• j ) . •~! • • ~ .~tlon Calendar ,&OO';"I':D 1'0008 .j.... ,. N. P ..... 4 OIplre A_i. 71 MBAT ,Ia",p U npl... A.,. 81 . P&OOI':!lBI!D roOD • Coole, • talll,. •• 8 and T uplr. 8.pl. 2.: OA80LDlII " ee.,.. ..plr. 8opl. 21; II'UI!:I. OIL , ... 4 •••••••• '.~. 48. .plre Se,l. l!a. SUOA ••Iamp. 15 .... 18 ....... IOWA: Cooler loUy. e.nnln •• ex,lre Oel. I.: 8HOE8 .'amp 11 •• ,Ir•• 001, '~,,' ' HE". to. DAiLY. .IOWAN II; tVEL OIL ,er. l 0•• ,0.1. '.I.. 'tt, •• ",...... ,. 14 elc. Iowa City's Morning NJtwspaper 1 Iy high = FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY,IOWA TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1~43 VOLUME XLIII NUMBER 264 ~ 214 , Y and . , lrior to Innual nn aJf. e. '. lamina. le PUr. I gUld_ ens ssion to a did not st Year ly Iron; GERMANS REPORTED OCCUPYING ALL NORTtiEN ITALY d frOIll Pre-Pearl Harbor falhen.W91 It it Is high apPly_ 1 grade Be (ailed $tarting Qclobu·..1 ! ~ serv~ I ng the JplYi ng But Official. Estimate That Only About One Out Iof hery 22 FQthers Will Be Put Into :sion /() . Uniform This Year ho did Bettind Axis Lines school WASHINGTON (AP- Local draft boards were authorited Italian Peo~le Told Mainland Imina. m. to by selective service y stcl'day to ~all up pre-Pearl Harbor fathers after October 1; but only to the extent "absolutely required " I to I. Until I5 'Days meet thei r monlhly qllotaR. Will ' Undergo Invasion 'Soon' lOy be One authoritative estimate wits that onl y some 300,000 fath ~ rs I ~ ipal ' s Jiving with and $upporiing chi/dr'en born before last Septem~r 700. 16 and not engaged in non-deferrable work would actually , be A-Iohe-- ALI,lED HEADQ ARTER IN ... OR'fH AFRICA (AP)­ Inducted tb is Yllal'. The allies w ce launehed last night upon a final big off nsiv to Stales Another 150,000, however, probably will have to be sent to wipe out the cornered axi troop. still r 'isting in ici ly, and Ounted induction stations in order to get 300,000 f ully qualified men. By DON* *WHITELAND * imultaneou Iy they resumed pounding tho Italian mainland by on the Since there are 6,559,000 non-farming fathers, this would in­ NICOSIA, Sicily, July 31 (De­ air and by a and warned t h Italian "population by radio that i with_ dicate that only about one out of 22 will be put into uniform in layed) (AP)-Pvt. Carllsle Kloos­ alli d invasion of the Italian mainland it· If would \x>gj <"soon." 1913. ter of LaPorte, . Ind., was sitting Thus the allies brought an abrupt end to tb./' tcl~tl¥(' ''fspite Th e 744,000 fathE'I'Srt'gulal'ly cngaged in agrieultural work at the wheel ot his jeep on a street granted til Italians in th week fo\lowing th dow nralU uiLQ = I Mussolini, and they added Dwight \l'il! continue virtually draft- in Nicosia when a voice demanded: a. quick bit to G n. D. Eil!en­ "Who's in command here soldier?" b.ower 's warning of aturady that Italy must come to t rna or proof for occupational reasons. Klooster looked around at the be struc.k down. Preparatory reclaSl)ifieations crowd of Sic\lians who always Announcement that the final ieilian push wa on was made may begin at once, but local seem to be standing around jeeps bel' at headquarters yesterday. Bombing Qut saw no une to fit an American boards were fOl'bidden to order an terauo, northern anchor of the axis Mt. Elna lin , feU fathers to report for induction be­ velce. The question was repeated, and Klooster looked at a rosy­ * * * vithout a right to G n. orge fore October 1 it they are main­ '" I ~ • cheeked young fe llow in a gray . Patton's American Seventh taining a bona fide home relation­ . " Tid-Bits : <;ap, dirty blue s~ea ter , .IIreen army. It was ODa of a dozen ill ship with children born before Italian 'Peace M~rch' ' checked shirt arid blue velvet towns captured. Mistretta, six lasl September 15 and are not ' \ . n· workers in the activities classed .' , 'r tieusers. He. wore Gt shoeS'. miles south yielded 10,000 pris­ .'. .. Kloster ' called Capt. Paul Gs Ie as non-deferrable. 'Fight to F!ni5~' :' , \ On'Rome Impending, oners, mQst of them Germans, to' y, BERN, Switzer1and, . (M'l­ ()t Lynn, Mass. run the captive bag above 00,000. · .. .. Wants C. O. Al1ied bombing blows at G'Il'flan The B r 1 tis h Eighth army to AtllO, the boards were In­ Madrid Sources Say sInIc\ecl to continue calUne cities, partlclarly Hamburg, po,h­ • I .. : ., I • ., • ...;.. I "This guy wants the command­ stormed into the defenses of Ca­ IiDrIe and ehUdlell married ed the Italian crisis out of : Ule C\LL NORTHBRN, ITALY north Gf llie' Po river Is reportedly 'beln .. occupied by German t~1 because( ing. 9l~icer," ~looster said . tania on the German-Itallan left, Ig "Who are you?" Gale asked. men first II they have no oceu­ public mind in Germany as : br. the ' N"UlI feel tbaC ," '41 'n_n to uie defense of Germany itllelf. Howev,..., ·. otMl' ~.~~rts h.an1 ~en-, Declare Nazis ReCidy executing the calm promise of in palional or hardship I'l'ound for Rebert Ley, leader of the Oerfilan tlmied · ...arp ··flebtlllc · between the InvadlDi"'German forces and Ilallan 'r~ps In that area. SJ:1ad~d por- "r am Staft Sergt. Arthur P. Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery deferment and to make reclaul­ Labor front, .,gloomily asser~ tlOD>.;Gt ' Ulil .maP' bldlc_leI the area belnr occupied by German troops_ • , Rohr of Ii U. S. airforce Squadron." To Take Over North that "We wlU now drive the Ge r­ there is nothing to do but "!ijht "'rh'en what in hell' yOU dOiog in u· llealions out of the fathers' mans trom Sicily." to the finlsh ." . ' ; that garb?" Gale ·asked. ItCily if Rome Yields is croIP, 3-A, "ollly as nee4ed to • • • meet the demands upon a local "The nation is bOund irr~ ,voc­ "Sir, I was the upper turret In the center, the Canadians ably to national socialism wher­ gunner on a bomblnll miSsion over MADRID, (AP)-Talk f an [1. boart for men for military lerv- pushed steadily forward throu,h ever the party s~eer s . the s\1ip ' of Sicily. My )llane crash~d and I impending "peace march" on Rome Ice." tortullull terrain. sometimes rls­ Ie state. If it sinks all must drown.".. bailed out. That was·1.5 days ago was current in Italian quarters • • • there is no escape," he added. and I'm just now getll,ng back." Inc half a mile above sea level. TIlt calling of fathers will be , of Madrid last night. On all lectors, allied headquar­ :>f And Roht', a fine-looking farm BccOniil& to their dra ft order bey of 20 trom Lewisville, OhiO', IL Premier Marchal Pie 0 Ba­ ters reported pro,ress. ~ of · . Blast Nazi Oil . number) regardless the number encted '\llIC of .t~<l ng es t IId­ dWgIie staUs much loncer on tl\ • • • &A1RO, ~'iJ: S. bomber hau the IIC .ge. their cbllCren, tlnles ventures yet recorded durIng the allied demands fol' surrender, said Italy W81 under actual and psy ­ r 'tIley are granted deferment as pilots of the ninth American air chological attack as the BBdoglJu force, returning from what invasion of Sicily. one source who ca nnot be lndenti­ "essential" in airlcuHure or in­ .'faa Gale took the Ohio youth to a government temporized further. is dustry or unless their induction described as the biggest low level Arrested, Curfew Clamped Down fied by name, Italian lettists Sky-ruling allied air fleets ranged mass raid in history, reported 500 ' little restaurant and ordered baked would mean "extreme hardship chicken, spaghetti. bread and wine may take a leaf from Sen ito Mus­ up the bomb-worn Italian boot II and privation" to their families. yesterday heavy damage to Eur­ as far as Naples to' deliver a dev­ ope's largest gr\>up of oil refin­ After Harlem Riots Kill 6, Injur,e 543 tor him. Rohr ate ravenously and solini's book and organize ' a The policy of not draW ng men then lold his story. people's march on the capital, astating Flying Fortress raid. Fleet over 38 continuj!s. eries, the Astro Romani in the Rumanian Ploesli Fields, and other . Had &0 Ban Out Milan and other centers from all units steamed under the muzzles • • • NEW YORK (AP)-Six N~groe s pre~sei:l a belief that "all's quiet "We left north Africa to bomb of Italian shore batteries to bom­ petroleum plants and broueht points in Italy. The declsloo In each man's B'·· ~ • . d' ,... ,. w~re kill ed, 543 persons inj~red, now." a Sicilian town. There wasn't any bard the ports of Crotone and cue will be UP to his local (Mussollni organiz"d and direct- includinll 44 policemen, and more The mayor was joined by Walter flak when we approached the tar- .. Vibo Valentia Marina and a rail­ board, subject &0 appeal. way bridge crossing the Olivia ::~'ali~~: ~~d M~:~!~~rr::{: ~t::' . es~ege ,~Ify ~ than 500 arrested in 16 hours of White, secretary of the National get but our right motor caught on ed ' the march by .four Fascist • • • shot down, the middle east air .i • Assuciation for the Advancement of fire. The pilot headed back. But celumns which entered Rome Oct. river. Off the north coast of Si c­ In deciding whether to grant command announced that 20 Llb- LONDON, Tuesday, (AP)- The rioting in Harlem yesterd,!y.
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