July 27, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 1521 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS KEEP THE GREAT LAKES ENVI- and Prime Minister Ciller for taking an impor- VISIT OF PRESIDENT KIM TO THE RONMENTAL RESEARCH LAB tant step towards strengthening democracy. UNITED STATES OPEN On Sunday, July 23, Turkey's Parliament ap- proved 16 constitutional amendments which HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN HON. DAVID E. BONIOR are part of a democratization plan introduced OF NEW YORK OF MICHIGAN last year. The Parliament also agreed to re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sume work in September on amending article IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, July 26, 1995 Wednesday, July 26, 1995 8 of the Anti-Terror Law, which is widely used to criminalize anti-government and pro-Kurdish Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, this House has expressions. These reforms are considered to welcome a very distinguished statesman long recognized that the work of NOAA bene- prerequisites to Turkey's acceptance into a and friend of the United States, President Kim fits all Americans. European Union customs agreement this fall. Yong-sam of the Republic of Korea. NOAA's research on weather, atmosphere, Mr. Speaker, I am very encouraged by the fact Since his ascension to the presidency in oceans, and space continues to help us un- that the amendments were adopted by a vote 1993, President Kim has worked tirelessly to derstand the environment which we all depend of 360±32 after weeks of tumultuous debate. promote democracy and economic liberaliza- upon for survivalÐand has shown us ways to tion in Korea. His efforts to further the ad- These amendments are significant for the better manage the resources we all need to vancement of ties between his country and the cause of democracy in Turkey. Their passage live. United States have been warmly received by marks the first time the civilian government in The Rogers Substitute restored important the administration and those of us in Con- Turkey has altered the 1982 constitution pro- fundingÐnot only for the vital research being gress. mulgated by the military. Prime Minister Ciller done in the Gulf of MexicoÐand the important There is no doubt that Korea is well served and the junior coalition partner, Republican work being conducted on coastal zone man- by President Kim. His service to the country is Peoples Party deserve much praise for stand- agementÐbut for important research across practically unmatched, having been elected to ing by the legislation despite strong opposition America. the National Assembly at the young age of 25, from Islamic and nationalist parties. Let me tell you quickly why this is so impor- and serving there for nearly 40 years. He is a tant to those of us who live in the Great Lakes More specifically, Mr. Speaker, the amend- man with a clear vision and intends to boldly region. ments will broaden political participation by lead his country into the 21st century. The Great Lakes represent 95 percent of lowering the voting age from 20 to 18; adding It is precisely this kind of leadership that is our nation's fresh water and they provide 100 seats to the 450 seat Parliament; enabling needed in the new era dawning over Asia. In drinking water to 23 million people. MPs to switch parties; and allowing trade the last decade, Asian nations have become a But there's something going on today in the unions, student associations and other groups force to reckon with in economic terms, and Great Lakes that we don't clearly understand. to engage in political activities. Language in Korea is at the forefront of this revolution. Researchers have found that mothers who the constitution praising the 1980 military take- They have become a marvelous model of suc- ate fish from Lake Michigan during pregnancy over was also removed. cess for developing countries such as Ban- and giving birth to infants who are developing As I have said in the past, Mr. Speaker, it gladesh, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. In no small slower. term, the success visited upon Korea is a tes- Animals who call the Great Lakes home are is in our Nation's best interest to maintain tament to the will and determination of the Ko- showing actual physical deformities. close relations with a stable, democratic Tur- rean people. Worst of all, it was just 2 years ago that key. These amendments, and other efforts in The United States has only to gain by con- over 100 people died when Milwaukee experi- the future, will place our bilateral relations on tinuing to support Korea and her people. Our enced an outbreak of cryptosporidium in their a much more firm footing. While there is more relationship is truly limitless in its possibilities, drinking water. that needs to be done to address free speech and together we can certainly overcome any That's why the work of the Great Lakes En- issues and the situation of Turkey's Kurdish adversities. vironmental Research Lab is so important. population, adoption of these amendments by Since the outbreak in Milwaukee, the Great such a wide margin indicates a commitment I welcome President Kim to the United Lakes lab began an intense study of the and willingness in the Parliament to move for- States, and applaud his leadership. This is a shoreline to help prevent future disasters. ward along this path. friendship of which the United States can truly be proud. They're beginning to find answersÐand Mr. Speaker, as someone who has spoken coming up with new ways to keep our water out in the past against actions taken by the f safe. Government of Turkey, I believe it is important TRIBUTE TO DR. EVA SHAPIRO And I'm glad this Congress recognized the to give the Turkish Government credit where good work this lab is doing today. credit is due. Reaction in the Turkish press to Mr. Speaker, NOAA and the programs it the amendments was resoundingly positive HON. MARCY KAPTUR supports are making important strides for all and public opinion is also likely to view the re- OF OHIO Americans. forms in a positive light. Given this set of cir- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Rogers Substitute to the Mollohan cumstances, I strongly encourage the Turkish Wednesday, July 26, 1995 Amendment to the Commerce-State-Justice MPs to immediately seize upon the momen- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Appropriations Bill will ensure that their good tum of this impressive showing and press on work continues. honor a truly noble citizen from my district, Dr. for further reforms. Eva Shapiro. f Last week, Mr. Speaker, it looked as though Dr. Shapiro died this year at the age of 100. TURKEY'S PARLIAMENT TAKES partisan politics in Turkey would block the She was born in Toledo, OH on November, IMPORTANT STEP FORWARD passage of any democratic reforms. Success- 1894, the daughter of Russian immigrants. ful adoption of the amendments, though, has She grew up in a downtown neighborhood, as HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH breathed new life into the reform debate un- part of Toledo's Jewish community. Her grand- OF NEW JERSEY derway in Turkey. Mr. Speaker, I believe that father, by the way, was Toledo's first Orthodox IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all who are concerned about human rights and rabbi. Her father owned a small grocery store, regional stability should express support for and eventually started the first auto parts com- Wednesday, July 26, 1995 the continued efforts of Turkey's Parliament pany in Toledo. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I and Government to continue this important Eva Shapiro initially wanted to be a physi- rise today to commend Turkey's Parliament process. cian, but couldn't afford 6 years of medical · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 27-JUL-95 06:55 Jul 28, 1995 Jkt 099061 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\CRI\E27JY5.REC e27jy1 E 1522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks July 27, 1995 school. Instead, she applied for, and won, a ACT OF CONGRESS, 1895 wall of granite, and see hundreds of faces, generous scholarship from the local B'nai MILITARY RESERVATION ON MACKINAC ISLAND representing the men and women who pro- B'rith. They paid for 4 years of dental school TURNED OVER TO THE STATE OF MICHIGAN vided support for the troops. You can pause at Western Reserve in Cleveland, where she Military Reservation on Mackinac Island, for reflection at a memorial honoring the sol- earned her degree in 1918. She returned to Michigan: The Secretary of War is hereby diers who are still unaccounted for. authorized, on the application of the gov- Toledo and started her own practice. As we dedicate the Korean War Veterans In those days, women dentists were not ernor of Michigan, to turn over to the State of Michigan, for use as a state park, and for Memorial, we have much to remember. common, and she struggled at firstÐeven the no other purpose, the military reservation people from her own neighborhood were un- This memorial will help us to come full cir- and buildings and the lands of the National cleÐto close the wounds that until now have willing to let a woman take care of their teeth. Park on Mackinac Island, Michigan. Pro- But word spread that she did excellent work, vided, That whenever the State ceases to use not healed, and to fulfill our need to remember and her practice grew.
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