Also London: M. Reinhardt 1958. le, and I’ll come to you, my lad, by M. R. James. – ¬ French: Histoires abominables. Préf. de Alfred Hitch- One summer night, by Ambrose Bierce. – Telling, by cock. Paris: Robert Laffont 1960, 446 pp. (Le Livre de Elizabeth Bowen. – The jar, by Ray Bradbury. – The Poche Policier.). Alfred Hitchcock als Herausgeber // Medienwissenschaft/Hamburg, 62, 2006 /// 2 ¬ Ital.: Alfred Hitchcock presenta 12 racconti del terrore Avon 1962, 160 pp. vietati alla TV. Milano: Feltrinelli 1964, 160 pp. Hitchcock, Alfred (comp.): Alfred Hitchcock pre- Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.): Alfred Hitchcock presents: sents: Sixteen skeletons from my closet. New York: My favorites in suspense. New York: Random House Dell 1963, 221 pp. (A Dell Book.). 1959, 502 pp. ¬ Repr. 1976. Repr. London: Severn House 1984, 221 ¬ Repr. 1969, 428 pp. pp. ¬ Also: My favorites in suspense. London: M. Reinhardt ¬ German (partly?): Alfred Hitchcock bringt: Zehn Ske- 1960, 560 pp. lette aus meinem Schrank. München: Heyne 1965, 153 ¬ Repr.: Fourteen of my favorites in suspense. New pp. (Heyne-Bücher. 1103.). York: Dell 1974, 286 pp. (A Dell Mystery.). ¬ 3. Aufl. 1977, 153 pp. (Heyne-Bücher. 1757.). ¬ German: Nachts, wenn das Licht ausgeht. Alfred Hitchcock, Alfred (comp.): Alfred Hitchcock pre- Hitchcock stellt vor: Zehn Rezepte, das Gruseln zu lernen. Berlin/Frankfurt/Wien: Ullstein 1966, 156 pp. sents stories for late at night. London: Max Rein- hardt 1962, 500 pp. Slesar, Henry: Clean crimes and neat murders. In- troduction by Alfred Hitchcock. New York: Avon Hitchcock, Alfred (comp.): Alfred Hitchcock pre- Books 1960, 160 pp. sents more stories for late at night. New York: Dell ¬ Außentitel: Alfred Hitchcock’s hand picked selection Publishing Co. 1962, 207 pp. of stories. Hitchcock, Alfred (comp.): Alfred Hitchcock pre- Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.): Alfred Hitchcock presents: sents: Stories my mother never told me. New York: Thirteen more stories they wouldn’t let me do on TV. Random House 1963, 401 pp. New York: Dell 1961, 224 pp. ¬ New York: Dell 1965, 223 pp. ¬ ¬ Copyrighted 1957. This ed.: repr. 1976. ¬ French (partly): Histoires à faire peur. Paris: Robert Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.): Alfred Hitchcock presents: Laffont 1965, 250 pp. (Le Livre de Poche.). Stories for late at night. New York: Random House ¬ Neuausg.: Histoires a faire peur. 1.2.3. Hull, Editions 1961, 469 pp. large vision de l’Outaouais 1981. ¬ Repr.: Alfred Hitchcock presents: Twelve stories for ¬ Neuausg.: Alfred Hitchcock raconte des histoires a late at night. 1976. faire peur. Paris: Aylmer, Editions Jouvence, impressi- ¬ French: Histoires à ne pas lire la nuit. Paris: Robert on 1992, 213 pp. – Enthält: Il y a un assassin parmi Laffont 1963, 381 pp. (Le Livre de Poche.). nous (Douglas Farr). L’art d’être père (Dion Hender- ¬ Ital.: Alfred Hitchcock presenta racconti per le ore son). Adieu, mémoire! (Jack Ritchie). Le fantome der- piccole. Milano: Feltrinelli 1962, 628 pp. rière la porte (Henry Kane). La chance (Robert Bloch). Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.) Haunted houseful. Illustrat- ¬ ed by Fred Banbery. New York: Random House German (part I): Geschichten, die mir meine Mutter nicht erzählte. München: Heyne 1969, 156 pp. (Hey- 1961, iv, 208 pp. ne-Bücher. 1335.). ¬ Auch: London: Reinhardt 1971, 205 pp. – Repr. 1979. ¬ ¬ German (part II): Elf Cocktails aus meiner Giftbar. New ed. New York: Random House 1985, ix, 262 pp. München: Heyne 1968, 158 pp. (Heyne-Bücher. (Alfred Hitchcock Story Collections for Young Read- 1323.). ers.). ¬ Ital.: Alfred Hitchcock presenta otto racconti contro la Hitchcock, Alfred: Solve-them-yourself mysteries. paura. Firenze: Vallecchi 1967, 152 pp. Illustrated by Fred Banbery. New York: Random ¬ Nine short stories featuring haunted houses, by such House 1963, 206 pp. notable authors as Elizabeth Coatsworth, Arthur Co- ¬ Auch: London: Reinhardt 1965. – Repr.: New English nan Doyle, and Mark Twain. Library 1968, 158 pp. – 2nd ed. London: Reinhardt 1972, 174 pp. – Repr. London: Armada 1979, 159 pp. Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.): Ghostly gallery: Eleven ¬ spooky stories for young people. Illustrated by Fred French: Quatres Mystères. Ill. par Jacques Poirier. Pa- ris: Hachette 1965, 189 pp. (Coll. Idéal Bibliothèque.). Banbery. New York: Random House 1962, vii, 206 ¬ German: Wer war der Täter? Jugendkrimis zum Sel- pp. berlösen. Stuttgart: Franckh 1966, 177 pp. ¬ London: Reinhardt 1966. – 2nd ed.: London: Rein- ¬ 2. Aufl. 1975; 3. Aufl. 1976; 4. Aufl. 1977. hardt 1972, 189 pp. ¬ ¬ Repr. Ravensburg: Otto Maier 1970, 142 pp. (Ravens- Repr. („minus one story“) Harmondsworth: Penguin in burger Taschenbücher. 180). – [14. Aufl.]. Ravens- association with Reinhardt 1982, 203 pp. burg: Maier [1985], 142 pp. (Ravensburger Taschen- Slesar, Henry: A crime for mothers and others. In- bücher. 180. RTB-Detektiv.). ¬ troduction by Alfred Hitchcock. New York, N.Y.: 2. Aufl. 1971; 3. Aufl. 1972; 4. Aufl. 1973; 5. Aufl. Alfred Hitchcock als Herausgeber // Medienwissenschaft/Hamburg, 62, 2006 /// 3 1974; 6. Aufl. 1976. That hell-bound train. – Aiken, J. As gay as cheese. – ¬ Ital.: Trova da solo il colpevole. Firenze: Vallecchi White, T. H. Madame Mim. – O’Keefe, M. T. Blood 1966, 176 pp. money. – Lanier, pp.
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