• TODAY: LATEST ON GULF PEACE BID· NATION-BUILDING IN ·OVAMBO· Cops VS the over alleged kidnap in North STAFF REPORTERS POLICE are investigating charges of kidnapping and illegal detention on the part of soldiers of the Namibian Defence Force after they swooped on a prominent northern businessman this week. Apparently between 40 and 70 soldiers were upset that Salomon Sbeya had been released on bail on Monday after being charged with murdering an army captain. Sheya says he is now in fear to r SeM Geyser.aid: "It is not ofms life after ~ army scaJCbcd the firsllime but it is !he most his shopl and grabbed him and serious. You can pouibly an unknown quantity of weap­ overlook it the first lime or ons on Thesday morning. the even the second." day after a court had rele:lsed According to the office of him. He says he wil1nol ask for fue PfOseculor General, \cid­ police protection as "the army napping is 11 serious offence doe, not re spect police" . and canearT)' up 10 lOyean in Police ~bief Inspector Gen­ prison depending OD the deci­ enllPiel Fcuch~ ,al though sick sion of the Attomey GencruJ. with malaria, was yesterday Ondangwa poli<:c, under Dis­ THE Namibiao Defence Force yesterday went through its paces with live firing eIercises at Oscna base. Above: set to ask the Minislerof Home trict Commissioner Chief in­ Chief of the Namibian Defence Force, Lieutenant General Dimo Hamaambo. shows be is no slouch when it comes Affairs to speak 10 his counter­ spector Chivikwa. bave stlUted 10 handling weapons and can teach most of men a thing or two. Here he gets to grips witb a PKM heavy part III Defence. tW Police !lpokesperson Inspec- TO PAGE 2 machine gun. See story and more pies, pS, Photograph: Mbatjiua Ngavirue Spanish saga, round 2 AFTER two weeks oftougb legal battle which tested Na­ Worker$,$wavl~is mibia's authority to prosecute Spanish skippers ac­ cused ofiUtgally fishing In Nam.ibia's territorial waters, the case against one oflhecaptains bas been postponed ,agree Or:l WClge hike until March 7 for sentence. %, The tria.\ of Jo s~ Martinez Namibia', watera without a Cwrnz., Fnmcisco BIian:;a Rail, valid permil. He pleaded guilty THE NAMIBIA Food and ins with !be maoagemenl ~ Manuei Magda.leno Martinez., 10 the charge. DA'OUD VRIES !hey could expren their posi­ Carlos Pen'z Rawndo and Rail's heariag starts in the Allied Workers" Union lion on wages and a range of Manuel Mendez Pineiro fol­ Windhoek·Higb COUl1 loday. (Nafau) has reached a other issues. lows a daring high seas opera­ s.nor advocate Etic:one du Too, substantial wage increase a 35 percent across· the-board On February 18. the work­ lion rcrulting in their arresl 0.11 who appeared for CWlllZ, last agreement with Swavleis. wage hike, which the company ers caUed for a work stoppa8e November 24 after they were nighllold TheNamibianfrom Nafau GencaI Sccrttaty lelm ~garded as unreasonable. demanding a general meeting found fishing in Namibian Johannesburg Iba! the case was Pandeni said yesterday the Pandeni said IlCgotiatiODJ with the management. watenc. not ell:pe<:led 10 be IS lengthy increase was • result of pro­ reached a c rucial point wbea The following day tbe two Jos6 Martinet: CUmu: Wall • as the finl one. tracted negotiatioos betweea SwavJei, declared ils willing­ coruendingpaI1ies agnocd on a conviCled of contravening , "The legal a..rgumerus will his union and Swavleis. Nego­ ness 10 offer 15 per ceru in­ 12 to 2 1 per cenl increase Cor section 22(A) of the Sea fish­ mostly be the same," he cx­ tiations started w ay back in creases. different wage categ o rie ~. eries act, which prohibits any plained. Oclober last year. Worken refused the offer today? foreign vessel from fishing in The mice ~ally demanded and demanded a general meet- TO PAGE2 STAY AT WINDHOEK'S MOST CONVENIENT AND AFFORDABLE CITY CENTRE HOTEL. OUR TARIFFS ARE THE CHEAPEST FOR VALUE IN TOWN H **TYYY CONTINENTAL HOTEL TEL: 37293 2 Friday February 22 1991 ,THE HAMIBIAN SWAVLEIS • FROM PAGE 1 Pandeni aaid lbe a.greement wouldcovcr all 648 employees al Swavlcis meal depots and (actorics countrywidc. The un..misl described the spirit of the oegotialioru lIS e~cm­ pJiIy and silid Nafau was illlp~ssed by the "commitment both parties showed in reaching a mutually acceptable agreemcru". He also IUU'lOWlced that Nafau '$ annual congress was sched­ uled for Man:: h 22 10 24. The congress, he said, wu crucial in the sense that it wou ld be the first post-independence congress oflhc THE SWAPO Veterans union. TIle gathering i. expected Income up with resolutions on, Trust (SVT) is inviting aU among others, a ,honer worlring week, paid public holidays and members of the public to reco~lion a.greem.:nl5 wilb companies in the food and calerillg auend their braai at the mdumy. Also 10 be discussed are "the post-independence eco­ Katutura Community nomic realitles and the way forward", Centre on March I and Nnfnu, Pandcni said, would IIho remind the run ian of the MRrch 2. I',hakali m"~. ere of Februar)' 19, 1988. HI' added that it .hauld Ndilimani will pro\'idethe serve U:I reminderofthc hnrdshlps Namibiaru bad 10 golbroug,h enfertainnlent and the en­ In "earch of tlieH freedom. trantc fee is R2 for adults aud RI for dilldren. The braai will start at 17bOOon March 1 and wiU ACTION AT OSONA, Contrary to reports tbat most of th e Namibian Defence end at 24hOO ; and it will Forces' equipment is obsolete many of its weapons, such as this SGM heavy machine commence again on Man;:h NANSO gun, shown at an exercise I'll Osona yesterday, are highly effective and can still give 2 from 06hOO to 24hOO. many more years ofva1uable service. See also pS. The Swapo Veterans Trust was announced by the President, Sam Nujoma, at Ongulumbashe on 26 FAR NORTHERN Stuttafords under fire August last year. TIle President is also patron of REGIONAL THE Namibia Trnnspol1 and Ihal workers should be informed Panderapo, received a similar Allied Workers' Union (Narua) beforehand. waming and was given a aeven Ihe Trust. yesterday accused Stuttaford lust yesterday, seven em­ day n Olice dismiual. The braai is for a good CONFERENCE Van Lines of fOK:ing workers ployees at StuUafords were Allcompany workers met at cause, so organiser Fre­ to do over-time without nego­ given wrillen wami..ngs for their workplace yesterday and drick Matongo calls on the tiating the matter. refusing 10 take inltructiom decided lbw the workers' public to attend. VENUE: Ongwediva Nat:lu maintained that over­ after l7hOO. conuninee should take up the time had to be oegotiated and An eighth worker, JOlCpluU maner with the management Training College IlUCk Ilfrived a, the Oluno Cuh Sector Ten army prison iD 0.­ and Carry to rellSte.t Sbeya. ha1r.lti for I few hOlm, before (Ongediva) They brought a lICuch warrant being released in liIe Iflernoon. illued by Ondangwa O1 I, is­ He wu not belten, but pushed DATE: Friday, 22/02 /91 taking statements from wit­ The latest ItOry begaa late Intcs and two police to seuch around. and his Witch and R150 Delle' includinB soldiers and last Saturday night in one of the ,hops, although witneQCs in cuh were taken &lid Ilter re­ Sunday, 24102/91 Shcya. However, the matter Sheya'. lix bu.inesses, the ..id the police ,toed by and were turned in full. could be toned out between Oluno Cub and Carry in even abullCd by the loldien. During the diY, police con- the Minilters and with clearer Ovambo. $beya Jbot dead army Eventually they seized Sbeyl IIcled headquarters for I dvice, TIME: 17hOO and all the weapon. fou nd . '" which il when Pouch!! told liIem guidelines laid down to '01- captain Job Amwele after an do DOt remember how mllly 10 in.titute I case I,Un.1 the diers onthelimitM to theirrole. argument which, according to Ihere are". Slid Sheya ye.ter­ Namibi&ll Defence Force. Once Sheya alto uy. be will bring .erne reportl, began when the All N anso members in day. investipdoel are COII'I'Plete,.­ charges agaimt the IOldiel"l. captain b aagcd chmp on the They took him to police It evidence will golOthe Allomey­ Earlier doubtful uresll by couD1er, aod escalated 10 the Ondlllgwa. Police told !hem liIe General to decide how to pr0- the region are welcome soldiers included people ar­ point when Shey. shot him in court prace.. had begun and that ceed. rested in December on explo­ the bead with anR4 automatic th e we apons lhey hid seized hid SheYI uy. he is the chair of sives charges and for wearing rifle which be happened to bave already been checked I nd were liIe Ovambo Chlmber of Corn· Enquiries: Elias at unifollIlli of the fODner rumy nearby. Sbeya told The Na­ found to be licenced. Soklie1"l merce 100 I SWlpomember. and of occupation, SWA TF, accord­ mibian last night: "Y want 10 refullCd 10 release him and even hIS no mililary involvement al. Tel. 118 Ondangwa ing to Geyter. These aM now apologise 10 !.be whole nation. sei7..Cd liIe gun with wh ich though he wu I ttlffie police· apparently proccedi.ng through It happened acddenraUy". Amwele had been shot from the man fortwoyeanuntill97j. On the couru. He wu am:l ted later th al police '!ltion, according 10 Sh­ Wednesday night , soldier night by poUce nnd held until the eYI. whom he sU<! hid threatened court appuu.nce on Monday.
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